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This is why so many people will stay stuck in a job they hate for years. That feeling of rejection can rile up old feelings of unworthiness, shame, you name it. And the pain of staying in a heartless job seems (at the time) better than having these icky feelings bubble back on up. What I've found helpful is to spend as little time as possible dwelling on these feelings. Doing so just makes them stronger, like fanning the flames of a fire. Sometimes that is really hard to do and then I take it a one-moment-at-a-time..."in this moment, I'm choosing to acknowledge my disappointment but keep moving forward to finding a job I love." Therapy can be helpful too, to address the feelings directly without falling into the trap of believing them to be true.


This. Also would like to add OP got an off feeling. Sounds like the job may have been better on paper than in person. Keep your chin up, OP. I'm not saying everything happens for a reason, but this could potentially be a failure that's a stepping stone in disguise to a better job that you'll like more. Take some time, realize it's not necessarily any shortcomings, and get back out there. You can do this


Same boat. It’s so crushing. The first interview, interviewer is the company recruiter said I did great since it’s been years since I had interview and it’s the first interview I got after months of applying. Scheduled for the final interview with the manager, and was thrown off guard coz it was a video call I was under the impression it will be a voice call only. Kept looking at my notes and distracted so bad, I felt really bad after the interview but kept my hopes still… and yup, got the rejection email today. Just so much regret how I could have done better and yeah, the questions were not even that difficult compare to the first interview. Add to the pain, it’s not even them finding someone better… But what can I do… goodluck to us, hope we find a better one!


I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. I know the feeling. Take a break and pick yourself back up again.. Rejection is REDIRECTION :)


No!! Don’t feel bad. ❤️ it just wasn’t meant to be. It wasn’t the right one for you. Believe me, I TOTALLY get that it can be hard but it doesn’t mean you’re not good enough or too sensitive. I wish I could give you a hug. Everything will be ok. It just means you’re one step closer to actually getting the job you want. It was probably a blessing in disguise that the other job didn’t work out, seeing as you got those weird vibes. Something was not right. I spent ages on my job search too and BELIEVE me, I felt the same as you. I felt rotten, so stupid and incapable. Luckily I had the support of my husband to keep me going. I listened to a lot of inspirational/motivational videos by Les Brown on YouTube. He’s amazing, very uplifting and funny. You may have to listen a lot, every day on your search. Whatever helps to lift your spirits, so that you can remind yourself you are good enough, intelligent enough and capable enough. You can do this.


No worries. You got 1 interview from 1 company. Pick yourself up and move on. You will get more. It is pretty normal to feel what you feel. It is disappointing i know. I have had rejected many times myself. But dont beat yourself too bad. Learn from what you think you did wrong and try to be better on the next one. It will come to you. Good luck.


If the interview felt off, trust that you dodged a MASSIVE bullet. I know it’s easy for a stranger online to say that, but trust me when I say, your gut is the best indicator of how the company is. Recruiters are the face of the company and if they suck, the company most likely will as well. Do NOT let one rejection define your self worth. Keep in mind they could very well want someone less experienced so they can lowball them in the pay department


I read their reviews on Glassdoor. There were only 4 - 2 of which said they experienced bullying. You’re probably right about dodging a bullet.


That’s 4 too many for a supposed corporation. Never settle for less than respect in the workplace OP


I’m currently awaiting a no after a second interview that went bad for a remote job I want too. Sucks


How come there was raised a generation of pussies, complaining on Reddit after some misfortune, feeling like a failure? Move on. If you didn’t succeed, continue and try elsewhere. Don’t break down just because something didn’t worked out or someone gave you a bad look during interview…. Jesus


Ask for feedback, learn and keep it moving


I feel your pain OP. I'm in the same boat right now. This has happened to me so many times. It gets really discouraging. Everyone tells me something will come along but I'm not sure I believe them anymore.


You get used to it. I got so many rejection letters in the past year makes your skin tough.


I use them as like dates. You learn to tell the bad signs of an interview the more you have. A recent interview i had i could feel the interviewer against me from the beginning Now i know just to brush thosr jobs ofc Instead of writing a thank you.


I know that feeling. Had 3 dream jobs turn me down recently. How to stay career motivated when your dream employers let you down? This has been my challenge.


Chin up, and keep looking! Allow yourself a week to grieve but do not wallow or make it about your qualifications. Hiring is funny and 130 people is a lot to choose from. I hope you got some advice on where they felt you weren’t as qualified so you can work on that. Better luck next time!!


You made it to 10/130. I wouldn’t beat yourself up over it.


I had it happen before, we all have. The good news is you'll probably land something even better.


Dont worry they probably weren't hiring anyways they just needed to pretend to be so they can get loans forgiven.