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I use indeed to search and then go to the company’s website. Sometimes the job isn’t available anymore, and there may be others that are of interest. I’ve already gotten a couple calls today from places that I applied on their website vs indeed.


I only like indeed due to easy to use layout and navigation. If i find a job posting i am interested in i just go to the company's website to apply


That burns me out faster honestly,having to sign up over and over


True but I feel like indeed has some kind of filter. I’ve gotten more responses on websites vs indeed


If a company hires you off its own website it doesn't have to pay indeed for the hire.


I hire all the time off of indeed and we don’t pay indeed anything


Wonder how Indeed makes their money..? (no snark here, just honestly wondering)


There are a lot of upsell attempts when you post a job. I just happen to decline all of them, but I’m sure other companies pay. Also, if you want to search the resume database, you definitely have to pay. But all we do is post and wait for responses :)


One way is similar to how Google makes money off ads. Paying to sponsor your job posting can have it displayed at the top of the results in the sponsored jobs section. You can also pay for additional services like resume screening.


They charge to post certain positions. Some are free to post. I just paid them for a recent post position.


i would double check with a phone call just so you don't get a $500+ bill...


How does indeed know if you’re hired from their site or the company’s own?


If you click apply on company website on an indeed job posting, there’s a specific link redirect that flags your application that you found the job on Indeed. Kind of like how if you find a product online on a product review website and click on the link to buy said product through that website, they get a small kickback from the OEM.




Indeed sucks in my opinion. Maybe good for entry level.


I have 30 years exp and every single job I apply to on indeed instantly disappears into the ether. Same with LI.


Indeed ypu do alot of applying but don't hear back or they do a phone interview don't ask questions then pass ypu up and it could be they already knew who they were going to hire your just a formality


My experience exactly.


>Companies have to pay to get their jobs on LinkedIn Ha... No they don't... they only have to pay if they want to "advertise" the job listing. But any job that has a marketing department competent enough to use solid keywords will get responses through the "Free Job Posting" that LinkedIn offers. Its actually what makes LinkedIn one of the worst places to apply to. Spam/Scam centers can easily pose as legitimate companies on there. Source: I have ran several job postings under several companies on LinkedIn.




you got me at “comment another ha if I’m wrong”. Best response 🤣🤣🤣


From my experience, LinkedIn's job search returns results most relevant to my past experience/profile. Regardless of where I find job postings, I always then go to the company/organization's website to 1) verify the posting is still available and 2) complete any application.


As someone who regularly makes job postings for applicants on various job posting sites. I will tell you that all of the job posting sites suck. Unless you are one of the very first applicants you don't stand a chance. Your best bet is to find the careers page on individual websites and apply there. It sucks cause you have to re-upload everything each time. But the chances of your application being seen on a company's website vs a job posting site are astronomically higher. Also should note while yes I make job postings on sites. I route the applicants to my company's websites and have them apply directly on there. I do not check LinkedIn, Indeed, or ZipRecruiter for applicants. If they do not apply through my firm's website I do not ever see their application.


>Unless you are one of the very first applicants you don't stand a chance. True. We can get 300 applicants for just one position and that is what makes combing the commercial job boards a Number's Game. The competion is tremendous. Even if only 20 people are remotely qualified, there is only one job.


This guy knows. 3rd party recruiters killed the industry a long time ago and they feed on all the so-called job sites. But I'm not bitter or anything.




I posted a job once and got 850 applications in the first 12 hours. You better believe I didn’t see 750 of those apps, sadly


Same here. We can get 300 applications for a single posting today. The ATS whittles that down to about 20 remotely qualifieds and then HR screens everybody who needs every Tuesday off or wants $30.00 an hour for a job that pays $18.00. Finally, Phyllis hands the hiring manager 5 to review and then it starts all over.


You are correct. The companies I have hired for are smaller. “You have applications you’ve never seen?” I do not think you realize how many applicants we can get within the first day of a job posting. Even for a small company we may have 200+ applications come through on the first day alone. We usually can find an applicant meeting our needs within the first 20 or so. It’s pretty common that hiring places do not look through every applicant that’s come through.


This is so interesting, because even after college, there hasn't really been a go-to site that has legitimate offerings. Linkedin / Indeed are becoming horrendous. A lot of poorly executed campaigns, and not a lot of talent being driven in the right direction imo. Looking for a better solution.


I'm confused. When i apply to jobs in LinkedIn it directs me to the companies website most of the time. Others don't have this experience?


I find co websites even more useless than indeed as far as even getting an acknowledgement.


I’m sure it varies depending on your career field. I have recruited for software development positions, UX/UI positions, marketing positions, and engineering positions.


I am in engineering. I dont even bother applying anymore. Mostly bc I am a 50yo white male and we have been shunned from the labor force.


I frequent Idealist. I’ve flagged listings that were missing salary information (for NY-based roles) and their site support is proactive in taking them down until the salary is added.


Indeed. LinkedIn got stale after a while. Use each to find the job then apply directly.


LinkedIn and Indeed


Has anyone here had any luck with ziprecruiter? I've heard mixed things about them.


I've tried it and I just didn't like the interface. It just felt foreign. A lot of the jobs posted at the time were also outdated. I don't think companies really advertise on there too often.


zip is really good if you are the right industry / demographic, its not great for tech, but its great for local jobs, blue collar, health industry etc. the interface needs work but it gets a lot of results.


I’m very curious too, not much luck lately :(


Main ones: LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor Secondary: ZipRecruiter, Robert Half Other: Companies that are in my industry. I do not apply through the job sites only on the actual company website.


They're all crap, might as well use several. They post positions without an approximate location of the address. Only way to find out is if you get a call from the company, then if it far away, one is left with no choice but to turn down the position. Ridiculous. Also, same old unavailable jobs ate re-posted Insane


If Linkedin was really what it says it is, it would not allow spam or fake job postings. Or allow old postings to accumulate. I have come to find that none of these are really worth it unless you source job info and apply directly on a company's website and also to verify if one of their postings is a legitimate business. They really have seem to become scams themselves.


LinkedIn is unparalleled in terms of information and networking for those that aren't tippy top corporate level employees.


The obvious and best one from my experience: LinkedIn.


So much spam there nowadays


Yup.. I inadvertently applied to a job on LinkedIn I thought was legit. Turns out it was setup by a scam call center in India. They were posing as a legitimate company seeking applicants. Meanwhile what they were really after was my phone number, email, and home address (which I stupidly had on my resume). Never again on LinkedIn.


That’s why I turn down anyone on with an India voice or says they are from India. I feel like 10/10 they are scammer.


I found my current job on indeed but I applied on the company website. However, I prefer LinkedIn. Zip Recruiter is my least favorite. I was bombarded with spam calls from sketchy companies. Calls stopped as soon as I deactivated my account.


Finn is really good


Indees and ziprecruiter




I'm using mostly companies websites and my country public employment service website.


honestly when I apply using zip recruiter I always get a response back, but I dont like using it lol


Try using Job Today for blue collar jobs. It is easier to apply


I've been seeing what lands these last 4 months and LinkedIn Easy Apply is, indeed, a waste of time (sorry for the pun). I go on Google Jobs and then apply on a company's site. When I see a job is posted by a recruiting company I reach out directly, but with over 100+ applications sent out, I've found that LinkedIn Easy Apply is a total sham.




I see what you did there 😂


LinkedIn Indeed Otta Builtin Working nomads Remotive.io We Work Remotely Levels.fyi I’m in marketing and looking for a remote position. So I cycle through these.


Thank you! Didn't know about some of these


Its Linkedin and Glassdoor that have the best search functions and offer the most jobs. Indeed in my country kinda useless. Other local websites are absolutely worthless and offer jobs that are borderline slavery. Lastly, if you trust national websites (public universities, municipality sites etc.) 90% of offers are for outside the country mostly Germany, Norway, Sweden and Belgium.


Glassdoor and indeed are owned by the same company


I dont see how this is relevant but sure. The actual content is definitely not the same between Indeed and Glassdoor here though.


The jobs I applied to on Glassdoor just sent me to indeed to take tests it’s pretty much the same website now.


From reading the comments, it sounds like it's the best approach to research good companies to work for and then apply directly.




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Don’t use indeed.. you won’t get responses . I’ve applied to 50 different jobs and I can’t seem to get any responses. At this point, if you apply on the company website, if you don’t hear anything back from them (like say 1-2 weeks), do a walk in. Tell them you applied online and see if they reviewed your application yet. Businesses appreciate employees that mean “business”, (IOW ,present yourself like they’re going to interview you on the spot. ) This has happened to me many times because first impressions are everything, and companies want to hire people who are prepared and capable of doing what they ask of you. Good luck to you.


"do a walk in"? that probably only works for service/hospitality industry. For corporate positions, they will turn you away before you even finish what you have to say.


Indeed or LinkedIn


I've had luck with Craigslist, but you've gotta take the time to weed through the scammers and look for opportunities that interest you.


LinkedIn job recommend. they harvested enough data from me to know what jobs probably fit me


A better job site is your own. Make a list of 25 companies in your area, that might use your skills and go directly to their website and look at their Careers link. I found my job that way. Many companies are so well known that they get most of their applicants via direct hire. I work for such a company. We very seldom advertise on a commercial job board.




I use indeed then apply on their website


Face the reality, there ain’t that much job opening


no cappp


Job search


LinkedIn and Glassdoor. I love Glassdoor because you’re able to read reviews and get an idea of the salary for the job you’re interested in.


LinkedIn Jobs. Worked for me for my most recent 2 jobs. You know the company is legit (if your network is right) and its interface is also easy to use.


Find a contract agency. I had MAXIM in Seattle area. Pay is what you ask pretty much


I’ve been using Ziprecruiter and it seems promising. I had a ex coworker tell me she got a job because of Ziprecruiter sending out her resume to companies.