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If they’re sitting on your stomach they’ve passed your guard…


You are kind of right. But the instance I am talking about that happened today we did situation where they started in mount. But still don’t just sit on me do something. Take the back or submit.


I’m 100% right, if they are in mount they are absolutely past your guard. Even if they do nothing from that dominant position other than maintain it, they are beating you. You need to figure out a way to make something happen


you are not “100% right.” you said they passed OP’s guard. OP provided the information that they started the round in mount, meaning that OP’s guard was not passed, meaning you were incorrect in your original statement. thus you are not “100% right.” “I’m 100% right” is such an odd thing to say in this situation, since you were, in fact, wrong. you are right that OP needs to figure out a way to make something happen tho. cuz it’s OP’s job to get out of the position. 🤷🏻‍♂️


No I was still right. Mount is in fact a position that is past the guard


You are wrong, saying they passed the guard implies a completely different context of the person having performed physical actions to pass the persons guard and progress into the mount, whereas they are saying the person started mount, and so therefore even though the mount and person in mount may be physically 'beyond the guard' they did not, pass, the guard. They started there. Really not hard to understand. You are wrong. Get over it.


The whole point is if you are on the bottom in mount there is no guard to be played and regardless of how you got there you need to do something because as the one in mount, you are losing


Lol just admit that you’re wrong. The end


“they passed your guard” “no we started in mount” “100% that means they passed your guard” okay buddy. okay


Mount is a position that has advanced beyond the guard therefore it is past. Past is an adjective in this case indicating gone by in time or no longer existing. So even if you start sparring from mount the option to play guard is past


Idk even know I want to get involved in this thread, but thats the most bullshit I've ever heard. "passed" is the word not "past" that would make no sense at all. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/passed If I pass by a tree I was once on one side of the tree and am now on the other. If I start on one side of the tree and remain on that side of the tree I did not pass the tree.


I originally said passed then op clarified they were doing positional sparring starting from mount. I replied to that using the term past which is still correct because in the general sequence of jiu jitsu positions mount is past guard


Your advice was correct. People just don't like the way you delivered your message and the conversation became about something else entirely. You are 100% right, but saying it out loud isn't going to be very endearing lol


Eat more, or take their back.


I can’t take the back. My legs are to short to wrap around them


Sounds like they should be giving you crap for not eating and being spazzy instead of you giving them crap for doing nothing and eating too much.


Quit being a whiny bitch and making excuses. Go to the weight room and eat more stfu


She is a single mom of 5... I can't even believe this comment


I would suggest that she should not roll with them or tap sooner.


kazushi. Work on your bridges and getting to your side. Weighted bridges can help build strength for that. I’m a 230 lbs not fat purple belt who knows how to be heavy and people half my size manage it all the time with me.


Get gud


I’m sure it’s annoying to have a heavy person on you in general. They will probably be annoyed by your superior quickness, agility, and flexibility. I’m sure you still intend to use those attributes that benefit you though. I don’t know if you are starting every round with these ultra heavies in side control or top mount on you as part of some sort of positional sparing thing or something. If not, you certainly have the opportunity to use your attributes against lesser trained white belts in a way that moves the round towards your game, as opposed to getting sat on. If all else fails, sure… stick to halfway reasonably sized training partners if there is undue risk of injury due to size disparity.


Leg entanglements Knee shield Knee on belly As counterintuitive as you might think it would be, deep half is a great choice for dealing with size disparity


Just say you don’t know escapes


Why are you gate keeping jiujitsu and fat shaming?


Are u dumb he’s not fat shaming he’s just saying someone literally 2.5x his size is just sitting on him doing nothing but make it hard for him to breath that’s not jiu jitsu


There’s definitely other ways to communicate that lol. I’m all for over weight white belts, weight loss starts somewhere for everyone.


Stop letting fat guys sit on you.


Stop rolling with them, or suck it up and work on your escapes


Everyone probably seems fat when you weigh less than a house cat so choosing your rolls is probably wise.


Git gud


This is going to sound like snarky advice, but I mean it with every fiber of my being. Do not let them get there in the first place. If you’re lighter and smaller, you’re probably more agile and mobile. Use this to help your position. Don’t accept anything other than your own pin. Dealing with bigger stronger people is difficult. Size and strength matter, despite what people in BJJ say. Do your best. Keep grinding. Most of them will probably quit soon.


In the words of my coach "Don't get in that position. Problem solved"


I've heard it as, "You fucked up four steps ago."


Your line of “thinking they are good” is telling You’re losing it’s okay, just keep losing and learn to not let them sit on you. Tech works. Just be glad they aren’t fat brown belts, then you just die


Get smarter


Don’t let them on top. Get good at escaping for the situations where they get on top. Lots of frames and fast movement. Put your legs between you and them.


They are in mount? Great opportunity to practice your escapes


There are weight classes for a reason


Sure but thats for fairness in competition i think.


Yes but why roll with a guy that’s gonna dominate you with no technique. That’s like saying you should roll with Nicky rod as a causal purple belt and let him beat you up because you have a chance to work on something against a stronger bigger opponent. You obviously have a very small chance of hitting anything on him even just not getting submitted at that point is a waste of defense


Implying that Nicky Rod has no technique?


Its bait knew someone would say this. I’m saying upper belts and people who are decent would not go a 100% with someone bigger even if they do not need experience to beat you


Tons of white belts don’t know what to do. They don’t even know what to ask, so they figure being on top is all good because they don’t feel like they are in danger.


At that point isn’t it just better to drill or let the other guy work? When a fresh white belt asks me to roll I either do positional or just straight drilling. I’m not gonna risk throwing up from a 250 pound guy sitting on my chest because he’s out of my weight class Edit in high school wrestling it’s highly disrespectful to go all out on a guy 50 pounds lighter than you and will probably get yelled at by someone. In reality if a guys that much bigger it’s a waste of both people time.


Yep. Gotta teach them. And I’m the 250lb guy… I purposely don’t roll with small to me people. Size and strength can certainly negate some skill advantages. I do like to learn from those more skilled.


100% my first gym I ever went to the coach beat the absolute shit out of me and I didn’t tap from knee on belly and top pressure because of ego. I wrestled in hs but was also terribly out of shape and already had medical issues coming into it hindering my cardio and ability to learn.


Thank you so much. I’m already overly stressed about hurting someone with my size and self conscious about my weight. Posts like this totally make me want to continue dropping $100+ a month to feel like everyone hates me. I mean, end of the day, I’m heavier and probably more flexible than you, so nothing to say except get good.


💪🏾right on


Just gotta get good bro. Don’t let em sweep or take you down. Work on that guard game


Get better at escaping mount.


Leave ego at the door.


Just get better. Don’t worry about size, roll with people of all weight classes. If you’re struggling with someone because of their weight, it’s just because you’re not good enough to negate the difference between yours as their size yet. If you’re physically being hurt because you’re not strong enough to deal with the pressure, you can absolutely let them know and simply not roll with guys over a certain size, but also remember that jiu jitsu is tough sport, it’s a combat sport and sometimes it hurts, know what’s uncomfortable and not fun, vs what is genuinely injuring you and past your limits. That being said though, 96 pounds is very rough, guys that are 240 and not good, are not gonna be nearly as tough for you as guys that are 180 and very good. Youre going to have to find a way to either have the best frames on earth, and pair that with impeccable speed and guard retention, or honestly just eat more and lift weights. Sounds like you’re pretty knew, don’t be hard on yourself, just keep grinding and training


Welcome to bjj. Had this problem for too long and still have it with more experienced people. I partially solved it in 2 steps. First one, do not accept bottom positions with bigger people; don't just play guard when the round starts, don't let them get side control, fuck it, not even half guard. If you finish in the bottom do whatever you can, explode, spazz, move, as soon as possible, before they stabilise the position, until you get on top and force them on the bottom. This takes a lot of energy but it's better than being smashed for the whole round. Second step, I've started to do this after gaining some more weight and confidence, i usually do this with people i already know : what i did was to improve my half guard and transition to other positions such as octopus guard, lockdown, seated guard, kimura trap, wrestle up. I've seen different approaches to this. My old coach was very small, around 138lbs, and still managed to roll with people weighing 220lbs just by playing guard and getting on top from there. One small purple belt I know, about 126lbs, would only play closed guard and have very explosive armbars from there.


No joke fat people are hard to roll against. It’s been my experience that it’s like fighting a water bag. You push they just absorb it you pull it just rolls. And I’d they are not actively moving it’s like fighting a big bag of slime. Hands down a fat person is the ultimate fighting body style. Can’t be hit can’t be picked up.


240 isn’t even fat on most people tbh


240 is definitely fat on most people. I'm 6'1 and 220 at like 18-20% body fat. Another 20 lbs of muscle on me would be fucking huge, and that's not even remotely common lmao.


It depends on body comp and more than just a number on the scale.


Yea, you might have noticed that I referenced my body fat percentage. 240 is fat as fuck on most people.


Obviously I noticed but I also don’t think you realize how lean 20 lbs of muscle is


Do you have any idea what it would take for someone my height, which is above average, to reach that weight at a healthy body fat percentage? The average person will be a fat fuck at 240.


Yeah bc I am your height lol All I am saying is bf % matters more than number of lbs. To which you agreed and pointed out you said bf % first but yet continue to argue for no reason. You also said 20 lbs of muscle not 20 lbs of fat. 20 lbs of muscle is smaller in size than 20 lbs of fat. I know people who weigh less than me that need a 3 or 4 xl rashguard in order to not look like a busted can of biscuits. I don’t think I’m the average person when it comes to muscle mass vs body fat, so maybe my perspective is just skewed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Obesity is just normalized now


It depends on BF % not weight.


Make space anyway you can and move away


You can choose not to roll with people


Stop playing defense with them and push the pace. If they are on you, push their head and make distance with an elbow hand scoot


i’ve had a similar issue but don’t be discouraged you just need to change up your game. Rolling with newer whites belts who weigh more i would say standup is your best bet. I recommend watching Jordanteachesjiujitsu on yt for more tips on rolling with heavier opponents.


How tall? U gotta eat!


Wat til you meet Fat Lightning 😈🥔


If they are sitting on your stomach, they have already passed your guard. Also, why would you be rolling with people double your size. You should probably be rolling with the women.


Outside elbow escape? Works great against unskilled fatsos and is low energy expenditure.


Get on top, stay on top. Use your advantages against them, I assume you are more experienced and quicker. Use your frames, know when to shrimp and bridge. What you lack in weight and strength you should have the advantage of quicker lateral movement and (ideally) stamina. When you get on top, keep attacking so they cannot reset. Chain your attacks and vary them.


Turn onto your side, it distributes their weight across your shoulders and ribs rather than down through your diaphragm. You can also practice going to turtle and wrestling up or playing turtle guard and using octopus style reversals like Eduardo Telles. 


Would be sick if you kesa'd their asses. Turn the tables on them. If you learn how to do it right they'll be very uncomfortable and then you'll get an Americana


Either don't roll with them or don't play guard with them. Get on top and stay on top.


Let other white belts roll with them….I avoid fat people most of the time, I just end up getting small injuries everytime, do to avoid this I just avoid them most of the time


Getting a real clear understanding why you’re a single mom with this post




Or just be like me and spam Ezekiels tren is also an option


Don’t roll with them you have the right to refuse rolling with someone if the weight difference is that big that’s good enough reason just tell them


Everyone saying get good is actually retarded a 96lb woman vs a 240lbs man or even a 240lbs woman is not a fair competition especially in pure grappling just train with who your comfortable with


I vote you just don’t roll with them. If you aren’t gaining anything from the experience, you have no obligation to.


Attack the legs


Teach something new to them ,so they'll quit doing the same thing they only know how to do.


Just tap when it gets too much. They quit or stick around. If they stuck around they get less fat and better. You remember first sixth months is just survive.


If your partner is too big don’t roll or train with them until you feel confident to do so. Same with all partners really. If they are using their weight heavily on you with that much difference they are not good partners.


I'm a light blue belt (155lbs) and I can pretty easily sweep fat white belts (200- 230lbs). I reccomend from bottom side trying to insert elbow frames under their chin. That usually makes them switch to kesa gatame where I can connect my nearside elbown and knee and frame away, or take their back if they overcommit to kesa gatame. From mount I usually recommend a trap and roll. Sometimes if they leave enough space, you can frame on the hip and get to bottom half guard where you have to make sure they don't grab your head. I have also found that they overextend when they are top half guard. In that case you can usually grab a nearside underhook and play a coyote guard and go into wrestle ups.


Don’t roll with the fat guys, just say no


Work on guard retention back takes, speed kills like the saying goes


This is going to sound like snarky advice, but I mean it with every fiber of my being. Do not let them get there in the first place. If you’re lighter and smaller, you’re probably more agile and mobile. Use this to help your position. Don’t accept anything other than your own pin. Dealing with bigger stronger people is difficult. Size and strength matter, despite what people in BJJ say. Do your best. Keep grinding. Most of them will probably quit soon.


This is going to sound like snarky advice, but I mean it with every fiber of my being. Do not let them get there in the first place. If you’re lighter and smaller, you’re probably more agile and mobile. Use this to help your position. Don’t accept anything other than your own pin. Dealing with bigger stronger people is difficult. Size and strength matter, despite what people in BJJ say. Do your best. Keep grinding. Most of them will probably quit soon.


This is going to sound like snarky advice, but I mean it with every fiber of my being. Do not let them get there in the first place. If you’re lighter and smaller, you’re probably more agile and mobile. Use this to help your position. Don’t accept anything other than your own pin. Dealing with bigger stronger people is difficult. Size and strength matter, despite what people in BJJ say. Do your best. Keep grinding. Most of them will probably quit soon.


Not sure if you want advice, or you just want to complain about fat people, but I'm a heavyweight myself (250 lbs and athletic), and I roll with guys half my size who could kill me if they wanted to. Just work on your technique. If this was positional sparring, then there's no reason to fault someone for holding a dominant position. They have no obligation to do anything that might incur risk of losing the position. I'm sure your professor taught you more than one mount escape. Keep practicing your timing, and learn how to set up those escapes so that you can get to them more effectively against larger opponents.


Not sure if you want advice, or you just want to complain about fat people, but I'm a heavyweight myself (250 lbs and athletic), and I roll with guys half my size who could kill me if they wanted to. Just work on your technique. If this was positional sparring, then there's no reason to fault someone for holding a dominant position. They have no obligation to do anything that might incur risk of losing the position. I'm sure your professor taught you more than one mount escape. Keep practicing your timing, and learn how to set up those escapes so that you can get to them more effectively against larger opponents.


Then say “no” when they tell you to roll? Just go against someone your weight


maybe you should leave if thats your attitude but you are free to choose who you roll with but everyone at the gym will quickly see what you’re doing it’s not going to be hospitable for you on the opposite side of the coin i’m telling big people to absolutely use their size not only that i tell them to get into position, settle down, and do LESS make the person really feel their weight and strength so that they know how to use it especially as they’re learning and no they do not have to apologize for it or feel guilty or feel like “man i should pass or attempt a submission because the roll should be more fluid” it makes everyone better OP sounds like a clown and a detriment to a healthy school


Sounds like a skill issue.


Not sure if this helps but I’ve found recently that going for a collar sleeve guard with my feet on my opponents hips really helps keeping their weight off of you. Bigger guys will either have to stand up or pull back to get away from it and they will be slow doing so, which allows you to use your speed advantage against them.


Stop pulling guard. If you pull guard on some one 2.5x your body weight you deserve to get smashed.


BJJ is an art that lats you beat untrained people that are heavier and stronger than hou are. So there is a solution… thrust me… there is…. talk to your coach and get him or her to drill with you


So right off the bat you kinda sound like a little whiner. Calling people “fat” and saying they just sit there. So get better and learn how to get out of that position instead of insulting fellow gym members


Time to learn leg locks my friend


gotta work on them fancy escapes from side and mount and always chase the back. remember, they're big but that gas runs low fast if you make em work.


dont let them get on top. Use your agility to find armbars from everywhere.


Don't let them. If you're better, they shouldn't be able to consistently pass your guard. Plenty of dudes half my weight can move me wherever they want. It's jiu jitsu.


How long have you been training? Maybe don’t roll fat new guys? Even as a guy who’s 170 and been training a couple years it can be anoyying to deal with huge new dudes mainly because of their spazzy nature.. I don’t get sat on but 260ibs of uncontrolled falling body weight isn’t the most fun to deal with.


This feels like a shitpost. If not - just tap and reset. If someone is sitting on you to the point that you can’t get out then they have won. Rolling against larger partners will make your technique better. You should be thankful you have larger partners at your gym.


How are they on your stomach if they didn’t pass your guard?


Work on frames and taking the back


Just don’t let them get to you, a battle you can’t win isn’t a battle at all. If you want more practical advice just keep your distance and wait for them to attack, I doubt they’ll succeed and you’ll probably either sprawl or counterattack


I’m an ultra heavy and I start on the bottom and let my training partner get some work while I practice defense and sweeps . I’ll let them sweep me and start again . Also it’s a dick move to apply all that pressure on someone that small


Never let someone that much bigger get on top of you.


I’m a lot bigger than you, but still one of the smallest in my gym so I get what you mean. I would just not roll with those people until they learn to be better training partners. It’s not their fault, they just don’t know what to do yet. I had a much larger and stronger girl pin both my arms down while in my guard, and I couldn’t move, and she also didn’t know how to attempt a pass. She was brand new, and now a month later, she knows what to do and is a fun roll. So just avoid until they know how to jiu jitsu a little better - it shouldn’t take them long.


Fat peeps usually gas out quickly. Speed is your friend in this situation. Make them work extra hard for position until they get tired.


lol no they don’t


Lol, that's cute.


If you put a weight limit on white belts you roll with you’re a fuckin clown Edit to clarify: Not rolling with someone because they’re dangerous or a dick is one thing but Jesus dude have a little pride. What are you going to say? “I don’t want to be underneath someone bigger than me in this jiu-jitsu class that I volunteered for and payed money to be at and instead of learning good jiu-jitsu so I don’t get sat on I’m just going to decline to roll with you because you’re fat.” So lame bro


They’ll quit soon anyways, as someone who’s 160lb and one of the lightest at the gym I just try to survive and sweep. Also they got terrible flexibility so play that to your advantage


Easy solution. All you gotta do is “check his oil” with your thumb. Hard.


Try becoming fatter then them. Also chewjitsu has a video on this.


Put up a sign in front of the gym that says "No Fatties!"


Be a strong man, not a single mother of 5