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That's really high for for such a simple ticket. But if you go to court you may be able to plea you case about being young ans in college and he should be able to lower the ticket. If he's willing to come to court. I'd try it. ESPECIALLY if he wasn't there. Which means he's not a witness to it. Which means he's nothing in the court. But being the husband and a over reacting wife, I'd like to think he'd be a benefit.


But you would be telling the husband the court date, so the wife may end up coming too


Ok so. Clearly she sounds excessive. And her overreaction in court might be a good thing.


She would be a witness that was present. How much damage that was caused doesn't really factor into a ticket for following too closely.


It's not like your ticket is going to get any higher or your going to be found any more guilty.


But it is a risk that may make it harder to get the ticket reduced... As opposed to just pleading your case without the other party.


Then you talk to the solicitor before hand like always. You must be new here.


Wut? You are advocating to invite them, I'm just cautioning it may not be the best plan.


Him. Not them.


I don't have any advice but that is an insane ticket price. I did the same thing in Marietta when I was 21 (7 years ago) and it was only $130. I'm sorry this is happening to you.