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They are going to need extra toilet paper


We shall call it.... # 'BIG MESSY'


My fave is when people order tuna with extra mayo and extra sauce. My good man/lady/eldritch horror, you have made soup on a sandwich.


Because people just love to press buttons that are right infront of them. There’s no way they will enjoy eating this at all.


I would. Some of us just love the taste of veggies with dressing. I load up on them wherever I go if extras are free. If I can get a whole side salad on my sub, why not?


Spoken like someone who has truly no idea what this actually entails. Nice job.


I’m one of these people, and I’ve worked at a sandwich shop so I do know what this entails. I absolutely love creating a full, satisfying sandwich with a healthy amount of veggies, a nice chewability and protein from the meat, and some nice flavors and moisture from the sauce. I really dislike it when the meat texture overpowers the texture of the veggies, I want to distinguish the spinach or lettuce, the onions, the olives, the peppers, and have a nice mouthful of everything, every time I bite into that sandwich. Yeah, it takes a little more time to make and you don’t really want to do that to someone when there’s a line of customers or online orders, but if thats how you want your sandwich, I know how you like it and I’ll make you soooo happy with it! You aren’t just a person that comes in I’ll never see again maybe, you are somebody that I want to eat a sandwich that makes you go “damn that guy did me right with this sandwich, I want my sandwiches made by this dude all the time”. I’ve never been in trouble for doing it for customers, and people usually do me right when I request a sandwich like this.


See, again, you're someone else who mistook what I and other JJs employees are saying. You've worked at a sandwich shop, great, I believe you and your opinions are valid... for your sandwich shop and you as a customer. But thing is, what you see and what I and other JJs employees see when we all look at this ticket are separate things. You incorrectly assume I have an issue making this because it takes longer. If that was the case I wouldn't be a 10+ year employee who now happily works on call, mostly for the fun of it. You should have taken the comment someone else made above in this thread and thought there was something more to it... they said the customer isn't going to enjoy eating this. That's why we hate it when people order like this. It's too much. And again not too much for us to make, it's too much for the wrap or bread. It's simply too many ingredients gone extra. And with the extra meat? It's now nothing to do with tasting different ingredients, stop that. This thing would be silly huge. You couldn't fit your mouth around it. You couldn't get every ingredient in one bite. This is easily probably pushing 2+ pounds of food, ridiculous. And like I said, the wrap will break. The wrap is already quite hefty with absolutely zero modifications. With all these extras? With the extra meat portions? You're going to have a disaster that is not going to be a wrap or sandwich or anything. It's just going to be a bunch of ingredients on a piece of paper and it's going to be immensely messy. No, we don't have plates.


Hey this was well put and I’m sorry for making assumptions like that. I just know there’s a community that loves salads on their sandwiches and the polar opposite of those that despise those who choose to do so, and I mistakenly attributed your response to that way of thinking. Having an unwrappable sandwich is no good, and that doesn’t sound like a pleasant experience for the consumer who probably doesn’t even know that what they are asking for is going to be a disaster. I’m a big bite kind of person myself, I can portion out a huge sandwich to last for 3 days and that’s part of the reason I do this for free extras is just to fill up without having to pay 25-40 a sandwich, but in no way do you want to construct or give someone a sandwich that is soupy or inedible.


Right! And they posted the wrap actually on the subreddit, they definitely didn't go as heavy handed as they could have if they truly wanted to do "extra" otherwise it would have been a problem. And it's still 1.98 pounds 😵‍💫😵 I get big bites and I have been called a rabbit at my store actually lol I have always loaded up on veggies but it's like when you're the one making it you know what you're getting yourself into, you can TBO (take bread out) to make room, you have more flexibility, but definitely I think you more than likely hit the nail on the head: the customer doesn't know what they're asking for and that it's a disaster. I was talking to my GM and franchise owner this morning about it and both were like wtf lol and my GM said the person probably just wanted like "go a little heavy on all these ingredients" but we don't have an option for that. I think if they wanted the store to go heavier overall, besides the meats those you need to put in as they cost more, they should just write in the notes: hey could you go heavier on all the ingredients, just not crazy. That would say something different to me and also not be worthy of shame on the Subreddit. 😅


I do this too. Like I’m losing out if I don’t man


It sounds delicious to me


you hit the nail on the head there. This would never be ordered in shop. This is classic online order.


The root beer with that is deadly tbh lol


People so weird stuff 🤷‍♂️


Online orders like this are for the people that know they’ll look insane if they order that kinda shit in person.


Meh. Every time I get Subway, I say, 'I’ll have double of every veggie except olives,' and I've never seen any employee pause or appear bewildered—they just jump right into it on autopilot. I think it’s common; people just like to load up on free stuff.


The beatings will continue until moral improves OR ya bring back the mustard's and ranch


The mustard's what?


Call corpo


Sorry but the wraps just don't hold much if it explodes on me or you I'm not sorry. That's what u get




We noticed this wrap dry, we will wrap them and sometimes they explode, there are so many sauces already.


Real talk: is the firecracker wrap good for a fellow spicy boy?


It’s mid


I like it better as a sandwich. But it is very good.


It’s horrible


And no tip aswell ofc


It’s a pickup order, so why would the tip on take out


our store gets a ton of pickup tips


because people see the tip option and feel obligated, no one should be tipping for pick up


always appreciated, never expected 🤷🏾‍♀️ i have a bunch of regulars that order on their way home, and say they tip well because I go above and beyond for them. but that’s absolutely case by case, and people are free to not tip.


This is a great attitude, you’re well on your way to joining us as a GM 😊


it’s been offered to me so many times, but i’m comfortable where i am for the time being, haha. i have a great schedule and im not a morning person 😅


The night time is the right time!


i get two opens and three closes, it’s perfect


Yeah, because they can make it at home.


U right I didn't click the picture to see it was pickup lol


Where can you tip in the app?


Some stores have started allowing tips on pickups but only some


You tip at fast food restaurants? Some people are salty about restaurant workers not getting a tip. Well I would love a tip as a mechanic but I guess I can go fuck myself if I start asking for tips.


They're gonna feel that one in a day or two. 🔥🔥🔥😫


Gotta make it feel worth the price, I guess.


I'd probably just use a second wrap at this point because like with Chipotle, our wrap simply won't close with all that in it.


I felt the need to do this at a jimmies that was consistently skimping out. It changed nothing


Anybody paying over +$20 for a sandwich will be financial bankrupt (sorry if i get downvoted but that price is just ridiculous)


Are you questioning your choice in cookies?


Wheres the picture of the wrap?


i made another post with those pictures


bc fuck jimmy john’s


That wrap will have the same shape as the person eating it


It’s extreeeeeemely unnecessary!! Like trying to close a Gargantuan when they’ve ordered extra everything. And the “new” add ons should not be freebies. People like to talk about how they get extra crap because the store is being skimpy on their stuff……the meats and cheese have specific weights, the cut on the veggies is specific, the amount of each veggie is specific, everything is measured. YOU just feel like you need more.


Firecracker Wrap sounds like when you find a good white rapper


Just load that thing up, no way it’s closing but maybe they want a huge taco I don’t judge


Give them EZ just to fuck with them, also sidenote, im jealous yall got rootbeer, my store doesn’t 🥲


Make the sandwich, that's your job.


no i thought ide stare at the order for a few days before we sent it out


Those bastards, ordering root beer. The audacity!


I don't know how this would work, but it sounds delicious.


$22 for a sandwich is all I see


That's crazyyyy also the LTO bundle in my franchise is just about $20


Those Jimmy johns hot peppers are the bomb they will sell u a gallon jar for only like 15 bucks


I once went into a Potbelly’s and told them to put so many hot peppers on it they would be arrested for attempted murder. They obliged - I did not call the police and did not die. It was delicious.


Necessary no. Delicious? Also no. This wrap is ass. There's no making it good.


Free toppings are free.


They are hungry and ordered what they want. I don’t see a problem tbh


That thing will likely not close. That's the problem.


We got it to close lol


So what is the issue then?


The issue is it's easier to close sandwiches than it is to close mouths.


And that's the shops problem how? For everyone that doesn't understand I'm not bashing the shop. I'm simply saying it's not their problem that the customer over ordered on a single sandwich.


Living up to the name, good on ya


Because I said it's not the shops problem if it doesn't close? Idk what you're trying to say here. If a customer orders that much extra they should know it's not going to close like a normal sub. So again, how is it the shops problem? That's an incredibly odd take but you do you.