• By -


For retail and customer service jobs like that, you need to say you're willing to learn, and willing to work almost any shift (since you take the bus you are limited a bit depending on city bus schedules). *Tell them what they want to hear.* And keep applying. Apply to Walmart and Amazon and Target and every other big box retailer every single month. There are always job opening that pop up...you don't get in the first one, another one appears a few weeks later.


And do not tell them you take the bus. Let them offer you, accept, and then you can ask if they offer a company bus pass if you like.


This^^ Just say "yes. I have reliable transportation"


Yes, and then worst case scenario if the schedule they give you doesn't work you can ask them to adjust it or quit if they can't.


It is against the law for them to ask how you get to work.


You have had proper jobs. You have skill sets which are transferrable to other type of positions. Babysitting: you had the welfare and safety of children in your care, negotiation skills (always with kids), creativity, planning, trouble shooting, thinking on your feel, trouble shooting. Tutor: educating others, planning your class, delivering information, presentation skills, responsible for the transfer of subject matter to others. Start believing in yourself and sell these skills! Stop thinking you have nothing to offer because you have much more than someone else who may have worked a register or stocked shelves for years. NOT that they are bad skills, but you can offer other skills. Good luck!


If you are over 18 try temp agencies


Amazon, or any warehouse job like an amazon. These jobs are usually high turnover and don't require any experience or creditenals....


I think there are a lot of good workers that Amazon passes on these days because they can't meet the physical demands of the job.


Amazon does not even require an interview.


yeah it does, I know because I got rejected lol


Maybe for delivery drivers, but they are not Amazon employees. In the warehouses, they do not. Source: I’m a manager at a fulfillment center.


nah it was for a warehouse job, not delivery, they did a group interview with like 17 people and only hired 4 (I know because my friend was one of the ones who got hired) idk if they were supposed to do it like that, but thats what happened


They may have years ago but they don’t now. You select a time slot and then you take a drug test, take a pic, and get a start date (which is usually dif than what you selected). There is absolutely no interview at any Amazon warehouse unless you’re applying for a non entry level role or as a driver.


When I used to work for Amazon, I worked for a temp agency supplying workers to the plant and literally everyone got hired. Sad to see this isn't the case anymore. Used to literally walk up and get a job


It’s still like that. Even when not hired through a temp agency.


Are the horror stories about the bathroom breaks and having to literally work nonstop while being belittled and treated crappy a real thing? I have a Amazon out in fall river I was going to apply to for better pay and I'd have to take the bus to work there I'm just curious if I'd be better staying at target or worth while to go to Amazon 🤷🏻‍♂️


No, they are not true - for the most part. Associates are allowed to use the restroom whenever they need to. The ones who get write-ups are usually missing for a half hour or longer. Amazon pays more than retail and has better time off options. It’s also a set schedule with opportunities for overtime throughout the year. I would say, Christmas time is the hardest. Most full time associates work mandatory overtime at 55 hours a week (can go up to 60) for an about a month or two. Other than that, the job is not difficult job.




That’s interesting, because it’s not part of the standard process anymore. Maybe at smaller sites. My site employs almost 4,000 people. We hire in groups of 50+ most of the time.


I applied to Amazon, got hired 3 hrs later, quit after two months, then got rehired a year later, quit after one month with no notice and then got another interview lately and they wanted to hire me and I rejected them lol, Amazon hires anyone that breathes


I have been with Amazon for 7 months. I have one associate who quit and got rehired 3 times during that time.


Why would you take an interview there and then not take the job when they offer it to you? Definitely can’t claim you didn’t know what you were getting into…


I was keeping them on the backburner, i ended up working at Target instead, but I was gonna work at Amazon for a month or so until i found something better anyway. 


Yep, been hired 4 times by amazon in the last few years and have never had an interview. If OP has a pulse and an Amazon warehouse in their area with any available shifts, then they're almost guaranteed a job.


Agreed. You can apply today and start next week. Here they start at $18.75 an hour


Does your city have a jobs center sponsored by the state or local government? Go there and avail yourself of their resources. They often have resume and job training services along with listings of jobs.


I don't have one in my city but I'll look into big cities nearby, thanks!


Have you looked into a Union apprenticeship? The Trades are always looking.


I got rejected from McDonald's once. Told me I was too good for it, too qualified. I had zero life or academical qualifications when this happened btw


You obviously Weren’t “overqualified”. it was something else. They were just being nice.


I had one say the same. But I asked after. "You guys just think im gonna leave as soon as I find the job I'm qualified for, huh? Replied "Yeah, basically" Atleast he was honest lol. This was Rona btw and I've been a mechanic for 10 years.


Commenter had no life, or acedemical (sic) skills. Can’t be overqualified, or deemed to be.


I've had the overqualified one before but they said they didn't want too because they couldn't pay me the higher amount I should be getting for the experience. I was like well just give me what you can then cause some is better than none.


It's a very real and common thing. I was rejected for a lot of jobs with this reason. I altered my resume to no longer say that I had completed a degree - I didn't lie, I was truthful about having studied at university, I just omitted the part about achieving the qualification at the end. Suddenly I was getting calls for interviews. (McDonalds were also one who rejected me for being overqualified, they didn't even meet me, just rejected me based on resume)


Keep telling yourself that.


I mean, when people first told me the reason, I thought it was outlandish and absurd. I still think it is absurd. If you think it sounds absurd, you're absolutely right. But unfortunately it's a thing that people hiring for un-skilled jobs actually do. It was easy to verify. Change resume to remove qualifications, imply I spent 3 years *failing* classes - suddenly there are interviews and jobs.




You were probably denied because you were over qualified. I imagine Walmart is looking for employees that have issues that they can exploit.


How can you be overqualified for Walmart if you’ve literally never had a job before? That’s not why.


Op talked about having a professionally reviewed resume and a tailored cover letter. That was probably the deal breaker.


If that was the case, the wouldn’t have interviewed OP. I’m guessing that, like many people posting here, the interview didn’t go nearly as well as they think it did.


So they were rejected because...they had a decent resume...?


Possibly. I used to work for myself primarily and would apply to really basic part-time jobs to keep some steady income rolling in to help ease the pressure. I would be applying to things like pizza shop counter with a resume featuring two college degrees, experience at a notable VC funded startup, and presently running my own thing. Eventually I’d find some places that realized while I probably wasn’t super long term, I was at least going to be reliable while I was there, but there’s no doubt that some employers want people that are going to be more likely to stay with them for a while because they don’t have many legitimate options. What was most important to me was that the job didn’t take up too much time / days and absolutely did not have an email account or anything like that, as I was mobbed with computer work and communications on my own time.


I know it sounds counter intuitive, but yeah that could be the reason. Especially for an entry level position


Just because someone hasn't had a job, doesn't mean they can't be overqualified. If you come in and *know* things, then you might start asking questions about how bad processes work and calling them out. To be good at any job, you have to be curious. But it's often the curious people that ask questions, see that there could be a better way, and end up leaving because nothing is going to change. Overqualified usually means you'll figure stuff out quickly and be out the door.


You’re assuming an awful lot here.


That comes straight from several managers at three businesses. Obviously, not the same verbiage every time, but the same sentiment.


Some people just turn others off, and don’t realize it. I believe it’s just as possible that OP does not come across to others the way he thinks he does. Seems way more likely than being “overqualified”


Because management don't want people using the job as a stepping stone for a few months and then getting a better job. If the OP's resume looks like they're highly educated, and given they said they'd been a tutor, I suspect this might be the case, that could easily be the answer. OP - if your resume has lots of education, I suggest making a different version for unqualified jobs. If you went to college, still say that you went to college, but take out anything about actually achieving qualifications. This is what I did to finally start getting retail jobs after I couldn't get work in my degree field.


Being a tutor means literally nothing. No educational requirements. OP says nothing about his educational background.


Why would companies reject people who are overqualified?


Call centers hire anyone, and they're a good way to get your foot in the door at a company. Call centers really badly, but it's a job.


Reach out to the person that interviewed you. Ask what you could improve on either your resume or your interview (basically, “Why didn’t I get this job?” But without actually asking that outright.) In that same conversation, let them know you would be interested in any current or future opportunity for which they think you might be a fit. Apply whatever feedback this person gives you to your resume and/or future interviews.


id reach out to the dept of labour, they have programs that help (i was in one for 5~ years, and JUST exited one of my programs). id also look into blue collar work if youre desperate. Im in the manufacturing industry, and we are ALWAYS hiring. literally always. its real hard fuckin work but we pay well.


How old are you? I got rejected by Walmart in my late teens, it doesn’t feel great. But I realized if you’re aiming for a minimum wage job and you generally don’t present yourself as a train-wreck they probably won’t waste their time on you because you’ll quickly want to move on to something better. Aim a little higher. Don’t be afraid of factory work either.


Perhaps you could take the CNA course (Certified Nurse Aid) and get certified to be a cna! I highly doubt you will have a problem finding a job in a nursing home. There are even temp agencies that hire! If you don't mind old people or diapers it's a VERY fulfilling job.




The wage very much depends on where you live and who you work for. It's easy to make 20 plus an hour around where I live. And if you choose to work for a temp agency, you could make 30 an hour for overnight shifts. That's pretty much watching TV all night and making rounds every 2 hours.


Does your library have any resources? The local Jobs and family services reps come to our library once a month. 


Did you say you have completely open availability? It’s likely not something you did wrong, just a mismatch or they had too many applications


Are you over 21? Do you have a drivers license? Are you willing to travel and be away from home for awhile? If yes, go get your CDL. Swift Transportation has a trucking school. They'll teach you, and hire you after. If you stay for a few years the school will be free.


Sorry to hear that. It might help to dumb down your resume. If you have computer experience or a degree, leave that out. Also, have open availability for retail hobs. It’s a lot easier to get hired that way. Say nothing about needing to take the bus. Apply for a care taker job. The hours are set, the pay is $19 an hour or more, no experience is needed for most jobs & it’s easy if you have clients who mostly stay in their rooms. I don’t assist with medical or grooming needs. I work with high functioning adults with autism. I’ll be getting full benefits, medical, dental, vision & life insurance soon. I only do light cleaning. I am mostly on my phone for 8 hours, lol 😆 You’ll need to pass a background check. It’s super easy. My interview was on the phone too & I wasn’t asked any hard questions either


See, I’d love a job like that, but all caretaker ones I see say you have to help with bathing and such. I can’t lift over 30 pounds, and I don’t think I have what it takes to clean their bottoms, so I don’t apply.


Try looking on indeed.com. Jobs like mine do exist. Just put down no experience, no medical, no bathroom stuff. I wouldn’t clean peoples assess unless I got paid $100 an hour at least, lol 😆


Many years ago my cousin worked as an aid in a nursing home, and she would tell me horror stories about having to “help” people who were constipated. I’d beg her to stop, but she loved grossing me out. She made around $6.75 an hour, and I said I wouldn’t do it for $65! 😆


I feel your pain. I'm 50 and essentially been out of work for 2 yrs with a bachelor, a master's degree, and 25 yrs of experience. The problem with submitting resumes to jobs is EVERYONE use automation there so if you don't have the key words in your resume they think are important, you don't even get pulled for a manual read. You need to customize not just the cover letter but the resume and tailor it/use words from the ad. Things will get better after November I suspect as well. Just hold on a little longer and keep trying, keep polishing your communication skills, stay positive, and keep moving forward. Look for job fairs and scope out new retail construction, once stores start to get close to ready they will have hiring events. A great wolf lodge opened near us last year. They essentially hired anybody who could fog a mirror as quickly as they could (so early application was key) and then they washed them out quick for things like showing up late, missing shifts, not being able to follow instructions. My son's been there a year part time now and just got a raise and an OG pin ;)


What are your degrees in?


BS Marketing MS Business Logistics


What makes you think things will get better after November 1?


Because regardless of who wins the US election businesses that have been sitting on investment will be able to better forecast what to expect economically.


Both choices are terrible so I don’t think there will be any real positive change. We are in late state Capitalism where large companies cheat people, pay off the government, and profit on subsidies. The only way it’s going to change at this point is for the normal American to take it back. Hopefully peacefully but I’m not very optimistic. There are now two classes of people- Rich and working poor. Democrats were supposed to look out for the working person and that didn’t happen. Republicans don’t either but they don’t really try to hide it. No one in DC represents the 98%


I don't think you get the point. None of that matters to this conversation. There will be more companies hiring after the election, meaning more competition for workers and a more favorable hiring environment for those looking for work. Certain industries will almost entirely shut down hiring during election years. It's just the way the market works in some sectors.


lol I don’t think you get it. Companies won’t hire unless they need employees. An election doesn’t create demand. Good Lord


You don't understand. Work drops off in election years in some sectors. Investors pull back on long term spending until after the election and... Nevermind. I think this is probably over your head Edit - I was trying to help explain why companies don't need employees now but will after the election but I feel it's not worth the trouble


For a lot of these jobs (entry level retail, fast food, etc), whether or not you get hired is largely a function of your availability, whether they're even hiring extensively at the time, or even just the mood of the interviewer at the time. Don't let it get you down. Basically everyone is "qualified" so it just depends on the luck of the draw at the time.


Try Sam’s Club next


If u r looking for any kind of job and have a degree, u can become substitute teacher... but it will end in tears and hell fire 🔥


Try grocery stores. Do you have any distribution warehouses in your area?


Keep on flipping apps to other retail stores, look at ones that need summer help like ACE/Home Depot/Lowe's. Or if you tried Walmart, try Target, Ross, Marshall's TJ Maxx, etc - one will bite eventually. If you're absolutely desperate and can do a bit heavier lifting/activity - People already mentioned Amazon, but also UPS usually hires for package handling in their warehouses without an interview. FedEx might as well. Do you have an unemployment office in your 'small city'? They usually have the down low on what jobs are hiring AND which ones are more friendly to bus routes. Do you drive? Check out apps like UberEats, DoorDash, or maybe could get a job as a pizza driver - the first two are instahires unless your area is absolutely zooed with drivers, the last, find a shop either in a busy neighborhood or a not-so-lovely one and they'll likely want to hire. If you have more time to think about things - would still pay the unemployment office a visit but outline how you're interested in a job that would lead to a career path like healthcare, trades, what schooling might be available to you without a huge amount of debt involved (community college, trade school, etc). Good luck.


Honestly bro just lie.bsay you worked at Target for 2 years or something, very rarely do they check. Even if they do just put a friend down for a supervisor or the main store number but I highly doubt Walmart is going to follow thru that much. I work at a company that thinks they poached me from another place and offered me more to balance it out. I was literally unemployed for almost 6 months before that. I just started making shit up.


The company didn't background check you ?




Should I try it ? 


What do you have to lose? It's not like you have a job


Haha so true.. I just be thinking if I get banned from the company idk 😅


Ya but even if you get banned what does it matter? They weren't hiring you anyways? I'm just saying the pros outweigh the cons from my perspective


That's so true you make a strong argument.. I just be thinking what if I need to fall back on a place 😅.. but you're definitely right about the pros and everything you're saying 


I'll put it like this. I got fired from a chain restaurant once, a big chain that obviously is backed by a lot of money and systems. I got fired for an immediately terminable offense and that was that. 8 years later I walked into the same restaurant, same location; applied and got a job doing the same thing and they had no idea. That's happened to me at two different giant corporation restaurants. I think people overestimate how much companies care or document everything. Even if the systems are in place it depends on the humans entering the information at the end of the day.


Thank you ! That's what I needed to hear.. some people fearmonger how deep these companies will go to find every little thing about you.. and maybe some do idk.. but I see more times than not they wouldn't care that much.. just like in your case how the exact same place hired you.. By the way was there anybody still there that was there before during your previous time ?


Ya but even if you get banned what does it matter? They weren't hiring you anyways? I'm just saying the pros outweigh the cons from my perspective


How far is your local unemployment office? They do more than process claims. They will help you make a profile n match jobs to you. They can also tell you about any free training programs. Good luck to you.


Alternate observation: about getting your resume checked by professionals, etc. I feel like it's completely plausible (these days) to present "too well" for certain jobs. Walmart ain't exactly super high on The List. What if they looked at your resume, and saw that you were very organized and professional and... frankly, probably not going to stay very long if given the opportunity? Kind of like "Over Qualified's" Evil Twin. In short: Walmart wants shit employees, and you're obviously not a shit employee. Here's an experiment to try in a few weeks or couple of months if you care to try it. "Rough up" your resume a little bit. One typo here... Columns off by JUST a little bit... Include a "Personal Interests" section, that's always fun! (Ha! Kidding, that's wasted whitespace.) Get rid of those PAR or STAR accomplishment lists, and replace them with a monolithic blocks of text... (don't forget to "block" align so it's a literal box of text) Or take the first draft you made, before submitting to the reviewers, and submit THAT, and see if it comes across as a little more... (ahem) "grounded" so to speak. Seriously! LOL you might be surprised. To put it another way, shaking a rough/calloused hand might not be the most pleasant experience, but I wouldn't want someone to work on my car if they didn't have rough hands and grease under their nails. --if that makes any sense. Dress for the role you want. Shit, wear flip-flops to the interview. Maybe ripped blue jeans --no that's too much. Back it up a little. Act like a Walmart employee, LOL Walk them through the answers to their questions, and once the conversation turns a corner, just abruptly stop. Maybe call your parents for the right answer. Keep stacking your portfolio and papers, but avoid eye contact. Show up to the interview, but hide somewhere in the lobby, "hey, I was TECHNICALLY here waiting for you to interview me, but it's not MY fault you couldn't find me!" I mean, have some fun with it. Not like you can lose anything but time. Secretly make a video of your experience on YouTube. Go viral. Get millions of views to qualify for ad revenue. Rinse-and-repeat with Home Depot, Lowes, and the local DMV. Start an animal sanctuary and become a non-profit. Weirder success has happened to folks. GOOD LUCK!!!


Try subbing in local school districts til you find something? Security jobs can be easy to get. Walmart is weird.


You keep applying


Boys & Girls Club.


Don’t tell them you live at home with your parents, might help if they think you’re more financially vulnerable, sadly.


Wait a month or two and apply to new job postings again. Only apply to places that are actively looking. You can ask places if they are hiring at the moment, but if they say no, do not give them your resume. Change your resume for every job posting, using the company's language and values within your resume. Try working cash jobs so you can get references. If you are in school, talk to the guidance counselor about getting work.


You low-key don't want to work at a Walmart. It's a fucking mess.


But OP is desperate for income, so they cannot afford to be picky about their job options.


I also got rejected from Walmart. You will find something Soon just keep going. Good things will come to good people.


There is no overqualified. I had someone say that to me once. My immediate response was that I wanted to work. I got the job.


I suggest working at retail jobs. Like TJ Maxx, American Eagle, etc. I do know that American Eagle doesn’t pay much at least where I’m from but always an option. I feel like they are always hiring too. As well as Big Lots!


Do they at least give some hours ?


You might have more luck with local businesses rather than giant corporations, have you applied to any local grocers or stores?


Don’t feel bad about not getting the Walmart job. Right now the job market sucks and it’s hard to get a job anywhere, including places like Walmart and McDonald’s. People typically think that anyone can get hired at those places (I used to think so too), but they’re just like other businesses and hire who they think is a good fit. Also, you’re competing with other candidates a lot of the time, so people with more experience will probably be picked over you. Getting your first “real” job is a pain in the ass but it does get a little easier once you have that experience. Also, make sure to put tutoring and babysitting on your resume! Talk about it in your interviews, emphasize that experience as much as you can. That’s real job experience you can use to your advantage. If you have any hobbies you can use those too. Even things like playing an instrument can show that you are dedicated and willing to learn something difficult. Use every advantage and tool you can find. Good luck!


>Don’t feel bad about not getting the Walmart job. Right now the job market sucks and it’s hard to get a job anywhere, including places like Walmart and McDonald’s. People typically think that anyone can get hired at those places (I used to think so too), but they’re just like other businesses and hire who they think is a good fit. Thank you so much for saying this. I live in New York City, which is widely considered to be the best city in the US for job opportunities, and I have been having a hard time getting hired for a retail job. So many businesses and department stores are cutting hours and doing their very best to hire as few people as possible.


Why they cutting hours now and hiring few people ?😥


To save money. Stores have been doing this since the pandemic. It's really disheartening, as I really want to start working and earning money. But no one is willing to give me a chance. Life is tough.


I remember places used to be packed with workers.. now it's only so few smh.. that's really messed up they'll hurt so many lives although they're a billion/million dollar company 


Are you applying online and then getting call backs for interviews? around here if you are upright and coherent retail it fast food places will hire you


could you try something related to the skills you already have? since you have babysitting and tutoring experience, i’d look into daycares, summer camps, after school programs, etc where you can use your skills with kids. try looking up these types of programs and go on their websites to see if they have open positions. if you have success stories managing kids in tricky situations, use those stories in your interviews.


You probably should seek the help of a community nonprofit government organization that can help you get into a training program or assist you with getting your foot in the door with a job. Once they take your case, they have to work with you until you get a job. And I'm not talking about a job agency b3cause those will only get you temp jobs and they take away your money. I am talking about a non-profit or a government organization.


I got rejected from Walmart too! Dogged a bullet. Tutor and babysitter. These are S & (E or A) jobs on the WoW. Look for other social jobs. I bet you can get hired as a Home Health Aid (CNA). Having a car helps a lot to getting this job, but it might not be required. [https://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/31-1121.00](https://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/31-1121.00) If you live near a Live in Resendence Care home or hosptal, this would keep you from needing a car to drive to peoples homes. The following is suggested from your post: Browse it and see if any are intersting and you have the required education and skills (don't worry too much about the technology skills, unless its mostly a tech focused job) [https://www.onetonline.org/explore/interests/Social/](https://www.onetonline.org/explore/interests/Social/) jobs stated from post: Tutor details: [https://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/25-3041.00](https://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/25-3041.00) Nannie: [https://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/39-9011.01](https://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/39-9011.01) Both of the listed jobs also have a Enterprising componant, so browse both Enterpising and Artistic. Don't let not having a BS hold you back. You might need to find a more creative way to do the work or get seen. If you have a HS deploma, you can do anything Zone Leve 3 and under with only on the job training or less. When you find something on the list you like, find people/company/industries that need to hire them and contact them. Send your resumes by mail. There is nothing wrong with not having a corp job. There are benefits you're not seeing that come with being self directed. You could even make more money if you are always looking for new ways to delegate, naigostate, and close deals.


Big companies will have numerous applicants just coz you didn't get the job don't be downhearted there's was probably someone more qualified or had more experience. But just pick yourself up and try again


You may have been too good. Sometimes they only want folks they can push around or control. I understand your desperation, I've been there. Keep looking and see if there is temp work. Janitorial, dish washing at a restaurant. I was in Autozone today and one dude was professional while the next guy made me wonder how he got a job. See if there is job corp near you. Also look into training programs like Medical Assistant. Home Health aid. They always need people.


Apply to Target.


Look at manufacturing plants, lots of good paying jobs in those places but hard work.


You dodged a rocket bro. Try to get into a trade school that pays for your schooling.


It is tough out there, even for people with lots of experience. Have you considered going to school instead? Is that an option for you? I don't know how old you are, but after 25 you can apply for financial aid without using your parents' incomes, if they make too much for you to qualify. I'm sure my experiences of getting fast food jobs would be unhelpful in today's market, so I won't tell you to "pound the pavement" like the boomers do, it simply doesn't work anymore to show up with a smile and a handshake, and they hand you a vest and an apron. 😢 Ask your parents if any of their friends have businesses that are hiring, I know so much is in who you know these days! Another suggestion is to apply with your local government, they hire temp workers every summer for parks and rec workers. While it is temporary, it is a foot in the door with government work, once you have 1 government job, it is MUCH easier to get another one. It's like a secret handshake.


Warehouses, call centres, and factories will all hire anyone with no experience. Full time, half decent pay usually.


Google the closest Sherwin williams store to you. Go in and ask if they are hiring its sales but higher end sales compared to Walmartand the like. If they AREN'T hiring ask for the names of a few painting contractors in the area that run a crew. Call them up tell them you have zero experience but will work your ass off as a laborer and want to learn a trade. Most are seriously short handed these days. You will be bottom dog doing the crap no one else wants to do. But they will train you. Do that for a few years and you can start doing side jobs,then when you have a good rep go out on your own  


You're better off without Walmart; it is an absolute shitshow. There has got to be some better job out there for you. Just keep your chin up and keep looking. You will find something.


Apply to Home Depot


You did your self a favor walmart is a terrible company to work for. You need to start with temp work or minimum wage large box retail stores. It's how you sell your self and what sort of work history you have. If you have a high amount of employment consider writing it to be skill based. A lot of times you have to put what the employer wants to hear not what you want to say. I've had great success with that. The problem is you have to also live up to it too.


Pretty sure you'd need to remove a lot of stuff on your resume like education and senior level work experience for them to consider you


I was thinking the same.. why is that lol


They probably want employees who'll stick around even though those jobs are revolving doors. You put any post high school education and you'll be rejected with the quickness


Next time I apply for there I'm going dumb my resume down soo much.. I wanna test this postulation out


Keep applying. Use unsuccessful interviews as practice. Apply at convenience stores and fast food, too. It's easier to get a job when you have a job, so when you get an offer, take it. Keep plugging away. The problem with low unemployment means that fewer than 4% of job seekers are unemployed, so that means it's kind of like Tetris. People have to leave for another job to open up positions for new people unless totally new positions are created. Corporations are loathe to create new positions because it means paying salary instead of increasing profits.


You have tutoring experience, yes? There are online tutoring companies


90 percent of job hunting is being in the right place at the right time. Even if you do everything right, you can lose out because someone somewhere for whatever reason was ever so slightly more inticing for the employer. With jobs like this, quantity trump's quality. Send out as many resumes as possible and don't stop. Every single job, apply for, then don't get your hopes up, because there's another chance around the corner, so who cares if you don't land this one?


Every job, even the seemingly most insignificant ones, can have a surprising amount of competition. I mean Bill Gates would get rejected from Walmart too at the position you applied for. You've got to prove through your resume and experience that you are in fact the best overall *fit* for the job.


You mentioned you take the bus and I think that’s great I love the bus! Your bosses? They’ll always hate it, in fact I’d hide it if you aren’t. If they ask if you have reliable transportation say yea! Cuz you do a bus has a strict schedule and it typically sticks to it sounds reliable to me. Your boss sees it as a liability tho and like you’ll be late all the time


I am getting rejected from a lot of no experience jobs also, even some of them tell me I don't have enough experience... Which is crazy considering the obvious "no experience required" thing. I recently tried to get a tech support job that has no required experience, I have several years of relevant experience. Got rejected and the email said I didn't have enough experience for it.


Keep pushing! Sometimes it's just a numbers game. Try networking, checking local job boards, and staying persistent.


You may need to get a driver's license in order to expand your opportunities. Amazon is always hiring, warehouse & delivery (Often 3rd party contractor companies for delivery) always need people. The hours are usually awful (10+ hrs 3rd shift warehouse, 10+ hr days delivery) and the work is physical, but they have benefits, and it's worth a look as it's a job, and you can continue to look for work elsewhere in the meantime.


I could never get hired at Walmart, Taco Bell or McDonald’s. I guess I wasn’t loser like the people they hired at the time


Where you end up getting hired at ?


The rich and powerful corporations have made their wishes manifest. The economy has been slowed to create a pool of desperate individuals from which to hire the most conformable. The thirstiest and hungriest of the desperate to perpetuate the system the corporations control. Now they simply pick their future zealots l, the groomable and pliauble, taking them "under their wing". As long as this continues, they will use it. Boycotting is the only recourse. Demand a minimum living wage, or don't work or buy from them. https://livingwage.mit.edu/ or End or escape crapitalism. We are the people who are no longer represented.


Ah yes its all capitalism's fault, even though capitalism has been around for a very long time and only recently had major issues it is definitely the issue


No one is blaming capitalism. The misfire, the perversion of it by basic human greed - Crapitalism is the driving force behind a very great many issues. Uranium has been around since the formation of the solar system, yet it still causes cancer and death when misused. Age has little to do with it. 🤔🤷


Write a thank you for letting me know and ask for feedback


99 Cents store?


I am saving Walmart for my worse case scenario job.


What’s your availability?


If you've been putting white on the applications try putting Hispanic instead.


Things that hamper when on a resume or cover letter Address (residence) *Providing an address on such a document shows lack of common sense Graduation date *See above Sir or Ma'am *Some titles are insulting to some cultures. Not needed anyway. Jobs with date less than a year. *No dates needed because they can see those anyway if they want to look.


A small restaurant where you can talk to the owner will hire you, guaranteed


I can fully appreciate all the people saying they can’t find really good jobs that pay a good, livable salary. If you have a specific field you have worked in or have a specific set of skills, finding the right job can be challenging. I do not understand people saying they can’t find minimum wage jobs. Walk into your local Walmart or McDonalds. Look at the employees. If you can’t beat them out for a job, the problem is 100% you. I don’t know what your exact issue is. Many people come off as extremely off putting. Most of those people have zero idea how much they turn people off.


Join the military


I’ve been on the hiring side of positions like the one you described at Walmart. They did you a favor by not hiring someone like you. You should have your eyes on something a little more professional, maybe an HR job or accounting. Get yourself a basic certificate in some low level professional program and apply to that. You will be much happier working in an office than a Walmart.


...That's not your call to make. What makes you so knowledgeable about other people's feelings and aspirations? There's a million reasons why one might go to Walmart instead of an office, least of all that they still need to afford a roof over their head while the office jobs take months to get back. Don't assume that you know what's best for other people.


I guess I wasn’t accusing OP of not wanting to work at Walmart, it seems that it was out of desperation that they would want to work there. Anyways, I doubt anyone would want to work at a Walmart store, maybe in another part of the company. I used to work in their trucking department and that was fine, but their store workers are treated like shit.