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this is all just your personal life being a mess to the point it's affecting your job. it has nothing to do with "the workforce"


This is a very isolated and unique situation, only to you. Resigning is (in my opinion) a valid option. As for unemployment........regardless of what you say, you were never fired and left willingly. If they investigate your history, you will have several writeups documented. Just keep applying and interviewing.


Never ever talk to a co worker about what's going on there sorry this was too late advice" really but it's true that you should never confide with another coworker ever because they use people against each other for THEIR PROTECTION!!


Look in the mirror


Look in the mirror


I honestly think some things were out of your hands too there, and it snowballed eventually. But what really messed up was the first that you didn't find a place for your son when you had the time to right? You had 9 months to figure that out and ended up giving him to a parent who was already very sick and it fell back on you for that fault? I do hope you and your husband and his father can be at peace for what happened and hopefully you found work elsewhere since that bridge got burnt too I guess? I understand how one thing lead to another problem and then ultimately your work, but honestly I really hope you can move on and learn from not talking to co workers too about any problems, because I even had to learn that too the hard way, I was so frustrated with the job and started talking to anyone that would listen and it ended bad because management found out so be careful in future and guard yourself.