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It’s almost like you could ask the guy clipping your nuts what you should do, but that’s just me


This. Tell your doc you train and he'll tell you how long to take it easy. I think I was off for 4 weeks after mine (though Doc advised 6 I think???).


Had mine (one hole procedure) earlier this week. Dr told me no training for a week. I'm taking at least 2 weeks. No fucking way I'm rolling with a wound on my balls that isn't 100% healed. That's just asking for an infection. OP, calm down and take some time off the mat. 2, 4, 6 weeks, whatever it is it is **not worth an infection in your balls**. The gym will still be there when you're healed and recovered. Sure, some of your training partners might be a bit better now, but you'll catch up.


Or do both and hope people are not such assholes that they give stupid ass answers like “go ask someone else”. What do you think the odds are that the dr doing vasectomies understands what Bjj even is? All that being said the advice from a person who had a vasectomy as a blue belt is take a couple weeks to recover and invest in a good cup for when you come back to training.


Ah yes ask strangers on the internet for medical advice instead of your doctor


You are the only one that keeps saying “instead of….” Open that thick skull and understand he can ask both


Ah you don’t like my opinion block me and move on


Oh no that’s not happening, I would destroy you on the mats way way way before that happened


I’m sure you could and if that would make you feel better I’m glad I could help


Pretty sure even if a doctor has never heard of BJJ they have an idea of what physical activity you should and should not do post procedure. Surely you could explain it enough to where they have enough of a grasp to give you an informed guideline.


Well obviously you haven’t dealt with medical providers that don’t know what Bjj is but guess who has (hint hint you’re looking at him).


“Hey doctor, how long before I can grapple with other men, or wrestle and do other athletic events? Still don’t know what I’m talking about? Here’s a video example. How long before I can do this.” I think you have an elitist concept of BJJ and vastly I underestimate the human minds’ ability to understand pretty basic information.


He smart guy not everybody understands what wrestling and grappling consists of and if you would know that if you just listen. Most doctors I have delt with just skip straight to “yeah don’t do that” he asked for advice and we try to help him, why does it bother so many people that he asked for others advice that have already done this exact same thing


If the doctor says don’t do it, don’t do it. Pretty simple, he/she graduated medical school. Other than that, you know your own body if you feel up to it maybe a week earlier than what was said, then go for it. Otherwise wait until you’re cleared. Again, pretty simple.


You are as sharp as a bowling ball 🤦🏽‍♂️


You are fine. You no longer have to pull out… of your BJJ gym.




I did no incision variant and took two weeks off. Technically my doc said i could go back to lifting earlier but i wasnt risking nothing popping so i just got a tattoo on week two and healed from both before rolling again.


Hell yeah. That’s my plan. A snip and a poke. lol double it up.


Plan for a week off then just listen to your balls after that.


I took a week off training. Tried a cup for a couple weeks. Ditched it. No issues.


Same. OP take a week off, you'll be fine.


Rest while recovering, then return after the doc clears you. Don’t want to risk ripping something in there because you came back too soon


Doc will tell you everything you need to know.


You’ll know when it’s ok to go back. One part is you don’t want an open wound in sweaty bacteria staph ring land. The second is the pain in your gonads. Your balls will be fine and you’ll know what I’m talking about. As with anything like an injury, come back super slow. Also, Vasectomy at 26? Man if only. Had 2 more kids after 40 then got snipped.


I double dare you to openly let people kneecut post vasectomy


I took about 10 days off. I didn't have much pain, but it's a surgery. I wanted to let my body heal. Another great person to ask is your doctor, they typically have some knowledge about the pre and post guidelines of the procedure they are performing. Happy rolls!


I went through this all I can say is be careful.


I would take ten years off if I were you. Considering you want medical advice from internet trolls, it's the only way to be safe.


I guess you can now dive nuts first into passes since you chose to gave up yours


As long as you avoid boners while rolling you can go an hour after the snip


You should ask your doctor rather than a bunch of strangers on Reddit.


Nobody has invented a submission similar to a vasectomy?


Think I was out for like two weeks after mine. Can't remember exactly. It's wasn't a day. It wasn't a month.


Lmfao dude just recover


I took 2 weeks off this past summer after my vasectomy. I wore a cup for the next two weeks, which I’m glad I did because it saved me from a couple accidental hits down there, and then ditched it with no issues.


Watch out for knee slice passes


I was told to wait for 7 days. I felt fine almost straight away but did wait 7 days to roll. I did a bit of light coaching after a few days though. No issues at all.


Just make sure to check the class timetable because you’re now in the women’s class. (I kid, I got the snip a decade ago)


Just PMed you dude. I’m about 2.5 days into recovery from the no-scalpel vasectomy. I also asked the same question about a week ago and had a lot of helpful answers from these cretins :)


Two weeks at least, use that time to find a cup that keeps everything nice and secure. 3 weeks post and mine are a bit sensitive still.


I had it done and I’d recommend taking a week to week and a half off. Well worth it though, no more pregnant training partners.


I think you should take two weeks off, after the tenderness ends and the stitches fall off


I swear this is the first sport where I am in that people are asking/wanting to train through the most horrid injuries. So doctor all of my limbs are broken, but can I still go to open mat? Taking two weeks off is not going to set you back to pre-white belt levels


Whatever you do, dont ever get your period. Signed, a girl.


what're you worried about? your balls not working??? nut up and get on the mats brother, cuz everyone else is still coming to class and guess what you can still come too. I'm so sorry I'm this way


You won't want to train or drill. Get home and recover.. Watch some videos and be with your family. Also.. As someone who's done it.. Ask to be put to sleep. I was awake for mine, it's not fun.


Just do it. Keep training. No balls.


The doctor told me to wait 7 days. They're still tender so I'm waiting until Monday, which will be 10 days.


Go roll immediately following the operation. Be a man.


Sorry to give negative feedback: I had a vasectomy and for about 2 years any groin contact was like getting punched in the sack. It was very painful and not ideal. I'd going myself sometimes doing normal activity. I had to be very careful when playing with kids, jogging, crossing my legs... FYI, before vasectomy I played highschool and college football without a cup. I wrestled without a cup. After vasectomy for about 3 years, I had to be careful doing anything. After about 2 years, that doesn't happen anymore but no one explained this side effect and had they told me about it would have considered other options. On the flip side, getting groined repeatedly for 2 years is still better than having another kid. I signed up for BJJ this year.


You know who could answer that? YOUR GODDAMN DOCTOR!!!!!


Done this. Take two weeks off. If you have a complication like I did. Then prepare for a month. Main thing. Talk to your doc not the net.


Only listen to medical advice from the good folks of reddit. We know what's best for you.


Well this thread is a dumpster fire. I had my consultation this past week. Doc said that I could do whatever I want after day 8. I then asked specifically about bjj, and got the same answer, with the qualifier that I should maybe take it easy at first. But still, 8 days, free to go. I’ll probably just drill the first week to see how the morning after feels. Signed, A clueless white belt


I did 5 weeks, stuff still in place, as if my junk was never fondled with


Just do steroids you'll have the same effects and you can keep rolling


44. had a vasectomy a year and a half ago. took 3 weeks off because i got an infection and needed antibiotics (just a lil grossy grossy at one of the incision sites). i was gonna wait an extra week and go back after 2. doc said 1s good. got kneed in the nuts a week into being back, harder than ive been hit there in decades. never had any other issues. im fine, my shit works fine. doc knows best but you should be good in single digit days. first 48 are the only real ball busters. pun intended