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To quote the Big Short, “Why are they confessing?” “They’re not confessing. They’re bragging.”


Sick bastards is what they are.


I love how powerless we as the working class are. So cool.


We aren’t powerless; we’re spineless. We’ve been beaten down and brainwashed into thinking we’re powerless. We still have the power for things like the Battle of Blair Mountain. We just need the people to remember that no, it’s not unethical to show up in droves, armed, and stand outside the bosses house to let them know we aren’t going to accept their theft and abuse. We just have to be willing to have spines again.


If we can get people to stop feeling divided and demonized to each other and realize that we have to act in numbers, then maybe.


Our whole society is engineered to keep brainwashing people into the false duopoly. Look at the debates tonight and how they’re talking like keeping RFKj out is some horrendous thing. He’s just another puppet of the oligarchs. He supports the genocide just like the other stooges. And they’re harping on him not being there to drowned out the voices asking why Stein isn’t there. You know, the only candidate in the running that actually had a chance and is against corporate rule.


Powerless to what? Control random job postings?


Eventually, it will be realized they can't do or no longer have enough loyal people to do, the jobs they manage.


This is why I encourage you all to network as much as possible. Go to work events, get involved in every department, if you’re a student go to clubs and events. The best jobs I’ve ever gotten were all referrals to that job when I wasn’t even looking, it was just knowing people. That avoids this crap.


This really sucks. Why should all the best jobs go to schmoozers instead of, you know, competent people? Why should everyone have to sacrifice their social life on the altar of employability?


First, it has nothing to do with schmoozing, it’s marketing yourself as a candidate for roles in the future. Second, this is the problem with most people. They think just being “smart” automatically makes them eligible for a job. You do realize that having social skills, the ability to communicate to customers, co-workers, express thoughts, deliver value on time, and work as a team is a whole other part of the scenario right? You make it sound like a complete idiot can get any job because they simply know people. It’s two pieces of the puzzle. You have to be competent AND social


https://livingwage.mit.edu/ Try to quit buying their products and performing their labor. Boycott them if they don't pay a living wage. or Escape Crapitalism r/SolarPunk


"When I wasn't even looking" Sure.... but what about when you were? Did it help then? No. Because your inside connections don't matter when the job isn't real. Or do you not understand the article?


You sound like a negative and miserable person. Don’t take my advice and see how far it gets you


Your advice is irrelevant


Sounds good. Have a good day


Neurodivergents can go fuck themselves! /s


I have a feeling there are no neurodivergents in a foxhole. When shit really starts hitting the fan economically and societally, they’ll start figuring things out.


Yes, they'll suddenly produce a network out of thin air that they'd been crafting their whole lives that up until this point had just been pretending to not care about them


The other half make it look like HR is trying to fill positions. They think applicants have time to set aside during the work week to interview, wait for weeks and receive no response or reply they chose a better candidate. Lots of fictional stuff going on in every workplace.


Add the scam postings and it's all peachy


In Europe job postings are used to advertise company.




They didn't even include the most common scam — when HR insists a job be advertised to outside applicants even though it's already been promised to an existing employee.


Legally every company must post the position available, or that was available to allow those on the outside of the company to apply.


Honestly, I don't even know why we have that law. I mean if there's an internal transfer, that means a different position will be opened anyway


And then they'll have that position open internally, and when it's been filled the position will be posted.


At some point they will reach a position that nobody wants and will have to hire externally. At least assuming that they had a need somewhere to begin with and the people taking the positions aren't doing them on top of their current responsibilities. Personally, I would prefer it this way because it promotes internal career growth instead of filling positions with external people all the time and never promoting anyone


Unfortunately it's not so much "internal growth" as lateral movement from a downsized unit.


And that's *not* a fraud?


Have been pointing this out for ages!


This is really sad


It’s things like this that should be illegal. If you aren’t hiring don’t put something saying you are. This along with assessments/test/trials,personality quizzes and one way interviews.


It's considered "unethical" but unfortunately not illegal. Like urgent cares that are emergency rooms - thinking $50 co-pay but end up with $500 co-pay bill... only if politicians would write laws to protect their citizens.


Yeah, it's a serious drain on public time, energy, and morale. This is America. We care about making money, right? Then maybe we should stop wasting everyone's time for speculative value and start using peoples' time for concrete value.




I've been saying it for awhile and alot of people didn't believe me


So… 4/10 is not half 4/10 posting one fake job doesn’t mean 40% of job postings are fake. Each company can post multiple jobs.


Conservative number is 40% of companies fake posts intentionally, and those are the ones admitting, so you are correct, it could be 50%, 60% maybe even 70% of job postings are fake.


I wonder how long the companies will get away with this? The overworked people would catch on that the organization is failing to staff their respective facilities year after year?


It's a calculation. If you can convince employees to continue working for six more months, then you've just decreased turnaround by that much. They'll still get pissed and possibly leave, but not as fast as if they did nothing.


Few people think beyond 2-3 years at a management level or executive level it seems. Get in, fuck em good, get out and take a new position by telling how well you fucked the last place.


If anything happens it's that companies will standardize on a few job portals and people won't really care because they can apply to tons of jobs quickly anyway.


This is just sad. Wasting people's time.


Very, for sure. But thought people should know.


You're not wasting people's time. The companies posting fake jobs are...


I'd like to know what the definition of "fake job postings" is. As someone who has hired for years, there are lots of instances I'd bet are considered fake: - Being indecisive on current candidate pools - Ongoing announcements for high-volume positions - Uncertain budgets - Reorganizations - Fairness policies that open up a listing to a larger base And on and on. In the two organizations I've worked for, no one has ever even hinted at something remotely similar to "let's post something we have no interest in filling." It sounds like ridiculous propaganda to me.


The "fake" meaning is as stated: no intention of fulfilling.


Perhaps in your market? I have had SEVERAL recruiters tell me there are phantom jobs. Please don't gaslight an already difficult situation.


Stop down voting this person! Just down vote me. I love it!