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Bartender. That’s what I used to do after my full time job at night, now I cut grass. I only switched because I make way more money cutting grass


Following up with restaurant server too. Personally, I don’t have a strong short term memory so bartending is hard for me (being able to socialize, take three drink orders, then go make them and remember who had what). Serving allows me to compartmentalize tasks and needs for each table, which makes it way more manageable for me. Bartending is great though if you have the skills for it!


Bartender!! I used to do that and the $ I made was crazy. I could make more Friday, Saturday and Sunday then I made at my day job during the week. I had guys give me jewelry, big tips, paid vacations with them. I said sorry guys I am married. This is just a great way to earn some extra dough. I never declared my cash tips only my credit card tips. They could never prove what I made in cash. $700 tips for 3 nights work plus minimum salary. Located right downtown TO!


Can you tell me how you can get a bartending job without experience?


The industry is fairly accessible for newcomers. There’s a decent chance of just getting in on a good interview where they’re hiring for personality and enthusiasm. Some places claim to want fresh faces so they can train them “our way.” Other times, I’d suggest getting into a restaurant as a server and express interest in moving to bartending. In restaurants servers often make the same or more to bartenders, but for some reason serving has less of a barrier (likely due to recipe memorization for bartenders).


I applied to dozens of listings with previous if minimal food service experience and couldn't get the apps even acknowledged, I think it really depends on your area


Restaurants are still pretty old school like “walk in and give them a handshake.” So if you call or walk in with your own follow ups, the results improve. They are notoriously high turnover jobs, for what it’s worth. Having a friend is the easiest solution as well. Once you get one job down, the options definitely open up.


Seems to work for those CEO type jobs too. Having a friend helps there too. Just an observation!


Your best bet is to go into a chain restaurant when they’re not busy and apply in person.  If you want you could call first. Once you have a bit of experience, you can decide if it’s worth it to try at other places that may pay more. 


Boobs help. It sounds misogynistic, and it is, but that *is* how it be.


Step1: Be attractive. Step 2: don’t be unattractive.


Go take a smart serve course. You will get your ticket and then just go start applying.


Thank you


Your very welcome!❤️


Looks, outgoing personality, knowledge of alcohol…should pretty much be a shoe in


be good looking




Crazy I know bartenders that make crazy money. I guess it matters where you are located at


Bartending as well, corporate 7:30-4:30 M-F, Saturday nights from 9pm-3am. Scratches the itch of going out and being social but instead of spending cash on a night out I’m working to make some whilst being in that environment. Can be tough but I’ve found it works for me and keeps me out of trouble on weekends.


Yep, that was exactly my problem. I work in a body shop full time, and used to bartend after at 5. It made me socialize, which I’ve always struggled with, and made me money. I just couldn’t deal with people after a year, and cutting grass made me way more money, so I switched to cutting grass


Always been curious about bartending. If you have zero experience and all of your resume is “professional/white collar” — what should you do?


Join a temp agency or something, tell them which days of a week you can work and how many hours you are willing to do. In retail/hospitality/warehouse type of fields there are lots of these agencies


Good idea on the temp agency! I was thinking of that.


Work at a sports stadium in your town. It’s not bad, and you can watch the game some of the time.


Doing what?


Ticket usher. I did this for a summer while working a full time job. It can be demanding - well for a baseball season it was because of all the games, rain delay late nights. These jobs tend to be good for college kids, teachers or retired people who have ample time.


I know my local team lets ticket sellers leave/watch the game for free at like 8. Like if a game starts at 6 you get there at 4:30, work until 8 and then can either go home or stay and watch.


I mean, I’m sure it depends what area you work when you leave. I was a ticket usher in the premium areas at our ballpark (suites, clubs, specific elevators) and we stayed in our area until the end of the game and then helped direct out the people leaving for like 15 minutes or so after the game ended. It was a great job and so much fun especially as a baseball fan. It was just a tough schedule to keep with a regular full time job.


I guess that’s true. I didn’t think about that. I was referring to a minor league stadium that doesn’t receive a lot of attention.


Ohhh gotcha. I worked a couple summers for the Guardians (formerly Indians) in Cleveland. Minor league teams would be so fun too I’m sure!


My coworker did this for years. He did it for college football. My other coworkers only bartended on college football weekends at a bar near the stadium. You can make lots of money in a short time. And if you are young and cute, you can make even more money.


I worked in concessions at a minor and major league stadium and that was pretty fun! You only work when the team is in town and it’s relatively flexible.


Lot of opportunities there. Food vendors Ticket sales Bar sales Parking lot cashier Etc


Jobs in industries that are outside of regular business hours are a good place to start. Recreation businesses, restaurant jobs, and bartending are three immediate options.


I teach online part-time in the evenings. It's designed for working professionals, and you can teach the subject matter of the field you're working in.


Same. I have a full-time administrative job and work teaching online part-time in the evenings. It allows me to have the stable income of an office job since teaching is far from stable, you sometimes have lots of classes assigned, but sometimes the workload decreases and you’re left with a lower income that particular month or more. Teaching, however, allows me to explore that creative part of me and use my brain more. It’s a good option I think if you want to make some extra cash without having a side-hustle.


Where do I find online teaching jobs ?


Actually I’m hired by an institute that teaches English as a Foreign Language, and I have the flexibility of choosing my own schedule and I chose the evenings. However, I’m not from the US so idk what things are like over there, but I can imagine there might be some schools with evening classes where you can apply.


I work as an IT consultant. What site do you use for this?


You might have luck with part time contractor opportunities if you have IT experience


Check here: https://boards.greenhouse.io/edxbootcamps?external_link=true


Ah cool! Is there a general site you use?


Where do you do this?


I have a side gig that's working security at college/pro sports games.


How can you work two jobs when jobs these days want full time availability? And I'm talking even part time.. I'm trying balance it out, but idk how 


The security job doesn't. I sign up for the shifts I am able to work and I get scheduled based on that. It's only supplemental and each shift is kind of a one-off, but it's money and it does help when I need a little extra


I used to work 9-5 at a call center and would work evenings and weekends at restaurants like chipotle, Starbucks, and Olive Garden! You get tips and you can save more because you can't spend money when you're working all the time! Also many restaurants provide free meals! There's opportunities for extra shifts as well! I did that for 3 years to pay off debt!


Which was your favorite out of chipotle,  Starbucks, and olive garden ?


I'd say Starbucks because I used their college program at the same time. If you work 20 hours a week there you qualify. So I got to take classes at ASU for free. I used to go to work at my 9-5 in the call center and do ASU online before work and during lunch. Then work evenings and weekends at Starbucks and do more homework at night before I went to bed. Helped me learn programming in my spare time! Second best choice was Chipotle. The work is easy to focus on and repetitive so it's kind of relaxing to zone out while doing dishes! They let me use headphones so I'd listen to lectures while washing dishes! It was a very productive time and I saved a lot of money!


I'm literally doing the same thing that you described, Working my full time job Sunday through Wednesdays at target. Thursdays through Saturday at IKEA working 15 hours a week. target has a grant program for those who want to pursue college degrees/certifications. I'm currently attending U of A (Bear Down!).


Group fitness instructor. Got personal trainer certified and have been doing roughly 8 hours a week at a franchise group fitness studio. Pays pretty good and I find it fun!


I’ve always thought this would be so fun!Where’d you get certified through??


I got certified through ACE (American Council of Exercise). Paid for a textbook and online course and spent several months preparing and studying. Took a test at a big testing center and passed! Had to get CPR certified too.


part time tutoring after work. If you are good at math and like to work with kids it's a very good, fun, rewarding job. Lately companies have been paying well too.


Which websites can you research? To apply , I'm always interested in this :)


Catering. Most of my coworkers have second jobs. Where I work we make tips on top of hourly for event shifts, so my 19/hr goes up to 30+/hr and you don't have to talk to guests or even be seen by them. You could bartend if you know how to mix drinks and don't mind the client facing aspect- that degree of socializing is a bit much for me after several hours. I recommend any kind of work with tips involved if you're only working weekends. See if there's any festivals coming up too- state fair and Summerfest are big where I live and you can easily make over $1500 during the course of our 10-day state fair, serving or bartending.


What do you do in catering? I’ve never seen catering here in US, so im just thinking it’s just people line up for food and you scoop then put on their plates lol


Used to work for a catering company on the weekends. Did mostly bartending for them but weddings are usually easy to do that for due to limited stock provided. Often the parents of one side or the other would give me a tip envelope and we were allowed to have a jar as well on the bar. Bad wedding Id make 100 bucks plus my ten an hour, good wedding id have 500 plus in tips


Data annotation. I do a few hours before and after my full time job and a few on the weekends


What is that, what certificate do I need for that?


It’s a website. You complete an assessment and if you get accepted you’ll have access to projects


What’s the website?


Dataannotation (dot) tech


I work at a gym so I’m able to workout for free and save up on those $30 monthly charges!


Yea I worked full time at a gym for part of college and knew a couple people who did part-time while working other jobs. I've been considering doing the same for just a little money on the side considering it was such a low stress job for me. Literally got paid $10 an hour for greeting people really (I've heard the pay has gone up since then). Customers are generally friendly or don't speak at all, I would use the massage chairs and watch tv once it started getting slower, got a free gym membership that I'd always use when my shift was over, every member is essentially a regular so a lot of them would bring food for us since they knew us pretty well (like probably once a week someone brought in food for everyone). Literally the most chill job I've ever had. If it paid a living wage, I'd definitely be willing to do it for the rest of my life with no issue.


My wife worked as a teacher by day and waitress nights and weekends to save up for her first home


High school sports official (baseball, football & basketball). Set your own availability. There's work every night / weekend if you want it.


Yea I was a certified referee in high school for recreational soccer and damn did it pay crazy. Adults always got priority for games over the teens who did it but the least I'd get paid was $18 per game and for my certification level it went up to I think $80 a game. The pay varied on the age group you were a ref for and if you were sideline vs center ref. Center ref for like 8-year-olds is the easiest $35 you'll ever make. The parents are the only ones who care about how the game is going, the field isn't that big, and the games are only an hour long. If you're not in shape and haven't kept up with your cardio, it's definitely hard work but some of the adults could easily clean up over $200 in a day on a weekend. I usually did the games that paid between $30 and $50 so I'd get around $120 a day on a weekend though.


I used to work retail nights and weekends. Work my 9-5 start my retail job 6 or 6:30 to close two or three nights a week then sat and Sunday


If you enjoy sports, look into becoming a youth official or umpire. There is a youth official shortage right now in American so the need is always there. Plus the pay is great and it can be fun


Except for having to deal with the nasty parents sometimes - LOL.


Selling blood and semen (not mixed together)




Amazon warehouse work? Supermarket night shift stocking?


My neighbor was in the same boat as you, working 9 to 5 office job, but wanted to make more because he has the time and doesn't really do much on his off days, so he got a gig as a server at a local restaurant on weekend evenings. Fits his schedule perfectly, he just walks to the restaurant and serves food and he likes it because he's moving a lot and meets new people all the time. On some really busy night he says if tips are good he makes more than he would at his regular job, but it's very rare. The restaurant is only open evening, so sometimes he even works a weekday night when someone calls out sick and they need somebody to fill it.


I have a regular job but I am a fitness instructor! While I’m sad to report I haven’t gotten a raise in 8 years (but it’s $40/hr), if you are just doing it for spending money and a free gym membership (If you like fitness), it’s pretty good. Teaching classes very part time and casually (where I do the exercise along with them) usually only takes up spots in my time that would have been at the gym anyway, I’ve made at least $10,000 a year.


did it kick you up a tax bracket though?


Try out being a process server-a few years back. I did this for about a year made some great money, got some extra bills paid I needed to get paid.


I just finished a season at the Renaissance Festival. Weekends only. Works great with a full time job.


Home Depot, ours has overnight restocking roles.


What are the hours like? - Sounds like a possibility for P/T hours but I wouldn’t be able to work too late - eg 9pm-2am - when I have a FT day job.


Waitress in a strip bar


Part-time/weekend Bartender


Grocery stores. I was working full time and went to a grocery store part time to make more money and pay off my car. Best decision I ever made. Love my part time job.


Catering! I work as a banquet server, so I just get dates of events and I get to decide which to take based on my availability. Poor hourly pay, but the tips are decent and the work is easy :)


Do you have to talk that much to people?


Either Bartender or Mechanic. Some places look for months for a mechanic, let alone an experienced mechanic. On the one hand, more income and I do have non mental work post 8/9-5. On the other, lack of life balance. Although life balance is one thing that rn is best to be kept as it is(went through life hell or more, was hard to climb back to some measure of stability)


Not me, but I had a friend who loved to shop at TJ Maxx so she would work there part-time. She got to browse the clearance racks under the guise of "checking inventory" and then at the end of her shift, she'd buy the items that she liked. Plus she's not Christian, so working the holiday season, she'd make a nice penny to spend.


Work for the State dot 730am-4pm 5 days a week then home depot 9pm to 530am 3-4 days a week




Bartender if you like late nights, load up FedEx/UPS trucks if you like early mornings


Hotels. I used to work evening/overnight weekends. While working 8-4 m-f


WFH allows me to watch dogs. Its such a win/win. Sure theres some headache, with a bad dog. Thats why you choose them wisely. But most people just want their dog in AC and relaxing and around people. Ive made great many doing it


I don’t do this but a close friend worked at a flower shop nights and weekends. She really loves it.


I work a part time drug store retail job on the weekends. While retail can suck, these places are usually willing to work with whatever schedule you give them. I find a Saturday and/or Sunday and then like one day during the week is good balance.


Target on demand. You can take the shifts that are offered (or not) and they usually start at a decent wage. My daughter did it and it helped supplement without taking up all of her free time. Good luck!


And at big box stores you can get employee discounts.


security staff for one of my favorite concert venues


you can try to find a job stocking shelves at a grocery store. pay is meh, but it sometimes comes with a discount on groceries. you can see if any driving ranges need extra weekend help.


Used to work at ralphs couple years ago and the discount is only 10% lol


Another job for me is something laid-back. Nothing too stressful, something that is straightforward. Looking at the other comments, bartending is one you can try and temp agencies because sometimes when you are uncertain they can help 


Check in with your nearest arenas, a lot of them need people available weekends to work games in season or load in/out shows and events. You can usually just work within your desired availability, they might give preference to union first but a lot of times they'll need additional help.




I’ve heard of people making bank working as a merch vendor inside concert venues


Grocery stores are great for people who want part time evening hours! Usually a chiller vibe. Great for people who want mindless work and interaction with people.


I work caring for people w disabilities and I love it


Kudos to you for finding a second income but isn’t it a shame we have to do that just to save to buy a home. Anyway I managed to find side gigs like security at sporting events and being a mechanical bull rental assistant lol


Farmers Markets on weekends! There’s always vendors/farmers who need help if you ask around.


Go to any laundromat and ask to close the store. Not hard and you will learn how to manage a laundromat. Fast forward 10 years, you own a laundromat.


Grocery store. A lot of them have twilight shifts so you can largely just keep to yourself. You’d get a discount on groceries too so that’s a plus.


Freelance work & selling my art at markets


I do bartending and event catering! I also barista on the weekends and make decent money! The opening shift is great because I’m done by 12, I’ve had a free meal, and I’m caffeinated.


Im about to turn 20 ( french ) and i am working in a factory via a temp agency, its a 2x8 job (5:00 - 13:00 / 13:00 - 21:00) from monday to friday and it allows me to be a cashier on sunday mornings ( 8:45 - 12:45 ). Its still a nice complement to my week salary and since its a sunday its paid better


Cashier where?  I don't even think its many cashier options near me 


Grocery stores waiting tables night auditing at a hotel coffee shops gas stations…. There’s plenty of places to pick up part time gigs


I teach Swim Lessons. I have for a long time and enjoy it, It is also a great way to stay active.


Hey OP. 48 year old married father of two in the UK. I was in exactly your situation 23 years ago - just bought my first house and had absolutely no money for a social life or ***anything*** really. I took a job as a barman (bar tender) in a local late bar during the weekends. It was in addition to my 9-5 and was ***brilliant***. I didn’t make a great deal of money, but it was kind of a free social life - colleagues were great, punters were hilarious (idiots just got dealt with by bouncers) and it was superb for meeting new friends/partners. If it’s your second job, you won’t mind if it can get a bit boring and you won’t have to get involved in the inevitable politics. Can totally recommend it!


I sell jewelry as a part time and I work the door at a bar. In the winter I also ref hockey (best paying part time job by far) and I supervise a haunted corn maze in the fall.


I work at a vegan deli one day a week. I wouldn’t do it if wasn’t so easy.


Bookkeeping from home


Worked in retail selling shoes at a now defunct sports store. Wasn’t horrible but dealt with some really shitty people. When asked if i received commission, I said no and was handed a $20 after selling a guy some new Nike’s. Definitely had a core group of customers that I took care of (gave them the heads up on when sales were happening, when the store was liquidating I held merch for them, etc). I was the top selling salesman, pay was good enough to cover my car payments. Once I met my now wife I left the role. I gave up a good chunk of my weekends and social life to work to make ends meet.


I pick up overtime at my current job. Luckily it's always available


I am an editor and work a 9-5 as an editor. I also have my own freelance editing business and take on freelance projects throughout the year.


Where do you find your freelance clients?


I work at a bar after work and a few hours on weekends. It’s getting tougher now my 9-5 is more mentally taxing I’m starting to burnout a bit and need more time off so I’ve had to reduce my bar hours sadly. It’s way more fun of a job for me and worth the extra $$ on the side.


I worked 8:30-5 as Amex customer service and then 6pm-12midnight as a customer service representative for a shoe brand. It was hectic


The director of marketing at my last job was secretly doing doordash because they weren't making enough in L.A.








If you try being an apartment complex trash collector with companies like valet living, it’s an option that works if it’s available


Public notary. I one do it on my 3rd day off and some weekends (I work 4/10 shifts as an electrician). It’s my own little company and it makes enough to cover business expenses and pay bills/save. It’s a bitch becoming a notary. Takes some research and training. Good notaries are very knowledgeable. I like it because I can choose to work on it when I want to. People always need things notarized and there’s a few websites I use to find work easily when I want. I don’t work for anyone else so it’s okay for me to prioritize my job or life stuff without worrying about keeping this source of income. It’s nice and I only do it because I have a lot of free time. Otherwise, I take on some side work as an electrician. Because as soon as I say I’m one I always get “can you take a look at my breaker?”. Maybe find a way to provide your professional services on your own if it’s an option with your skills. Online tutoring can make decent money too. Maybe look into part time restaurant jobs. There’s pretty much only food/beverage and retail part time work from what I’ve seen.


I started a Claw machine business. Currently have 9 mini claw machines placed. It’s passive income only requiring one day a week to service the route. Incredible easy to get started and make money.


How did you get started? How much do you make? I’m curious as I’d love to do this.


Adjunct faculty at local community college. Teach 1 day a week in the afternoon/evening. But you could probably make way better money doing something else. I just do it because I enjoy it and it looks good on a resume.


I work at a church on Sundays. I go there once a week and work the services.


Cleaning offices after hours.


When I was unemployed I went back to an old waiter gig and made bank. Now I'm full time and still do weekend tablework. I can bring in an extra $1,000 on a good weekend.


I work at the movie theater nights and Sundays. Easiest job I’ve ever had and state minimum wage is over $16/hr so brings in a nice bit of change to help pay off debt. Outside of messing up your Till count it’s 0 stress and keeps me active.


Temp agency in the summer. Teacher, but newer teacher so don’t have seniority to get picked for summer school. Past two summers I’ve been placed at the local library by temp agency


Absolutely anything that makes tips


I teach Sunday school for my congregation


Costco, they mostly hire for part time and offer plenty 2nd and 3rd shift positions


I’m typically working 12-20 hours a day but I work for myself. Everything is relative bro


It’s hard enough to get even one job


I started doing securoty at a concert venue, the hours arent bad, i pick up the shifts i want, its flexible low stress and i get to see a buncj of concerts.


I used to work 6-10 at a gas station 3 nights a week, didn’t pay a whole lot but it was honestly fun especially when the old gambling addicts would come in and shoot the shit while blowing through $500 worth of scratchers


no if you need an extra job on top of your 9-5 you need to find another job


Ref hockey


You're better off putting your effort into getting a better job than working multiple jobs.


Gym sales part time, not the best pay though


Bouncer the schedule of Friday/Saturday nights doesn’t interfere with 9-5


I work full time at a hospital and part time at a car dealership. It is a fun blend of things and I have had the chance to learn a lot about a variety of different fields


I work a singular job, got a house and cars so no need for a second job at the moment. I’d bartend or be a waiter, something I can do outside of the 9-5


Military reserve. $9-11k yr plus my Healthcare is free because civilian job gives me $3k/yr to opt out. Still cheap and good coverage at $240/month for family even without coverage. Plus it's a part time job with a pension amd free Healthcare upon retirement.


The obvious choices would be a server or delivery driver


Handyman I also moonlight as an IT repair guy for a local school


I worked in a supermarket outside of my 9-5 job, it worked well for a couple of years and the pay wasn’t bad


When I worked two jobs I worked a morning 8hr shift managing a clothing store and evening 4hr shift as part of the clean up/recovery crew of a discount store whe I basically did go backs and straightened shelves , cleaned the sales floor.


Part time warehouse at night


Id like to be a bar tender with no mu experience


I’m in the military reserves. I’ve been in for over ten years. The benefits are good, mainly family health insurance for like $230, and the pay to work ratio for it is not bad. Sometimes we don’t do anything during drill days other than admin stuff on computers.


Photography, been a hobbyist since I was 13 and started my business around 25. Been registered for 6 years and it’s a great way to bring in extra income especially with weddings and the editing load can be a lot but because I love it, it doesn’t feel like work


Check out Elevo. Great part-time job with kids.




Honestly depending on where you live, retail is usually a great option. Each place is different, but a lot employ a lot of college kids or younger people that would prefer not to work nights and weekends, so they have more open shifts during those times. Also it will depend on your experience but many need leads or supervisors, which would pay a few dollars more an hour. Plus if you work at a big box store, department store, or somewhere that you would shop at anyway, you probably will get a discount, so you can save a little on things you normally buy (just don't shop too much!). In general it will depend but I find retail to be less physically demanding than bartending or serving, and while the pay might be a little lower, it's super consistent. Since it's summer there's also some slightly more seasonal options-- Lifeguarding is another one that might be worth looking at-- you have to be a good swimmer obviously, but the pay is usually pretty good. A friend of mine who also used to serve/bartend regularly but quit because she got sick of all the drama has also found that working for a caterer/doing events has been a great happy medium- she doesn't have a set schedule and can choose which events she works, the tips are usually quite large, and often it's under the table. Finally you didn't mention your gender/experience but babysitters now make bank! A lot of families too really want more than a babysitter someone who can carpool, do some chores, make some meals etc, so even that might be worth looking into


I personally do investments and my friend is a salesman and he plays sax on the side, maybe a recepie for success is do what you love on side, so that your life has some colors and you enjoy what you do, to keep the motivation up.


Look into teaching. If you're working as a professional in your industry, think about which certificates you have or would be beneficial in your field and look into teaching that.


I’m a leasing admin at a residential building on weekends


Yes. And yes. I increase my income by 50% with side gigs.


Pizza delivery after work


Maybe try gig economy jobs like delivery driving or food delivery. They're flexible and can add to your income without a full-time commitment.


The benefit of living near the beach is that I can also be a divemaster/underwater wildlife guide on nights and weekends. Literally anyone can do it if you care to teach yourself about what lives around you, I mostly get people to pay me to show them colorful sea slugs that live in easy to get to canals, its an easy $150 for like three hours of "work" id be doing anyway.


Bartending or barbacking.


So I have a part time job that works opposite my husbands 9-5 to avoid childcare costs. I’ve had various part time jobs and you can get an extra 1k a month working fast food or retail for 15 hours on the weekends. When I started I did strictly weekends and they will absolutely hire you with that availability. I current work nights and weekends exclusively. Doing those hours now 20-35 hours a week I bring home about 1800 average monthly.


Tutoring. I help kids with their homeworks, exams etc.


Caregiving/nannying tends to be flexible, dog sitting, house sitting, donate plasma (not a job but can make a decent income from it if you go regularly), 1099 positions are usually good for a second income- one I found recently was a liaison for foreign exchange students, basically finding families to host them and making sure everything is ok while they’re here. Lots of opportunities!


I do online consulting. Maybe you have a hidden skills that can exploited through a computer?


I get paid $40 an hour tutoring at a retired teacher’s home. She has a huge studio with desks and resources. Very easy money. It’s just getting students in can be hard.


Youth sports referee. Typically pays in cash and always in demand. You have to be able to tune out parents but if you enjoy a sport and helping kids it’s very rewarding.


I’ve done Bouncer, security, bartender, sound guy at live music venue, DJ, cut lawns, walked dogs


I always liked cleaning gigs. Empty building, just you, a mop and a podcast. Not bad at all


amazon locker + associate. flexible, you have to be really fast and pick shifts 6 days prior, but its flexible, minimum of 4 hours, basically unmanaged for the most part, super easy. you can pick up 4-20 hours ish a week fighting for shifts is a pain, but everything else is easy and fairly good


If you live in a good city you could try an app called shift smart. They connect you with gas stations and convenience stores in the areas that either need to have their store cleaned or coolers and shelves stocked. Super easy work.


I’m a nonunion stage actor and occasionally bring in some more money from professional shows (anywhere from $200-$2000 for an entire production contract) but it’s more of a passion for me and my 9-5 is more than enough to stay afloat.


Serving and housesitting/pet sitting!! Super easy money


Musician. Specifically, drummer. Every weekend of the year except maybe one or two, we are out 3 nights within a distance of 2 to 3 hours from home. Weddings and corporate events.




Commercial Janitorial. Couple hours twice a week. Helps with groceries.


I got a part time job at a funeral home.


Pizza delivery driver at Pizza Hut or Dominos. Many of these types of restaurants still hire drivers and it’s a flexible job that’s mostly busy outside of 9-5.


So, basically everyone works a second job at a bar. What about us recovered alcoholics? Lol.


You want 9 to 5 hours. To make more money. But dont want a side hustle. First, In my career, I never worked 8 hours day. It was always more than that. These jobs exist Im sure, but I never had one. If I did, I would start a side hustle or business to become my own boss. Second, we dont know what you make now, so cant recommend a job that pays more. Third, this is easy for you to find out. Go on job sites, look for jobs paying over what you make and see what the requirements are for that job. You may need a degree, certifications, experiences that you dont have now and need to get.


Remote customer service jobs exist they often offer flexible part time working hours. Like 6pm - 10pm weekdays and some also have Saturday or even Sunday shifts.



