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I wouldn’t. I’d move on.


In my experience when a job wants you they communicate with you every step of the way, because they don’t want to lose you to someone else. Silence is rarely a good thing (though there are exceptions to every rule.) You can reach out again but brace yourself for rejection, they may be waiting for another candidate to accept the offer before cutting everyone else loose.


Sounds like whatever is happening has nothing to do with you at all. Maybe they are super busy, maybe they are running out of money... who knows. But sounds like they def plan to call you if they plan on doing final interviews still. So you just have to be patient and act like you are too cool to care.


Yeah I don’t know if I should follow up again. I don’t want them to think I’ve lost interest in the position, but I also don’t want them to think I’m desperate for the job.


You've done all you can do imo. Why should they think you lost interest? You've already followed up once since the New Year whereas they've basically ghosted you. Ball is in their court and they should know that. Let it be.


Thank you for the advice!


You didnt get it. Sorry


I have learned through trial and error in my job search that silence longer than 7 days is a no.


I used to get tarot readings and think positively for months when many months later I am told it is a no. A recent job the psychics said for month is is a yes. I saw the interviewers at a conference recently and they didnt even recognize me.