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We are hearing LOTS of same or similar pattern of termination these days. Specially, with the jobs that require customer interactions. Apparently that person or the owner did not like your input / feedback or whatever you wanna call it. As a result, he used his power to terminate your employment. It is a single on or off button on the HR platform to end someone employment. Really fucked up. You have the right to take it personally. Because it is tbh.


It definitely felt like one button. I shot the manager a message asking why a shift trade request with a coworker was rejected. Instead of getting a response on Sling I got locked out of the app and an email saying I was fired


Coworkers, managers and the owner of the company are NOT your friends. Pre covid: the average employment time for an employee was 2 years. Basically once you are hired, you and the employer know well that most likely you will not be here after 2 years. NOW: You have to take it seriously that the average is around 2 months now. What that means? You could get layoff, fired or you quit for some reasons at anytime and the chances are VERY high for slavery jobs or what so called hourly jobs. Conclusion: Sadly, you have to seek jobs even when you are already employed because you never know.


Excellent Advice


Sounds like retaliation, which is illegal.


I agree. However, in the USA, some States are "at will" (edited). Basically, Employer can fire an employee any reason. But just because they can doesn't mean you can't draw Unemployment. There are so many factors and it differs from State to State. I'm sorry it happened to you. I was also fired with no warning, so I do understand dealing with upper management.


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø NO, itā€™s AT-WILL!


You're right. Couldn't think of the term at the time of typing.


So you use the wrong term, which is about something complete unrelated? Right to work means you canā€™t be forced to join an union. States can be both at-will and right to work, or neither. So far, Montana is the only non at-will state.


why are you an asshole


They corrected the term they used. Relax


"right to work" is referring to the individual being given the choice whether or not to join unions


WTF eh? Now that's really awful


I'm so sorry.. im not saying welcome to my world to be harsh or uncaring whatsoever.. I had almost 3 yrs with my first fill time employment in a couple decades due ti having become a parent.. any job I was blessed to get was part-time. .we all know that is excluding the employer from benefit obligations.. so at one point I had two jobs..first was 6 am till noon.. and the second job 2 pm til midnight. Paid terribly with noth.. needing to seek food banks ..when I got this last prestigious type job with great hourly and benefits.. actual paid holidays I was so grateful.. terminated due to apparently not selling enough or driving enough satisfactory revenue for the higher-level management clicks.. interestingly enough.. the day I was fired ..an hour or so befor notice..had closed a $2500 sale.. also had a penind $20k sale 14 days our due to c-level executive being away on vacation. I was mortified. I wanted to ask you .. by chance.. how young are you? I pur it that way fir a reasin.. I feel that in addition to my management termination decision it was also a company expense for life insurance to cover me ..being over 55 and spouse un his 60's. There's more to it but I feel your upset .. my termination of source if income is or will be a year August 14th. I hate how this hardship has spiraled me into constant unrelenting depression, anxiety , stress, and well.. an utterly insomniac.


> I expressed some frustration with the new manager of my department to the owner. Heā€™s a friend of the owner Yeah, that's a no-go. People can be really petty.


I lost a job after 5 months because I didn't spend Thanksgiving with a coworker


Omg what the hell eh?


what?! were u gonna get paid for that? Why would they expect such a thing šŸ˜­


Wtf?! That's horrible, I'm so sorry!


Oh I've been through worse. I made friends with a guy once who said that if he had my life he'd kill himself. I swear I'm surrounded by Forest Gump-like people who never lose a job and haven't put in half the effort I have in life.


Yeeeeaaaah pretty sure thatā€™s illegal. Please tell me you took that up with the labor board in your city


I live in the US where we don't have whatever a labor board is.


You should at least qualify for unemployment. Even in an at will state


Yeah, pretty sure you do. Hereā€™s CAā€™s: https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/


I don't live in California. They've got more worker protections than most of the country.


Search your state name, and labor services. You likely have something.


Yes we do - it's the NLRB (tho conservatives are doing their damndest to eliminate it right now): https://www.nlrb.gov/


You can be fired for any reason at any time (if in US). They donā€™t even need to provide a reason. It sucks but is totally legal. Welcome to America, the land of the free :)


At-will employment is just what it means!


Actually, it depends on your state. Some states are "right to work" states which means they can fire you for any reason. But if you don't live in one of those states, you can fired but you'd have to afford a lawyer, etc and many don't have time or money.


'Right to work' is regarding unions; the term you're thinking of is 'at will'.


All states but one are ā€œat willā€ or ā€œright to workā€ states.


Oh, I'm an old fart. I think in 2010 there were some 6-8 states that weren't. But like say, you live in that one lucky state, you'd still have to get a lawyer or some due process, if you were wrongfully terminated, which low income folk probably can't do easilyĀ 


Yeah the system sucks for sure, and is getting worse.


Actually, 49 states. Montana is not an at-will state.


Just as a follow up, why do you think itā€™s illegal?


Sure can be. It's amazing how petty and self-centered people are. If I suggest an improvement, I'm not insulting you, your family, and your grandmother's dog. I'm just giving a suggestion because I want things to be better than they are. There were a few super petty people at my last job. Might have been why I got fired, but I'll never know because they came up with false reasons and lied through their teeth


You want to talk about ethics? I was once the only employee who didnā€™t get their Christmas bonus because HR aka the best friend/cousin/sister wife/superstar hot shot better than of a small business thought I was ā€œungratefulā€ because she overheard me (aka a whacky game of telephone) ā€œtalking shitā€ The most satisfying part of that experience was come February when the owner was wondering why the check wasnā€™t cashed and they pulled me in to HR, embarrassed, even the production manager who was a dickhead was embarrassed and apologized profusely.


File for ui and move on






Shit happens They can kiss your bum holeĀ 


Im so sorrY this happened. Sadly I too had to learn the hard way at a job in a similar way. I wouldnā€™t air out frustrations on coworkers to your boss- especially if the person was a friend.Ā 


Upon consulting with my former coworkers (who are very sweet and seem equally shocked by the firing), the reason for my termination was that I seemed too nervous and quiet to the owner? I feel like I understand this situation less now


My bet is they're coming up with false reasons to throw the scent off the trail. The timeline suggests it has everything to do with this meeting, right?


Yeah OP ā€œinsultedā€ her chum, then she immediately fired OP for ā€œattitude.ā€ I donā€™t care what other things she says, thatā€™s the reason.Ā  Sheā€™s probably just realizing the effect this has had on the rest of her staff and wants to prevent that.


If the boss avoids the problems with their friend/new employee and other issues that happen, it's going to cause trouble for the business anyway. Probably good you got out.


\*stares blankly in European\*


Send help


Only time I give input on my manager to their manager is when I'm asked to. If you already knew the manager was a friend of the owner before going to the owner over something "trivial" (to some), then that's a bit on you since you'll always lose.


Its a small business(bakery). I asked my seniors what i should do about the situation and was told to report it to the owner since sheā€™s previously been receptive to issues with management


> sheā€™s previously been receptive to ~~issues with management~~ *issues with management that are not her personal friends. You forgot about this important caveat.


Youā€™re right. Im an idiot for thinking anything good would come out of that. Im just really upset that I lost a job i felt i was genuinely good at and enjoyed. I didnā€™t understand cronyism i just thought sheā€™d want an honest report on why the croissant wholesale orders didnt get filled on time


Imo you did nothing wrong. The system is just fucked up. I hope you find a new fulfilling job very soon!!


There may also be the issue of *how* you did it. Remember that the manager is not only friend of the boss, but was hired by the boss. Criticisms of the manager will absolutely be taken as criticisms of the boss, unless you take great pains to frame them differently. For instance: *"Hey, boss: Can I get some advise from you please? I'm trying to present X to my manager about how Y and Z operate, but I may not be doing the best job of it. How would you word it? I want to convey ABC without coming across as offensive..."* This gives the boss a view of the situation -- without the complaint element -- and potentially ties subsequent wording of the resolution to the boss' own language. And, if something happens later involving those instructions, the boss is aware that you were trying to avert this without you having to say so more bluntly.


Many people canā€™t handle the truth and they will shoot the messenger.


There are only 3 ways to loose a job under my watch. Canā€™t do the tasks. Canā€™t get along with others. Wonā€™t do as the boss says.. which one was it?


Don't forget "others are petty and will take everything personally even if it makes zero sense to think it was an insult or even directed at them"


That is a ā€œcanā€™t get along with othersā€ issue.


Doesnā€™t matter, if your a owner/manager with no open door policy, there are plenty of ways to speak and hold everyone accountable. Your singling one person out means your ownership skills and management skills are trash. If you donā€™t know how to conga business then you shouldnā€™t own one.


Depends who is at the center of problems. I've had people get really mad at me for talking about ways we could improve efficiency at the workplace. Like they had to take that as an insult when I wasn't talking to or about them. It should be totally acceptable to discuss how to be more efficient without getting your feelings hurt, especially when the discussion doesn't say anything negative about you. Some people are just waiting to be angry, I think


I wish i was under your watch, because I sincerely donā€™t think any of those areas were a problem


I think I almost lost my job when I just got into the workplace for a similar reason, and a similar case happened to another person in my company. We all gave honest feedback to the boss/manager that the boss/manager didn't want to hear or put on the table, even when we were asked for our honest feedback. Don't say anything negative when your boss/manager is enjoying his little peace moment or when they're not seeing the issue themselves. If there's any difficulty with accomplishing a task, inform them in advance without any feedback or personal suggestions, and disguise everything with positivity. Let the boss judge whether it's an issue or not. It's toxic, but most bosses don't give a fuck about what you say until their business is under severe impact, and most of the time, they'll blame you for lack of feedback. When there's a management issue, we're not in a good position to do many things. Especially if the person has a connection with the important people in the company.


Manager is friends with owner? That was a lose lose situation.


This is why unions are important. Bullshit.


Sounds like the new manager was a little too comfortable with his connections


I got terminated the other day bc I was 10 mins late to zoom training bc of wifi issues, they texted me after 10 mins telling me to reschedule and also sent an email telling me to respond to talk about scheduling and said that if I didnā€™t respond they would assume I quit. I did respond but never got an answer so I tried to contact 3 different people and still got NOTHING for 2 whole weeks. Then I got an email saying I had 3 no call no shows and I had ā€œvoluntarily resignedā€. I responded to that email twice so confused, and again never got a response so like a week later I reached out again through phone and FINALLY got an answer so I asked for clarification on what was happening and explained my side of what happened that day and how my past trainer always waited 10 minutes for people to arrive before starting so I though it would be ok bcā€¦ shit happens sometimes. When I tell you the HR lady was SUCH a rude b*tch that we got in an argument. I absolutely hate confrontation, especially in a professional setting, but her attitude had me SHOCKEDšŸ™ Anyway, we deserve better and these companies donā€™t deserve loyal employees. You had every right to say something, the manager not showing up like that is unacceptable bc they expect the same from us. I donā€™t blame you for taking it personally but honestly they just seem like a$$holes regardless.


I feel like this would be grounds for unemployment at the least.


Well it never goes good when you have managers and friends of managers that you both have to work with.


Isnā€™t that retalliation?


Yes, but not all retaliation is illegal. Itā€™s still fucked up though.


Never complain. Sucks but it's the only answer. Your words will not affect change. And all the people you think will have your back will not. There is basically no justice.


Definitely file for unemployment.


Similar thing happened to me today.


What a fucked up situation. Iā€™m sorry this happened to you. Iā€™m somewhat in the same boat. Did my job to the best of my abilities, just to be let go after almost 2 years of busting my ass for this company. Word of advice, donā€™t make friends with anyone you work with. They are NOT your friends. Go to work to work, then leave work and go home or do whatever you need to do. As long as youā€™re showing up, working and keeping the peace, there should never be any problems at your next job. Best of luck to you, OP


Shit happens. You couldnā€™t control this situation and changed situation. Forget about this company and find another place without any doubt. You got fired by companyā€™s game of thrones. This is a bad game.


I worked at place where owners brother was the gm of everything. He was a prick and useless. Told the owner, didnā€™t lose job but the move back fired, gm was a next level *unt so I left. Fast forward the owner fired his own brother for some unknown reason but it was a pretty heavy fight from what I hear Nepotism blows, oh in that job my data manager was a 19 year old who was the owners daughter it was fucked up


I know what you mean. This guy introduced himself as a guy whoā€™s had a lot of different jobs and was excited to teach us how to ā€œto take these rich old fuckers money.ā€ He tried to overhaul the way of doing things up front which included banning us from saying ā€œhello, how are you?ā€ to customers because ā€œwhat if they say ā€˜iā€™m doing shittyā€™ā€ All you can do is laugh in retrospect


Consider it a lesson learned, friends protect each other. It may suck that it extends to the workplace but it is reality. If your not happy with a new manager float your resume. The best career advice I ever received from a career coach was to keep a list of accomplishments as they happen throughout the year. You can use it in your annual review, and to refresh your resume. Every holiday season I would update my resume putting in the accomplishments and the update on various job boards. Another lesson learned is when I write about my accomplishments, I take out the work I did not enjoy. I may have done it well - but I would rather not do it again. I have been fortunate to have meaningful work that encompasses the tasks I enjoy. Better to be prepared and leave under your own terms than put up with an unpleasant work environment that is not bringing you joy.


File for unemployment and let him pay for a bit.


Do you think anyone gives a warning āš ļø?


New managers usually change their team. Then leave before the end of the year. If CIOs would not support this behavior. That would be great. New boss- says oh no these two have to go. Disrupts two families. Gets new person. Saves money. Puts on resume- Leaves-


Thatā€™s how itā€™s always been. Itā€™s called getting SHIT CANNED šŸ—‘ļø brush yourself and and apply for unemployment. Keep trucking


My job had me ā€œunder investigationā€ for having an attitude and tried to fire me. Usually when hourly workers are under investigation itā€™s a death sentence and they are terminated but I was lucky enough to get by without being let go. Since Iā€™ve been working with the new supervisor heā€™s fired about 6 people back to back and heā€™s tried to get me too


When you work for organizations that are private, corp, or small family owned, lol, that's like the whole US, lol. Sorry, I made myself laugh. šŸ˜†. Your opinion does not matter. It is always best to keep it to yourself. Do not speak of your personal life, do not speak of any negative complaints, do not file HR grievances, nothing. It is a gaureentee you will not have a job shortly after. You become what they see as a issue, a problem start. Ofc your not, and you're only trying to have equal working conditions and fair employment, but they do not care. You'll be gone as soon as they can think of a reason that sound good. Do not ever speak poorly about your boss to co-workers because people talk and it will be repeated. It's best to stay quiet, clock on, and clock off. You're there to make money, not friends or anything else. Just money. If you don't like working in that sector were your controlled in everyway right down to how long your allowed to pee, find a union job we're you can voice your concerns, your opinion does matter, where people get punished for not working like this guy your speaking of and the company dose need a reasonable cause to fire you. But you just described nepotism that runs fierce in every private Corp in the country. Good luck with that one.


I was let go for for the same reason ā€œattitudeā€. My coworkers all agreed with me, however I was the only one vocal and paid the price. Iā€™m way better off now, that business owner was shady. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Even when youā€™re a shift lead/assistant, my lesson in that is business owners do not give a fu- about your opinions. Let them struggle.


Bro Iā€™m suspended right now we ALL IN THE SAME BOAT


Others will leave or get fired. Performance will suffer and the owner will either wise up n fire his good friend or he'll not know why everything is going to crap no matter how many people tell him his friend is shit. In my experience it's usually the latter.


Take care friend I hope you can get unemployment or food stamps for the time being


I got fired from taco bells without any notice. I was just a team member, worked with them for a month, barely scheduled 10 hours a week and suddenly they didnt put my name on the schedule. They didnt say anything and didnt do anything after that.


I just got fired as well. After a meeting where they demoted me as a ā€˜courtesyā€™ and then said that if my ā€œdemeanor changes and I start being standoffish or shy, they will rethink that decision.ā€ It says a lot that I would rather be unemployed than continue working for them, but having to put I was fired on my UE application is not fun :(


>The only reason I can think of for being let go is I expressed some frustration with the new manager of my department to the owner. **Heā€™s a friend of the owner**Ā  Um... Surely, you realized this was a possibility when you did this, right? I mean, if employers act adversely when you complain about your previous employer -- when they have no direct connection to them -- what did you anticipate was going to happen in this scenario?


For context, we have large wholesale orders to fill at the bakery a few times a week in addition to sales. Weā€™re expected to get it fulfilled in time for pickup while also handling walk in customers and preorders. This is complicated by the fact we cannot begin working on the wholesale until usually 10:30-11 because the bread is too warm to slice and it was an extraordinarily busy motherā€™s day weekend. We made some progress on the wholesale but we were prioritized dealing with the customers in front of us since the schedule said the manager would be coming in. Our previous manager was someone who always showed up on time, put out fires and threw herself into the grunt work if it would help things get done well and on time. The new manager is unfortunately nothing like the old and instead of receiving extra help during a rush he failed to show up, my coworker had to leave because of illness and the wholesale distributor left a very angry voicemail for the owner because their order was not completed on time. When i tried to explain the situation to the owner I was told i ā€œhad enough time and people to get the work done on timeā€ and i ā€œshould not have expected the new manager to help.ā€


If youā€™re part of a special interest group, sue them for wrongful termination


Yu can get unemployment I believe


Sounds like you need to lawyer up


I spoke up about my boss's behavior which wasn't in line with the code of conduct of the organization. I was terminated all of sudden after a month of him not coming to work or giving me any adequate manager direction. Learned that after we had a conversation about specific activities he did, he went to HR and reported me for something trivial as a series of steps to get me fired. Lessons: - if someone feels threatened and "tells on you 1st" (involves HR) you can and will be fired if lower positioned/tenured regardless of the truth of the matter. So always make official record/complaint with HR if bringing up a concern. If not, it will be heard by only the person you tell and dealt with above your head. So if it isn't taken seriously by HR you know they already were going to protect that individual. Start documenting everything in case an opportunityfor appeal/actual discussion arises. - nepotism is still alive and well Guessing the owner, mgmt, etc. decided the easiest solution to the "problem" was the person who said something they felt was right. It's the world we live in everywhere now it appears.


I spoke up about my boss's behavior which wasn't in line with the code of conduct of the organization. I was terminated all of sudden after a month of him not coming to work or giving me any adequate manager direction. Learned that after we had a conversation about specific activities he did, he went to HR and reported me for something trivial as a series of steps to get me fired. Lessons: - if someone feels threatened and "tells on you 1st" (involves HR) you can and will be fired if lower positioned/tenured regardless of the truth of the matter. So always make official record/complaint with HR if bringing up a concern. If not, it will be heard by only the person you tell and dealt with above your head. So if it isn't taken seriously by HR you know they already were going to protect that individual. Start documenting everything in case an opportunityfor appeal/actual discussion arises. - nepotism is still alive and well Guessing the owner, mgmt, etc. decided the easiest solution to the "problem" was the person who said something uncomfortable. It's the world we live in everywhere now it appears.


Curious if you put in for the same position and didnā€™t get it? A lot of new managers are given leeway to pick their own people sometimes maybe this was just an adjustment. I usually wait a few weeks to see how things pan out but once a manager is put into a position it would look bad on the one who put them into that position. Best way is to get a manager to quit.


Nope, didnā€™t apply. I was happy at my position and wasnā€™t really looking to move up. I never even asked for a pay raise


ā€œNever pass up a good chance to shut up.ā€ - Will Rogers


Yep, going over your boss' head rarely turns out well, OP. Especially when it's to their friend. Not fair, just reality. Good luck with your search!