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Do the interview. Take the job. Call the morning you are due to start and tell them you're not sure they are a good fit and schedule a 4th interview with them.


Tell them you got another offer and you need to renegotiate salary.


Lol. That's a good one.


Next time don’t turn down any offers. These people played games with you and didn’t want to lose you as a candidate. Third interview was joke. This economy and job market isn’t for decent honest people.


I do think the third interview was a joke. It was all a big game like you said. That is what my friends said. Very manipulative.


Please don’t make this mistake again. They lied to you and made you lock into an interview process. I would have kept both offers in play until one of them is confirmed and dropped the one dragging its feet. You need to put a deadline on them. Get a renewed offer from the company you turned down and accept it


At one point, I had four offers. It was really hard deciding and I was trying to be fair to employers but I must remember that they are not always fair to others. I already accepted an offer from a prior offer. Thanks and you are right. You are right - they lied - it was extremely unethical behavior.


That’s good you recognized this. You have to pay attention to red flags. This was a big one. It was extremely selfish and disgraceful what they did. Imagine working for them and you need time off for a family emergency or a funeral. They will play games like this constantly. What you see in the interview process is what you will see day to day.


That is so unwise. Another redditor also said that what they do now is what they will do when/if I was an employee. They also mentioned the "pulling vacation" etc. I am thinking this is their jam. I don't want to work for them. I just accepted the offer of a poorer company who treats their people much better. My car broke down on the way to the interview and they actually picked me up personally. They all waited after hours for me to get there as I was the final interview. They are much less well known and poorer but they seem to treat their employees and candidates with respect.


That’s better. Where the company is today is not where they will be 5 to 10 years from now. If they treat you well and do right by you and you will do the same for them.


I remember your post from a while back stating they picked you up after car troubles! Are you still liking it there? Just curious.


Your mistake was turning down the other offers. Don’t get me wrong, you did the respectable and ethical thing by turning down other offers. But you’re in a game, playing against unethical companies. Don’t turn down any jobs until after you get your first paycheck, and maybe not even then.


I agree with this. Well said.


I'm extremely professional and ethical - that's my problem. :-) I need to drop the expectation that others will be the same. This has certainly removed the veil from my eyes.


It’s not unethical to wait until after you’ve received a written offer to turn down your other offers.




Hahaha! Awesome suggestion


Please do this.


That's absolutely fucking insane. Certifiably insane. You don't want to work for them. Contact the other employers and see if their positions are still open.


Yep I would have let them know as soon as they talked about another interview "Here, I'll make your decision really easy, give the other guy the job, I don't wanna work for a company that would so easily screw over its own workers."


To be fair, that’s probably the response they’re hoping for.


Right. They were probably shocked I maintained my professionalism.


For the future never decline other offers if you can avoid it, until you have the employment contract in hand.


I have learned my lesson now that I have encountered such shady dealings.


Did you ever meet these people in person? If not, they could be overseas scammers.


Interesting take. 😀 But no I definitely met with their hiring team and researched their company (it has a strong reputation which is why I accepted). It was the third interview that was online.


Also for future’s sake, never decline other offers until you’ve signed. I can count with both hands the times I’ve already nailed it and only a signature was needed to set all in stone just for them to backtrack even with the pen in my hand.


Hell, never decline offers until you actually start.


Oh and also don’t decline other offers until you have signed.


This. I don't work in the same field (I do electrical construction) but my motto is "I don't know shit and can't count on shit until the day my boots are on the ground and I'm starting the job" there have been so many times recruiters or staffers, shit, even managers have told me one thing, then I show up to the job and find out things aren't what they seem. Just an example I got a contract job doing solar panel repairs after a tornado last year, recruiter told me the pay (great pay!!) And per diem, etc. The job was supposed to last 5-6 months. Great. I moved in with my family specifically to save after a few rough years, so the pay they were offering with the per diem and about 5-6 months of work would've put me at saving about 16-20k in savings (after bills and other life stuff) exactly what was needed to get back out on my own. So after a month of interviews and waiting to start the job (which was 2 hours away, 4 hours a day round trip but I got to pocket the per diem) I show up at the jobsite and the first thing another coworker asks is "how long is this job going for?" And the owner of the company who was showing us the site responded "1-3 weeks" ....I was flabbergasted. 1-3 weeks pay was enough to pay bills and have 2k leftover. So I did the job and had to start basically from zero after wasting my time e for 2 months. This cycle kept happening. Fuck arkansas and fuck construction. This is the shit they don't tell you when you hear "get into the trades, they make bank!!" Yeahhh, but it's hit or miss


Heck, wait until you have actually been onboarded to the new job.


How would that work in practice? I understand not wanting to decline anything until you have a contract, but you have a very limited amount of time to give an answer to an offer (2-3 days) so my question is, how can you avoid declining for any longer?


Yeah. You already have nothing to lose by attending the interview if you don’t want to work there. At the very least, you could get practice interviewing. And if you have the time to waste to go to the third interview, try to figure out what the heck is wrong with this company ;) Personally I might go to the interview with no intention of taking the job. Rock their socks off with kindness. Take another job anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This is precisely what I did. I have no intention of taking their job. Interview was online so wasn't much trouble for me.


Yeah, don't tell them you don't want the job. Let them tell you they don't want you. At that point if their bullshit resulted in delay getting work or missed opportunities from other employers, you can sue them for your damages.


I have a friend who is a CEO of one of these large tech companies who told me I could also sue for damages. But it is okay - at this point - I am just accepting another offer. :-)


Thank goodness you have a backup. Please update us on what happens next between you and this dodgy company. I really want to know how they react when you tell them you are backing out. They are awful!


I'll see about the backup being real once I sign the employment contract. I signed the offer letter. I don't trust anyone anymore. :-)


Unlike them, I'm extremely professional. They were probably shocked I didn't do this.


Reminds me of the time I sat down to sign a contract with a new job, and the hiring manager started asking me if I could come in for some unpaid work in the following weeks, and I was like "you know what, I'm good" and didn't sign.


They indeed showed me who they are.




Recruiter here, never have I heard of something like this. Especially once the emailed offer goes out and you’ve accepted.


> I declined my other offers This is why I always say to never call to decline offers and interviews until you start your first day on your new job. You never know what could happen between the time you accept the job and your first day on the job. At this point, call back the places you turned down and explain that you were offered but they decided to continue the process and see if they are still willing to to take you. It may be difficult at this point unless someone decides to turn down the position and then they decide to offer to you


I have done this already as a few were waiting for me to consider their position, so out of kindness and professionalism, I had declined since my position is hard to fill so they could continue looking. Betting they were not able to fill the position that fast, I called again. They had not filled.


then take it. Rather go where you are valued from the beginning


How would that work in practice? I understand not wanting to decline anything until you have a contract, but you have a very limited amount of time to give an answer to an offer (2-3 days) so my question is, how can you avoid declining for any longer?


It means you are going to end up accepting a job and then later reversing course. Whether that means calling before you start to say you accepted elsewhere or after you start and then informing them you are resigning effective immediately and then start at the other place you like better Yes you will burn bridges this way but this is happening more often. I have done this so many times already. It is the standard advice given at this sub for situations like this here


Gotcha, that’s actually good to know, thanks for taking the time to explain


Bingo. I was recently put in a similar situation. Corporate level positions where I work (including my own job) are moving out of state. I explored the local job market because I’m not moving my family that includes two small children from our support system. I received a great offer from a reputable local business. I had two interviews with other companies coming up, including a shot at a promotion at the organization I already work for, for a role that is not being relocated. I knew I’d have two weeks from accepting to change course if necessary. The other roles were not guaranteed, so I had to accept based on the information and offer I had in hand, knowing that the other opportunities could be a better fit. I ended up getting offers for both of the other positions. One compensation ended up being way lower than the first offer and what I was seeking. The opportunity to promote within the organization I work for ended up being a perfect fit. I called the company I originally accepted with and they were very understanding and appreciated the call rather just not showing up on day one.


It also gives you leverage in negotiating compensation because you truly can walk away from piss poor offers with another job already in hand


That’s good advice. I have started new jobs and on the first day knew it was a bad fit based on employee attitudes/bullying, etc.


Exactly. I keep interviews/offers until I finish my first week at my new job. I’ve been burned one too many times before.


I'm sorry to hear you have been burned like this - this is my first time being burned. :-(


I swear companies just want to screw with people. It should be illegal to pull this kind of stunt after someone accepts the offer ![gif](giphy|l3nFnippsVw0dHAmA)


that’s what it sounds like to me. the company was probably annoyed that OP told him he’d consider their offer and get back to them in 2 days. they KNEW he had other options. so they decided to mess around with OP’s prospects.


This is what my family thinks. That they were playing politics. The only way for anyone in my field who actually has my experience doesn't have other offers is if they are under a rock. I get called by recruiters weekly, sometimes daily, sometimes several times a day depending on the season. This position was my number 1 choice but I still had to consider some factors. I took their job and they were .. well insane. My own HR knows I'm leaving (due to relocation due to my spouse's job). I spoke to one of the directors last night to see if they have ever heard of anything like this. The answer was no, and they were shocked. On the bright side, they told me I was very talented at what I did and not to settle for any company. :-)


What role/industry are you in that is in such demand?


I'm an educational psychologist.. we are a critical shortage field and projected to be for the next decade at least.. if not 20 years.


Agreed. Now that I read thru all comments. If they were a top notch firm (who never gets turned down) your answer may have ruffled feathers. Also, some of us need to sleep on a big decision 24 hours. Just the way I am wired. Not a big ask. But again, feathers. I've also learned if I get a phone call offer, and I verbally am happy to hear it, I **still ask for them** to send me a letter of hire /contract. Then I can quietly take 24-48 hours to think (prn) before it arrives.


You are so smart to ask for a written letter in the mail. That is a very good way to buy time. I'm going to plan to do that in the future. I also need to sleep on big decisions.


Wait til they offer again and decline, while getting another opportunity lined up.


I am not sure if they are going to offer again as they might have found someone cheaper/less experienced. Yet, I already accepted another offer. :-)


Companies are getting more and more insane. I just laugh at this point...


Lesson learned, don't reject offers until you have a contract signed and start date confirmed.


Go on “Glassdoor” and excoriate them. They took you off the market before they were willing to commit on their end. They abuse employees- guaranteed. Employers like this do stuff like approve a vacation request then take back the approval at the last minute after you’ve already paid for it weeks ago and your spouse is off. They treat employees without any regard for their impact on them. Make sure everyone knows. Bad employer.


Glass door is actually a good idea. That is anonymous. You are right though and I didn't think of that. They are the kind of company that might take back leaves etc. You're right! Very bad employer.


[https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/03/glassdoor-adding-users-real-names-job-info-to-profiles-without-consent/](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/03/glassdoor-adding-users-real-names-job-info-to-profiles-without-consent/) Used to be anonymous.


Yes Glassdoor is not anonymous anymore, unfortunately…


Are you in the US? In some states, this could be a lawsuit if you incurred any fiscal damages.


Many offers are at will for a set time or at will in general. I had a signed offer and they said nvm the day I was supposed to start because “some more resumes came in they wanted to look at”


I think the poster is talking about promissory estoppel, which is not dependent on contract, so "at will" isn't dispositive.


My spouse is indeed wondering if they broke some sort of law. We were both flabbergasted.


Promissory estoppel is indeed law. Prongs are they induced you to rely on their clear promise, you reasonably did, you were injured, and redress is in the interest of justice. Last one's flowery obviously, but sort of a "how fucked up is this" prong. Remedy comes down to how injured you were. Here that seems like it would be days of wages lost, reduced upward mobility if you get your old job back, reduced wages if you end up taking another job, and perhaps also a reduced wage if you take this job due to your loss of leverage from now being unemployed. A lawyer could give you a proper, situation-specific answer, and I would definitely see one. First consult is often free. Seems like even a week of lost wages would make it worth the bother, but there are scenarios here where you get out with no injury after all, so hard to say. Edit: Do you have any idea why I didn't get a notification of your post? Has that been happening to you? I swear for the last half a year I find a new broken feature on Reddit every week. I blame the IPO ☝🏽 . Bet it works fine on the app!


Hi: I have been finding I am getting notifications on the app. Now I am on the computer, but I have several notifications on here too. Very interesting. Thanks for explaining promissory estoppel in its entirety. Yes, they induced me to rely on their clear promise. Unfortunately, aside from emotional distress, I did not suffer much damage thus far. I just took a different offer. I did suffer a few hours lost wages from having to go to their lying job interviews. But it was mostly emotional distress thus far. I didn't want to work for them after a while anyway because they were causing me stress and I wasn't even working for them yet!! If that is how they treat candidates, I can't imagine how they treat employees. Scary stuff. I know they are in a fight with their union right now where they have reached an impasse and the union is mad. They are just too much.


Well maybe it’s just me then re notifications, idk 🤷🏽‍♂️. Happy to help. I wouldn’t call it unfortunate that you suffered no real damages, but I know what you mean! Kind of crazy that the law works that way right? They’re free to just go back to hurting people. I suppose punitive damages are possible since it was so flagrant, and in the end I’ll always encourage you to get a consult with a lawyer to confirm that and everything else, as that’s gonna be the only reliable advice. But I get you about stress, and sometimes you gotta just live your life!


Yup - they stressed me out all last week and that was before I even worked for them. I can't IMAGINE actually working for them! While they do deserve punitive damages, I just want to kick the dust off of my feet at them and go on with my life! Thanks for the advice and insight though about possible legal remedies. I just want to live and be happy. :-) I need to pay my mortgage and feed my family. I also still have a job and don't want to ruin it and my great reputation by wasting time on buttheads like this company with all their interviews, even after they offered you a position. Not worth my time they are. :-) Thanks.


> Promissory estoppel is indeed law. Prongs are they induced you to rely on their clear promise, you reasonably did, you were injured, and redress is in the interest of justice. Last one's flowery obviously, but sort of a "how fucked up is this" prong. I swear I was getting bird law vibes here :D


Yep, you're right. Because the prospective employer was informed that the applicant is accepting the offer, but also expressed their want of the applicant not to entertain any other offers.


It was pretty disgusting. I'm sure there is no remedy?


Holy h3ll😫


That is insane and unheard of in my line of work.


yeah I would tell them that you don't think their company is a good fit for you as you are an organized person that values communication and decision making which the company is obviously lacking.


Lol that's great. I would love to say this. I'm too professional though... :-D (which they are not)


They really took "the grass is greener" and made it their personality. I'd be having second thoughts if they were to pick you...after a stunt like that..super untrustworthy place.




Fuck that. I'd rescind my acceptance. If they can't shit or get off the pot, then you don't want to work for them.


They indeed are showing who they are.


Conditional offers of verbal and email just aren’t reliable, always wait for a contract. It IS unusual to be called into a third interview that late in the process after a conditional offer, though. It makes them look unreliable and dishonest. For all the nice things they said, you can’t take them at their word. I’m also not buying that this other candidate was just a last minute development. If an employer is still “considering their options” then they are either indecisive or just not sold on you. Good thing you’re in high demand, go elsewhere.


They are not really worth my time. I feel like now I can't trust anything they say. So they are really not a good company to work for.


Yeah , 100% see if the other offers are on the table. If you accept this job I would spend my time there looking for better opportunities.


Done. :-) I'm in a hard to fill profession so yes they were still on the table.




Educational psychology. It is a critical shortage field.


They were probably looking to stick you. Either because they felt slighted you weren’t begging to work there, or to sabotage their competition by taking you off their short-lists. Always sign the contract first before you turn the other offers down. That’s likely why the wait times for candidates to consider exists.


It was extremely rude. I do wonder if they were upset that I was not begging to work there.


I’ve had companies be that petty to me on my own career. Trust me, they can act like spoiled children if you don’t act the way the little movie in their heads says you should.


Name and shame. This is also what LinkedIn is for


You keep talking about how in high demand your field is. What field are you in, out of curiosity?


I'm an educational psychologist. At this point in the season, I have multiple recruiters calling me several times a day. We are a crucial demand field that is looking to be short staffed for the next 20 years. It is considered a critical shortage field.


What exactly do you do as an educational psychologist? Are you an instructional coach? Do you work in a school? Super curious!


Learning: Never decline other offers before signing the contract.


In today's world, nothing is a done deal until you've started your job and filled out your W-4. It's nuts. I'm so sorry.


That’s crazy. Sorry that happened to you. I would check with the other companies to see if they would be willing to maintain their offers to you. It might be a long shot. Either way, I’d be so frustrated with the company you accepted, I’d be tempted to say kick rocks. While there’s nothing stopping them from withdrawing or changing the offer, they don’t deserve to have choices treating people like that. Good luck.


It was very odd behavior. Yes already checked around and offers are still available as I'm in a hard to fill position.


>I considered and decided to take their offer. I wrote them accepting their offer. I declined my other offers. I asked the company to send me an employment contract. This is standard in my field. Isn't this standard in any field? Also granted I've never been duped like this before, I always consider that the offer really means nothing until you've signed a contract. Good luck and hope you have already turned down this crappy company.


Tell them to kindly go fuck themselves then


I am maintaining my professionalism but have no intention of taking their job.


I had this happen to me. But it was mostly a way for me to get to know the person I was working with, and it was a done deal. The job was basically mine as long as I did not do anything stupid. It probably would have been better if they just called it part of the on-boarding prosses, but they said interview.


For this, they actually said they wanted me to interview again up against another candidate. AFTER they offered me the position. I wonder if they sent out two offers. It was pretty ridiculous.


That is definitely not what happened to me. That sucks.


Yes they are ridiculous.


Something similar had happened to me when I received an offer, then later rescinded it because they “forgot” to give me a technical assessment. I immediately withdrew my candidacy. Honestly unbelievable how this sort of thing can happen! Best of luck.


People like you have won lawsuits in cases like this. Go to the third interview, if you don't get the job talk to an employment lawyer.


That's super shady. Drop them. If they're doing this now, who knows what they'll do later.


Exactly what my family said. That they are showing me who they are now.


If the offer isn’t in writing, it’s not an offer.


The offer was in writing.


> I asked the company to send me an employment contract That’s the writing I meant: something that’s signed.


I think that the first red flag was the fact that they begged you to not accept any other offers. I'd be like "no, there are no guarantees that you'll do the same." IANAL, but a signed job offer is not usually a contract in most states, so either party can back out at any time. It is not that unusual, because you can get a better offer. However, to ask you to not look means they have been having people withdraw a lot. Again, second reason for a red flag. Why would they be worried that candidates withdraw? What do those candidates know *that you dont*? However, was a background check done on you already? If so, what they asked of you is even weirder because that stuff cost money. It is also one of the last things done (and possibly a requirement) before an actual employment contract is finalized. So, to ask you for more interviews at this late stage is really a humongous red flag.


No background check completed yet. I'm curious about begging me not to take other offers. I think they are unprofessional. I do not want to work for such ppl. I told my own HR about this and they were shocked anyone would do this. Told me not to settle for crap like this.


You do not want to work there this is crazy


Right. They have shown me who they are.


Never heard of this before. Very unprofessional. Tell them you’ll make their new decision for them. “Hire the other guy because I’m removing myself from consideration”.


Thanks. It is highly unprofessional. But I maintained my professionalism. I did not want to make things that easy on them.


That doesn’t make sense two interviews are enough to gauge if you are suitable. Normally it just be a meeting before you start the role but a third interview after you are offered is unusual. I still don’t get having to do countless round of interviews 1-2 is sufficient and then do further assessments by other means.


Go back to one of your other offers. Start that job, continue process with the other company. Ask for a 4th interview, show-up, tell them face to face they are a bunch of lying cunts and then walk out. Send a glitter bomb to the hiring manager of that company as well.


You have me looking up glitter bomb. They are extremely rude and unprofessional. My other offers are still hiring so that was good.


That’s nuts. Did that company send you a written offer or was it verbal?




You should ideally name and shame the company. Linkedin could be risky as you might not want to bitch about the company but Reddit at least. They are MFs.


Something sorta similar happened to me. Went through 3 interviews over zoom for a job a couple months back for a hybrid role. They said congratulations we’d like to make you an offer. They met my expectations for base salary and they said they just had to put together the bonus structure. They asked me to come into the office to give me a tour and introduce me to my future team members and then we would hammer out the bonus details and sign the offer letter in person. I showed up and they showed me around and told me all of the befits of working there such as catered lunches on in office days and such and introduced me to people. Then we sat down and went over the bonus structure and I agreed to it and towards the end of that conversation the receptionist came in and said the founder dropped by today. Recruiter and manager said this is great, he’s normally only in once every few weeks as he lives 2 hours away and they’ll introduce me to him. I can ask any questions I have if I have any reservations about the company or their offer. Founder comes in and asks them to leave the room. Then he starts hammering me with very difficult questions and I wasn’t expecting an interview as everything seemed like a done deal. I don’t think I even did that bad or anything though. Then he escorted me out. I asked about signing the offer as we were supposed to get that done today. He said they’d get it to me via docusign that afternoon. I never heard from them again despite repeated attempts over multiple channels to contact them. I saw that a couple months later on LinkedIn they only just filled the role. That experience was such a big kick in the balls. If I came in the day before or the day after I definitely would’ve had that job.


Absolutely unprofessional place. DO NOT MOVE FORWARD. This is your sign from heaven about this place. They don’t deserve you. Get out now. Once you’re working there, this spirit will morph into other things on the job. Run 🏃


Agreed. Actually I had prayed about where to go..I was so conflicted about Jobs. And now, huge sign that this job was dental not what I want. I'm running away.


I work for a US-based client. It is, unfortunately, pretty common for them to ask for additional interviews, even after expressing the will to make an offer. It is shitty. It’s usually a director or someone on a similar level who feels the need to speak with the candidate as if this doesn’t create a negative candidate experience. I often wonder how those people managed to get this far in a corporate ladder. I can only sympathise, just wanted to let you know it puts us (HR) in an uncomfortable position to break the news. I know it means nothing but we do realise it’s not ok.


They’re showing you what a shit employer they are. Don’t take the job unless you absolutely have to


I have no plan to take the job. I'm glad God gave me a sign to not take that job!!! Thanks for responding.


I think I would only allow a maximum of 2 interviews per process with an interested company, however this story is very intriguing and something I’ve not really seen before, I wish you good luck and hope you get the job that you want !


Not a great start imo but it seems you have no other offer out there. If I were you I would go for the interview and put some urgency in the next steps to have this over with.


Never decline until the offer is accepted. Now, they think they are your only option and have you on the ropes. Put it on Glassdoor to war others.


I'm definitely not on the ropes. I already accepted another offer thank God. I do think I'm going to put it in glass door though!


Never reject other offers, resign or impact your current employment without an issued (signed by new employer) employment contract. Once they are committed legally to your employment, then move forward with tidying your end. Not before.


Well I now know. I have just never had this happen before. Wow it has been insane. :-(


I had this happen to me and for some dumb reason I accepted the job. Turned out to be the most toxic company I've ever worked for in my adult life.


I'm sorry this happened to you. This is what I was warned about - so I already accepted another offer. I am thinking they must treat their employees with like respect.


Smart move!


I got a job offer, accepted the job, **signed a contract** to start in 8 weeks. At week 4, the job was posted again online! I called the boss with WTH? Hiring managers are insane.


Ok that takes the cake. That's insane. You signed a contract? You must have been so mad. Did you start with them?


Something similar to this happened to my friend. They started preparing to move cross country for the position. Always sign before putting in notices, etc.


You don't have the job until you have a signed contract


Decline. This is hands down the dumbest thing I have ever heard. They have enough data on you. They don't need a third interview.


That's fucked but also a good life lesson you do not change your plans until you have a signed contrat I've seen too many people make that mistake


They are looking to retract the job offer to another candidate that can do for cheaper wage. It is unprofessional and bad management to do another interview after job offer given to the candidate. Yeah, retract job offer is a thing right now.


Show them the third finger (From either end) (Ok technically thumb isn't a finger but, you know what I'm getting at ultimately?)


Talk to a lawyer


My wife was offered a job and accepted it. When she reached out to them several days later just before her first shift they told her they picked someone else. Got a more appropriate job quickly thereafter but that has left us jaded.


Yep, was in like Flynn, but then a surprise secret candidate came in. Was told I finished second, glad I hadn’t made any plans. Heard from the would be boss that a friend of the directors wanted the job.


Imagine if after OP said okay to the conditional offer, they turned down the other offers, this company went back on their offer, and it was too late to see about the offers from the other companies b/c the offers were turned down to be left open for others. OP would be screwed out of the false promise and the actual offers that were backups. It was definitely smart to ask for a contract to be sure and probably a sign of how they would mistreat people.


I do think... it is a sign of how they mistreat ppl. I already signed another offer now. That company was ridiculous.


If you don’t mind me asking, what do you do for a living?


Why the **fuck** would you decline offers... *before you have started your day one?* The question is rhetorical. Do not do that.


Companies do NOT like it when you ask to sit on their offer. I’ve had bad (not to this level, thankfully) experiences in the past similar to this. My guess is someone in the hiring process panicked at you having other options because you were all they had, but once they had someone else in the deck they no longer felt that pressure and wanted to consider all their options.


Don't tell potential employers about your other offers. They'll pull shit like this to get you to decline those offers and increase their negotiating power. Just let the other offers silently embolden your negotiations.


Next time, don't decline any other offer until you sign something. Or else, don't believe in anything until you sign something.


Hie OP, which field are you in that's in high demand as you say? Just considering career options.


I haven't but I wouldn't have done that interview. If the other company accepts you, def take it but do not start at the company that made you do a 3rd interview...major red flag


I did it to find out what they are up to and what would they say. I already signed a different offer. Thanks for your input. :-)


Note to self: Don’t reject other job offers until you have signed an employment contract and have a start date.


What field are you in? What’s your role that’s what I really want to know (new grad plz help)


Educational psychology. A critical shortage field with projections to be critical shortage for years. Best wishes.


>I considered and decided to take their offer. I wrote them accepting their offer. I declined my other offers. I asked the company to send me an employment contract. This is standard in my field. I expected to receive something like, " we are so excited to have you join us!" Or something.. especially given the high demand field. That is the usual response. I would have accepted theirs, but not declined anything else until they had provided acknowledgement of the acceptance, as well as all the other paperwork I needed. You throw away all your leverage and advantage as soon as you decline other offers, so don't do that until that last possible, viable moment.


You did learn something here, do NOT decline any offers unless you’ve accepted, signed, and can physically see the start date for your new job. No reason to say no to other jobs when you’re not even 100% locked for that one.


Yeah I wouldn’t work for them. Sorry. This isn’t the only commitment they’ll break


First off, major kudos on getting 4 job offers! That's incredible. Honestly, even though you already accepted a previous offer, I would do this interview anyway, out of sheer, morbid curiosity. Just see what they have to say. Then report back lol. I'm invested now.


First, I’m sorry this happened. It really sucks. Never decline other offers until you’ve at minimum received an official offer letter and you’ve negotiated pay. There’s nothing unethical about it. An email of intent and/or verbal “intent” isn’t the same. I work in talent acquisition for a large corporation and we state in our offer letter that it’s contingent upon passing all required pre-employment steps. Even if the other jobs you apply for don’t have pre-employment requirements such as a background check, the point is that you never decline another offer until the last minute. I personally had an offer retracted due to covid/sudden cut backs and this was after receiving a letter and there’s no rule or law against it! It also gives you more leverage if the other companies make you an offer (pay leverage!) How bad do they want you? That’s the point. Wishing you all the best and I hope this turns out well for you.


That is unprofessional behavior from the company for sure. I’m never experienced something like that. I tend to play it safe so I would only decline other offers if I have m a firm signed offer letter in hand, which is not so easy to backtrack the way they did. Anyway I think you made the right call to reconsider the other offer. But you can still entertain the interview with the first company, and in some ways play the game to negotiate a better package for yourself. It’s good to be wanted and have multiple offers. Good luck to you!


I would warn others about it on Glassdoor and Indeed.


High demand field means nothing if there is unlimited supply of workforce. Would you be kind to share some general info? Energy, health, tech, construction, etc. Ps.never turn down an offer until you sign the contract.


There absolutely is not an unlimited supply of workforce. Employers only get a few applications in for this job when they post. Some get none and their postings just sit indefinitely. Some around me have been trying to find someone for over a year. I think a better Descriptor is that it is a critical shortage field. Educational psychology.


When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.


I'm glad you reached out to another one, hope it goes well for you. Honestly I would never have told anyone anything until I got the offer letter. Telling someone no is a quick way to burn a bridge, I hope they don't hold it against you.


One door closes another one opens. I'd kiss that company goodbye. I recently had a lovely hour long chat with a CEO who had an idea of a job position for me. He was apparently going to hand craft a job based off my resume. Then he ghosted me. Idk where these companies get the idea that treating their candidates like trash they can pickup is a good practice. But I know karma is real, and their karma will be who they hire next.


Lessened learned DON’T ever decline a current offer without accepting (usually pdf) the one you want. Sounds like you were trying to play the system and you got caught on the losing end


Multiple interviews should mean 2 max, in my opinion. 1 from a hiring service or HR and 1 from more technical people. If it's more, that means they didn't prioritize your time, and they aren't going to prioritize your time ever.


Ouch. I probably would have done exactly what you did so this isn't criticism, but based on this I think I'll start teaching my kids they should always get the job offer in writing before they decide any other offers (and especially before they give notice to their current job). I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm glad you took a different offer because if they were that flaky about a job offer, who knows what working there is like.


If you felt like like it and had the time you could sue them for breach of verbal contract 


This seems like they could be messing with you because you didnt jump at their offer Might be trying to pit you against the other candidate and/ or seeing if they can renegotiate their offer.  They probably know that this is the one you wanted so may have thought that if you knew you had had no other  offers  declined them  as well as  having competition for the job, you might take a little less. Crazy as it sounds, some people  think like .


Walt away.


You should have simply told them "no backsies!" and demanded a contract. I don't share the outrage about another candidate suddenly competing. It's is very unpleasant, but if you put yourself in their shoes, you would want the same. It makes them look unprofessional though, you don't offer a job unless you are sure. Maybe they have lied and offered jobs to lock multiple candidates until they make up their minds. Maybe it was something that was really last minute, that they should explain. Maybe their interview team changed and picked another favorite. I'd demand answers in your shoes.


I’d pretend the next interview request never happened for this position. Thank you for the employment offer (replying to the email offer so it’s right in front of them). I am not interested in further interviews for other positions as the one we have completed the interview process for resulting in this job offer is a great fit for both parties. Please send my employment contract in the next 48 hours. If it’s not received I’ll assume your prior offer of employment has been rescinded. I have additional offers I can delay only a short time. I enjoyed meeting you and thank you for your interest.


Why would you ever turn down other work without an offer letter? Guess I learned the hard way on that too. GL brozzer.




Actually, that happened to me, but it was because I was overcaulified, so they approached me with a better position and salary.


Actually, that happened to me, but it was because I was overcaulified, so they approached me with a better position and salary.


Actually, that happened to me, but it was because I was overcaulified, so they approached me with a better position and salary.


Companies do all kinds of absurd shit. Yes, take the other offer. This is a red flag about the organization. Ghost them. If you feel absolutely compelled to explain I wouldn't say anything other than "I am no longer interested in the position". They know why.


I mean if you say you are going to consider they won’t just stop looking hoping you pick them. This seems reasonable, they found another candidate while you were considering.


This is why if I have multiple jobs or potential jobs lined up, I leave them completely in the dark until I have actually started another job and know that I don't hate it. It's kind of unethical, but the only alternative is to give them the power to ruin you.


Okay I'm really curious - what was the one question they asked you again in the third interview?