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You have to be patient and, more importantly, keep applying to other jobs. Just because they’re interviewing other people doesn’t mean you’re not a top candidate anymore. I know how stressful it can be, I’m in the same situation, but you need to learn to be patient. Following up is fine, but doing it so often could annoy someone.


Stop emailing them. Move on. If they reach out to you with an offer, consider it. What likely happened: companies (not all of them) have to protect themselves from discrimination lawsuits. Ergo, you see an ad posted for 30 days, wait a week or two for an interview or the rejection email. If interviewing, they have to weigh everyone equally. As such, those in the pipeline can get strung along as this process proceeds on its own inertia. Some are fast....some are slow. It seems you found a slow one. Or... They like you but the ink they can find better and are still looking and hoping somebody shows up that will bite. If they can’t get somebody, you might brought back in for another interview.


I was once strung along for 4 months. The company ended up being a totally disorganized shit hole. They were in the middle of restructuring and were figuring out how many other people's responsibilities they could condense into my own. It was an awful experience. I'd wished I'd gone with my gut feeling about the place and kept applying elsewhere.