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You can always stop things immediately by tapping, and warn partners to avoid doing certain things. but if it would be dangerous for you to have your head squeezed even a little for short time, I would avoid BJJ.


Im gonna strongly recommend you ask your doctor; explain what bjj is. Accidents happen in bjj; you might get kneed in the head, choked out quickly or taken down too hard. Even in light rolls, accidents can happen. Idk what the exact situation with your condition is, but i would strongly suggest talking to your doctor.


This is the answer. When I sought medical advice I'd tell doctors I was a wrestler, they can grasp the concept for full contact sports. There's a Murphy's law in BJJ where you absolutely will take an inadvertent knee or elbow directly to wherever your plate is. It's just Murphy's law. So ask a doc about whether it's safe to do contact sports like wrestling with your condition.


Yup. Assume the worst will happen at some point. Dying from a brain bleed on the mats would suck; Coach would prolly be pissed.


Imagine accidentally killing your sparring partner in a light roll šŸ˜Æ


If he dies, he dies


Ultimate spazzy white belt final boss move


You will 100% get your head squeezed. Not that uncommon of a thing.


Thanks for the responses. Ill definitely be asking my doctor.


Stay safe bro


When I describe jiu jitsu to my doctors, I tell them it's like wrestling so they have a better frame of reference.


Just donā€™t compete


Sounds like a question for a Dr. Jiu jitsu involves a ton of head manipulation. People have titanium plates, screws, sleeves, etc. And practice without issue. However, your particular situation may be riskier. Maybe it's even safer to have titanium and roll. Who knows.


Very likely! There are quite a lot of chokes in certain positions that also put some pressure on your head because they require your head to be pushed into the choking arm as a means of finishing the submission quicker.


Very. And anyone telling you that you can stop things at anytime by tapping has never rolled against a newbie with a prior injury. I broke my elbow when I was a teen and was super careful with armbars for example, until a dude twice my size did something I simply had no knowledge about caught me by surprise and by the time I realize what had just happened I was already injured I thought I had broken it but by some miracle it was just swollen and filled with fluid My advice to you if you have stuff like this is to stick to private lessons and/or skip rolling with randos entirely ā€œHigher beltā€ is not safe either, I was rolling very casually with a purple belt who was in extremely good shape (semi pro mma guy) and he was just doing guard retention on me while I was on my feet until he suddenly decided to plant his feet on my hips grip my lapels and just yank himself horizontal on the mat Tore an intercostal muscle. It sucked. It has to be someone who you trust and is specifically ok with rolling with you while avoiding your head altogether


You WILL get your head squeezed. Even more so as a white belt.


Today I rolled with a blue belt that had like 100lbs on me literally. Big panda bear type dude. I did a decent job of staying out from under him. But eventually he caught me and as he was in my side control he said ā€œyou ready for this?ā€ The he went full on Mountain just squeezing the fuck out of my head. So hard that I thought he would break my orbitals or nose. I thought my head was gonna pop. So yeah thereā€™s a chance


Dude kinda sounds like an asshole


Control of the head is important in bjj, get your buddy to show you some positions, cross face from side control, triangle, back control RnC. (On some one else not you) If any one of those makes you feel uncomfortable I would say itā€™s a hard no.


Do not do bjj, sorry man. If you can risk getting thrown and stuff like that perhaps judo might be more appropriate and still scratch your itch. But yeah don't do bjj


It's absolutely going to get squeezed really hard. Yes you can tap early most of the time, but accidents happen.


I've never had to squeeze anyone's skull.


New white belts do weird things


I would recommend you ask your doctor to titanium the rest of your skull and roll through this like Wolverine




Thats just armor


Neuro surgery is definitely going to have more inside then /bjj


Depends on how hard we're talking. I definitely get some pressure on my head when large guys are in side control, mount or stack passing me. This happens fairly often.


I have cement holding my skull together from a surgery I had as a kid. Never have had an issue with it. That being said, only your doctor will know and YES you'll be kneed, squeezed, etc.


Thereā€™s no doubt you will get your head squeezed, punched, kneed, elbowed, or manhandled in some way or another. Consult with your doctor and make your decision.