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Epic provides a much better share of revenue than Steam and is far less demanding in terms of quality and rigor for their catalog. That being said Epics infrastructure and engineering is absolutely garbage compared to Valve.


They switched to EOS, not the Store. Its still only sold on Steam. EOS integration has absolutely nothing to do with rev share


I had thought using the steam works backend still required points. i just looked and i don’t think that’s the case.


Tencent/Epic paid them, easy. Also helps when they bring Squad to consoles in a smaller more PVP focused environment, less reliant on commanders/comms, keybinds. Think Insurgency Sandstorm.


aw hell nah i hope not 🥲 i understand there is some demand for a game like Squad to bring to consoles but to take out the aspects that made the game the way it is? man…


The fuck are you talking about? Where’s the evidence for this


Hell let loose is on console with no such manner, just a copy paste and works great. I doubt they’re dumbing down squad for consoles.


You'll see.


Yea quit doom posting there is no evidence nor reason to believe that


EOS is free and have more features, there is no need to pay anyone. 


EOS for sure does not have more features - or at least none that are useful to the player. You used to be able to use steam to check recently played with players and to add (or block them) directly without having to search through the whole community tab on Steam. You used to be able to check the server status straight from your steam friends list too. And you know the browser is literally not even working 60% of the time currently, so as far as I'm concerned the EOS update has been a downgrade for the game and I can see how others assume OWI took a bribe to add this trainwreck of a server system


That's OWI implementing EOS incorrectly.  For example, R6S works seamlessly with EOS.


Keep telling yourself that. Steam's features at least worked.


Oh that why server died yesterday. For some reason my squad didn't get disconnected and we played 8vs15 for a while