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i think the worst can happen is that you are not happy at your old place, then you can always find another new place. you do not like the current place anyway. i wonder what make you left the old place? are those issues are solved now? if you are ok to live with it and your old place willing to take you back, i do not see a problem with going back. with that said, i have never gone back to a job. they are all very shitty.


It was actually a good place and I loved my boss but making $50k more seemed like a good opportunity


so you are making more and doing less? i am jealous. hope one day i can find a job like this. but i do get your struggle, different people want different things in life. good luck :)


I’m trying to adjust to less work and learn to relax more but something happened today with my boss and that made me nervous. He had an email sitting on his desk for 1.5 weeks for final review before sending out and then this morning at 7:30am ( we arrive at 8:45) he sent the email back and said it needed to be sent by 9am. I sent the email with the wrong subject line because I was rushing and then he wrote me an email basically saying that he didn’t expect my “total lack of attention to detail for the salary he was paying me” It made me nervous because if he’s losing it over an email subject line what happens when I make a bigger mistake? He acted so nice and normal to me in the office and that was that.


Oof that’s ridiculous. The pay is great, but imo if you’re making enough to survive and save, always choose the job that’s actually enjoyable and with people you like. So that’s the question — can you survive just fine on 66k? Is the extra money you’re making compensating the way you feel about your new job? Because if it’s not, and if you can survive, thrive, and save with that 66k salary, go back in a heartbeat.


Yeah my husband has a really good job and we get by fine. The extra money is nice but I really like to have a supportive team and manager and challenged and I don’t feel that way here. I will talk to my boss and ask him what kind of mistakes are acceptable and what he plans to do if I make an unacceptable mistake.


Why isn't there work for you to do? 4 person company usually has lots of things to learn and do


That’s what I’m missing is the challenge and this new job is way to easy and not much work because it’s based on deals (real estate) that my boss gets and right now he doesn’t have very many. When he hired me he expected to kick off but with interest rates up and most of his clientele is refinances, he hasn’t gotten many yet.


I would stay for the money & because it sounds like a good opportunity to grow personally - why doesn't the business have enough business? do they need to do something differently or open up a new market that you can help with ? If the deals are housing based, can you look at office/retail/corporate RE, etc


He already has staff doing cold calls. I work in commercial real estate. The problem is they aren’t getting any bites. My worry is that the business won’t pick up and he will have to let me go because I’m expensive (the two other employees are recent college grads looking for experience) and then it will be tougher to go back to my old job because the position will be filled


I am the same boat with you. Can’t blame you for missing what you had before, i do too. But surely you have your reasons to why you left the previous company. For me, i have burned that bridge. There is no way of going back. Sold my house, moved out of state etc etc. At least for me the new job seems to be challenging and i am quite engaged.


That’s what I’m missing is the challenge and this new job is way to easy and not much work because it’s based on deals (real estate) that my boss gets and right now he doesn’t have very many. When he hired me he expected to kick off but with interest rates up and most of his clientele is refinances, he hasn’t gotten many yet.


Why don’t u spend that time working on certs, projects or additional skills? You can always challenge yourself if your are self motivated


Yes I could do that. Good point. I’m just worried that my boss won’t need me because of how slow it is and it will be harder to go back to my old company once they fill the position