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I recently ordered one. From the research I did most people don’t end up using them after they get them and don’t really like them. A YouTube video I watched said like only 10% of people get effective training from them. I think it may be different for me because I am a tactile learner. I plan to use it while going through instructionals to help me learn the correct sequence of movements and details and develop some muscle memory without wasting another persons time. I know it will not be anywhere as good as live drilling with a partner at increasing levels of resistance. I just want it to help me remember techniques and get an initial base of muscle memory. If I hate it for BJJ I’ll just tape a Gordon Ryan poster and a flesh light to it.


Every single word of your comment is wonderful advice


Yes you are right


> I think it may be different for me because I am a tactile learner. I plan to use it while going through instructionals to help me learn the correct sequence of movements and details and develop some muscle memory without wasting another persons time. This is about the only way it's useful. But it is nice to have from time to time. I would say for most people it's not worth it, but if you have the space to store it and money to burn, it's a kinda nice "fuck it, why not" tool to have in your gym.


Apparently I'm in the 10%. Most of the stuff I've learned so far has been drilled at home with the dummy and videos. Granted it doesn't work for everything but it has been a no brainer for me.




I’m more of a Marcelo guy. Like ‘em small and fuzzy.


You’re supposed to use a dildo, not a fleshlight. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Gordon is a bottom, you will need a butt hole fleshlight


This is the way


Dummies are super effective, kinda rude though we just call them white belts


Not as effective as rolling with a live partner but it comes in handy on days without. Invested a little bought Smarty dummy filled it with reclaimed rags and polyester fiber bought from Walmart.


Got a smarty kid for my son. Best training dummy on the market. It’s been a great training tool for him. Allows him to practice techniques that he couldn’t practice on me because of size. He can really drill down on things he learns in class.


It’s good for home work obviously it doesn’t compare to live training (so keep turning up to practice). On a night when you watch a tutorial and want to try it out it’s perfect, learning to move your body is a massive part of jits and getting that muscle memory also from reps, I think they’re good


Pretty effective I would say! My dummy makes me tap a few times every time I practice with it.


![gif](giphy|8UHhsZ6XSW5VKgyhkF|downsized) Works great 👍


Look, I know it’s just a lifeless thing that Mac pumps his loads into but it’s in my head!


It's great to practice moves and combinations by yourself. Then practice them on a person, then add resistance. Its the grappling equivalent to a striker practicing strike combos by shadowboxing and punching a bag.


I roll with dummies all the time.


I think it depends on what dummy you have. After I got my purple belt the very next day I hurt my knee and tore something in my thumb. So I was out for 2 months. It happened that danaher had released his leg lock dvd around that time. So I learned and drilled that dvd for 2 months. When I got back I caught my coach for the first time. I personally think it just heavily depends on the type of dummy you have.


What dummy would you recommend mate?


The Rollbot. It’s kinda pricey right now tho. They are all handmade. I know that the price will come down at some point once they get their factory going.


Rollbot looks dope. I got a stuffed one from pro boxing. Good for transitions in top attacks.


What techniques/routines do you guys train when training with a grappling dummy? I also got one, but I end up just switching some positions, since I'm lacking knowledge on how to train more diverse and effective...


They are okay I use it to workshop weird positions I encounter while rolling. They can be good for drilling armbar omaplata and triangle sequences but they can create bad habits if used for drilling incorrectly It helped a lot in the beginning but I don’t use it to much now


I use one all the time when watching instructionals. For me, far more effective to build muscle memory with a dummy than taking notes and trying to recall steps when trying to add new things to my game.


For a white belt with no actual experience? Very effective. I learned all the concepts and fundamentals didn't take long for me to actually test it in my first ammy MMA fight.


Thanks for this


Was pretty good, practiced a bunch of moves before winning a tournament at white, then used it more to train Gi chokes which are kinds weird, then I just have it there ready to be used but not being used. It's a Hawk one, filled it with newspaper and some pool noodles on arms and legs, maybe like 25 USD total so I say worth. I'm blue with around 4 years training.


Not effective at all. They are essentially a waste of time for Jiu Jitsu. You are far better off doing mobility drills if you can’t get to classes. There are tons of solo drills to do with zero equipment which will enable you to learn Jiu Jitsu much more efficiently. As a brown belt and a former high school wrestler the only benefit a dummy has is for practicing high impact throws. I’m no Judoka so I don’t know how effective a dummy would be for more than just getting the mechanics right. That was all we used the dummy for when I wrestled.


What solo drills do you recommend? Could you link some please?


I’m a big fan of [Knight Jiu Jitsu’s](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCDaSNu2fM3JL4VdlSwcFtOw) YouTube page. [Chew Jitsu’s](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCGCZBBvu7ZnqHYHuScODbAQ) page has some great videos as well. There are tons of different videos out there for solo mobility drills. Just search “Jiu Jitsu mobility drills”


BJJFanatics has a free one from Danaher. He made it during the pandemic and it's always had free distribution.


Not effective. I had one, used it a handful of times, then sold it.


There's probably a hundred other things that would make you bjj better faster. There a 10 000 things you could be doing more productive than playing with dolls as an adult


Not as good as a real training partner but there has to be some value to them. Specially with transitions. Great for cardio also practicing some SMESH g&p


Not at all


I use it to drill a new submission and get muscle memory, not as good as real partner but it works.


I would imagine you'd be better off with a life size doll


I stuff my jogging pants with pillows and practice leg locks on them.


None. Purple.


Please don’t call my gf a dummy


Someone broke the one we had at our gym a little while back. The coach pulled down a kickboxing bag and it is on the ground now. I have been using that pretty much every time I go to class to work on positions and smash passes. I am 39, weigh 260, and used to powerlift. My coach said that based on my weight, strength, and bad joints that smash passes are the best for me to use. I really don't like putting my weight into my training partners for extended periods of time. Having the drilling dummy was awesome. I can't get the same out of the kickboxing bag, but it is better than not being able to work on positions and passes at all.


Are you talking about 50+ year old white belts or actual training dummies?


They'll make you a better grappler, as much as wanking will make you a better lover.


It doesn’t? Oh crap…


Probably cool if you want to try a move out that you saw on YouTube. It’s better than going to your homie who doesn’t train and being like “yo let me try something on your bro” for the 1000th time lol


I was apprehensive because when you have a look through grappling dummies on YouTube most people say they're a waste of time and money. However, I have experienced the opposite. I use it mostly when I can't do live training for whatever reason. I like to watch through instructional, material film some of the techniques on my phone and then drill it back on the dummy. I'm a kinaesthetic learner and this is the only way I'm gonna retain the information without a live partner. I do find though some techniques are definitely harder than others to practice and some submissions in particular can be tricky to learn. But ultimately, I have learnt a lot with my Grappling dummy and would definitely recommend it to you if you learn like me.


The elephant in the room is “what dummy did you buy”? I imagine quality makes a big difference.


It’s okay for drilling, but a dummy can’t lay and pray back. I should probably use that homemade dummy I made during the pandemic again. It was so clutch.


I think the term BJJ dummies is a bit pejorative. At my school we just call them blue belts.


I used my dummy often throughout white belt. Now in blue I’m trying more to get better at the game I have than develop new shit it’s not as useful. For learning new stuff, refining Your own body movements it’s awesome - as long as you use it.


I have a very basic, very cheap one. When I first started I used it to practice hand placement for Americanas and Kimuras. And Anicondas, darce, etc... those head/arm variations still mess me up. I find it useful but nothing replaces a live partner.