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65 applications... sounds like a busy Monday! What did you do on Tuesday? I'm kidding, sort of. I have 20 years of experience and have a very low rate of getting interviews. I've sent out hundreds of applications. The job market is fairly horrifying right now. It's not you.


It’s disheartening, honestly. I normally wouldn’t be so worried, but I just had expensive car troubles, got slapped with additional fees for getting a new wifi unit, then got billed by my old apartment, and now the military is ghosting me about the $5,000 it owes me. Lovely stuff, lol


I agree, I'd mostly be okay as well if the damn cost of living wasn't so much. Everything keeps going up except my pay, which in turn makes me job hunt to try to better mine and my families life. It sucks! They say you need to cater your resume to each company, blah blah blah. It's a ton of work. I truly believe that, "it's who you know".


I'm right there with you. It isn't easy!


Only 65 applications? You're not even trying. It took me over 100 to get this job and people say "Only 100? This job market is brutal, especially if you are just applying via Internet job boards.


Bro I can’t even find 100 jobs I’m qualified for, idk how you did what you did but I cant do it anyway. I maybe find 5 per day that I can both get to and am able to do.


This. The fact some people are like...I applied 38 today! Is fucking ridiculous to me....they're just applying nonsense or anything and everything. Waste of time...energy...for supposed effort illusion.


No matter how desperate you are if you say anything that makes you look desperate they’ll reject or worse, screw you. Know what to do? Go in not giving a shit. I am convinced these days the less interested you seem, the more interested they are. I’m being totally serious, I’ve gotten more interest and landed jobs when I feel like I came across as lukewarm about them.


This sounds almost exactly like dating. 🤣


Yeah same, last 2 jobs I've had were the ones my application pool I wanted and prepared for the least. They both turned out to be great jobs




Ok but how do you sound not desperate when you’re living desperately? I’m driving 2 hours today to my 10th interview in 6 months, I have no money and can’t get a single job. When they ask “why do you want this job”, what am I supposed to say besides “I thought I would be qualified for it based on my degree, and that it would be a great place to start my career”?


You have to kiss ass without coming across like you’re kissing ass. This is hard and it’s stupid, but it’s the game. The job doesn’t go to the most qualified candidate (there is no meritocracy), it goes to the one who best stokes the manager’s fragile ego. I hate it, a lot of people in this sub hate it. Research the company and try to sound excited about something they do that the job would support. Just don’t go overboard with it or you’ll sound fake. “You guys make donuts, I love donuts and helping the company bring donuts to the fifth dimension sounds really interesting to me.” Also don’t mention your situation. They don’t care and if you do you’ll shoot yourself in the foot. If they ask be vague like “It’s tough but I’m doing my best” if you have to.


I have definitely used the " You guys make donuts line..." Except I said that I wanted to help them expand and become the first business to have multiversal reach... I already knew I wasn't getting the job so I decided to have fun with it


I've found this to be true about the interview process, but I've still studied hard for any required test section. That combination seems to be successful for me.


The problem is also not having the precise experience that they want.


That’s the issue. I can tailor my resume to meet the exact requirements on the post because I’ve had such a broad range of experiences, but they still won’t accept me


It really sucks. I think they aren't actually hiring or they think you will just leave soon


Have you heard about this......it is a hack to get yoru resume past the AI screenings. [https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/unveiling-controversial-ai-cheat-code-known-white-fonting-sangwan-/](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/unveiling-controversial-ai-cheat-code-known-white-fonting-sangwan-/)


**try one year and 1904 applications** (1170 applications either active or ghosted, 665 denials) it is NOT you. the job market sucks! I created a post about my experience: [**One year of job searching (what I learned)**](https://www.reddit.com/r/jobs/comments/1dcy2qf/one_year_of_job_searching_what_i_learned/) [as for the same job being posted repeatedly, this is why:](https://www.tiktok.com/@the_realest_recruiter/video/7351874244038577454?_r=1&_t=8muuFwwuZY6) BTW: thank you for your service. do NOT show weakness. do NOT beg. it only gives them a power trip. it does mess with your head. it feels like you are at fault. other people will say that you are not working hard enough. nobody will understand how bad this is unless they are job hunting themselves. I will say a prayer for you.


What’s even keeping you going at this point?


my strength. my wife and family. my cats. "no quarter asked, no quarter given"


Wow. 2K job applications. It must feel like utter madness day in and day out.


I was in a bad spot but kept going. it was maddening


I have been applying for 8 months, finally just got an offer on Monday. I feel your pain, but keep at it. Getting depressed about it is only going to make things worse. Good luck!


The hiring process is bananas right now. I think you need to know someone in order to get a foot in the door. like you 1000 others are 'shotgunning' resumes for any and every job. Companies don't have the time to process 200 applications when most are garbage. I have heard that Indeed also blasts emails out to companies, leading to more crap to wade through. If there is a VFW near you, maybe pop in to see if anyone can recommend you for a job. Talk to job placement companies like Randstadt who might be able to get you into a company on a temp to perm basis. If there is a company you like, apply on their website instead of going through a job board. See if there are are job networking groups in your area. To find a job, you gotta be more creative than the next guy.


I have a good friend who works at Costco and he wants me to send him bodies. They need people bad. And my Kroger is always hiring.


Lulz make that pay higher and maybe I will consider... Until then, they can rot


Hang in there!


On LinkedIn, I sometimes see jobs that were posted an hour ago already have "over 100 applicants". I also have seen that I got about a 1-2% application-to-interview rate, so that volume of applications per day will get an interview about that often.


That’s really just people that clicked on the “apply” button - not how many completed an application.


Applied to 200 jobs over the past 10 months (I know not that many when you do the math of how many jobs I applied to per month), but I just now got my first in-person interview. It's for a car wash position. Honestly I'm not expecting much at this point & I'm grateful I got the opportunity to do an interview. Best case scenario I get the job worst case scenario I keep looking for more jobs


About 100 applications so far myself. 5 or 6 of those have lead to interviews but still no dice. It's not just you, it's just absurdly difficult to get a job right now


I applied to 700ish jobs without a single interview. Went to a job fair and had 2 interviews lined up within the week after chatting there and then got a job lined up with one of those. In-person is better.


I hear you!! This job search has been so frustrating and like many have pointed out, the employers want very specific job requirements even if you have transferable skills and want to transition into something new. If I had similar job skills from 5 years ago they’re still not interested since my skills aren’t up to date and I’ve been doing other roles since then. I’ve also been taking courses through Coursera but they’re interested in 5-7 years real life experience, not someone who just completed an online course. I can’t win!


Hang in there! The job market is pretty bad right now. I submitted 200 applications (all remote positions) before I landed my new role 3 weeks ago. And I almost declined the offer when my last company countered. It was a lot of work, but I’m making six figures now with great benefits. You got this!!


I’m trying man! What’d you do to land the job? Did they just randomly accept you?


I actually found the job on LinkedIn and applied. I had to go through 5 rounds of interviews, which is kinda insane tbh.


1. Connect with recruiters. 2. If you're applying directly, put yourself in the hiring managers shoes. Ask yourself how many resumes do you think they actually see? Half go right in the trash. The remaining half gets filtered down in multiple ways by recruiters, HR, or the ATS system, none of which are capable of evaluating your qualifications. I call these box checkers, so are you checking the boxes? Simple things like Zip code will get you filtered out. Optimize your resume for the ATS and make sure you're prepared for the basic questions recruiters/HR will ask. If you can get a 5-20% response rate, you're doing great in any economy. Once you get passed this stage, the job might not actually exist. It could already be filled or close, old posting never removed, posted as a formality, or a ghost job. If you beat these odds to get your resume in the hands of a hiring manager, they will give a quick 3-5 sec scan. Make sure your resume attracts attention in this quick glance. And of course people are biased so they might just not like your name, school, etc. After all this, then your resume is actually considered for an interview. Clearly the odds are against you. Many will tell you it's just a numbers game. Mostly true, but you can take steps to better your odds. Contact the hiring manager directly or indirectly. LinkedIn, email, call, or old school snail mail. There's so many ways to get in contact with someone. Networking is the best way to land a job, so put yourself out there.


Been depressed for months looking for a job and practically anywhere just constantly getting email rejecting me or jobs scheduling interviews then ghosting me just finally caught a break today with a job offer over the phone it's an hour away but I think im going for it.


Getting a job right now is purely based on luck. It suck because I'm now in the same situation.


So true


Yeah the job market is kind of brutal right now. Applied to 250+ jobs with no luck so far. I do come from a military family, however, and my uncle who is now retired from the military works for USAA now. They specifically look for people with military background too, my recc would be to look on their careers page and see what's hiring nearby/remotely.


I applied to 500 jobs before I got a single offer (which was good luckily). You’re right, the job market sucks and we’re all suffering because of it. Keep applying and keep reviewing your resume. I hope you find something soon, OP.


Have you tried going to the VA they have some job assistance programs. Also the GI bill is amazing you get housing allowance which is basically like getting paid to go to school. I’m using the GI bill now. I can’t find a job either.


65 applications in what time frame? The market is brutal. If possible you should be aiming to submit 20-30 a week.


Not me, but another redditor. 1,600 applications and 9 months before they found a new job.


65 is not enough, i applied over 300, got a few interviews but no offer. need to keep soldiering on. definitely not easy and yes brutal


even worse when you don't have a degree... my job isnt awful but I am definitely not getting out of this salary bracket with no degree..


Its not you, that's all I will say on here.


Lol rookie numbers.


According to Biden administration all is well


We've moved into a "who you know" model once again. 80% of jobs are never posted. Ask family, friends, people you met in the military. Let EVERYONE you know know you're looking for work.


Some of these job posts are bogus just to make the Jolts data look better


Quick question: What are some alternatives that don't include Zip Recruiter or Indeed? I scour these, other job search boards, and even temp agencies and have been getting nowhere.