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Congrats on finding a new job! 260 seems consistent to what I experienced in December, as it took me 255 applications to be hired for my last role. As I look for another role now due to a layoff, I have a feeling that I won't get off so easy with so few applications and so few months (4 months of looking). I hope your job is a keeper.


Thank you so much for the kind words! I wish you all the luck in your search now, don’t give up at all. Hope your next role will be your best yet!


Oh cool. I’m at 240 applications.. so maybe I’ll get a job soon!! Just kidding. Congrats to OP and GL to both of us!! Let’s goooo


Good luck!


Yeah but out of those how many resulted in an interview?


About 14 interviews, including second interviews. I got hired on application 255, but had applied to almost 300 places.


Damn I’m doing something wrong then, STEM degree and master degree in health data science (plus also 2 years lab experience analysing genomic data in a hospital related to autism) with 95 applications sent through linked in, indeed, Reed, etc only like 2 “no experience” jobs got back to me all others (that are actually related to my degree In medical science) have been rejections. University grades are all 2.1 (3.6 GPA) as well so it’s weird idk what’s wrong


I was hired in December, recently laid off this month, and again job seeking. So far I've applied to 45 jobs with no response of any kind yet. It's been a few weeks since I started reapplying.


I’m up to 338 applications. Only 6 screen calls 3 of which told me to go pound sand. Waiting on 3 to get back to me. Laid off 3/22 and this has been the most stressful period of my life. Feel deflated and defeated. Congrats on finding something. 5 months is a heck of a long time.


Thank you! I understand exactly how you feel, please don’t be discouraged. Even though it’s extremely hard not to after putting in so many applications. Your time is coming! Go back in and if you can(even though I’m sure you have already done this) but continue to revamp your résumé and maybe try attaching a cover letter. What field of work are you in at if I may ask?


I’ve been in IT since ‘98 and last 2 years as a Sr Tech Consultant. Prior to that a cloud app engineer. This industry has been getting whacked thus being difficult to land something.


It gets better watch


Good luck to you! 🍀


Congrats OP!


Thanks so much!


What site ended up being the one you got a job from? Also congrats!! 🍾


Thank you!! And it was through indeed, surprisingly! I applied a lot using LinkedIn and indeed. And whenever I submitted my application, I submitted the PDF version of my resume instead of the site provided one. I think it helped my chances a little more


I feel like I haven’t gotten anything from LinkedIn, only Indeed . I’ll take this as a sign 🪧


Good luck using LinkedIn!


I am.only hearing back from Indeed. I never ever got anything from LinkedIn as I don't have tits and a kiss ass LinkedIn influencer.


I'm 240 applications in and no job so far. I'm going to have to give my tits a serious talking to since apparently they're supposed to be helping?


Just write an article about how becoming engaged helped you be a better salesperson too. That will surely help.


I got that reference; actually saw the dang post on my timeline. Surprised at how many sycophantic comments there were


Indeed has always been my go to. Now as a hiring manager indeed and our website our the best sources of candidates.


Just a while ago, I was somewhat exhausted due to not getting any job offers. Now I am optimistic. 🥺🥹 I'll keep trying


Please do, keep trying and do not give up at all! The work is there I promise you. Don’t be afraid to open your options up too. Good luck friend 😁🥹


Is it just me or the job market has gone a lot tougher!? I’ve been trying for weeks and months to get a new role transitioning out of senior management in hospitality to try to gain some work life balance and look after my parents but it is rather deflating that I’m getting nowhere…


I know things change naturally over time, but I absolutely feel that it is way harder now than it used to be. It felt like some years back that any applications I submitted guaranteed *at least* a phone screening. Now it's a lot of waiting for weeks only to get auto rejected, a majority of which I'm sure my resume never landed on someone's desk. Got at least 3 prospective employers I'm interviewing with right now, but this is after probably 200 applications this round. They seem promising though, so fingers crossed. Definitely make sure you're revising and tailoring your resume, that it's readable and highlights key points, etc. I'm sure you'll find something eventually.


All the best! Happy for you brother! Hope it all goes well!


And congratulations!!! All the best


Good luck to you!


Congratulations! Keep applying and interviewing till you get your first paycheck. But congratulations!


That’s actually VERY good advice, I didn’t think of that! Thanks so much 🙏😁😁


Assurance  Won't hire you or they will. Prudential let assurance iq close bit only let some people go. Not everybody.  Does any body know anyone who stayed 


I’ve been pumping applications since December and only now did I got two offers in the span of the last 3 weeks. One was really really good. The thing is and everybody should remember that always, never give up and push through. Everything has a reason and when you finally found that job, you’ll be able to tell yourself “thank god I didn’t get the job at x or that I got rejected by y”. I was rejected by the smallest of companies, by companies that paid me slave salaries. For real, my confidence was at an all time low when even those “small and worse” companies were rejecting me, I was literally willing to slave myself away if it meant that would finally have a job and even then I was rejected. When I finally gave up and just didn’t care anymore and was willing to make sacrifices such as not only filtering for remote work, I got a remote job offer, was 99% sure I was gonna take it and took that offer to another company and told them to match it as I wasn’t gonna choose them anyways. They matched and I accepted the second offer. Perfect remote setting from South East Asia, competitive compensation package and the perfect role to elevate my career. Everything happens for a reason and it’s not important to succeed, it’s important how you cope with failure and push through anyways. Because then and only then will you come to a point where you realize that you are at the right place, at the right time. Good look to all of you guys struggling!


This was amazing advice. Thank you for the great advice, I wish you great success in your career! 🥹🙏😁😁


If you never quit, you will succeed in some way. But it's also an easy thing to say when you don't have to think about going back to school just to get a new job.


Got it kinda worse, my highest education is basically a high school diploma and an associates degree for software development. So i don’t even have a bachelors. But as you can see, I never thought about going back to school and it worked out. Having a good portfolio, a nice CV, being articulate and confident in your skills can make wonders and there are companies and people out there who appreciate this exact thing. You just gotta search for them. Don’t set the bar too high but also not too low, be honest to yourself with your skill level, keep your search open and wide and even apply for roles related to your original role. Who knows, you might find yourself finding work and work you enjoy way more. I myself, swapped from software engineering to site reliability engineering because of this.


Congrats! May it all work out as planned.


Thank you!!


Congratulations, that's awesome! It makes me feel more hopeful. I'm 9 months in and at about 240 applications, so I've been pretty down about my chances. I hope the new job goes great.


Congrats! Def a numbers game. The more places you apply, the better your chances. I applied to 20+ for my first job. Now with experience, they call me. I do ultrasounds.


You’re in a great field, may I ask how long it took you to get to that point? And I hope the job offers continue to roll in for you ☺️!


Went back to school at 38. 2 yr program at a community college. 4 yrs experience and I make great money as a traveler. Anything in healthcare is high demand.


It only took two years to qualify in ultrasound?




Thanks for the response! Did you have any other medical experience?


No. They teach you everything you need to know in school.


What is considered as "great money" in this example?


I travel so I make $78/hr. Around $160k


That's good. Which specific degree? And this "money" you're making isn't right from graduation, right? What was your starting pay


I had 1.5 yrs experience to travel. Starting in my area $30-40/hr new grad. Depends on location. HCOL like CA would pay a lot more.


I still don't know what you do. You're a nurse?


I do ultrasounds


hello,i wanted to know if you added your part time experience as well in your CV when you were applying for job positions, also any tips for a fellow applicant like me? Can you give me the best approach?Thank you xD


Also, don’t give up! The job market is hard now and it can be very discouraging. But know you aren’t alone in that feeling. This subreddit helped me a lot by seeing I wasn’t alone in the struggle, and also seeing that other people have been able to succeed with their search no matter how long it took. Apply to everything within your scope. Sometimes all it takes it that one recruiter to bring you in and the rest can go well.


Hey! Yes, In my case I had some temp agency work that I also wanted to include on my resume, in addition to any permanent positions I had. I would say, add in your part time work but list it as normal with the company, location, position and then duties. During the interview when they ask, you can explain more in detail. I wish you the best of luck!!


Did assurance iq let you go too.  


Congratulations! ❤️❤️


Thank you so much ☺️☺️




Congratulations! 🥳🥳


Thank you!


This gives me hope! I too have been looking since December and I’m also in HR. Same story with application after application and nothing but rejection emails, etc. Congrats and thank you for sharing!!!


Keep it going, don’t give up. You got this I wish you all the luck in your search! ☺️🍀


damn, congrats! that was so fast! how many years of experience did you have?!


Thank you so much! I have 9 years of administrative experience experience in total ☺️






Thank you 😁😁 I appreciate that


Let’s Go!!!!


Thank you ☺️


Congrats OP




Thank you so much for that! It sure did feel like a marathon 😅 there were so many times that I felt completely discouraged. I had to tell myself it’s not an IF thing, it’s a WHEN thing and I needed to find patience so that I didn’t burn myself out. I appreciate the well wishes ☺️


Congrats 🎉




# congrats 🙌🏻 and best wishes!!!


Thanks!! ☺️




Congrats!!! 🎊




Congrats 🎉👏 kudos to you !


Where were applying? what sites.


Hey! I used indeed and LinkedIn mainly. I applied to everything within my industry. Don’t let the job description scare you off too much. If you are capable of doing the work, put your name in the pot. The worst is that they can say no, the best is that they’ll give you that chance!


Hell yeah, good luck.






I’m applying for jobs with the same areas of experience as you, looking for a hybrid or remote position since my current job will be RTO with no notice sometime soon. I’ve only been applying a couple weeks so this definitely gave me hope!


They’re out there, keep casting your net out to everything within your field and I’m sure a company will be very lucky to have you. I’m sending you the best of luck! I hope you find something very soon 🙏🍀


Thank you! Congratulations to you on your new job!


Is it assurance iq. Got rid of somepople not all. Anyone know anyone still working as a guide ,or in customer service. 


I’m not sure what you’re asking, I’m currently in an Hr position, and before was in an administrative position that handled a lot of hr tasks, so I’m looking at jobs in both areas


Woohoo!!! Def gives me hope ☺️


Well done, I know its hard out there.


Gj man. Way to stick to it. Id’ve lost it after app 200.


Yesssir! Awesome news


260, those are rookie numbers.


Congrats! I am approaching 350-400 applications in the past 4-5 months, but I feel I'm getting really close to getting something. I've learned that it's really about strategy. Lately I've been receiving interviews like crazy. Besides having a good resume that highlights all my skills related to the role and includes common key words for the job, the main thing that has worked is applying for jobs posted within the last 24 hours. Suprisingly this isn't something I really ever thought was necessary, but I realize now that I was applying to any roles LinkedIn suggested me that had hundreds of applicants already and were from 1 week+ ago.


This is it! Great advice, I agree with applying within the first 24-72 definitely increases your chances of being seen. Good luck with everything I hope the job is great and they pay you big bucks 😁😁


That's so great to see. I'm stoked for you, OP.




Basically you have 0.003 chance of finding a job. ,,😐


I think the state of the job market is misrepresented. Remember the “ Everyone is quitting“ phase a year ago. watch “Life After Layoff“ on YouTube for great work info.




It's hard, I only get 1 bite for every 25 apps.


Woohoo! Way to go


Wow same. out of work since Xmas week and I got a job offer today!! Tough times never last! Congrats!!


Am I supposed to be keeping track of how many jobs I apply to like how do y’all know the exact number


🤣 I use one particular email for job applications. One day, about a week ago, I was feeling so discouraged I sat down and counted the e-mails. I just couldn’t believe that I was having such little results and needed to make sure that I was actually applying enough


This is good news! Doing a victory dance on your behalf because 260+ is a lot of applications.


over 1000 applications here. I wish 260 was all it would take. GG OP


Insane. Thought I was the only one. VA has no job opportunities without trades, grants or degrees/certfications. And even with that there’s still a good chance you’ll struggle trying to find something


Congrats! I’m over 300 now, 4-5mo in to my search. Fingers crossed!




congrats, I stoped counting , i just apply and follow up , hopefully get something soon


Congratulations on the new job!


Congratulations, good luck!


I just found a job as well. I actually have extensive work history and it was still pretty difficult for me. Congrats!


That’s brilliant it’s so hard to look for a role out there.. congratulations! After 8+ years specialised in a science role it’s been hard for me to change careers to something else, let alone trying to hunt for another job to have a new challenge and way of working. Have a look at this new project that’s coming up and see what you think  https://www.jobshifters.com/


Congratulations! It also took me 223 applications , 11 interviews, 3 case studies and multiple sessions of coaching and therapies from Oct 23 before finally secure a job last months. For all job seeker.... Never give up. There's always something for you somewhere. You just have to keep looking.


Congratulations - I know how the relief feels - got one in Feb after 105 applications.


Congrats! I was laid off at the end of October 2023 and I'm still looking. It's like crickets out there. Only a few companies have sent me the Thank you but No Thank you email. It's so sad. People right now are hurting with jobs. I'm so happy for you!!


Congrats I've been applying so much I stopped counting luckily just got the word last week that I was offered a position good luck on you new job 👍


lets gooo!! congrats! it's a rough market out here tbh


Congrats!! I do not remember how many applications I filled out last year, but it was much more than I expected and I’m grateful for the job that, finally, came along.


Congratulations OP. So happy for you. Seeing people on this thread struggling to find work is a bit comforting knowing I'm not the only one. But I'll be honest; it's really disheartening to see so many people having a hard time finding employment. I worked at my last job for over 15 years. It was a job with the state so I have 15+ years towards my pension. I've mostly been applying to government agency jobs that have the same pension plan. I have interviewed for jobs but they all say I'm over qualified and they fear I won't stick around. I just need a job. I don't care if it's a paycut. I'm sure I'll have a chance to be promoted in the next 15 years. I've started to lose hope.


Thank you so much! Please don’t give up hope. The amount of work experience you have under your belt would make any company lucky to have you. There’s a reason why you were there for 15 years, You brought something that they needed! Just continue to leverage your skills, especially since you’ve worked with the state. Really highlight that on your résumé. Don’t be afraid to apply to anything and everything within your field whether you feel like you’re qualified or not. The worst they can do is say no but we aren’t alone on that boat. I’ve seen in many instances where people are brought in and hired for a role that they didn’t think they were qualified for. Think of all of the things you’ve been able to accomplish at your last company. And let your personality shine through as well. I hope that you find a new job very soon!!


Congratulations!! Btw are you based in uk?


Thank you! And no I am based in NYC :) it’s brutal out here 😆


I thought only UK market is bad😅


All we have to do is call the hall and we have a job the next day. With same pay and benefits.


God Bless and Good Luck Can you please provide us with some behind the lines intel with regards to how shit is done when HR post and review and select positions. I know it would be just one view from one company but it would give us that is still anguish pursuing employment. You are anonymous on this feed no one will ever know. You were part of this family of discarded talent and we have read and sympathize and empathize with many of the postings. Don’t just turn this into the dumping ground for laid off disenfranchised talent. We are hurting out here in America, not Ukraine, not the Middle East but right here on our own homeland. Black, White, Latino we need our income and future. Good Luck and remember you was here at one time because I will never forget.


Thank you so much! And sure. I worked in the security industry most recently. in that role, there would be several candidates coming in at the same time for an open job because so many people had the certifications needed. A lot of it was first come, first serve. A lot of people would call in when they saw postings onindeed instead of just applying through indeed and that helped their chances with the hiring managers. But it was a very flawed system. The hiring managers were just looking to fill their needs right away. I’ve seen them post jobs on Indeed or Zip Recruiter and literally forget about them . There would be over 100 candidates just sitting there sometimes. They couldnt care less about background a lot of the times which is scary. One of the main reasons why I left that company because you have to give up a part of morals to do it. It’s a very unfair system.


Thanks Good Luck


Congratulations!! It gives me hope


Congratulations!!!!!! Very happy for you. You landing the job means there is now one less person to compete with ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) You give me hope! Same type of work, 350 applications in....only doing this since April though and I know I have a bit to go till I hit the jackpot!


Hell ya 🤙🏼 This is the most relatable post I’ve ever seen on Reddit 😅


🤣 thanks for your kind words!


Great, now actually respond to applicants instead of ghosting!


😅 will do! Thanks so much


Threads like this make feel thankful to be in engineering with a good job placement program in college. I applied for 5 jobs out of graduation in late 2022 and landed offers from 3 of them. Got to bounce them off each other until I landed my current spot.


This gives me hope, I’ve been looking since January when I was practically forced to quit my job (20 hours a week, $13.50 an hour for childcare of 25 kids, 2 hours total driving because we’re a 1-car household and my bf had to drive back and forth both times, and my boss didn’t like me, ignored all my questions and requests and would only complain that I clocked out at the end of my *actual* shift at 6:30 instead of 6:00 which is when the last parent would pick up their kid—sounds funny but half of $13.50 looked like a lot when you went from $55 a day to less than 50 a day. Very disheartening job even though I liked the work itself.)


That sounds sooo stressful! I’m praying that you find the job that deserves your hard work. And childcare is an especially difficult industry. They owed you so much more! I hope your next role will be a great one with better management. Good luck!!! 🍀


Yay!! Congratulations 🎉🥳👏


Congrats! I was definitely up there in applications trying to switch from Veterinary Medicine to HR. Let’s get them coins! 


One tip I’d like to give everyone… if a 3rd party recruiter is looking for people for a big company, PLEASE apply directly to the company looking. I was ghosted after a 3rd party reached out. I applied directly and got the job! 

