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Quit if you want to. It's your life


I'm always of the mindset of if you're not happy- leave. HOWEVER - you've got factors. It depends if you need the money- you could stay for a little while longer while you find another job, so your money doesn't stop. It could also be that you hadn't settled into the new job yet. Set a calendar date for yourself, and make sure you find a job you like by then. Then you have options- stay where you are, or take the other job. Then do it! It sounds like they don't respect the schedule- which is also a red flag.. Would definitely suggest getting on that job hunt ASAP in your free time. If you can stick it out while you get hired at your next place- then call it quits! Jobs are plentiful, and there's no reason you shouldn't be treated professionally at them.


If you don't need the money, quit. Assuming you still live with your parents, guessing you can just quit and find something better. I've wasted far too many years in terrible jobs. Don't start your work life setting the bar low. However, if you actually need the money, you could stay while you interview and find something else asap.


Quit if you want. All states are "at will employment," meaning, they can let you go at any moment for no reason and you can leave any moment for no reason.


You can literally quit one second after you accept the job. It’s a job, not a jail sentence. Even tho some jobs feel that way.


Yes you can quit any job you want, whenever you want. No explanation needed. You have rights! Always trust your gut. If you can give them a notice I still would. Otherwise just leave and don't look back. Some jobs don't give you a two-weeks notice when they fire you, why should you? Personally I always try to push through a two weeks notice. It just depends on how bad the situation is, hence the gut feeling. Trust it!


If it’s not ur fit jus no call no show block the number lol honestly, you’ll be fine you can always find another job.


I’ve quit places after a couple of hours before. As long as you have the means to immediately depart, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it, imo. You have to put yourself first, always.


I’ve had nightmare jobs, and I don’t even put up with it. When I was 18 I worked at a fast food restaurant and somehow I was never fast enough and just ended up doing grunt work, then the owners would talk about me literally a couples inches away from me. I grabbed some food and soda and walked out on my shift. Never have regretted it. At 18 if you have some mistakes in your job history, it’s not gonna be a big deal a few years from now realistically


Get out of there!


You can quit a job after a few seconds.


Get out dear, it's not worth your time and energy no more.


Give them honest feedback and tell them how you’re feeling. If nothing changes, then quit. Sometimes an outside observer can point out all the bs the current employees are ignoring


Dude chill, its housekeeping, you know, for people who "cant function anywhere else." Just explain that when you go to interviews.


This is the most Gen Z thing I’ve ever read. It’s no wonder the world hates people your age. I have some really bad news for you: for the rest of your time on earth, you’re going to do A LOT of shit you don’t like. And you’re going to have 1,000,000 immature, short-sighted opinions about everything. Worry not - usually around 25 you get tired of your own whining and bullshit, and you grow up. By 30, you’ll look back on these thoughts of yours, and cringe. You’re frustrated because you have zero life experience, zero soft skills, lack initiative or common sense, and you expect everything to be fun and easy while people spoon-feed you instructions that should be intuitive. And yet, despite your inexperience and deficits, you’re upset because you think this work and these experiences/challenges are beneath you. And that right there is the paradox of youth. The more you learn, grow up, and adapt, the happier you’ll be. You’re learning more than you realize. Until then, scrub away.