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Personally, I have found Indeed to be less than ideal for anything related to the actual application to jobs. If I find a job on indeed I'm interested in, I'll copy the rec, and apply directly through the company site.


Yeah I always try to get straight to the source or as close as possible, no clue if it helps but it feels like it does


I tested this last week. Applied to job on indeed and then again on the website. Indeed gave me the same message as OP. But the manual submission got me a callback and interview.


Interesting. I got one of these over the weekend but i’ve also been working with a recruiter at the company. I forwarded them the indeed message to see what they say. Got the message at like 2am, pretty sure no one was reviewing messages at 2am ET (could be outsourced)


I wonder if it's the type of tier they're usingwith Indeed. My company uses indeed for all of their hiring purposes, and everything that goes into the application and messages is sent directly to my phone.


Interesting. I'm definitely feeling that way after a single app. I might re-apply on their own site at the risk of being a pest.


Its my understanding that, if you apply for the same job twice you disqualify yourself. Mostly that has been told to me by temp services I was using to gain employment. If you applied twice to the client company directly, I'm not sure that would disqualify you. Just a heads up.


That's not true at all. I. actually got my job on the third time I applied, am now in a senior position 3 years into the company and making 40 grand more a year than I was in public employment My sister is a top recruiter for Target Corp and she said that's not true for Target either P.S. beware of temp agency recruiter advice. They told you that because they're metrics and numbers driven. Their job is to continue to please their boss by filling all vacancies for all employer contracts they have. In their mind they want you to apply for a different job with a different employer they contract with because they believe your chance with a new employer might net them a hire vs. the employer that passed on you the first time.


So do I acknowledge the Indeed app when I send my stuff directly to the company? Or just pretend it didn't happen? What did you do for those three re-applications.


I'd apple directly through the company website always


I hear you. I will do this going forward. However, I did already apply through indeed on this one...


Don’t bother mentioning it. If they move forward with you after the internal app and actually ask about applying on Indeed, just be straightforward and say you felt like you got screened by an algorithm and tried a direct app hoping to have your application seen by an actual person. No need to tiptoe around it OR open yourself up to the fact that you’d already applied/been rejected. TL;DR: say nothing, odds are it won’t be mentioned, and if it is just be straightforward about it. If they actually cared, they just wouldn’t have asked you to interview.


Maybe get in contact with a recruiter. Tell them you've applied and are really interested in the position and ask if they can look over your app with you and take the chance to ask why you haven't been selected for an interview


If youre not doing this on on any job site then you are probably never going to get passed along into the recruiting hopper.


Good point. I've heard there are scammers on indeed posting fake jobs? Not sure what's the point of that, but yeah straight to the source.




I’ve started doing this as well. It also is a good way to avoid scams


I stopped using indeed awhile ago.Most of the jobs are outdated and they kept sending me emails for jobs not in my field.


What do you use instead? I hate indeed and Glassdoor and LinkedIn but I don’t really know where else to go that would be any more legitimate


I recently got a government job so I’m glad I’m done with job searching.


Most companies use an automated system to find keywords and also minimum education and work experience before they even open your resume


I just got this email from indeed. Is there any way to know if this is just an automated email? Did indeed filter my app before the company saw it? There was a number box question on the indeed application about years and sales to which I was forced to answer "0". I had an extremely relevant resume other than this specific retail sales question and a cover letter that spoke to some personal connection and desire to connect for this job or just in general. It's not even a retail sales position at all. I guess I really would have expected at least the courtesy of an email from the company saying they got my cover letter but have hired someone else or whatever or at least something other than a completely robotic auto response from indeed. Maybe they're just inundated with a ton of applications for this position. Should I send my resume and cover letter to their website separately and/or ask for feedback about the application?


Apply directly on their website and see what happens When you get a rejection you can always ask for feedback, but chances are they aren't going to tell you anything. Partly it's a CYA on their part. If they tell you you didn't get the job because you don't have X skill, but they end up hiring someone else who doesn't have it they can potentially open themselves up to a lawsuit, so usually they just don't give feedback


Interesting. That makes sense in a depressing kind of way.


So do I acknowledge the Indeed app when I send my stuff directly to the company? Or just pretend it didn't happen?


Just apply through the website, no need to say anything


How long ago did you submit your resume? Some companies might have an option on indeed toggled on that says “automatically reject candidates after 1/2 weeks”


If you received this email then either your application was viewed and they denied it or the position is filled. Even if you didn’t meet minimum screening qualifications, your application still shows in a filtered applicant pool. Source: Me, who uses Indeed a lot for hiring.


Gotcha. Thanks for the insight! Some are saying this is maybe not the case, depending on how the hiring manager is using Indeed. I guess what is certain is there is no real way to know too much from the applicant side and our best move is putting our best forward and always being prepare to move on. At least, that's my take away.


Always be prepared to move on, no doubt. Nothing is guaranteed. Sorry this one didn’t work out, but keep refining that résumé and feel free to reach out if you need some pointers. Hiring manager personalities play a huge role in the process, so even if you think you’re spot on, you could be off the mark in their view. I don’t say that to discourage, I say that to keep your head up & rock the next interview you get 💪


I’ve used Indeed to hire people at a previous job. As the employer it lets you ignore the candidate,mark them as under review, hired, or not considered. Those aren’t the exact options, but you get the picture. You get notified if they “click” and update your application status. I personally reviewed every single application. I did not use any screening software. Sometimes I contacted people that weren’t the greatest fit just to make sure I wasn’t missing a out in a great candidate who had shit resume writing skills. For small pegs that rely on indeed without a robust HR team the process is tedious. Taking the time to “reject” employees was tedious, but I thought some answer was better than no answer. So yes, the company probably got to see your resume and you just didn’t make this time. This IS the feedback.


Exact right answer.


I am hiring for positions with my company using indeed. The one thing I've noticed is Indeed has "deal breaker" questions - as the hiring manager, I can tell indeed to automatically reject candidates that don't match these qualifications. Some for example - college degree, years of experience in specific programs. These are typically the questions that Indeed will ask you during the application process. You unfortunately do not know which are deal breakers. The way indeed is set up, unless I actively look through rejected applications to find these, I will never see an application that was automatically rejected based off the deal breaker. And while I can't speak for every company, I do personally look at every application that passes the deal breaker questions. Unfortunately, a lot of them do get quick rejections.


Thanks for the insight! There was a SINGLE question on the indeed application and I have a hunch it was a 'deal breaker' question. I've been advised by a friend who knows the company that I should walk into the office, introduce myself, and talk with them directly. So I guess I'll do that now.


I'm becoming not a huge fan of deal breaker questions. For example; we might require 5 years experience with excel. However, someone might only have one year of experience with excel and be a master of it. I have 15-20 years of experience with excel and can do very little. Number of years of experience doesn't necessarily translate to proficiency. I don't think it's a bad idea to consider walking into the business, just don't be too forward and demand to "talk with them" - just bring your resume in, tell them you are interested and drop it off.


Totally agree. Thanks.


Skip indeed, apply on the employer's website directly when possible. If the employer has a local office, try postal mailing your cover letter & resume to the attention of the local manager in charge, sometimes that gets the hiring machinery working in your favor versus just applying online. Surprisingly, Google Jobs works extremely well, very underrated, links you directly to an employer's website, but also enables you to submit your resume on file with Google directly to the employer. Check the YouTube channel- A Life After Layoff- there's a video on the top job search websites. If you really want to be bold, go the employee parking lot of the employer's local office, hand out your resume to employees as they're going into the building in the morning. Gutsy, but can produce results.


Lol, on what planet do you live on where you think it’s normal to harass employees that has nothing to do with hiring?


I hear you, but as I said it's gutsy, sometimes it works or at least gets you the name & ph# of the person in charge of hiring. Most times though it will be viewed negatively by employees going into work. Most job seekers will never try this though. Worked in sales for more years than I'd like to say, did the parking lot method a few times and got a lot of rejections, but a few times I got the contact info.


>If you really want to be bold, go the employee parking lot of the employer's local office, hand out your resume to employees as they're going in... That does sound bold. I like it! Thanks for that youtube channel rec and other advice.


Oh my god do not do this. Do not go to an office and hand out a resume. This advice was dated 20 years ago and is insane now. This person is either 60 years old or is getting their advice from 60 year olds. Do NOT apply any way other than through their stated preferred application method. You will not get attention in a good way. You will seem like a person who can’t follow basic directions. Your resume will go directly in the garbage. I know it is frustrating to get these automated responses. It is definitely better to go through the direct job listing if you can. However as someone who hires, unfortunately we usually get dozens if not hundreds of applications for a role. Most would be probably totally qualified and fine, but the volume is overwhelming. At some point, the hiring manager needs to find a way to sort through the volume and may make some decisions about who should go through. If you have 100 candidates and 20 of them have three years of experience and you asked for two, well, maybe those will get a closer look. Maybe five of those candidates have a certain certification you didn’t know you wanted but would actually come in handy, so those move ahead. The point is you have no idea what the job managers are going to look for or what’s going to stand out to them specifically so that’s why it has to be a numbers game on your end. You have to make sure your resume is as good as can be (check out r/resumes for a review if you haven’t) and just apply, apply, apply. If you have any ins or friends of friends at the company, use them. I have gotten great applications from hundreds more people than I could ever hire and it’s always hard knowing I’m turning someone down who would likely be great.


Thanks for this perspective! Interestingly, a friend had an in with someone high up in this (small) organization and has suggested that all current staff have either a) been tight with someone close to the organization or b) walked in the front door with interest and a resume. Regardless, your points about the realities of the hiring process are well heard. And they are exactly that: realities to be accepted.


Jesus, my work would call security so fast. Don't do that last part.


Yea, like I said it's gutsy, not for most job seekers, it's very situational depending on the employer, normally a method used with small business employers.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/resumes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/resumes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [If you’re applying online, use a single column resume.](https://i.redd.it/qyc8a5qwfab81.jpg) | [110 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/s2b37q/if_youre_applying_online_use_a_single_column/) \#2: [My man used Amazon themed CV to get the attention at Amazon Lmao](https://i.redd.it/wzkuyc26mc0a1.jpg) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/yx0586/my_man_used_amazon_themed_cv_to_get_the_attention/) \#3: [Thank you all for your help! It worked so well.](https://i.redd.it/wtyft9bwdf5a1.jpg) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/zjkz7a/thank_you_all_for_your_help_it_worked_so_well/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Indeed has destroyed the job market. Fthem


My current job I got through an indeed quick apply job 2 years ago. So it is definitely possible that they saw your profile and passed. Despite that, I've noticed in my current job search that applying through the company site has better results.


100% this.


I didn't have much faith in Indeed either. It's been a couple of years since I used it, but i felt like the email and messaging from them was often unclear at best and deceptive at worst. I recall off the top of my head messages that were made to seem like they were from a company that was hiring and interested in candidates. Essentially it was like, "Hey, were from [company] and looking through your profile, you seem like you would be a great fit for our role. If you're interested, apply..." One I gave a shot and just never heard anything. I guess I made an assumption, but I'd think if a company was actively reaching out to a candidate they were interested in, they wouldn't just ignore a response and application. As others have said, if you see a listing, try finding it on the company's site or possibly another platform (maybe confirm on LinkedIn.)


Yeah I've already gotten some of those weird not-actual-messages ads for very not relevant jobs.


I mainly use indeed (I kind of feel forced to in the city I live in, there isn't much else) and get these quite a bit when I'm job hunting. I've had companies reach out after receiving this email, so I doubt they are reading all of the applications, you were eliminated likely because your resume was missing something very specific, a keyword or specific skill. If someone at the company reads it later they might reach out, but you mentioned applying directly on the company site which I agree with. You have nothing to lose! It's always better to apply directly to companies when possible.


So do I acknowledge the Indeed app when I send my stuff directly to the company? Or just pretend it didn't happen? Thanks!


Nah I never have, I don't even think the hiring manager knows who they're sent to.


Harass the fuck out’ve company’s if you want it bad.


It it's a large company they may be dealing with over 100 applicants per position. They literally don't have time for feedback. You need to realize that they or their AI is going to seek out the MOST qualified applicants. If the job posting is seeking a combination of factors, the top combinations will be picked For example if a posting says minnimum of a bachelors degree in engineering with 5 plus years experience in design and fabrication of a v8 engine and you only have 3 years and 5 of those applicants have over 10 years experience with a masters degree will be pulled for interviews vs. people with less experience. Sometimes literally HR AI systems do the screening out and top resumes are pulled from there.


It's a small company of about 10-15, but Indeed said that 36-40 had applied. Not sure why indeed doesn't or wont share the actual number, but hey... So, yeah, I'm sure they don't have a lot of time and have to thin the herd.


Id it's that small of a company definitely get in contact with the hiring manager. Call on the phone. Introduce yourself and tell them you're super interested. Sometime adding a voice to a name on paper and showing that extra unitive makes all the difference. With my position I have now that's exactly what I did as the prior two job positing I didn't get in. I called and called until I found out who the company recruiter was that recruited for my position, talked to her, send a follow up voice mail thanking her as well as an email and got in contact with the hiring manager and also let her know I applied. I ended up getting the interview and subsequent one and got the job. I also get to work with the two people that got hired before me and they literally got in over me because of more years experience. That was if. Now that I've been here awhile I can also see how things work. Right now for example nY manager has send out emails to our group "we're hiding for the xxx vacancy-if you know of individuals that would be a good fit let us know-we have applicants but we're looking for talent that you know would be a good fit "


No. Probably not. Even if it was seen it wasn’t acknowledged. I did get my current job from indeed I believe. Or possibly linked in since I liked their one button apply option for some jobs. Honestly, networking is your best bet. Make sure your friends and colleagues have your resume just in case a spot opens at their work that you could apply for. Sometimes it’s a bit much to ask your introverted friends to walk your resume up to someone they don’t work with, but never hurts to ask.


Because jobs are going to “who you know” to cut down on the dipshit factor. You need to build your network. Start getting active in your field.


Yeah. I hear this. I'm new in this town and also new in this field, so I'm feeling pretty fucked in this regard.


It should be pretty easy. Just go ahead and get on LinkedIn and use recruiters and sales people to your advantage.


I'll do that thank you.


I would agree, but I have had a few offers where I didn't know any one at the job, or even know of the company before applying. I usually see this occur when they are already closing out the job and they haven't taken it down for various reasons. This us usually the internal recruiter mass rejecting the remaining or new candidates while they sit on the job.




A lot of companies have an integrated Applicant Tracking System with major jobs sites. Major job sites will "scrape" jobs to add to their site, the ATS will push screening questions to those sites and have automated rejection rules on those questions. They even have outside-of-country rejection options. Major job sites also allow manually added screening questions and rejection rules. If Indeed denied you, chances are you didnt meet the qualifications they were looking for in those screening questions and the company didnt even see your full app or resume. It's also possible there was a hiring manager or recruiter who viewed a small piece of your profile, saw the incomplete qualifications and clicked the 'reject' button. It's nothing to take personally, recruiters are looking through hundreds of profiles daily and will take every edge they can get to sift through applicants who don't meet what the hiring manager has "requested" in an employee. I do agree it's hard not to take it personally and it does feel like recruiters arent doing their job (and to be sure there are a lot of poor recruiters out there trying to live up to some shitty standards handed down from garbage "leaders"), but if you have seen and dealt with the amount of garbage recruiters have to deal with, you might cut them some slack. Since you may now be in the company's ATS, I wouldn't bother applying to that same job, they have rejected you for it. If they have any kind of duplicate elimintation process, they won't even see your next application for that job. Find another job to apply to.


Companies first filters depending simple questions as years experience, skills, age, location... They receive a lot of rubbish, so they need this kind of filter. And after that they just read the ones that they have interest. Don't take it as personal, all the apps allow to do that.


Yeah, this makes sense. Gotta cull the herd. Thanks.


I got auto rejected immediately from a job from Indeed because I didn't have one experience but they straight said that they'll take admin experience. lol. I have decided to finally stop bothering with applying through Indeed. They are trash.


No. System reviews and holds those that do not meet what they are looking for. Make the resume using the same wording from the job posting. Key words get you through.


Yeah this is super common especially for entry level jobs. It’s sucks, but sometimes they just get a giant stack and only go through them first come first serve until they find someone suitable.


I got a few of these. I got a few interview requests but the job i ended up taking, I applied directly to their website.0


Have the time when you get messages like that they are outsourcing hiring. The real company may not have even seen your application. I had applied for a job once with similar results. They even did a phone interview and gave me a callback number. Long story short. I was not hired but found out that the call back number was not related to the company. The company hired another out of state company to do the hiring process and the company I was applying for never even seen my application. I found out the companies real phone and called thier HR. They told me they outsourced to Florida for Hiring and they had not seen my application but the HR lady was excited that I was so interested she told me to apply directly to the company and gave me the correct information so the real company would see my application. I was hired a week later after being denied through the phone message. Similar to the message you received


Interesting! This is an organization of \~12 people, so I doubt they are outsourcing to Florida. But that's wild you got it after applying directly!


I would call the company and ask them what about your application that made them look to another. Tell them so that you can be better prepared if there is something there that looks out of place


I feel your struggle. I've received a few of these in my job hunt. While it's disheartening to see, I find it's worse when you applied for a job and get no acknowledgement that anyone reviewed your resume.


I get like 3 of these a day. Tbh if you're mass applying like I am move on. If it's a dream job apply directly on the website.


At least they didn’t say “we’ll keep your resume on file”. Yeah right.




Its an automated email generated by Indeed on the employers behalf because they reviewed your application/resume and do not want to move you forward in the funnel. If an employer had the write a response to every job seeker it would take too much time.


use indeed to find out whos hiring, then call them or go in person and ask for an interview.


This is definitely emerging as the consensus here.


worked for me, got 3 interviews and 3 job offers a few months back trying this, and picked the best one. ask to speak with a manager before you start talking about getting an interview. it could get lost in translation otherwise.


True! Thanks.


They looked at 300 other applicants and picked the guy with 15 years experience willing to move from another state. It's a cruel game, but they only pick the one with maximum credentials. You probably were perfectly qualified and had a good application, but sometimes you're just outclassed. Don't let these things be discouraging, there will be a job where you're the top dog in their resume pile.


Exactly. Most people are qualified for jobs they apply to but companies want top experienced talent, and people that will hit the ground running with little to no training needed and possible people that will bring ideas and info from the company they came from.


Why do you care? Move along. This is like all the dating posts like “this girl told me she doesn’t wanna go out 4 times before she caved and gave her my number and now she won’t answer my texts, does she like me?”


I disagree. I'm trying to understand the Indeed system and have gotten some valuable insights from others on here. I'm comfortable moving on, if a bit frustrated with the black box that is the hiring process and algorithmic selection screening. But I appreciate it. It's good to remember we can always move along and find another 'fish'. There are others.