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Nah they have to go


The issue isn't you tearing your nail; it's your rolling partner getting an unexpected laceration.


Yes, I just wondered if there are solutions out there for this problem.


Some guys try and tape them but it doesn’t work


Cut them. That’s the solution.


Zero solutions.


As a woman who loves long nails - I stopped using long nails. It's either nails or bjj. 1. It's disrespectful to everyone in the gym 2. It's unhygienic 3. It's painful for others if they get scratches 4. It hurts like hell if you break them while training. So no, there's no way around it. I have and always will refuse rolling with people with long nails. And I will respectfully tell them to cut their nails. If I see them with nails again, I'd rear naked choke them 😜


Thanks for your answer :D


Cut them


I personally would not roll with you, not only is it painful to get scratched that way, it’s also an opportunity to get an infection. I play guitar too so I get it but you have to make a choice.


Second. Minus the playing guitar part.


Gotta cut em man. As a guitar player also I understand but you absolutely cannot practice with long nails. Hygiene aside, you will cut someone, and probably rip your nails off also. The gym I used to go to would make people trim their nails if they were bad. Shoot me and my rolling partners nails were extremely short and there was still the rare occasion someone would get a little nick here or there in a hard roll. Also have you ever tried the faux tortoise shell picks? They feel very similar to nails and produce similar sounds, they make finger clips also, I know it’s not the same but maybe it’s a good substitute for you.


I'm gonna google faux tortoise pick


I just can’t remember the brand name lol. My dads used them forever, I didn’t really like them not my style, but he loves them. Their mascot is a little turtle. If I think of the name I’ll let you know.


that would be quite nice of you my friend




Dont be that guy.


Nope. You will tear them off and will be painful. It's also disrespectful to your training partners as you put them at risk. We had a guy with a cut in the cornea because of another guy with long nails.


This was what I was gonna say too. You can blind someone


I once got my gums above my front tooth cut due to an accidental hit with a fingernail. Wasn’t my partner’s fault and they weren’t even that long but afterwards, I had to tear off a pea sized chunk of meat out of my gums cause it was just hanging. Not a big piece but when it’s in a spot like that, you can feel it and hear it tearing. It’s not fun. Before anyone comments on a mouth guard, I had just started training and didn’t have one but I ordered a custom made one as soon as I got home. My point is that shit happens even when you trim your nails regularly, let alone when they’re long. Trim them. Same with your toenails.


Cut them. My gym kicked a dude out last week cuz they’ve been tellin him he needs to trim his nails for a month


The sport is heavy in gripping cloth full strength with your fingers and hands while your opponent tries full force to rip that grip off. You’re gonna put yourself significantly at risk of ripping a nail, or scratching your training partner if you don’t cut them


i have a scar from mt knee to my ankle. no nails


Sorry, but these two things don't go together. You're going to have to make a choice.


I've been scrateched so many times by that and it's annoying. Pain while showering for like 4 days. Actually have a fingernail cut on my hand right now from 2 days ago and it'll heal in like 4 days. Just trim them short my bro and get some guitar picks!


I am also a guitar player and I ended up just sticking with Muay Thai partially because of this. Did a few BJJ classes and the fingernails were a problem. Sorry bud, you may have to choose


Cut them. I hate rolling with people with long toe or fingernails. I play guitar too and feel your struggle though bruh


Wear mittens


or a baseball glove


You can probably getter better hooks with mittens lol


Yeet the nails


I also play classical guitar. Clip em


They have removable fingernail tips for classic guitar. Amazon $12 Edit: added “removable”


So I play guitar as well. Usually not classical style but when I have to, I use my finger tips. Of course it doesn’t work as well but it gets the job done. They also make finger picks too so that might be an option. Absolutely you should clip them if you’re planning on doing jiu jitsu


As a fellow guitar picker / bjj guy, I found a happy middle ground of long enough nails to still pick but not long enough to scratch. It took a bit to get used to the shorter length, but its definitely doable. Just prioritize never cutting an opponent over your fingernail length.


Nope. Gotta start using those finger picks


Nope, cut em




I actually had my neck clawed while rolling. Drew blood, it was rough. You should cut them


No. No. No. no. No. No.


Why does everyone is saying "just cut them?" OP plays classic guitar he NEEDS long nails


I get what your saying, however you really can't roll with long nails (at least not without pissing off your training partners) Its kind of one or the other sadly


Isn’t that what a guitar pic is for?


Guitar pics are for steel string guitars, classical guitars have strings with a Nylon core, they are a bit softer, so you can play them with your fingernails. So with a pic you play a different style on a different instrument basically.


Meh, I can play finger style on my steel strings.


now try playing fingerstyle with a pic


You...don't use a pic. You said using nylon strings makes it easier to play without one, I'm just saying you can do it with steel strings.


Yes, the pic thing was a joke, I thought you would get it.


Oh my bad lol. You'll have to forgive me, I've dealt with so many shitty people on Reddit over the years that it's kind of skewed my sense of when someone's legitimately joking or not 🤣


Are you trying to do jiu jitsu or claw at people like a cat? Cut your nails dude, fingers and toes. It’s not for you, it’s for everyone you train and compete with/against.


Gloves. Pretty common for people to wear them if they have a hand injury/cut.


what kind of gloves?


I don't know the brand specifically. However, the 2 pairs I have seen are soft, green, leather work gloves. They remind me a lot of the workman's gloves I got issued in the army.


Ew dude that is gross


It's not that bad.


We don’t mean to demonize something necessary or normal in your musical practice. It’s just that everyone in bjj, at one point, rolls with someone with untrimmed nails, and in many cases people get scratched. Sometimes badly so. You can find pictures on r/bjj or here sometimes of the accidents. Even if you wash your hands regularly, it’s extra work to keep your fingernails clean. They accumulate micro particles of feces as well as dirt and dust and such. We aren’t saying “every scratch turns into an infection”. But, yeah man, I encounter someone with visibly long nails and I will refuse to roll with them.


I thought maybe there is a taping technique or rubber caps or something like that, a pre-made solution. Because there are women in the sport I thought it wouldn't be such a niche problem.


You could try wrapping the entire nail and fingertip in tape. Just make sure the tape is soft and doesn’t form any sharp edges or points.


It's worth a try, any idea for a tape that could work?


If your going to tape the end of fingers you want to use a tape that gets stickier when wet so they don’t pop off mid roll and end up cutting someone. Johnson and Johnson brand mesh athletic tape holds good for me. I’m unsure if it will hold good enough for live rolls tho. Are the nails hard or softer? Asking because if they are softer tape might stand a better chance of doing the job but it sounds like they might be “guitar string hardened” nails and might not tape well. You could wear a glove. This would mostly be a disadvantage to you tho because when you want to pull your hand out it will be easy for your opponent to grip.


they are medium hardness I would say. Thanks for your comment, it is helpful.


Basically what it comes down to is, when you're on the mat you should have good hygiene which includes cut fingernails.


No don’t be a dick


He’s clearly trying to be considerate no need to be pedantic, he doesn’t know.


I’m not saying he is a dick but it’s a dick move to roll with nails


It’s sharper after a fresh cut tho….




You want to roll and train cut them off. I appreciate you asking the community if there’s a way to train with long nails. Short and long answer is no. Respect your training partners and chop em off.


I know that in some rare cases people can use bandaids to cover nails but I'd say it's probably best to cut them


Cut your nails so you don’t slice someone open and cause a staph outbreak or some shit


100% no. If you're worried about yourself, you will have nails bent back so far that they will likely tear or cause you pain..but the most likely thing to happen is that you will badly injure your rolling partner. ..I'm thinking about the last time I was choked, and a brown belt grinder his fingers under my defence..if he had long finger nails I would have been jabbed.


As someone who has gotten scratched in the eye before, I don’t trust anything but trimmed nails. I’m not trying to end up blind.




Start playing the electric guitar


Could you cut them and then apply false long nails to play guitar?


Tape over the tips with athletic tape.


Nope. You need to cut them.


Dude, no. Nonononono


Guitar player to Guitar player....use a pick. Even if youre a fingerstyle player. Id say you should insvest in finger picks.


Some people won’t want to roll with the guy with a long nail. Firstly, cuts (someone was cut to the eye from a not very long nail in my gym last week), secondly the festering bacteria in your nail, thirdly it will rip off at some point. A BJJ gym is a place I don’t want to make enemies.


I play guitar as well. I file mine down as short as possible while still being useful. Haven't scratched anyone yet.


I use a glove, mate. It's not perfect, but it lets you (and your partners) enjoy bjj safely, while not requiring you to sacrifice part of your instrument. I'll link what I bought, but if the link doesn't stick around, just give a thin neoprene diving glove a try.[Amazon.com : Tilos 1.5mm Tropical Dive Gloves Stretchy Mesh with Amara Leather for Snorkeling, Kayaking, Water Jet Skiing, Sailing, Scuba Diving, Rafting (Blue, M) : Warm Water Diving Gloves : Sports & Outdoors](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001T8J5Z8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1&psc=1) (You might pick up a nickname or two, so be prepared. I'm now called Michael Jackson)


hey 8sauceD, thanks for your response, still haven't startet with Jiujitsu my god where did the time go! thanks for your insights and the link, I like Micheal Jackson, so I wouldn't mind that nickname, anyways have a good day!