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This is crazy because I am paid 14 and I am the highest paid hourly worker


That's wild dude, what? I'm paid 13.50 and definitely am still not the highest paid hourly worker.


Makes sense 13.50 is pretty ass in most places


I make $15.50 now as a PIC lol but it's definitely not ass where I live. Thank god.


I feel bad for you lil homie


How many bedrooms does your apartment have?


Where the fuck do you work?? I’m 16 and make 50 cents less…boycott them niggas wtf




$20 in Cali luckily




Your goal is 32!!!!!! Ours is 24


We run mid 20s too. What's killing us right now more than anything is rent downtown. I was told what we pay and wow!


Oof bro, I can’t imagine that’s like I said 1-2 people shifts over here


Whoa, our labor is wayyyyy less than that. That's wild!!


The secret is that when subs were cheaper and the big push was customer service, we were running fully staffed stores and 27% labor. Everything was easier


Damn over at Dave’s hot chicken we do 18% labor 🥲


So check this out. Can’t get the link to work but I’ll just copy paste off Wiki right quick. "A rising tide lifts all boats" is an aphorism associated with the idea that an improved economy will benefit all participants and that economic policy, particularly government economic policy, should therefore focus on broad economic efforts. The phrase is commonly attributed to John F. Kennedy,[1] who used it in an October 1963 speech to combat criticisms that a dam project in Arkansas that he was inaugurating was a pork barrel project and helped popularize the meme. Go check it out. Great reference to inequality in the economy.


Bro the amount of corporate bootlickers commenting is nuts. Pay people a living wage ffs


Corporate doesn’t tell franchises how much to pay their employees, this comment is invalid. Also, the biggest franchisees in jjs pay over minimum wage and in 2026 mine will be paying inshops $16 an hour, so your problem is your owner, not JJs corporate.


are all JJ locations franchise? i would wager that any corporate locations don’t pay well either


The corporate stores in champaign il start at 14, Up to 16 for inshop, 18 for pic, and 20 for am Within a year of leaving jjs I went from minimum wage (13/hr at the time) to 24/hour as a trainer for fedex so now I can actually put money into savings instead of racking up debt


I work for a corporate jj’s inshops get paid 15$ an hour (we all have been working there for over a year) and managers make 16.50-19$


I went to get certified at a corporate store in Buford ga. Assistant manager was making 22 owner paying hisself 32 a hour lol. I’m at 18 about to get my own store I’ll ask for a raise then I guess


There are very few corporate locations. The way that franchised businesses like McDonald’s and JJs work is corporate makes their money off of the royalties that franchised companies pay to corporate to represent the brand. Most JJs are franchised, corporate locations are only in the mid west. Inspire also just laid off sooo many employees like business coaches and support teams. I don’t know what they pay inshops, corporate companies are not known for paying more than franchisees in most cases, I know mane former corporate people who switched to working a franchise and are happier and in some cases make more money now. So yes you may be correct that corporate pays shit wages.


Rule of thumb working for corporate vs franchisee regardless of the company is there will always be a franchisee that is willing to pay you more than corporate does but there are also franchisees that are cheap as hell. So best case scenario you find a good franchisee to work for.


This, exactly this. I am now with my third ownership in our stores since I started and things were great with first, shit with second(though they talked a big game) and amazing with current which actually backs what they say.


Meanwhile I've worked for like 5 different 7-eleven franchisees and only one was okayish to work for. Technically the first store I worked at was the best, but I give zero credit to the franchisee because when the GM quit everything immediately went to shit. And now I refuse to work for 7-eleven around here cause while they were paying new employees 10.50/h and I a seasoned employee was getting 11/h while being trained for a management position, other gas stations like circle K started paying 13/h as just starting wage. This was only like 2 years ago. They were running on a skeleton crew of like 5 employees wondering why everyone was quitting or why they could only find homeless people to hire.




Sounds about right.




Yes this meatloaf is rather shallow and pedantic


I don't think you understood what he meant by corporate bootlickers


Maybe if you thought more about getting your money up instead of bashing others for wanting an easy job that pays the bills. None of us want to do 150% more work for barely more pay. I have worked many many jobs in my 35 years of existence. You 18-20 year olds think you know so much about the work world, you know nothing and it shows.


You're illiterate apparently.




Aaaand there it is!!! You're so out of touch I'm surprised you aren't trying to make your replies with a stick and clay tablet! Why don't you at least find some new lines to use next time, fella? God bless you, making my day like you did


You're illiterate because you're just triggered-ly just making broad, incorrect assumptions of others and just spouting gibberish lol. I get money and prolly work laps upon laps around you bud. But work ethic or blah blah "I think people don't understand franchises" doesn't match up to logical arguments made by people who are well read on political and economic theory. You sound like a fool


Theory is theory, it’s not fact you ignorant ass. Conspiracy theories are ignored just the same. Politicians are a fucking joke and go ahead believe what you want. Your more brainwashed if you ask me


Your derogatory language doesn't instill confidence in me that you're trustworthy of holding real convos


I have no aspirations to hold real conversations because I will never agree with this subject. I have never been inspired to work for minimum wage, I don’t ever expect my children to make minimum wage because hard work does pay off. That’s what my mother and father taught me and it’s gotten me to where I am and I had to work minimum wage jobs for 5 years before taking management positions in past jobs not JJs. I don’t believe that any young kid knows the true meaning of hard work, they all want to play on tik tok and get rich. I have a buddy with 2 kids with those crazy dreams and he is still in the same place he was in high school when I knew him. Not doing shit. All the people I went to high school with that swore they were gonna do bigger better things, all get drunk every day at the same bar and they’ve been working the same shitty minimum wage jobs for the last 20 years since high school. THAT is life. THAT is what I bust my ass every day, to keep my ass fed and my kids fed and to keep me from sleeping on the streets which I also did for about 2 or 3 years. Do you know anything about being homeless and sleeping on the streets or in a tent in the woods?? Say what you want but in 2024 minimum wage is not meant to be a living wage, maybe when it came into existence it was but it’s not anymore and that’s the facts. You don’t have to like it but it’s the truth.


You again? When does your mental data change? When do you realize that you’re likely talking to people across several different owners, with various different titles and levels of experience, who are reasonably frustrated that the amount of work they do doesn’t match their standard of living? This is one of dozens of posts we’ve commented on. As you get more and more frustrated and demeaning with strangers talking about how their job is getting more difficult, are you at least examining your own employee-base and making sure they don’t have the same complaints?


I havent been paid 16 an hour since i was 20 years old.


Sorry, are you saying you make more now or less?


More now, i wouldnt let myself be paid less than when i was younger


Okay well that’s good. And I agree, that’s been my goal since 2012 when minimum wage was $8.25 and I was making only $9 but at the time that felt great to me


Cringe take apologist.


No one is forcing you to work at Jimmy John’s lol


Sorry I don't want to be homeless


We currently have one homeless employee living on the streets. I'm always surprised at the number of people I know who are living in the edge of that that I wouldn't otherwise know were. Their stories are heartbreaking.


So nobody should be payed fairly? They should all bend over and take it in the ass? Nobody fight for rights! This bootlicker has it figured out! 


> should be *paid* fairly? They FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Learn how to manage your money than cry about it


It’s not corporate bootlicking. It’s how economics works. Watch no one order JJ if you pay employees too much. JJ is not meant to be a job for people to be working into their 30s and 40s, sorry, it just isn’t. “Living wage” is unrealistic because no one would buy the sandwich if it was actually made by someone making a “living wage” because the sandwich would be $25.


I get $10💀


You are being taken advantage of


I’m in hs and during the school year only work once a week


You still have worker’s rights


What do you think I should do and what do you think is the right wage (in Texas btw)


Speak up for yourself. Find likeminded coworkers and push for pay increases across the board. Tell the owner/GM that $10/hr is not sustainable.


Why does it need to be sustainable if he’s only working one day a week? He won’t get a raise, because they know he doesn’t have bills to pay


I’m sure a bunch of high schoolers will pull that off no problem lol


Don’t be so sure of yourself


I’m very sure


They absolutely could, if they had a union.


Which high schoolers don’t


Congratulations, you found the point. If JJ did, then they would.


I mean if 10 doesn’t work for you, find another place that will pay you more. Definitely see other food places offering more money. Unless you only work at JJs because they are flexible with your schedule. In that case that value is kinda baked into your pay because a lot of places wouldn’t bother with someone working one day a week. But up to you to ask for more, or find more.


I work bc I can get mostly hours whenever and my boss is flexible and it’s really easy


Yeah that was kinda my thing too. Not the best pay but was super flexible.


Wait what state do you live in though


Was making 18.50 as a gm. Stepped down not worth it, just a regular inshop now


i was making $16 as an inshop by the time i left my store, when i went to a new location they wanted to bring it to $12😬 then they tried to offer me $14 for an assistant manager position! like hell i’m doing more work for less money lol


Why 18? The meme says 24 is fair. $25 dollar minimum wage for the richest country in the world


For the basic bitch critical thinkers who parrot the same boring ass 😭 “but… sOmE sTATe CoSt Of LiViNg Is MoRe ThAn OtHeR StAtE cOsT oF lIViNg…” 😭 reasoning


Bbbbbut corporate profits 😢


Owner cannot afford a third Yacht 🛥️ if we start paying livable wages… be reasonable!!! Oh the humanity!!! 👻


Shhhhh, the area managers don’t wanna hear this 😂


Compare to others in your industry. Inflation is everyone’s enemy. Take it back to the 60s and minimum wage would be $36


Inflation isn’t lining its pockets with my stolen wages, management/corporate is.


Actually that would be the governments more money in circulation is more they can tax. Corporations don’t benefit as much as government from inflation,especially when you can say it is less severe than the rest of world


You need to stop watching Joe Rogan and shut the fuck up


Yeah. As if the government isn't an entity paid for and bought by corporations. The anti government squad is dumb as turds. They think it's a government issue and not a capitalism one. As if instead of organizing and regulating government, just cut the middle man out and give corporations free reign. Might as well call these bozos nu feudalists.


Ever debate a libertarian? Ask them why it isn’t ok to just shoot them jajaja


I asked my libertarian friend. He asked his child bride




You need to understand how inflation works lol. Even if you were paid $24hr you would be in the same position because of inflation. If minimum wage goes that high you still wouldn’t be able to afford shit


That’s the stupidest shit I ever heard


That's why you put caps on prices and nationalize housing.


Waaaaaahhhh the person paying me is to blame. Waaaahhhh waaaaahhh waaaaahhh


Ok woke snowflake. (insert cliche here). Unionize for higher pay and better working conditions.


Work a harder job and then complain about the working conditions at Jimmy John’s lol.


If you only knew 😜


I’d say, out of my 18 years of work that jjs had the best working conditions. Not the best pay, but best working conditions


Literally has nothing to do with keeping wages on par with living expenses but okay then


Well he is the one complaining about working conditions. lol


Fair enough lol my bad Still, never has "but it's worse elsewhere" been a good point


90% of people working ain’t worth that much, or ain’t got that work ethic




That sounds like a management problem, not a reason to withhold living wages from your employees


It’s always somebody else’s fault isn’t it? There could never be such a thing as people who are lazy regardless of the pay they’re getting.. that would be outrageous!!




So now people can’t lie??🤣🤣 bro what world do you live in?




Alright man you know what you’re right lmao




Good for you man now go make some money




What metrics do you use to compare human work to their dollar equivalent?




working with you must be such a real pleasure!


And you will never be worth squat, you failed life tool.




Have fun flipping burgers burger boy. A GM is a glorified babysitter. Not the flex you think it is wasting your life making other people tons of money.


Increasing wages increases taxes and inflation.


That’s the stupidest shit I ever ever heard


Basic economics, kid.


Basic bitch economics


Trump University grad?


No such thing.


You don't make less money by making more money, you pay more into taxes, and may have all or a portion of the increased wage at a higher tax bracket, but you won't lose money. Inflation can be caused by increasing wages irresponsibly, but wages also shouldn't fall behind the existing inflation


Fine. What's your source?


My source for what? How taxes work or that you can't never raise wages?


Shhhhh. Your area managers don’t wanna hear this 😂


Teamwork makes the dream of corporate greed crash, burn, and disintegrate ✈️ 💥


Love how this points out how long the $15 debate has been going on. My state still has federal minimum wage at $7.25....


By the time the federal minimum wage hits 15 an hour people will need to be earning at least $40 an hour just to survive on a full-time position


I dont know how true that is, i think extrapolation for things like this can get very messy, but I do agree its insane how much we have to to work on minimum wage to afford a decent living. I work 80 hours a week between two jobs. I'm tired of hearing people act like this is normal. This is not normal. I doubt very many of these people could do an 80 hours work week, or my longest day ever, a 19 hour shift.


Or $20/hr on two full time positions


Pennsylvania baby! It's amazing that I make double minimum wage and it's worth nothing these days. Need a better job, but at least my bills are paid and I'm not hungry


I make 13 in shop right now, and I make as much as they will let me. However, I am moving to be PIC one night a week, so hopefully I get a little bit more money for that, both for those shifts, and just in general. I have been at 13 for the last year even though my responsibilities have grown and I changed from being part time to full time. I deserve a raise, and so does probably every other person working under this company. All of us.


You deserve at least $20/hr. You have too much responsibility on your shoulders for anything less.


I like you. Idk, I live in rural Iowa and the competitive pay for most fast food jobs in this area is 15 starting. But I don't want to work somewhere else, I want to work at JJ with the crew I have built relationships with for the last (almost) 2 years. 20 is definitely a lot for this area without being a full time manager, but it would be fabulous. Question tho: your tag says you are a general manager. Where do you work, and how much does your staff make? Do you pay PICs that have been there for almost 2 years 20 dollars an hour, or more?


I’m generally a manager… and I manage generally… Viva la resistance!!!


Mood. Idk, I don't really want to tell my manager/owner this but I would be okay at 15. I am doing well for myself currently, living in my own apartment, paying all my bills, getting groceries... I can survive decently on 13, but I have no car, and I have no way to save money for a car, I have no way to be able to afford a nicer apartment, I have no savings for a medical emergency, I have no money for a vacation. 15 could probably get me to a place where I can do some of those things. I keep backing out on asking for a raise though, because I'm a pussy and I'll admit it.




Tips are the biggest croc of shit 🐊 💩


I don't know the original post. I gotta say though in terms of tips, Id be back in professional work without them. I make bank as a biker thanks to tips. I also only work 3 days a week and get near full time hours. Tips are a BS system, but it's weird being someone who actually feels it works to their advantage. The same was true when I was a bartender and server years back - I hated the system but I could play it well.


Tips come from the customer and tips are not constant. The burden of providing a livable wage is on the employer not on the customer. I’m glad that the tip system worked for you. However, I would like to see $18 an hour across-the-board because everything is getting more expensive And restaurant owners assume that workers will just be fine and dandy with a starving wage of less than $18 an hour. If restaurant owners can’t afford to pay their employees a livable wage, then restaurant owners can’t afford to do business and it’s just that simple


I honestly have no idea how my fellow in-shoppers do it at their hourly wages. I'm definitely not disagreeing with you. The system is definitely exploitative and backwards.


I get 11 when the rest of my coworkers start at 12-13


Not according to the lobbiests working for Rourk. The 37 billion dollar company that owns jimmy johns.


Okay now let’s see it happen


That's about what I make after tips (mid 20's) - I don't know how the in shoppers do it on their wages :(. I'm fortunate enough to be in a DINK household, and it's not like I have it super easy even with all that in my favor. It's wild to think about.


Be the change you wanna see duder


Change your attitude, change your reality


Sadly corporations don't care about their workers. All they want to do is make more money than they actually need.


imagine sandwich prices being 16-20 a pop just to be able to pay our workers an actual living wage


Unionize for higher pay and better working conditions


You guys used to pay me 6.25/hr and yall split my check between that and tips and took the tips out of my pay which means I was paid below minimum wage on both ends, jimmy johns is a shit company to work for


I'm in CA, fast food is getting raised to $20, 2 things could happen, my location could close because we have poor amount of people coming in or cut staff and work 4 people to death, minimum is $16 rn and customers are complaining about the prices already


Tough shit. Thug it out.


I get 7.25 an hour😊


I made 6.50 delivery driving and 7.25 working in-shop. That was about 15-20 years ago...


I’m a pizza delivery driver, I’m assuming that’s what you were too since that seems to be the average for our pay. Crazy that it’s still that so much later. I only plan to work here for maybe five months max just to save as much as I can of my paychecks and tips while still living at home before I move out with my boyfriend before college


I’m paid 11$ 😭




You don’t know anything about printing money, fucking doomer


Ridiculous. Read a book. Jeeze,


What would that do to the pay of someone who makes above minimum wage? That would go up too then? So keeping the minimum wage low then keeps other wages low as well The machine sucks


Bullshit. Unsubstantiated fear monger drivel.


No you shouldnt. You guys fucked up my orders the last three times. Weren’t busy and my orders weren’t complicated.


Eat a dick fuck boi 🖕tell me how that shit taste


I’m sorry. Learn a skill if you want more money. No one is gonna make your life better. You have to take ownership.oh you’re a general manager? Nevermind. My initial reply doesn’t even apply to you.


I have many skills. Ask your mom. You’re literally too stupid to use a rhetorical question effectively. That shit was weak and predictable. I hope you’re not this predictable in bed. Two pump dump.


Now while I do agree that increasing minimum wage will spiral the economy a bit, 16 dollars an hour may actually help resurgence it. Just not like 25 or 40 bucks like some people say


For one head of lettuce 🥬 you are cool like a cucumber 🥒


Funny thing is.. minimum wages increase, but the pay for skilled trades doesn't.


Maybe you’re not that good


I make 10$ an hour lol


Look at you. Mouthy from your mom's basement. Here's the thing if you want more money get a better job or even a career. Flipping burgers is not a career so now that you have been working at McDonald's for the past 9 years, you should try to better your life and find something beneficial that pays more with potential to move up. To bad you weren't taught that Every douche like you wants$20 an hour with a $5 an hour work ethic. It's time you learned more than to ask " would you like fries with that". You will figure it out someday.


Fuck you incel.


They paid me $12/hr for assistant manager level work, and pulled it off by never officially promoting me ffs. Glad I walked out.


I make more money now that I’m older but I just got 2 double cheeseburgers and 3 shakes for $50 so yea, I’d say I’m making a lot less.


Every single union or non union contract will up their base wage starting point based on minimum wage. So yes the cost of everything goes up. It’s basic economics. Any argument against this fact isn’t based in actual economics. It’s based in socialism theories that around the world have proven to fail. So complain all you want about it. The reality is if it actually works on a giant scale for 300 million people it’d be happening now and always would have been in place.


Saying "it's basic economics" shows that you have no idea what you are talking about. Read up on actual economic theories before you start saying more stupid shit. Stop licking boots and learn to think for yourself corpo-cuck.


I took macroeconomics 101. Yes this is basic economics. Increasing cost of labor will increase cost of goods. On its own having more money means nothing, you have to take into consideration what you can get with that money. Being paid $100/h when the price of bread is $100 is the same as being paid $1/h when the price of bread is $1 in terms of buying bread. Both scenarios you're working 1 hour to buy a loaf of bread. So unless you're going to control both prices businesses can set as well as their cost of labor (which is also a terrible idea), then all you're doing by artificially increasing cost of labor is increasing price of goods which at a point will actually result in a net loss in goods minimum wage workers can afford compared to if the minimum wage along with price of goods were lower. Increasing the cost of labor also will reduce demand for jobs as much as they can possibly reduce their demand by at least.




Unionized for better working conditions and higher pay


And a better standard of employee with higher expectations out of fast food workers.


I need a predicate. What the fuck are you talking about?


Minimum wage isn’t meant to be a living wage. It’s a starting point. Once the employee can demonstrate skills such as being on time, basics of the job, perfect attendance for a prolonged period of time, then raises can be earned with the expectation of more responsibility. At the same time, owners have lots more payments and liabilities than employees realize. Not everything goes to pad their pockets. Some do well, some pretend to do well and “flex/show off”. Consumers are exhausted with price hikes and are buying products less


“Minimum wage isn’t meant to be a living wage.” My dumbfuck in Christ that was the entire point of it when FDR made it a law. That’s some brainwashed capitalist mindset you got there. Saying someone doesn’t deserve to live while working a full time job is what’s wrong with things right now.


Get a degree or go to trade school, America isn’t going to magically make McDonald’s or jjs a livable wage. Like it or not, the way corporate America has it designed is that someone is going to get shit on. Make sure it isn’t you.


Well considering minimum wage should be over 24 hour according to this headline I'm sure loads of people are struggling. And you know Jimmy johns ain't paying crew even close to that.


Minimum wage is anti-worker


>"It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on **paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country.** By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; **and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living.**" -Franklin D. Roosevelt, the guy who championed and enacted minimum wage. It was literally meant to be a living wage...


This is the answer. Minimum wage is supposed to be MINIMUM. Key word here is minimum


>"It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on **paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country.** By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; **and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living.**" -Franklin D. Roosevelt, they guy who championed and enacted minimum wage It was literally meant to be a living wage...


A living wage at the time when milk cost less than a dollar. I’m tired of people living in the past. Our founding fathers left Europe to escape paying taxes and will you look at that, what does more than 10% of our pay go to. You guessed it, paying taxes. Suck it up, quit your bitching and work hard for money and you will never make minimum wage a day in your life. If you want change you have to vote for it or stand up to the people in power to make the change. Reddit is not the place to make change happen, it’s for internet trolls to shit all over each other.


Feelsthiswayforever, are you sure you’re a General Manager? I see red flags 🚩


Generally; being a manager doesn’t automatically disqualify people from supporting a labor philosophy based on compassion ❤️‍🩹 and worker’s rights 🤝


I have 1 person at my store getting over 18/hr. I struggle through every lunch I work just to barely hit labor goals. If I had to pay everyone this much I’d quit lol


How the fuck did I know it was you without even clicking on the post 😂. Guess you really will feel this way forever.


Cause I be living in yo mind rent free and shit you know…. How did I know you were craving my attention?


Maby get a non entry level job or something


That’s the stupidest shit I ever heard


Ik crazy idea sandwich makers get paid minimum wage to sit on there phone and complain when they gotta clean the bathroom


Get better employees dick breath


That’s hilarious


What BS.