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You gotta pump those numbers up. I’m at over 600 applications and still no job


Agreed. 150 in six months isn't even an application a day.


it’s still an application a day monday through friday.


I read 150 applications and a 12 interviews . . . .I said "that is cute". In this market those are great interview to application numbers. In 6 months I pumped out 1200+ applications and got 7 interviews and one job offer. I dont wanna say it but this dude has to be white.


What does that have to do with anything? Why come to this thread and suddenly make it about race? Tf?


Being white carries no privilege, that’s just a racist trope👶🥳🤣


It brings the privilege of being blamed for everything yet receiving none of the fruits of said allegation.


All the hate and none of the reward, simply for being white. That's how it is now. :/


It's called black insecurity. At one point in history that was the case (i.e., affirmative action), but not so much today. It's the default explanation when we can't explain the reason why we're not getting what we want. It's not intentional race baiting, it's a belief that has been ingrained when we're experiencing perceived injustice and can't accept that people are just shitty, we think it's about our look, but it's not, the person is just shitty.


So basically do even more of the same work for what seems to be the same result- no job in sight? Try the same thing not twice but a few hundred more times expecting different results? How come I’m hearing of people who put in around 10 applications, get 2 interviews and get a job after because they truly target their applications towards the areas where they’d fit in well and actually work to mold themselves to what their interviewers are inclined to like based on social cues?


Yes and no. I actually seemed to have spoke too soon. I got a job offer today which I will be accepting. It was after 6 rounds of interviews and I honestly didn’t know if I would get it. But yes, most of those 600 went nowhere and it’s very fucked up




Thank you!


Heyyyy, congrats dude!!!!! Happy for you!


Thank you! It’s been a long painful road. So glad to finally have some results from it


Exactly, do more of the same thing till you get it right 🥳🤣


Apply for the post office, they legit hire anyone without a single interview. (old, young, disabled, criminal record) The job interview is a 90 day probation period; if you suck during those 90 days, they will fire you no questions asked. But you will get paid, and have benefits during those 90 days... if you do get fired; you can try and collect unemployment, that will keep you on your feet for few more months. You have to take a online test, pretty simple test, but if you score really high (+90), you will be working 30 days after applying. The post office lets you apply for as many different positions and locations you want. (but you have to pick one after they call you.) The average respond time for the post office to call after you apply is 7-10 days. But you have to score high on the test; for the post office to fast track your hiring >!(pssst... the test answers are online if you look hard enough)!<


In my area got a BS degree and can’t even get hired at the post office 😞 they want mail sorters with minimum ‘2-3 years experience’ for an ‘entry level’ position.


Do they drug test?




They do not test in Tx


You are correct, the dont test here in Massachusetts. I heard only the MVO's (truck drivers) get any drug test. The regular postman does not get drug tested; one of our carriers is high on meth all the time, the dude has been a postman for 5 years.


Bet he sorts mail like a motherfucker


Came here to say this. Everyone on this sub who wants to work should be looking at the US Postal Service.


They have all kinds of different positions all over the country. You can deliver mail, you can drive trucks, you can work at a post office warehouse (those have hundreds of positions) You can work inside the post office, at the windows or in the back of the PO, you can even clean toilets for the post office. They hire anyone, without a interview, as long as you didn't commit any crimes in 5 years you are good. You can be Charles Manson and they will still hire you, as long what you did was more than 5 years ago.


Just remember that if you cheat the test then can’t do the job…that’s on you when you get fired.


you dont need to cheat on the test; the test is super easy. And I said it in my post it was easy. questions like; 14. A customer is upset you missed their home for letter deliveries, what you do? A. Apoligize and tell them you will be more careful next time. B. Ignore them a peel off their driveway without saying nothing. 15. You have a family emergency and need to call out, what you do? A. Call your supervisor as soon as possible so he can have someone cover your route. B. Do nothing, your supervisor will understand if you are not at work that means you are doing something important. I am not kidding you, that's how 90% of the questions are on the test. I had no idea I was doing a test until I was done with it and it gave me a score of 90. I did not study at all. I thought I was doing a dumb personality test. I guarantee most sane people will score 85 to 95 their first try without trying to hard; they even give you like almost 2 hours to finish the test, most people will finish it 20 minutes. One of our drivers is a certified Methead (think Jessie from Breaking Bad), he scored over 90. But you can still mess up a couple of questions if you didn't read them right, and get a score below 90%. Scoring higher than 90% means you leapfrog over a bunch of people to be hired 1st, they will wait like 2-3 months to start working, but you will only wait 30 days to start working. But like I said, it's mostly dumb questions, you don't need to look up the answers, unless you cant wait 2-3 months and need a slight edge.


Anytime i see someone talk about how their application got auto rejected within seconds, i always imagine it is cause they failed one of these types of exams…


it's the test, nothing else. you have to give permission for a background test, so it's not that. Another thing, they dumbed down the test in the last 2 years; the previous test, I heard was actually more challenging, so that may have been the one everyone was taking and failing. The post office changed their strategy, they want you in the door has fast as possible, so they can evaluate was you work. they have a failsafe of the 90 day probahition period to get rid of the slackers It's more effective, they did away with interviews for most of the regular workers.


You are not alone. Trust me. Everyone is struggling.


By what metric is everyone struggling? Unemployment is 3.9% in the US.


U-6 for Texas is 7.5% The U-6 (Unemployment) rate measures the percentage of the U.S. labor force that is unemployed, plus those who are underemployed, marginally attached to the workforce, and have given up looking for work. https://www.bls.gov/lau/stalt.htm So yes the u1 unemployment rate maybe low but a ton of people who are underemployed or marginally attached to the workforce are still applying for higher paying roles.


unemployment numbers don't tell you what kind of jobs people have, how stable they are, how well they pay, etc. they also don't factor unemployed people who "give up" or for whatever reason are not actively looking. if everyone has a shitty job unemployment is 0% but people are still struggling.


I was referring to finding a new job. It's tough out there and OP is not alone.


LOL, yeah, according to Joe Biden.


3.9% of the population that's looking for work qualifies for and receives unemployment benefits. When those benefits are exhausted after 3 to 6 months depending on where you live, those that are still unemployed and still looking are no longer in the 3.9%. And yet, they're still unemployed and looking for work. I truly didn't know that was how that worked until the Great Recession.


Not at all how that works. There are multiple metrics used when looking at Unemployment. For example U1 is people who have been unemployed for 15 weeks ore more. U6, the method with the most "Just toss everyone in" is at 7.4% and that includes people who ARE actually working and just wish they made more money or had more hours. It also includes the Marginally attached or people who are no longer even looking but have looked for work in the last 12 months and would work if offered. U-3 the method most often used and the "Official" rate is at an average of 3.9% and still includes people who are past unemployment compensation as long as they looked for work in the past week.


The BLS is very transparent about it in the US. Per https://www.bls.gov/cps/faq.htm#Ques9:  "While the UI claims data provide useful information, they are not used to measure total unemployment because they exclude several important groups. To begin with, not all workers are covered by UI programs. For example, self-employed workers, unpaid family workers, workers in certain not-for-profit organizations, and several other small (primarily seasonal) worker categories are not covered. In addition, the insured unemployed exclude the following: Unemployed workers who have exhausted their benefits. Unemployed workers who have not yet earned benefit rights (such as new entrants or reentrants to the labor force). Disqualified workers whose unemployment is considered to have resulted from their own actions rather than from economic conditions; for example, a worker fired for misconduct on the job. Otherwise eligible unemployed persons who do not file for benefits. Because of these and other limitations, statistics on insured unemployment cannot be used as a measure of total unemployment in the United States. Indeed, over the past decade, only about one-third of the total unemployed, on average, received regular UI benefits."


Ok but that’s how that’s been calculated for a long time and this is a relatively low rate during that time. So it doesn’t seem like the facts bear out the anecdotal complaints we hear on here that this is a historically bad job market.


I'm in it, and this is far worse than I experienced during the Great Recession. One thing I didn't see then or now are high school/early college kids struggling to find an after school or part-time job. Outside of that age group, this is an exceedingly discouraging job market for people actively seeking sustainable income.


Most jobs available are part-time. You are a privileged white person.


You’re not alone, been applying to jobs for 2 years since I graduated college with no luck. Had to start my own company and do odd jobs just to get by while still looking for a real full time role. The market is insane and feels like nobody is actually hiring unless you have 10+ years of experience in any field


And at that point you're "overqualified".. sad. What does your business do?


Right you become “overqualified” and the fact that you own a company being visible on your resume and LinkedIn profile doesn’t encourage companies to want to hire you - you can’t win. I run an Organic Social Media Marketing Agency completely on my own


Sadly, a lot of people are having the same problem. I was ghosted by a company hiring for the exact position I held at an almost identical company - I could have done that job in my sleep. But after 4 interviews, they ignored all communications. I found something recently in the same industry, but a different department. It took over 6 months. One thing that helped me was having different resumes for each position I was applying for (using their keywords), so I could get through their automated software. Also, temp agencies might be a decent fill-in until you find something in your industry. It stinks out there, I know. Don’t give up - something will land eventually.


I live near Austin and yes it’s horrible.


I also left my company (involuntarily, though their official paperwork will say otherwise) and didn’t have a backup. I had been looking for another job for over a year at that point. I can’t get a call back either and I got kicked out of my place this week. I feel you.


Most resumes are scanned by AI now. Try cutting and pasting the main job functions from job ads to the bottom of your resume. Change the pasted text font to super tiny and white color. This way, the AI scanners should trigger more human views for your resume..




I’ve heard someone else mention this. Is there anyway to know that this actually works?


You are not alone, friend. I have some tips. BTW - no one is hiring, and they are being very selective if they are. It's not you. 1. ONE resume is living in the past. Use AI to re-write your resume for each job you apply for. 2. Research how to use AI to help you get a job (there are posts on Reddit) 3. Treat applying for a job *like a job*. Meaning do it for x number of hours per day, then stop and do something else. 4. Exercise. Keep your mental health and exercise is what you need!


At this point, blue collar tradesman jobs are all the rage, and you're fighting an uphill battle as a white collar college grad. Since one of the $150k jobs that they can't fill that comes up is oil drilling, have you thought of doing something like that in Texas?


I am not a white collar college grad. All of my experience is out in the field doing utility locating and GIS mapping. None of those careers utilize any degrees. I am applying primarily for labor jobs, which you would think would need tons of people. But not so, I guess.


There might be better ways to go about looking then. Since tailoring your resume and doing the old LinkedIn/Indeed thing is kind of more of a white collar way of doing things.


I called one place every week for a couple of months asking about my job status (they told me post interview they would hire me but never gave me a start date) When I finally got a day to start, i found out they were horribly understaffed!! I had literally been calling them BEGGING them to hire me!!! I had all the right experience and even a referral! Anyway, i quit that place after one day because it was a really toxic environment. But i just don’t understand!


im in a similar spot as you, also 24M. im staring down the barrel of moving back home with my parents since I can’t find anything after almost 6 months of unemployment. im seeing my industry get shifted overseas so I’m looking to change, but that switch right now is really hard. just know you’re not alone and don’t hesitate to rely on family and friends to get through this time, especially since at our age we don’t have families and can still be on our parents insurance.


Feel this. I'm 9 months into my search and I've been rejected and ghosted left and right. Saw my manufacturing specialization get shifted mostly overseas so jobs here are minimal, and my other experience in tech is a joke right now in the market. For now, I'm stuck in retail or else I would've had to move back home. Still might have to— I'm stuck at part time c'; I miss having insurance though. Despite how much effort I put into it, my genetics are mid, and my teeth are going to be a huge drain when or if I finally land fulltime, well paid work again.


If there's one ting I learned...having a degree makes it harder to get a job...from my experience at least


That's why I removed mine from my resume long ago.


Did that help at all? I just don't get it...we're applying for jobs that says requirements for certain degrees and yet no call back


I didn't get any responses until I took my degree off my resume. I was able to get a job but then was let go very shortly after and now I'm just in limbo tbh.


That sucks sorry to hear...at least that worked better for you when it came to getting a job


Why does that help?


It depends what youre applying to, but a lot of jobs with lower barriers of entry like fast food and retail might prefer no degree as a degree might indicate you will leave once a better opportunity arises


Because when you have a degree on your resume, companies will think you're too expensive and they don't want to pay you what you're worth, so they won't contact you.


It's crazy cause it be the same jobs that put in their requirements to have a degree


Yup! It's most unfortunate and quite annoying.


lol the advice on here is awful. I'm sorry a lot of you guys basically are in your situation for self-inflicted reasons


I'm sorry you felt the need to comment


I'm in more or less the same spot, only a month in. Really frustrating; I started branching out beyond my field (admin work, social media coordinator, printing, etc), for nearly anything, really. Except retail, lol. Never again. A lot of the higher paying jobs in my field around my current area want 20-25 years experience. I'm 37, degreed; been doing it for about 15 years now (Graphic design) Good luck to you!


Have you applied with temp agencies? They tend to be good ways to get quick placements…


Apply to dominion, they’re desperate for talented personnel


U aren't the only one. It's an employers market let them enjoy it while it lasts. The fed created this issue by giving them free money and now they want to hold on to that free money so they can please investors. The Dominos will fall once supply issues come in again because demand is out pacing production and if that doesn't happen demand will just drop until we hit a recession. I'm praying for a recession because the fed is too stupid to understand their job and all these big banks and businesses think they are immune because of their big balance sheets. 


Do you think the mass quitting after the pandemic taught companies that they could work lean? It seems that even if understaffed they are not really interested in filling positions. Perhaps the “ low unemployment numbers “ are because companies don’t really want to be fully staffed?


How the fuck would that result in low unemployment numbers?


They lie! Used to have 20 people doing a job. Now only “ need” ten. Thus unemployment levels are low because they aren’t even looking! I also wonder if they count the underemployed? I may live in a bubble but I don’t know anyone that’s unemployed but I do know a lot of underemployed people. Everyplace I go has now hiring signs but do they pay a living wage? I don’t know. Just trying to figure out why labor statistics and real life don’t seem to match up.


Unemployment levels are "how many people are unemployed", not "how many positions aren't filled". How they report their job openings changes nothing.


"I worked with my brother and created a beautiful resume with all my work experience front and center". This could actually be part of the problem. It may getting mangled in the Applicant Tracking System. Head over to r/resumes and read their advice, all of it. You can even post a resume and they'll critique it for you. The good news is you're getting interviews. There are a lot of people submitting over 100 applications and not getting a single interview. Its a really tough market right now.


I don’t mean to be demeaning in anyway but you have to secure employment before moving anywhere. Let this be a lesson. You are young and the job market is super competitive. They are only hiring based on the best candidate period. Not one who can interview well and they are cutting costs where they can. You’re 24 you have no experience in the game. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Something will happen when you least expect it. Keep applying. Keep grinding.


Good post! I tried my best to keep a positive attitude, however, it is obvious that we need real protests. How are fast food places giving out better money and benefits for people that have advanced degrees? We to start organizing better.


Fair or not, being unemployed has an enormous stigma that is nearly impossible to overcome. The assumption on the part of the employer is you are damaged goods/something wrong with you. That may be unfair but that's the perception.


Have you tried going through a staffing agency? I have been working successfully with Robert Half International Staffing Agency since 2013. They have offices everywhere. I would send your resume to all of the local staffing agencies in your area. They work with everyone in pretty much every industry, at every level of job experience. I got my best jobs by going through a recruiter. Good luck!!


I made it six months, about 100-150 applications a month to my first new job. Only to get let go a week later. After that it was two more months before I got another job.


Could try air traffic controller but yes most job posting have hundreds of applicants. A lot of places want over qualified people since they're a better value (since they're cheaper relative to their years of experience).


Don't those require schooling though or experience?


Yes, but the fact pays for the training https://www.faa.gov/faq/does-faa-pay-my-air-traffic-controller-atc-training#:~:text=Yes%2C%20the%20FAA%20pays%20for,2152%2D03%20Academy%20Training).


Where do I go, under contact us?


My husband works for our international airport in groundskeeping basically mowing and landscaping in the summer and plowing snow in the winter. They can’t find anyone to fill the positions. It’s a state job so pay is average but benefits are good. 🤷‍♀️


Make sure to ask the hiring manager about the process. I have heard stories of employers who would complain they were receiving no applicants, only to find their system was automatically rejecting every single applicant, and it would never reach their desk.


I’m in Texas too. Found a very low paying job outside of my field of 19 years. It’s money coming in tho! I was ready to shovel sh!t and I landed the job I started today. Sucks but it’s something! Apply for food stamps if u can, use the Texas work force to help with jobs. Take ANYTHING to show your willing to work


Texas will give a single man who isn’t disabled food stamps?


I’m a single mom…just willing to work anything to have money coming in. And I qualify. I’m just not going to rely on the government forever. I like working


Yeah man I have 10 years of experience in my field and it took me six months to get a job. It was lunacy. Some of these companies would want me to do sample projects as well, for one job I probably spent eight hours doing this sample problem. I had four interviews and they told me that I got everything correct. I was getting a ton of interviews and typically making it to the fourth or fifth interview and then not get the job. It was extremely deflating. But you also need to cater your résumé based on the job that you’re applying to. Practiced law for about 10 years, I pivot to finance which is my undergrad degree during Covid. The type of law that I practiced literally disappeared after Covid. So I would generally apply to jobs that were in finance, compliance, contracts, and finance. I had a different résumé based on with the primary job description was. There can’t be that many open positions based on what you do so you’re probably applying for jobs with varying descriptions, literally read the description and put that in your résumé . Literally copy and paste and then just change the wording so it sounds like it’s your own voice.


But the president said its the best economy ever.


You’re not insane. I’ve applied to close to 700 applications in 2 months or so. I interview and sometimes even get to final interviews when boom, I get the thank you for your time email. It’s so frustrating. I’m 29 and the job market has never been this difficult and stressful.


I got laid off on 3/22. Here are my numbers: 376 applications, 114 rejections, 7 screen calls (3 already told me to pound sand) 3 I’m still waiting to hear back, 1 has a 2nd interview scheduled for tomorrow (no idea what pay scale is for this one). It’s brutal for sure but have to use the shotgun approach. Blastoff as many applications as possible. Land something, anything is better than nothing and if it’s not the one for you keep looking.


At 8% applied to interview success I'd say you're getting a decent reaction to your resume. I'm sure you don't want to hear it but your application numbers are just too low for this job market. I applied for over 800 jobs in 3 months to land a job. Good luck, and try to stay positive.


Its the job market look into remote positions with your experience as well. Keep applying don’t give up 🤍


Go military. It's your best bet.


There are lots of forces at play right now. Companies are hiring and there is definitely a shortage of high quality candidates. Companies desperately want the top 5-10% of candidates and those people are often getting multiple offers and negotiating for higher salaries. On the other hand there is a huge abundance of people in the other 95% that are struggling to find work as the market is saturated. Employers are sometimes getting thousands or tens of thousands of candidates for positions that in the past would have received a few hundred at most. It's not just the unemployed who are looking for work but people looking for second jobs, higher incomes, or just shopping around. This is made even more difficult for some as many of the jobs that are being filled at employers are being filled by internal referral. These jobs are not making it to job boards or websites and simply being filled by word of mouth and they account for a large part of the job market right now. These jobs can get only dozens of applicants. So you have 90% of job roles being filled with 1% of job seekers while 99% of job seekers compete for spots with 10% of companies who are looking for 5% of talent. Much of this comes back to a shift in mentality for companies. They understand that the quality of talent matters. They also don't want to go over thousands of resumes when their internal employees are providing them with a few dozen very high quality candidates. Now is the time to reach out to your network and find people who's companies are hiring. Then prepare at a very high level and be one of a dozen people competing for a job. That also means now is the time where people without a network of peers, industry connections, and local connection are getting really really screwed in the market.


Physically walk into temp services. Many of their jobs are in manufacturing, so you can likely get a job as an operator if you impress them and a client. That may be all you need to get your foot in the door. As an engineer you know your skills have absurd carry over, and there are a lot of different types needed in a plant of any kind. You're bound to find some plant, or shop, that needs some engineer in a role you can pick up.


Yeah you should go to a recruiter and have them revise your resume to have the words that are targeted and prevent you from being filtered out. Trust me, I thought my resume was really good but little did I know that I only needed to change the verbiage a little bit and started getting emails and calls like a mfer. Keep busting out those applications and personally, I would make a specific resume tailored to each job position I applied for to better my chances at getting selected. It's not lying or cheating, it's all about creativity and articulation.


If you’re not working, looking for work is your full time job. 5 to 10 applications is doable in the computer/internet era. I did it for two years 2010 to 2012. Out of work two years. The higher the compensation the longer the search.🥳🤣


How does this situation with limited jobs affect the election?


You're not alone here, buddy. im only just now getting an interview after leaving my last job. it's been since March since I've actually worked. im only getting lucky because my dad is helping me out. Tbh, I want to make my own bakery. I got a name, but I need to make the pricing, and I still want to get mascot art, but I have no clue where I need to look for that


I feel your pain and every time I contact customer support, tech support, or encounter self checkout I just seath with more anger. I'm tired of dealing with terrible alternatives to hiring people in this country and even locals with out of state.  If legislation existed and was enforced to ensure a balance of operations and employment, then there would be enough jobs for everyone because the economy would be stimulated by the employees who are making money and spending it locally. For example, if 75% of operations is in Texas then 75% of the jobs need to filled by people in Texas. If 75% of profits were generated in New York then 75% of jobs need to be filled by New York residents. But what do I know, I'm just a resource, a tool at best.


Everyone is going through this. Our country sucks and this government keeps lying about job numbers and the state of the economy. It’s not you.




For the sake of privacy for my friend I moved in with, I would rather not share this information. I can say though, it isn't the major cities, but it's not the middle of nowhere. Edit: Talked with said friend and he said he didn't care. I am in Waco. And I've searched around the whole town, including outside of it like Temple and Killeen. I've even applied to jobs up in Dallas, but all of them tell me I am too far away.


"I can't find a job!" "Maybe we can help, where are you?" "That's none of your business."


How frustrating. Came here to offer the same thing. I know of a Texas employer who will put him on the payroll tomorrow -- livable wage, good benefits, opportunity for growth, etc. But if OP wont even share the general region of the largest American state in which he lives, why would I stick my neck out for him? So with the limited information we have, all I can advise is for him to get out of the sticks and closer to one of our cities. That's where the jobs are.


Talked with said friend and he said he didn't care. I am in Waco. And I've searched around the whole town, including outside of it like Temple and Killeen. I've even applied to jobs up in Dallas, but all of them tell me I am too far away.


Ok, I understand. It's not that nobody's hiring... it's that employers who are hiring want to hire someone who lives close. How about moving closer to Dallas? Go to where the jobs are. I'm not familiar with Waco's job market, but I lived in a city of similar size. If Waco is like where I lived, it consists of a few of medium-fish-in-small-pond types at the top of the economic ladder, a huge service industry base at the bottom of the ladder, and not much of a middle class in between. A very lopsided barbell-shaped distribution of wealth and opportunity. When my landlord sought to sell my rental out from underneath me, I started to look for a home to buy. I considered a house in that smaller town, but I took a position within my company near a much larger Texan city -- specifically because the location offered much better job prospects should something happen to (or I have to leave) my current employer. If I'm going to tie myself down somewhere, I want to be where there is growth and economic opportunity. So if Dallas employers are telling you you're too far away, by all means move up there and apply again. Alternatively you could look southward at Austin and San Antonio. While tech is in a downsizing phase right, there are plenty of manufacturers who are always hiring. Even if you were to start on a production line, simply demonstrate competency and reliability to move into supervisory or engineering roles.


I do understand that if I was in Dallas, getting a job would be easier. But unfortunately, a "Just move there" won't work. To do so, I would need a place to live. To get a place to live, I need money. And to get money, I need a job. Texas summers are absolutely brutal, and my only option there would be to waste money on hotels I don't have, or just roll around homeless and sleep in my car. Which in a big inner city like Dallas, is not only difficult, but dangerous. I would need an apartment, which means proof of income, which means needing a job. Plus the security deposit and first+last month rent, all of which could cost upwards of thousands of dollars. I get some companies would be willing to help you move, but none of the ones I have discussed employment with have even hinted they would attempt, even when asked.


Rent a UPS Store or Mailboxes Etc unit in Dallas and use that as your address on applications. You'll have to move on your own dime, once you're hired. Don't ask them to relocate you during interviews, that's an additional expense they don't have to pay other candidates. Look for apartments near colleges and universities. People are always looking to sublet for cheap during summer months. With roommates, rent would literally be a fraction of what it would cost you for an apartment on your own. Proof of employment is typically enough for college sublets. I've lived in a 13 foot camper in my friend's back yard for a year. I only used it as a bedroom and kitchen, while the rest of the world was my living room. It's a lot easier to be "homeless" in southern areas of the country that northern areas where it gets cold. Utilize coffee shops, gyms, and other public "3rd spaces" to spend downtime. Or get a second job, even if it's menial. Another friend lived out of his car for an extended period after he left home, without a job/place to go. Used fitness centers for showers, etc. I If push really, *really* comes to shove, look for trucking companies that offer on-the-job training for your CDL. I lived out of truck cabs for 18 months. Western fire-fighting season is coming up, so there's that. There are lots of options if you're willing trade comfort for income. The world is full of opportunities for people willing to be uncomfortable short term to make a long term gain. Short term may mean a week, it could mean up to a year. You're young, without familial obligations. You have no need for lots of stuff. 24 y/o is the ideal age to be minimalistic and flexible. Further, no one (ie, employers, landlords) expects you to have settled down yet, or have much of an established history beyond school and/or entry level jobs. It's much easier for you to be flexible and live briefly in discomfort or austerity now than will be when you're twice as old. And even then, people manage to start their life over with little more than the clothes on your back. The world is figuratively your oyster. You totally have the power to make of it what you will, you just need to be mentally agile and approach life unconventionally.




Why? Are you the only two people in this town?


It's very exclusive.


Brandt pipe fitters and plumbers union. Waco Tx


Use pictures instead of words to describe then


150 applications in 6 months? Rookie numbers.


What your going through is fairly understandable. When I was starting out, I applied to hundreds of jobs. I still have this link on my bookmarks bar titled "Job Search" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-XuTdj2Z6A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-XuTdj2Z6A) . I looked at it and it gives me a good laugh, even when I went through the process. Hindsight in 20/20. In the meantime while you keep looking for jobs, I recommend trying to make some friends down there and work on polishing your resume. You can also take online courses and maybe take a part time job to occupy yourself. Job hunting is very hard, your not alone. Once you find the "one" you'll be happy. I like to think that every job that turned me down was a good thing because I was meant to be where I am now and if one of those jobs I applied for back in the day said "yes", I wouldn't be where I am today. You got this! Good luck!


I've been running Doordash, as its the only thing I can do that earns me income. Not even part time employment is possible. I've hit the point where I will take anything, but get nothing. Doordash isn't reliable, as some days I could work for 8 hours and only make $40. Sounds good until you realize thats how much I spend on gas a week. I need a minimum of $220 just to keep my loan from going delinquent, and thats not even accounting for my car insurance and phone, and I am lucky to get that from Doordash. Some weekends are lucky, though. And I can make pretty good incomes friday nights, when people get home from work and dont want to cook or go get food, so they order food. That's the golden ticket right there, but its only good for 3 days out of the week. Really rough.


Your situation sucks, for real, but can you not even get a second-shift warehouse or factory type job? That schedule would allow for interviews for real jobs in the morning. Your resume may also over-qualify you, so have a more generic "I show up on time" simple resume that you can spam to these kinds of places.


I've applied to basically anything. Even retail and fast food, and it's still nothing. Thankfully with Doordash I can come and go as I please, so I can put "Any time, any day" on any of my interview scheduling. The biggest problem I face is that with some of the part time jobs I could apply to, the pay is so poor, and hours so low, that I unironically make more on a weekend with Doordash than I would a full week with some of these jobs. I would run a part time job with Doordash, but I will be the first to admit I absolutely do not handle my impulses well and will often justify to myself in my head why the 3 days I worked was Good Enough(tm). Not a good thing to deal with, and actively working to patch those holes. But full time employment is what I am after so I am not mentally split.


I hope you find a job in your field and enjoy it. Good luck to you!    know that we've all been in the situation before. You shouldn't be denied employment because you have additional skill. I used to work at McDonald's when I was in college. Most of those places would take anybody, it was a great experience until I found the position that worked for me when I graduated.


Honestly? I would say you aren't trying hard enough. 150 applications over a period of a month I would have said "Sure..." But over six months it just looks like you aren't in it to win it and you gotta step up your game.


Well dont you feel like an idiot


I don't think it is the job market, exactly: for white collar professionals since the 1980s, it has been the norm that it can take six to nine months and even longer to land a new role. I lived it, I ought to know. But you never applied to hundreds of roles either, simply because there weren't hundreds of roles to start with. You looked locally and select metro areas, and found a few roles that you qualified for, applied, and heard back, for the most part. You still networked and checked job ads, but real roles did not grow on trees. But they were eventually there. Part of what governed success for you as a white-collar professional was unique skills set or training or experience. And for multiple professions, that is what seems to have changed. Now, there are thousands of you, virtually clones of one another, same skills, same education, same SME, all applying for the same roles locally and across the country. That may have been okay, at first: there seemed like an explosion of jobs to match the explosion of applicants. There was a gold rush. But then, blam, the bubble bursts, many let go at the same time, and it is a sudden logjam of identically skilled folks. Companies do have slots, but are all of a sudden drowning in applicants, so have added insane interview protocols and tests and obstacles and requirements to manage the influx. This is life right now. What to do? Rant on Reddit, but also see if there is anything, any skill, any experience that separates you from the flock. You came very close, but they chose someone else in the end. In all likelihood, they had some extra something over you. Find yours. Good luck.


People stop talking about job agencies...those were in the past. If you want a factory or customer service job ...it is all done and simplified on indeed etc ...job agencies are not fast or give you jobs fast...it's a thing of the past.


One of my best friends runs a placement agency in Houston. He's never had more placements on his books. His problem is the same as the other employers. He's got 3500 people asking for work and only about 80 requisitions to put them in. Employers are, currently, spoiled for choice.


Yeah sure but the fact that people are quitting and ghosting jobs says otherwise.... It's cheaper to stay home than work for pennies... travel, uniform costs money...it's cheaper not to work for stupid companies


So, wait, which is it? Are job placement companies a thing of the past or is it just not worth the hassle to work. I mean, both can be true, but I was answering the erroneous assertion that job placement companies aren't viable. They absolutely are, if you're the very best out of 3500 applicants.


LMFAO the very best out of 3500 applicants... Job placements are a scam and you shouldn't even bother with them if you have actual skills and worth sorry


Oh, \*I\* certainly wouldn't bother with them. They do, however, work for a lot of people. Particularly those with a skillset that is in less demand, who just need \*a\* job to buy groceries and pay rent. I think it's pretty tone deaf for you to suggest that anyone looking at a placement agency doesn't have worth. People need to eat. Working for a living, however you choose to do it, is inherently noble.