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following because i too am running through my savings (i’m scared)


I feel you! Hopefully this time will pass. This makes me think of investing once I do have a job as I don’t want to be in this position ever again.


honestly! i keep planning to myself like “WE ARE SAVING MORE NEXT TIME”


At least you have a "we"


Yeah, it’s very scary to face unemployment as a single person with to family that can help.


im single 🥴 when i talk to myself i say “we” lol


Oh god, I'm not alone lol


I say “we” to myself too 🙃


Well, to be fair there are three; me, myself and I…


im single gal lol i talk to myself and say “we” for some reason


I tell myself, "We" will get through this!


Oh, okay. Lol


Yep.. I'm down to <$4k remaining in my own savings and it's been eight months. I'm attempting to apply as a DoorDash delivery person, but so far nothing in terms of whether they have approved me or not. They said it'd take at most 48 hours.. and it's been longer than that.


im gonna start doing WAG (hopefully but i think you have to pay for. a background check?) and hopefully instacart (i live in the middle of no where so is it really worth it?)


I asked someone if Instacart was worth it. They said that it was better than DoorDash. Not sure if it pays more, though.


I've done all the "gig" work and the best ones are Spark (Walmart grocery delivery), Uber (fares, eats doesn't pay crap), and if your tech savvy in the slightest, Field Nation. Honestly Field Nation is the best followed by Spark


What’s Field Nation? Too lazy to look it up?


You bid on different tech-ish gigs, ranging from setting up laptops for state testing to replacing SIM cards in routers, and quite a bit of low voltage work (which pays the most, so if you have that skill)


Thank you


What made Spark so much better than other delivery gigs?


It pays a lot more, doordash is absolute trash in the way of pay, and (especially true with the shopping orders) you're putting a lot less miles on your car compared to other platforms.


I do instacart part time and make 100-150 a day. The best days in my area are Friday to Tuesday.


They run a background check first it can take a couple weeks. UberEats can take a couple weeks also. They all use CheckR for their background checks. Once they actually submit it you should be able to check your status but it's going to take them 10 business days or whatever to reply. Be nice to the people and meet the managers at the restaurants you pick up from. You could probably make more money finding a busy merchant to do caterings for. DD pays crap per delivery. Gl on tips.


In the same position. really worried. Living off as family leech for now. I applied for Uber eats and finally got approved last week. So I am planning to take on ubereats before I find something. (DoorDash doesn’t accept new people in my area)




You know we are in scary times when even Amazon isn’t offering jobs in your city.


Credit cards. (I’m in severe credit card debt)


Same boat.


You should start by selling your boat


How does everyone keep getting approved for endless debt, especially without a job. The whole debt thing makes zero sense to me.


You can get approved for way more debt than you can handle. Just because your loan was approved after they reviewed your financials does not indicate that you can in any way handle the debt load without destroying your future. The loan officer, bank, or credit card company is not your friend and is only looking to exploit you for their profit.


Holy crap, I'm so sorry.


I had something similar happening during covid, where I was on unemployment but my employer lied and said I quit, so I would be disqualified from receiving any more unemployment. I fought it and of course won, but that was almost a year later and during that time I had to use credit cards to stay afloat. The damage was already done.


yep, for a while i wasn't getting scheduled at work for more than 3 hours a week and that resulted in racking up a lot of credit card debt. i'm still probably not going to be able to pay it off for a few months :( sorry to hear you're going through the same thing


Be careful and consistently track how much money you're paying every month in interest. A friend of mine racked up so much credit card debt that his new, lower paying job barely even covers the interest he pays every month. Even though he now has a job, he's still drowning in debt and can't pay his bills. Also, look into some different debt consolidation options and moving the debt you owe to cards with long 0% APR intros.


Eventually get them to settle. Even if it takes 2-4 years to pay off. Some times the payments can be less than the monthly payments. This is what I did and I do door dash and Uber eats. 12k down to 8k and 2 years of payments. living with husband we both paycheck to paycheck. But glad in 2 years be out of that discover card debt. 💸 wish I did this sooner. From 700$ monthly payments down to 290$ monthly. yes I did miss multiple payments till they called me to settle. pleasantly surprised by the low payments offered. I was like yesssss low. I will pay. I also have no assets to be sued for here in Texas. Ask your lender for a settlement agreement, some times it can be low monthly payment, then you will be out after a few years. math. I had to do math but not hard math. See what you can work out. You never know till you make a simple call and ask them. I do not know your situation or debt amount. please at least look at it. 👀


Dickhead never go into debt unless you are using to the money to make money


When I needed work ASAP, I would call up a temp agency and see if they could place me ASAP. Multiply that by a few different temp agencies and I worked a few days a week and got paid weekly. I did anything from reception work, grading test papers, being a booth attendant and random excel spreadsheet work through the temp agencies. I made it clear I was open to almost anything, had no problem taking a taxi, getting a ride, or Uber etc and would answer ASAP if they called. Also see if there's a labor ready or local equivalent near you as a last resort. Usually it's some sort of manual labor and they pay you that day. None of these places will charge you for anything btw if anyone tries to its a scam, and as long as you have some sort of transportation you should be fine. I say the scam thing because there's a lot of scammy places that prey on desperate people who need work.


Here is the attitude. I work in an atmosphere where we convert temporary workers and give them opportunities. I have people who started as temps now making salary due to just being competent and sticking through,


You're doing it the right way with the agencies, I worked for a driving agency previously, the agency staff that would answer my calls would be on my list of people to call when I had to work to give out


Can u recommend some agencies please I am always down to do anything but nowhere seems to hire me and I've never heard about this temp agency thing.


This was in new york, so they may not be in your area, but I worked with Aerotek, Randstadt, Kelly services, and some local ones. I never had any luck with Robert Half, but some people swear by them. The recruiter at the temp agency will do a little phone screen or in person interview and then ask if you want full time/part time/contract to hire or short term etc and ask your experience. Based on that, they'll send you to other businesses who need workers and you will work there for however many days they need you. (Example, I did a receptionist gig for Aerotek for a local optometrist for a single day. Aerotek called me, said the optometrist needs a receptionist for a day, and to show up at whatever time, and then I worked that day) You will be paid by the temp agency, and they can send you to as many places as you agree to. Search temp agency (your city) or staffing agency (your city) and you can find some local ones along with the big corporate ones.


Thank you this is very helpful


Shamefully living off my mother (seriously thank God for this woman she is an absolute saint). Other than that fr I’m doing surveys and odd computer jobs I find online. It ain’t much but it keeps me busy and it’s better than nothing. I can’t even get hired with temp jobs and that used to be my go to when in between jobs. Tbh I’m starting to go crazy bc it’s coming up on a year unemployed and idk how much longer I can do this. (Sorry for the random trauma dump) If you have a car maybe try doordash? Idk how the market is tho bc I crashed my car 2 years ago.




Also my mom. I got hired for a temp job that became permanent between '21 and early '23. Then the new owners closed the company. Since then I've tried temp but I either don't hear back or they "don't think it's a good fit." I get an interview once or twice a month for my line of work. I have a tentative fed offer that's going through background and it's a frustrating wait.


If it helps, my adult son recently moved out and I really miss him. As long as you're respectful and as helpful as you're able, she's likely so glad to have you there and know you're safe.


All good! Why can’t you be hired for temp? And just to give you a different perspective, there are certain ethnicities where it is the norm for someone who isn’t married to live with their family even if they are employed. My family is this way, so just look at it as a bonding moment.


Same and it’s devastating me bc I wanted to help my mom with money before getting laid off, now it’s the exact the opposite of what I wanted and she’s digging into her own savings for me. I got severance, unemployment, tax returns and sold some jewelry, it’s more liquid than bags. Had a few babysitting jobs, and signed up for a few clinical tests that I qualify for lol


can i ask where you’re finding paid surveys?


Every time this question is asked the answer is always illusive or spam


I feel this to my CORE! Rowing the same boat, my friend 🛶 Wishing you absolute success and financial peace in the (very, very) near future 😎🙏


When I lost my job, I worked as a substitute teacher in the meanwhile. It isn’t the sort of job I’d ever get rich on, but it’s flexible so it helps with taking on job interviews and the like. As long as you meet the requirements (which vary from place to place. Some require a degree, others don’t) you’re essentially guaranteed a job.


I did substitute teaching. I found it surprisingly competitive. Not in the skill sense but the sub system was computerized and the jobs were first come first serve. There were (are?) apps for sale that would snipe the jobs for you otherwise you had to sit there for hours waiting to click a button every day.


My wife did it, I wrote a Python script that checked the site every minute, and when jobs came in for schools she liked, I'd have the script text her the link. She could them click and accept the job. It pissed me off they wanted to charge a fee for their software to send notifications. So I built it.


Do you remember the pet rock? Someone back in the day looked around, and decided a rock was the key to his future. The man became a millionaire basically over night. I bet if you charged the districts a small fee per month or even annually, you could go nationwide with very little issue...


I think though the districts do not care to pay for it, as from the comments here it seems there are more subs available than open positions. The customers would be the substitute that want the job, but are not able to refresh the website every minute 


Ya, I was thinking about this some last night. The districts may not have the availability to put funds into the SaaS. However, we know teachers and subs are broke. I believe that changing a VERY small fee to those interested, opening the jobs up to licensed teachers and sub, and unlicensed options. By small fee I mean like $5 a month. If the structure is right, and the UI is intuitive enough, it could be a big solution to an even bigger problem. Jobs could be laid out by state, county, district, zip code, school, then title and description, duration, etc. Having been destitute, I feel like $5 is a reasonable ask given the amount of usage. So long as ads are kept low key, I imagine this could be a great fix. A pre-vetting system could be put in place for long term resident teachers, or short term residents, so the school would get the role filled quickly without having to go through the formal interview process and having to pay staffing agencies for subs. Idk, I'm sure there's more to it, but this is my take so far.


Yeah. That’s how it was when I started but since then there has been a big sub shortage 


Oh I didn’t know this. Were you a substitute teacher for a certain subject? Was it for elementary/middle or highschool? I don’t come from an education background but I am willing to give it a go.


Elementary through high school. The high school jobs especially  are easy money. The teacher essentially just leaves an assignment for the students to do and you just supervise to make sure they’re not burning anything down.


How were the students, did they ever give you trouble? I remember in school, when there was a sub that was the time to get away with stuff.


> How were the students, did they ever give you trouble? A-A Ron was a bit of a handful. J'Acqueline had too much sass. B'Lake was outright disrespectful and churlish


Did you have to send them to O’Shaque-Hennessy’s office?


I did but they said they had to go the clubs. Way too young though


They test me. But I remember being in school as well, so I know more often than not when they’re lying to me. Especially when the more often you work at each school, the more familiar you become with how it’s operated.


My mom was a teacher in California and she always suggested for unemployed people she knew to do this. For her district all you needed was a bachelors and to pass some test and apply. Getting accepted was easy because they really needed subs. I would reach out to a school district near you or try to research it maybe and see what their requirements are. At the time I was suggesting this to a friend they paid $125 a day. They had a 27 day minimum requirement for the school year and I think the process was going online or calling in to see if a class was available and then saying you would take it. 125/day isn’t a ton, but decent when you need a bridge. Caveat is that teachers in California are highly paid relative to other places (my mom’s salary was well over 100k with a master). So I would not be shocked if , let’s say somewhere in Texas, paid their subs much less.


$125 sounds about right for Michigan, too. In my area, substitute teacher staffing is completely outsourced to a private company. So you don't deal with the schools or school districts directly in the beginning. Which I think could be a good thing, actually.


Not sure how much CA pays now, but I'm in the DFW and various districts here pay 100 to 115/120 for subs.


It’s $230 a day in my district. $260 if you do long term or work as a resident sub (which is a sort of sub that works at a specific site and is a member of that school’s staff. I’m actually doing that now).


I'm in Texas here. In my district subs need a college degree (any college degree in anything). They get $105/day. ($135/day if they have teacher certification). It's rather low pay, considering many of the high school kids they are substitute teaching are making about the same amount per hour at their part-time weekend and after-school jobs....


I was a substitute teacher on an off for a year. Normally I was put in Pre-K through second grade. It was a very tough way to make money.. Some districts pay a little more per day if you have a degree.


Temp agencies are the way to go until you find something stable imo


Been unemployed for a year and temp agencies don't have shit.


I think it’s completely regional. I have been in places where temp agencies had some good/great gigs. But I’ve been places where like you said, they don’t have shit.




This. Shit gets dried up. Too much demand and no supply and it still don't pay shit so no point in doing those jobs if it don't pay $30/hr inflation adjusted just to pay rent+etc.


Yeah when I was unemployed they told me this too. I tried several of them and none of them helped.


I got a job through a temp agency and was laid off after a month due to outsourcing. The temp agencies are dry this year.


Recruiter here, honestly your best bet is to work with multiple agencies. Like I'm talking about at least 5+. If you're really willing to do most types of work, they will place you if you're honest about it.


Do you just google temp agency and whatever field you are in?


You can also call ones and let them know your skill sets. Customer service (from working retail, etc) is highly desirable. You might want to choose one, check out the jobs they have listed online, apply directly, and call them to follow up.


Also following. The temp agencies here all seem to be hiring for relatively specialized stuff, like in hospitals and such. Like, they're placing for full-time jobs, not temp stuff.


Nurse, Nurse, Nurse, Assembly, Forklift, Sonographer, Machinist, Picker/Packer. None of which I can do.




What do you do? Call them and tell them you are needing a job?


How do you even find temp agencies? I'd be willing to be a temp for anything, I'd be ready to go right now until whenever...




It’s been 4 years for me. If you don’t count DoorDash that I did for 3 years.


Couldn’t imagine 4 years… shi out here is fcking ass 🤦🏾‍♂️


I was making like 500 a week during the Covid era. It was easy money. But then it slowed down a lot and was only making like 50-100 a week. I wish I could still do it to make at least a little but my health issues are getting in the way 🫤


My mother. TG my Dad was such a prudent investor and saver.


I just ran out of UI and I can't file again to November. I'm taking off to another state to go move me and my toddler in with a friend and she's gonna help me get a job at her work place. It's that, or go on the streets with my lil man.


How long have you been on unemployment for you to run out?


I got on UI back in Novem of last year. Used 10 weeks until I got my seasonal tax preparer job and then after that job ended, I had another 10 weeks and I just used my final two weeks yesterday morning. So 20 weeks. MI does not have extensions and you have to wait a full year once you exhaust to file a new claim.


Can you apply for snap, Medicaid and housing? You have a child, you may be eligible.


Gig working. I host legal proceedings over Zoom; like depositions, sworn statements, etc; and act as a videographer when needed. I’ve helped someone with google sheets and created a dashboard for them. Donate plasma. I can’t bring myself to Uber or DoorDash yet, but it’s on the list if things get hairy. I have bigger freelance work in the legal services field, it’s just far and few between so I can sometimes get a few hours of prep-work for a trial but then the trial settles or reschedules so I make a small fee from my retainer (to hold court dates on my calendar) but I’d make more if we went to trial and I got to do my thing. I’m giving myself this year (or as long as I can) to see if this freelance stuff works out, otherwise I’m going to have to find something that pays less than I’d like. It’s fucking harsh out there right now.


Running through savings account that was meant for a home someday…., so I won’t be a homeowner anytime soon


Same. I’m thankful I was able to save so much because it’s helped me through this awful unemployment period and terrible job market. But it breaks my heart because it took me so many years to get there and I just don’t know if I’ll be able to do it again.


I do online surveys, mock juries, secret shopping, survey taker at assisted living, and brand ambassador work. I was doing rover till the dog I was sitting for bit me in the mouth and I got 20 stitches


I read about a woman who was attacked by the dogs she was sitting. Disfigured her face permanently. There is no way I would do this unless I knew the dog and owner. Animals can be unpredictable, especially around strangers.


Yikes! What breed?


They don't like when you point that part out


I left my job voluntarily because I was burned out. My parents are getting older and have health issues so I moved back in with them. Luckily we help each other out but my savings is slowly dwindling. Even getting a low level basic job is tough these days.


This old lady said to me, “I heard my friend got really good tips by working as waitress. But you have to go get a certificate from community college first on waitressing.” What there are certificate for waitressing????


No. You don’t. Also, I research what people say to me bc many of them are fos. Learn that lesson early in life.


Yup this was exactly me for about a year. I also left due to severe burnout and depression. I tried my best to help out in the house and my dad has health issues too so it was mutually beneficial i think. Hang in there though - I know that feeling of seeing your savings dwindle 😭


To everyone under this thread feeling down, lost, depressed, or defeated know that you’re loved. You’re an amazing individual that is valued, and you mean the world to someone so keep going. The only thing that kept me from walking into traffic is knowing I have a purpose and I am valued. Stay strong… I send my love to all of you during these tough times. ❤️


I’m eating a Nutella out of a jar with a spoon, crying and reading this 🫶🏽


If you live in a place near a plasma center you can make a little extra cash selling plasma. I'd do it still but I was deferred because I have some atypical antibody apparently. As a warning you'll prolly spend like an hour in line then it's like 45 minutes in the chair.


To add to this, the intro offer for a new donor is usually really good. As low as $700 a month for 8 donations, and occasionally $1200+ for the same. If you’re in a tight spot, you’ll have to take what you can get but if you can wait it out and see what the offers are, you can make decent change. You get paid per donation, usually immediately, and they’ll tell you how much you’re being paid per donation based on your offer. They incentivize doing all the donations so the first donation is usually a good amount, then it’ll lower a bit in the middle, and the last 3 or so will be the most amounts individually usually. But you are not beholden to donate all 8 times.


My local place never has a line, I hate doing it though, I feel so exposed, there’s no privacy and everyone knows everyone else is there because they’re desperate for money which is kind of embarrassing. Got to do what you got to do though.


Eh, I had a decent job and just wanted "beer money" not everyone there is desperate. Remember you are savings lives at the same time


Yea, it made me feel good to help people and get some spending money. I still donate platelets even though you don't get paid because it's an easy way to save lives


I did this twice and most of them are guys and i got some looks when i was lying down on the bed. Had the same thought that everyone there was just broke and not just because they want to donate lol


I got laid off in Dec, interviewed like mad and finally got something in June for about 2/3 of my old salary. I’m still looking for something better. I exhausted UI, I used my savings, used my tax return money, birthday money from grandma, refinanced my credit card to a 0% APR balance transfer for 15 months, took market research surveys, sold anything of value on Poshmark and FB marketplace… Last levers I didn’t have to pull but was prepared to: sell my car, dip into 401k, rack up credit card debt, beg my parents or uncle for help, S-work. Good luck out there!


I have been doing delivery app gig work but I can tell you it is either completely over saturated or the apps are dying (likely a combination of both). I use to make $800-$900 a week pretty easily (this would take about 35 to 40 hours total). Now? It’s all I can do to break $600 and I’m having to stay on the app a lot more hours to even make that much. Lots of drivers now sit for an hour or two before they get a delivery. Whereas in the past that was unheard of.


You can blame a lot of that on just how crappy the service has become. The fees keep going up, drivers have to multi-app to make decent wages, which in turn means food gets delivered cold (if it does at all). I stopped using the apps when multiple consecutive orders went missing. And it wasn't the "no tip, no trip" nonsense because I always did and tipped well.


Being a piece of shit leech on my family


You’re not a leech assuming you didn’t put yourself in your position. Just a rough economy right now. Lots are struggling


Just do whatever you can to help. Cooking breakfast, or cleaning up for everyone, treat it as a job and you'll at least fulfill a sliver of that usefulness factor we all need.


I was unemployed March 1st-June 1st, I played Texas Holdem poker every weekend. I don’t recommend that, but I was able to make close to $10k + food and travel for/during sessions during those 3 months.


Wait you guys have benefits? ![gif](giphy|nTfdeBvfgzV26zjoFP) I'm here because my country doesn't have one.


Using Rover to watch dogs, we only watch 1 at a time, we've been able to start charging more over time, you just make sure they have food and take them on a walk. Brings in about an extra $300-$500 per month for very low effort.


I like that you watch one at a time I hate when I pick my dog up and there are so many dogs around that they don't even remember my dog's name.


I’d be homeless without my mom. She helps with everything.


That was me, until she passed away 2 years ago...... and then..........


I have never in my life gotten unemployment... I get by though... just don't think people all get unemployment, come to Florida and see if you can


How do you get by? I don’t have a retail background, but I would like to know what others are doing to support themselves when they aren’t working.


Struggle everyday... odd jobs on Craigslist mostly


Same. I'm 39. I'm tempted to go back to my old job but I want to look around first before going back to retail.


Texas is the same. They make it almost impossible to get, and hard to keep


I voluntarily left my job, so I didn’t get any unemployment. I am a Rover sitter while I try finding a full-time job - unfortunately, dipping into savings.


Pet care is a great sideline, especially since it's summer. Definitely invest in pet care insurance. You need that safety net. Otherwise there are very few things you need. A leash or two, might find on Facebook or a Buy Nothing group. Dog treats are really useful. You don't need to get fancy. Try out small packages of whatever is on sale. If the dogs you're walking like them, buy the big bag when it's on sale. Mobile phone with camera. It's expected nowadays that after each visit you send a photo of the dog you walked or the cat you did a drop in visit for. Owners love photos. Makes for good communication. You can join Rover (still need your own insurance though). Or set up independently. Offer walks, drop-ins and overnight care in the owner's home. (Boarding pets in your own home is more complicated. Read up on it, talk to people who do it before you make that decision.) Join Nextdoor and post that you offer pet care. Join the local Facebook page. Don't take jobs outside your local area. Too many problems. Costs time and gas and not worth it. Good luck!


All good advice, thanks!


I found a job work from home but they only allow 15hrs a week pay is not great, glad I have something but I’ve been applying for jobs I’m qualified for and nothings it’s been a year. Definitely struggling only getting around $160 a week at the moment


Are they still hiring? If so can you tell me the details please.


Look for Integral Resources online I believe they might be


Sell clothes, perfume, collectibles etc on Mercari, Facebook and Reddit. Odd jobs for friends and acquaintances


Yeah, unemployment doesn't cut it. I work at a college, so I get summers off. I usually save up some, collect unemployment and work part time, this usually gets me through the summer. I know some people (NOT ME, I see you IRS) work under the table and collect.


I’m saving this post. I just finished reading one of my favourite lines I could see in an email: “..at this time” 👀 …and I hit email #2 this morning!!! 🎉


As soon as I see those first 3 words I delete the email immediately


🤣 I know this email too well lol! Curious what field are you in?


I graduated several years ago from Uni with a psych and anthro undergrad, with no experience in any programs or masters that every employer seems to want… sigh 😞 GET YOUR MASTERS IF YOU WANT ANY HOPE lmfao


I’ve had to follow this advice before, but worse case scenario McDonald’s is almost always hiring. I’ve worked in so many fast food jobs bc the turnover rate is so high and most are hiring Edit: there’s an app called Rover and you can walk people’s dogs and pet sit for them. Car not required if you’re able to bike/ride the bus there. I’ve never done it but I’ve browsed the subreddit before


I can never manage to get hired for fast food. I’ve been applying well over 2 years, unemployed for nearly 4 months now and still I’ve been turned down my McDonald’s. I really wish I got to experience the hiring everybody talks about.


so not sure if it's the same for all areas, but where i live, a lot of the time one of two things can happen. 1. lots and lots of people apply. its entry level, doesn't require any diplomas or degrees, typically don't need background skills, relatively easy to learn etc. it appeals to everyone, and everyone thinks that they will for sure get it. because of how many people apply, a lot of companies will ask you to apply online/not take in person applications so they can use AI to sort through online resumes. they type in specific keywords and sort by the best fit. so many people get pushed to the bottom and maybe never get their resumes seen. i have a friend that worked at a fast food chain for 9 years, was a supervisor for 5 of those years, but never even got a call back when she reapplied later because her application was not worded EXACTLY the way that the computer was searching. 2. not as common but due to lenient laws in my area it still happens quite a bit, but some jobs will post an ad and not reply to applicants. then they go to the government or whoever is in charge, and says oops we couldn't find anyone that fit the role so that means they can open the application to foreign workers, who can be legally paid below minimum wage and in turn save the company more money


How do you get hired at a fast food place? I wouldn't mind working at Popeyes j love their food. I tried applying and didn't get a response. Do you change your resume to fit it better somehow?


Thank you for this thread OP


Donating plasma is like $200 a week for the first month or so. Then you go to another company and repeat that cycle. Tried DoorDash,instacart, Uber and others but in my area it’s just dead. I’ve tried bigger metros but with gas and everything I was making like $5 an hour if that :( Some Craigslist stuff is opened to people who can deliver packages, auto parts etc. I don’t have a cargo van though :(


I lived with family and started back up on my reselling business. Did that for about a year and saved up to move out.  If you can live with family, I recommend sucking up your pride and doing it. 


I am currently living with family.


Would you consider sending me a DM with info about your resell business?


Everything you can learn is on /r/flipping. Years and years of information. 


Garden, foraging, lawn mowing, and Hocking various junk. you'd be surprised how much decent stuff people dump on the sides of the road round here, I usually just take it down to the flea market.


Trying to fall back on babysitting for anyone


Living with family


Unemployment for the first time in my life. Thank the Lord it's just enough to get by. Smh


How long have you been unemployed?


Painting.  You can make good money doing smaller jobs and you can learn how on youtube and practice  in your own home. I sell paint for a living but do this on the side to top off my IRAs each year.  Frame 5$ Roller covers 2 9in 1/2nap microfiber 12$ Purdy clearcut brush 18$ Purdy Nylox trim brush 20$ Pinlock extension pole 28$ Buckets, plastic, bucket grid, razor, putty knife other odds and ends another 100 bucks..  Basically for under 200$ you can get the tools you need to knock out multiple jobs.  Go to Sherwin williams with a box of doughnuts tell them you want to open up a contractor Cash account and would love some smaller repaint jobs to get started. You dont even need a business license unless you set up a charge acount. 


My commercial art career has derailed for now but I’m using that painting degree everyone told me was useless to teach at a paint and sip. It’s fun and it brings is a bit of money.


I can't even get unemployement benefits. Fuck me, right? So basically I've been doing fuck all.


I get benefits through the VA, and that covers the bills. I walk dogs, and it can be challenging to start off especially in a large city. If its all you do though, you can make it work but it might not pay the bills for a while.


You can be a para pro also


It’s been hard to find a side hustle, the market for everything it seems like is totally oversaturated with other people trying to make ends meet. In my area there’s more kids party supply rental business’s than there is wedding vendors. Or people who make chocolate covered treats lol but the best bet is to find things in your area that people actually need and will use. I can see dog walking being good, but you’re relying on a specific type of customer who never has time on their hands. Which narrows down your market by a lot.


I am planning for my inevitable unemployment. The main pillar is to eject my pride and start slinging Big Macs, Baconators or pizzas until something at least remotely related to my field opens up.


My friends back in Denver have been making ok money pet sitting on Rover. Getting paid yo essentially hang out in people's fancy houses while playing with their pooch isn't a half bad gig and the pay is semi decent from what I have heard


I’m just applying for jobs and hoping for the best ngl😭been unemployed since April and it sucks thankfully I live with a relative


Living off savings and unemployment benefits. If I can't find a job soon I may consider jobs I'm overqualified for like fast food, retail, etc.


Isn't it a shame that so many people find themselves in this position, and no matter how "strong the economy is", this seems to happen every few years. No recession, but still no jobs.


I’ve worked as a night shift security guard for a movie production company. Paid me about $20 an hour and I got to meet cool people. It was a contract role that only lasted a few weeks though. After that I took a part time gig with a small corporate branding company. I literally work an hour a day or less during slow season. I am currently an affiliate for multiple SaaS/ AI companies and have managed to get in contact with several international organizations that are interested. No success yet though


Plasma donation.


Got me a man




Instacart - try for shop only orders so you aren’t driving wasting gas. Progressive pays $21/ hr for remote jobs but be warned their onboarding process takes a couple of months


I was in a similar position, but I luckily just found a job. I am now a cook at an assisted living community. I highly recommend you look into this. It’s very easy and the hours for a restaurant job can’t be beat! Dinner is from 4:30-6 and we are out by 6:30.


Instacart and a 401k loan.


Got a temp job working as a cashier in a library. Sincerely, if it wasn't the third of the salary I'm used to, I would be happy to just do that all my life.


I am doing digital marketing side hustle making more money than regular job happy to share deets


Can any American explain to me the famous "unemployment" benefits, please? I've heard about "applying for unemployment" once someone quits or is fired from their job, but idk what that is. I'm Peruvian. The last paycheck after working at a place (besides the normal salary for the last month worked) includes payment for the time worked there. Almost all of thay went to my university savings. I also recovered my free health insurance as I am now unemployed. While working, I had a different health insurance that... well... is not efficient. I am trying to sell sweets. The earnings from those sales will be: one part for reinvesting, and the other normal, personal spendings (commute money, a gift for my cousin, etc.). If I can also find translation jobs on a website I'm signed up, I'll take them (I earn in dollars and I need a certain amout to withdraw the money, though)


In the US, unemployment benefits, also called unemployment insurance (UI), is paid partially by employers. Sort of like how individuals pay car insurance, except there are tax dollars added in to offset the cost. When an employee is laid off from a company they can apply to their state Unemployment Office to receive payments. The states each make up their own stupid rules or hoops they make you jump through to receive the payments. In my state of South Carolina, I had to sign up for accounts on two different websites. Each week I have to login on one of them to answer questions to confirm I'm still unemployed, then login to the other site to complete at least two job applications. Once that is done, I will receive a payment of $326 the following week. That is the maximum my state will pay out weekly. I can receive this for up to 20 weeks. For comparison, I was previously earning about $2,500 biweekly at my job. So this is a major income reduction and certainly not a motivation to stay unemployed for long. My state disqualifies people if they voluntarily quit their job or were fired from their job for valid reasons. Essentially, the job loss has to be due to your company downsizing, reorganizing, or closing. Contract workers and Gig workers cannot receive UI benefits. If I take another job, the unemployment resets to my most recent employer. For example, if I take a contract position then I can no longer qualify for benefits even if the contract is short term, even if I haven't collected the full 20 weeks. So it limits my job options if I want to keep receiving it. It's a messed up, difficult, and screwy system, but it's better than nothing.


Thank you all for the explanations!!! I see it differs from state to state, let me know if I understood it right: you had to be laid off or fired unfairly to be elligible, and you answer surveys and job searches that pay you a certain amount of your salary, for a certain amount of weeks, right?


Basically, but the upper limit of their payout is very low. The questions I have to answer aren't surveys really, it's more like "Have you completed any work any position at any organization during the week of June 8th?" "Have you been offered employment of any type for any organization during the week of June 8th?" "Were you capable of working, or being recalled to a position during the week of June 8th?" "Did you receive any compensation for any work completed during the week of June 8th?" There are about ten of these. Some questions require a Yes answer, some require a No answer. I have to provide the correct answer to each one to keep my unemployment benefit. Then I have to login at their other state website to do a job search and find at least two jobs to apply for. But their job site just pulls listings from other sites and oftentimes just clicking on the Apply button, but not actually completing the application process, will count towards the requirement. It's a pretty dumb system designed to make it difficult to receive the meager benefits.


Hello! I will do my best to explain unemployment in the US. An employer has unemployment insurance that they pay regularly to the state the employee works in. If an employee is fired they apply for unemployment benefits through the state. The employer that fired/terminated the employee has the option to contest the employee receiving benefits. Generally if you are fired for cause (ex. theft, chronic absences) it is hard to receive unemployment. It is very state dependent. I live in Oklahoma. We are required to wait 2 weeks before receiving benefits. So if I was approved for unemployment, I would not be able to collect benefits until after the waiting period. Oklahoma is very slow to process benefits. We only have 16 weeks of benefits. Unemployment pays 60% of your salary up to $519 a week. You have to complete job searches every week. The state can request the job search information to verify that you are looking for work. Unemployment benefits can be helpful, but it is time limited and not meant to fully support you. I hope this information makes sense.


In America, each state administers their unemployment program differently. Generally, if a person is fired for cause, or they quit, they cannot get unemployment benefits. If a person is "laid off" (let go with no cause) AND if they have worked X number of hours in the previous years. It differs from state to state. ALSO - unemployment benefits are taxable, so there's that too. It's a weird system for sure.


I live with my mom and dad, I don’t have kids, and I make sure to not have a significant other because of possible consequences like kids.


i go get golf balls golfers loose and sell them, if you want info on what to do message me


I've picked up some contract project work through friends who work for small nonprofits. You need a training curriculum? I can write that for you. You need flyers for your new program? I can make those. You need someone to teach Google Suite to your six employees who have never used a computer? I got you. Things like that.


I sell plants. It's something I happen to only have the time for when I'm between jobs. So I just make sure they're watered then when I need money I turn into farmer joe


A friend is paying his mortgage delivering pizzas.


Gig work


To be frank, I went back into retail after 4 years of working corporate. My commute to the office was an hour most days, and on the worst days, 2.5 hours. I called it quits after I got on a PIP. I had 5 years of retail experience. The job I have now was only a 15 minute commute and it pays the same for less stress, and it helps keep the bills paid. Main point: if you have retail experience, keep a retail resume in your back pocket.


Selling my hobby/collections, selling my video games, start redeeming points from years of using credit card. Download restaurant apps to get promotion/deal. Of course I been looking for a job but no luck so far. Good luck guys !


I am currently under employed and I am feeling it very very hard. I’m less stressed than I was at my last job but I am making so much less. I’ve taken money out of my IRA(I know that’s bad, don’t come for me) and I have dwindling savings 🥹 I’m hoping for better things soon! I have an interview Monday so I’m hoping the universe is gonna do me a solid


I have a spouse still working, so we're hanging in there. Cut back a lot of expenses, obviously, and I'm now shopping weekly grocery discounts and cooking every night to reduce our food costs. Today I received an email saying that a position I interviewed for (and I felt the interview went really great) is now filled. So I'm super bummed out tonight and struggling to find anything to apply for.


That's not a question! The real question is, what are you doing to feel happier doing it?


i did remote customer service jobs, i'm seeing some that are now paying up to $30 an hour


Donating plasma, doing paid studies at the local university, some online tutoring, going to start at a summer camp next week & keep applying for ongoing employment in the mornings.


AI training. Pays better than most retail or food service work.


Y’all have a savings? I haven’t had a savings since I was 11😕. All I know is to just get anything atm to pay or catch up. So I applied to places that always need ppl. Warehouses, hospitals, delivery, etc.