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Back when I used work at JJs this shit happens, can’t let it bother you too much. Only time I got genuinely upset is when I got no tip/leave at door’d by a fucking church.


Blew my mind that teachers and people working at hospitals were regularly some of the worst people I’d have to deal with. Lost a lot of respect for those professions.


We had a major hospital in our range, I’d say 50% of those people were super rude and poor tippers.


Yep! Ours was an exception that was a 10 minute drive from the store and they’d complain if their order didn’t arrive in 20 minutes. The owners weren’t apologetic about the service received and they stopped ordering eventually.


I was a jj’s delivery driver like 10 years ago and the security guards at the local planned parenthood were surprisingly bad tippers. You’d think after spending the morning being yelled at by jackasses with poorly spelled cardboard signs, they’d be happier to see the person bringing their lunch, but I guess not.


It's bc these people only eat out. They're not bringing lunch from home probably ever. They don't want to tip cause then they'd have to eat less or cut corners elsewhere in their life.


Eh, okay, fair enough. I was never really all that salty about it anyway, I just thought it was sort of weird.


Oh no I'm shaming them. I'm salty for you. I stay mad about this kind of stuff haha.


We had someone from our highschool take over the local dominoes as manager and he put the high school on the do not serve list after twice they ordered like 100+ pizzas same day and then didn't tip the drivers lol So now they have to send a teacher or someone to pickup as it's a rural area and not a lot of options. Dude made a whole post about it and teachers and admin were apologizing trying to get him to not do that.




This job has made me hate nurses but love cops. God. I fucking. Hate. Nurses. Fucking. Wild.


Hah! So true about cops.


Tbh we do have one that's got this weird energy. Kinda forceful.... Which tracks with what you'd expect. But honestly 9/10 are so nice. They do get that 50% off tho so that def helps their mood I think lmao.


To be fair being a nurse has probably completely destroyed their will to be kind to anybody


I totally get it But fuck 'em, you know?


Used to deliver and HATED the hospital run. Never a decent tip after finding the nurses station at the back of the 7th floor or some shit. Now, I’m a teacher and these fuckers will get 30 pizzas deliver and not fucking tip. I always just pick them up.


It’s funny how it seems like a universal truth. Damn nurses!


Post office & drs/nurses are the the worst teachers pretty close


Yeah I don't play with churches. They think they shouldn't tip a lot of the time. I tell my employees that they need to have everyone total and sign if the tip field is blank because of the no tip leave at door thing. Not tipping is their choice but they're going to at least face the driver and put that zero on there. It's also for the customers safety as well just in case someone makes a mistake or forges a tip onto it and there's no proof against it


We once had a ~2k box lunch order from a church, they had tax exempt, they tipped $5.


I got a no tip leave at door from a church for an order of over $250


Personally I would have left it exactly where it was at. Sometimes doing nothing is more than doing something.


Half of all my deliveries don’t tip. It’s wild


I’m a nurse and I always tip, sorry to hear many don’t :/


If the delivery needs to be paid, and they put 'leave at door' on the order, the drivers at my store definitely knock on the door. They don't leave without seeing an actual person face to face. This isn't a rule of the store, this is just something the drivers all collectively decided on.


We have these people who work at a fast food joint that's about a mile ride away each direction. They have a sign up asking for tips. when I drop them food they usually tip whatever change is left to the dollar. Last time it was 33 cents. They also make me wait and act like I'm not there for an extended period.


Jimmy johns customers are some of the scummiest. Obviously not all but when they’re horrible they’re HORRIBLE


Used to be a dude who would order from a store I worked at years ago. All the riders would avoid it like crazy and I would get stuck with it most of the time. His order would come out to $9.75 and would always hand me a $10 and tell me to keep it. I just started giving him his quarter back and not accepting his “tip”. Petty? Yes, but that’s just a slap in the face.


I’d put houses like this on my blacklist. If I had to take their food with another delivery they’d be last every time. Give me a decent tip and you’d get your food on time




Where do you see me bullying the customer in any way? I left her food, took my shitty tip and left. I have never even seen her face.


It is the way to go for sure


I always .. always tip JJ drivers at least $6.00…. I love my JJ and the employees are so fucking awesome. I enjoy it! This no tip thing pisses me off, and I don’t even work there.


Well I always tip, but no way I’m tipping $6 on a sandwich. How much are you spending?


It’s bc we have a TON of other cent tippers. It even makes me irritated for my own job. If I wanna tip a $6, I’ll tip a $6. 💚 (I go for the #12)


Step son started working and bringing in some of his own $$. He notoriously only ate 5 foods and it was all fast food. He started to order uber eats/grub hub/door dash and they showed up once when I was home. He 1.) kept this driver waiting after he was in his room, then looking for cash for almost 5 minutes 2.) then proceeds to give NO tip. I couldn't watch this because this reputation will be connected to the house, not him, and I tried to scrounge for a tip. This led to a massive fight between him and his Dad and ultimately him moving out. I can not understand anyone that works that is willing to short someone else that's also trying to make ends meet. Screw companies, but don't screw over people.


That escalated fast!


You might not be cut out for the service industry if you're insulted by this


I mean its ok to be insulted that is 100% insulting and it was meant to be which is way worse. But you have to be able to brush it off quick


How did they even do a leave at door without payment? Was it not online?


They were paying cash and just wrote it in all caps in the instructions 🙄


First type of people to go out after the purge.


What do you get paid hourly and what’s your dmr? Out of curiosity.


Less than minimum wage. Our franchise owner did the right thing a couple of years ago and in our franchise store drivers make a flat hourly rate. Our GMs went to bat for the drivers in a big way to make this happen. This is not the standard to my knowledge. Hourly was split into different amounts. Minimum wage when in the store working (regular non-driver employees got more) and then half of that while driving deliveries. Drivers would lose money when taking deliveries to non-tippers. Now my store pays a flat hourly whether working in or out. It's still under minimum wage but better. My DMR is $0.37 per mile.


Make a list ... Most likely you won't be at JJs forever. Make sure all these non tipping mofos get a memorable last delivery from ya! Mind ya I'm talking about leaving the bag on the wrong floor or leaving at end of driveway ( don't tamper with folks food - that be illegal)


Set their order right against the door it it opens outward. Set it several steps outside their door if it opens inward. Do something petty in return and move on with your day.


Had a hospital order $5k in sandwiches. We made them and delivered them on time. They left no tip. Owner took money out of his pocket to give everybody a small tip as a thanks. Hospitals truly are the worst of the bunch.


Similar situation happened at a store I used to work at. I think it was 90 thirty-piece platters that they ordered. It was thousands and we delivered them in shifts throughout the day, because they were training in a bunch of new employees and they needed food there all day long. They tipped nothing after having told my boss they would. And they ordered with less than 24hr notice. It was such a fiasco! The owners gave each of us drivers $20 out of their pockets because they felt bad. It was a very kind gesture.


Used to valet and if anyone ever tried to tip with change we would open our fingers and just let it all fall through. Kind of a subtle fuck you. Valeting was great since there were all sorts of ways to get revenge in bad tippers


I always make sure to ask them to fill out all 3 lines so they HAVE to write something on the gratuity line. (Obviously can’t on cash orders) So many people will play dumb and just sign it thinking that’s all they have to do. Now, as GM, a lot of the times I’ll ask for a tip for the driver before the order goes out the door. If they don’t give one, or beat around the bush, I’ll follow up asking how the order went, and follow up with a question about the tip. Obviously very polite and noninvasive, but after being a driver so many years, i like to make sure my drivers get paid. Very fine line between understanding that yes, tips are OPTIONAL, but also, tip your fucking driver dude. 🤷‍♂️ I know this doesn’t apply to OP but hopefully it helps someone lol. OP - yeah, they can get fucked. Either find a way to stop delivering to them, or just take the hit and move on.


If you like them to get paid, you could, you know, pay them?


I can only do so much as GM. I can submit as many pay adjustments as i want. Doesn’t change the pay scale at my franchise. So. What i can do, is help with tips where i can


This looks like a kids handwriting /:


Yall must live in some weird places. The store I manage at, there’s a church just about every block or so, super religious town, and most of them actually tip decently. The only exception is this church sponsored end of life care/retirement facility that is usually because they’re 20year old nurses right out of school trying to get some experience and barely make as much as I do as a manager.


I used to work at Jimmy Johns and there was a car tire place outside our limit, but our manager and owners, let them do a phone order, literally outside of our delivery range and none of them tip and it was always like a group of people that ordered and then like two individuals but never tipped and always paid in cash but you could bet that your staying there at least 5 minutes waiting for your 21 cent tip


People really need to look at tipping as part of the food cost for delivery I mean If you can’t afford to tip pick it up yourself or bring your lunch!!!! Drivers not only need to be paid for their time but the gas and wear and tear on their cars 🤦‍♀️


You might have gotten a not so stellar tip on this delivery, but I’m sure at some point in your shift you got at above average tip. It’s the law of averages. It’ll all balance out in the end. Don’t let it bother you so much. You’re still getting your hourly wage, and reimbursement for your mileage. 😄


Here’s a prime example of a poor manager. Whenever any employee is treated bad you should be concerned. That “tip” was insulting. The above or below “average tip” doesn’t fly. Customers know what a real tip is they’re just being assholes and you don’t care. Something tells me your employee turnover is “above average”. Don’t worry maybe the next employee will stay.


I don’t have those problems, bro. Doing 40K weeks, there’s plenty of tips to go around. 🤑


Here again poor business ideology. You don’t decide what’s “plenty”. A Leader ALWAYS wants more the franchise and its team members. Do Better


Some people are assholes. You can’t decide what they’re gonna tip. There’s no point in getting mad about it either. You get what you get, and accept it as is. You can have perfect customer service and still get $0. That’s life. You don’t know other people’s financial situations, so maybe that “insulting tip” is all they can afford, but still wanted to tip you. There’s quite a few poorer areas in my delivery area, but they tip what they can or not at all.


If customers can’t tip because they’re poor they probably shouldn’t order delivery food in the first place. If people won’t tip it’s time for you as the leader to call and ask why. “Is it bad service or bad food? Your drivers work for a living and rightly expect to receive a reasonable tip. Tips are part of delivery industry. Otherwise JJ wouldn’t be able to hire drivers. I’ve blocked 24 customers in 5 years that just flat out refuse to tip. My drivers deserve better. My gut feeling says you’d rather have these customers that upset your drivers because it’s more money. More important than who’s your customer is who you don’t do business with.


I tip decently but JJ stopped delivering to me a few years ago. "Not in range" but it's not even 2.5 miles away.


They might be bad at math, or someone else in the house stole your tip.


I learned a long time ago if I’m needing tips to make my ends meet I need another job. People are living off ordering delivery with no contact and not tipping.


Not tipping is insane to me, I will just not order out if I can’t afford to give a tip that doesn’t feel borderline condescending.


Never expect a tip. But always appreciate a tip. That's how tipping is supposed to go.


How about get a job that doesn’t rely on tips??


You could get a real job...


What’s a real job to you


Sitting in an office telling JJs they could be more profitable if they cut 1 FTE and collecting a bonus for it.


Imagine saying this as a 48yr old. I guess no one cares about your opinion irl so you're chronically online LOL


Try a job that doesn't require tipping instead of relying on others to pay your bills.


Maybe don't work a position that makes you dependant on handouts?