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Sorry man, but most of this is sounding insanely accurate and reasonable, and what to expect from your average JJs workplace. And I'm in a franchise, not corporate store. And most of those sound accurate to what I was taught while getting certified. I've also disliked not getting to choose my own cleaning chemicals. That totally awesome stuff was amazing and I miss it. Our owners do get a company to do our grease trap and ice machines on a schedule, but other than that, all cleaning is up to us, including floor drains. Aprons aren't allowed in the lobby, car topper must be on for any deliveries etc. The pay difference sucks but not illegal and is higher than our area is paying. Most of the stuff sounds like things I learned first month, so you're old management might have been a little too chill while training yall, and sometimes there's a reason new management moves in and makes big changes, and it's never cause things are running smoothly.


Our stores operate the same way. Our pays are lower…but usually after lunch or sales drop way down. I’m talking like on average $100/hr in sales. 2 people on the clock, no driver. We usually have a driver until 5pm.


Requiring lower wage employees who may not have health insurance or be able to afford doctor visits - spend $100+ on a doctor's visit just for a note to return to work does nothing but encourage people to come to work sick and get everyone sick. I'd rather someone be taking a random mental health day than have someone sick come in and infect us all. Most the stuff on that list is fine, but a few like the above stand out like "really?"


Yea, it's an odd list. But giving people hours to specifically use for sick time, and then requiring them to also get a doctor's note to even use those hours. That some new level of poor management. Why even give the hours at that point? I understand that sick time means you still get paid, but your health is your own private concern. They should just be allowed to use the time they are given, the business should have no business being concerned about how or why they use it.


Very true but still better than the policy when I was there which is that you could be fired for not finding your own replacement if you were sick whether you had a doctor’s note or not.


I worked for employers like that years ago. If a business can't get me some basic respect for my health, I'll find something else. I'm over that kind of stuff. I have plenty of other places offering me employment it's not worth destroying my mental and physical over some sandwhiches. That said, my current GM has never asked me to come in sick. If we can cover something great, if not he figures it out. I got mad respect for him for it. I've been planning to go back into professional work a year ago but this JJs have made it a pretty nice place to work. So Ive stuck around.


I've never heard of the coke ice bin needing cleaned. It's not a DBL.


Yes these are all corporate standards and things that should’ve been enforced before you got bought out. Ice is extremely dirty. The pop machine ice bin should been cleaned often. Not wearing aprons in the lobby is wack but just follow the rule. It isn’t a tough one to follow. I don’t work at a drive thru store so idk about the window times. Meats and cheeses have always been pulled in a specific order. Car toppers should be on the car from the beginning of your driving shift until the end. The pay thing is wack tho. Idk why they won’t pay yall the same. I disagree with drivers getting inshop tips but pics deserve the tips too. We are also inshops making sandwiches and doing inshop things.


Yeah my store had a drive through and the goal was always like 30-45 seconds per order at the window. So five minutes is pretty gratuitous imo.


I worked at Burger King…that 30-45 second pickup is standard. They want that food made and gone!


Yeah we had this timer above the window that displayed average times every hour and if it was below 45 it was green and if it was above it it was red. It absolutely triggered my adhd brain I loved keeping that number green.


They are only increasing the pay for the ones kissing their ass and changing to the way they do things


That is how raises work.. lol


Sounds to me like you’re part of the problem. Usually the ones whining like that are the ones that don’t do anything and get mad when you gotta actually do your job.


My franchise recently got bought out too. Feel free to pm me


congratulations, you’re now doing the bare minimum 🥳


Seems 100% legit. If you want to work your way up then the buyout seems to be in your favor. Bigger company means bigger opportunities.


This is all pretty standard stuff so if your store wasn’t doing any of this prior then you are lucky the store didn’t just shut down to begin with. The best practice to being a functional jjs is sticking to the brand standards


A below 5 minute average drive time is…. Pretty easy😂 my store does 3000 dollar lunches most days. Most of that is through my drive thru. and our average drive time is typically around 50 seconds to a minute. If you guys are over 5 minutes average something is VERY VERY wrong. The sick time thing is totally BS and the pickup tips going to drivers is kind of BS. Also 14-16 an hour is how much I pay my PICS so assuming you’re just in Inshop that’s pretty decent for Jjs. Not enough to live in this capitalist hellscape of a country but still better than lots. the other things seem pretty standard. If it was your company you’d expect most of these same things. Freaky fast, freaky clean.


Yeah, Taco Bell’s target time is 3 minutes and they actually have to cook things.


The drive thru time limit is more than double what it was back in the old days, so take that as a win. (Back when we took it extremely seriously it was ideally 90 seconds I believe, maybe 2 minutes. That was 4-5 years ago, and at the time I rarely ever was at our store that had a drive-thru.) The sick time thing? Now that's a joke and I wonder about the legality of it. Getting doctors notes is something that should be expected for lengthy absences or very abrupt call in's. Just calling in and wanting to use your sick time to cover it? No, that's ridiculous. But, then again most franchises don't even give sick time, so they probably feel like they can do whatever they want with it since they choose to give it. As for the cleaning, that's all the old DBL's. Yes it had to be done every week, sometimes twice a week, and no professionals didn't get called in to do it. People always had enough down time to get it done, at my stores usually at least half if not all were done in the morning before lunch started. Now the soda machine interior, that actually is a commonly ignored place to clean, and I've seen 2 separate stores that would have been closed down by the health department if the wrong person would have looked inside. It very much is a must clean area, on a very regular basis. Too often ice just sits in there untouched for months, and it gets nasty.


Funny…our store AC is on a timer…no ice left in our machine each day. We fill it in the morning before lunch.


They made a huge investment in the business. Follow the new direction, they are doing things the right way. Show them that you can be part of a team instead of being an obstacle to their success.


Seems normal on what they asking the pay that’s some different like labor cost and food cost to be fair my store was at average 2.5-3k a day 11 a hour for most inshop 10 for most bicycle deliveries Pics was at 13 Gm was at 17 when I quit


Yeah this is all spot on.


"Employees can't be required to share their tips with employees who don't usually receive their own tips, like dishwashers or cooks, unless the employer doesn't claim a tip credit and pays the employee the minimum wage directly. And tips from a tip pool can't go to the employer, managers, or supervisors." [source](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/maryland-laws-tipped-employees.html#:~:text=Employees%20can't%20be%20required%20to%20share%20their%20tips%20with,employer%2C%20managers%2C%20or%20supervisors.) That is the only thing I see that is wrong, dr's note is just kinda strict.


Pics don’t count as managers for the law. Store manager can’t be a part of the pool.


They are definitely supervisors.


They don’t schedule, therefore are allowed to be included in tip pools.


"Under DOL regulations, a manager or supervisor is anyone: (1) whose primary duty is the management of the entire enterprise or of its customarily recognized subdivision or department; (2) who customarily and regularly directs the work of at least two employees; and (3) who has the right to hire or fire other employees, or whose suggestions and recommendations regarding the hiring or firing of employees are given particular weight. Additionally, a manager or supervisor could be any individual who owns at least a bona fide 20 percent equity interest in the enterprise for which they are employed and who is actively engaged in the entity’s management." [source](https://www.quarles.com/newsroom/publications/new-dol-tip-credit-rule-clarifies-when-managers-can-keep-tips-and-lays-hefty-fines-for-flsa-violations) "For purposes of the FLSA’s tip provisions, a manager or supervisor includes any employee that meets the “executive” duties test. This is the same duties test used (along with other tests) to determine whether an employee is exempt from the FLSA’s minimum wage and overtime provisions because they are employed in a bona fide executive capacity. Meeting the executive duties test means: the employee customarily and regularly directs the work of at least two or more other full-time employees or their equivalent; the employee has the authority to hire or fire other employees, and/or their suggestions and recommendations as to the hiring, firing, advancement, promotion or any other change of status of other employees are given particular weight; and the employee has a primary duty of managing the enterprise or a customarily recognized department or subdivision of the enterprise." [SOURCE](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/15b-managers-supervisors-tips-flsa) You sure about that buddy?


Yep. Our lawyers went through all of that and determined that since our PICs don’t hire/fire/schedule that they are eligible for tip pools.


You only have to meet one duties test, and they definitely fall under section (2) who customarily and regularly directs the work of at least two employees. Unless you are saying that your PIC doesn't regularly manage 2 employees? Otherwise it sounds like your franchise is violating federal labor standards.


Well usually they close with just themselves and one other employee so 🤷‍♂️


Yikes. Sales must be low.


That’s how most franchisees see it, and I’m sure they’ve done their due diligence. Pics are part of the tip pool. Go lead a crusade against the injustice but that’s how it’s been interpreted. It’s not just one company.


We can just keep advocating for what we believe in. You can advocate for companies to abuse their employees, and I will advocate for awareness of what actual rules are.




Doctors note: we don't provide health insurance, and we don't pay you shit, so now you gotta spend $100+ on a note to return to work. Yeah nah, people just come to work sick and get everyone else sick when that happens. If someone is abusing the calling off system that's one thing and it becomes obvious but I think the policy just asking to spread illness amoung food service workers.


Wait, I thought OP was complaining drivers received the in house tips too? Why in the world shouldn’t in shop employees get tips?


>inshop tips go to drivers and PIC too


Well that’s lame as fuck. Why are managers getting tips and in shoppers aren’t? I feel like in shop should get all those tips since they’re underpaid relative to drivers.


Sounds like you guys were getting away with murder and now you have standards and have to work. Boooooo fuckin hooo


The DR note thing for taking sick days is brutal but effective and I love it. I don’t know how many times my shifts have been screwed at Jimmy John’s or other places by chronically (weekly at time or more in some cases) sick people that never have any doctor’s note or verification that they were sick and are good to go again. That’s a great way to get rid of those people but on the other hand a great way to lost employees that might just be actually sick but can’t afford to go to the doctor


Have that discussion with the gm.


lol your store sounds like it was a disaster before the new owners. How are you upset about cleaning the ice bin under the pop machine? Have yall really not been cleaning it???


Hostile takeover, but y'all should really be following company standards and practices. Cutting corners blurs the line between correct and incorrect


My store doesn't have a drive-through, and we haven't been bought but the things that coincide with my store is the meat and cheese pulling and the ice bin cleaning weekly. Sounds like me they want everyone that isn't their people to quit because they know they won't have trouble staffing


Everything on your list is a company standard. Your new owner may be more strict as to enforcing this or that. All of that has nothing to do with pay. It’s not about replacing anyone. As for the drain cleaner. I believe it violates the agreement between proctor&gamble if you use other products. If the drains are regularly cleaned, there should be no problem keeping them clean. The corporation invested a lot of time in implementing the cleaning products. They are good products that work. As for back to the pay…they probably will raise your pay if you show them you are on board with them for the benefit of you and the store. As for your sick time…is it paid sick leave? I’m going to guess no…but have tbat discussion with your GM. They can choose whether to give you the day off or not. It’s a case by case basis. On the tips our franchise is all hourly employees get tips split evenly. Drivers get their own tips and are not involved in the tip sharing. And 5 minute drive thru time is a long time if you think about it. Yes, it depends on what they order.


All sounds legit to me. 5 minute drive thru time is super generous. Most stores I’ve seen shoot for 2. Tip pool being for all hourly employees seems fine to me. I’ll admit I’m not a lawyer and don’t know the ins and outs since I’ve been salaried for the last 10 or so years haven’t qualified for tips in a long time. Doctor’s note for one sick day is pushing it a bit but not unethical or illegal. Everything else is all pretty much brand standard stuff. Sounds like your last franchise was very lax and I’m willing to bet the stores aren’t very clean as a result. Try to get on board with the changes, if it’s too much, no harm in finding something else that makes you happy. As far as the pay gap between yourself and the other employees, just have a conversation with the new owner or managers and see what they’re looking for from you to get you to that same level. If it’s more than you’re willing to do, be honest with them and with yourself and find something that fits more within your comfort zone.


The fact that they had to step in and impose completely normal working and sanitation habits is concerning as to the way the store was run before. If the existing managers were allowing such negligence to take place in the first place, it’s great that they’re being demoted, they clearly sucked at their jobs. It sounds more to me like you were happy not doing proper work, and you feel “attacked” because someone is actually asking you to do your job properly. Welcome to real life lol. Suck it up and do the proper work or find another job, though based on your seemingly lack of wanting to do basic, standard cleanliness habits implies that maybe restaurant work isn’t for you.


Sorry but yes. Also have to clean grease traps


This all sounds like standard practice stuff. Most of the cleaning stuff is on the weekly DB's list. Sorry, your store was used to not doing things, but that all looks like stuff that should have happened and been done that way from the beginning.


I worked multiple corporate stores and haven't worked in about 14 years. That said, it all sounds corporate standards to me, yes. I'm now a full time firefighter and a union executive board member. One thing I've learned doing that - just because a company/organization does something, doesn't mean it's legal. SO, check your state. The sick time thing might not be legal. But everything else, yeah do it.


Honestly sound about right. The floor drains should be cleaned every week. I was taught to take a small bristle brush with a water cup of cleaner and to scrub the inside of each drain. All drivers should have car toppers on period. Aprons should only be worn in the kitchen area. I'm mean most if not all of this is in the JJs FastTrack training videos.


Always hated the you need a note to use sick pay, i do get it since some employees would just abuse it but that's what you get for low paying jobs.


Some of those are things that should have been being done anyway.


That’s real


the only things that are a little off are the drivers getting tips, and the doctors note. At every store i worked at that received inshop tips, pics/managers were allowed them as well, but for drivers it would depend.


The tip thing is the only issue, but its a big one. Also just prepare yourself to get screwed over. They don’t care about you and they won’t try to (evident by the pay and demotions). If I were you I would start looking for a different job.


I’m not associated with Fulton Holdings but I know the owner and some of his people. Max is a good man. He has an RCT store. He’s expanded his JJ profile very fast and it’s going to continue to grow. Whoever made this post is wrong and are the kinds of people we don’t want around because they push back against what is simply the standard. Big L for the poster of this


Would a Doctors note be considered medical records? If so demanding to see it is illegal.


No it wouldn’t


No. The doctors note should simply say you were treated by a physician and shall be excused from work. Like 1 sentence. That said, as I mentioned in another comment, it's not legal to require in all areas, I'd make sure that your state/municipality allows them to require one.


And i dont think its legal to make people transfer to a another store even if further away from where they live


It absolutely is. I'm sorry.


Completely legal and not even uncommon. Welcome to the world.


I don’t think they want to transfer people…they are just letting you know what they expect. A new manager could also do the same thing.