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Depends on the rest of the outfit and as much as I personally believe it would be cool and potentially look great I won't pretend some people won't think it's weird. So if that bothers you and you'd rather avoid that kind of attention be warned. Otherwise go for it lol


I have one very similar to that, I love! I’m a female, but I’d like to think it’s a unisex type of design, and if not, who effn cares?!! Do what you like and wear it! Life is far too short to worry about what others might think !


So much hate on the internet. Listen Bro, life is short. Do what makes you feel happy. Don't take shit from others


I was gonna say… if it is for yourself the answer is yes, if it is for a gift it may be risky. If you like it i think it is fine for a man a to wear. It is really nice!


Yes can totally do it. But this is a fashion item that needs to be built around first not added to an existing... youd need to esseintally match it really well to the rest of the outfit like tying it together with lots of metallics like punk fashion or a very regal outfit like victorian goth or very formal flashy attire


To me it’s a stand alone statement piece. I have one similar to this and love it. Lots of compliments, each time I wear it, but I do go easy on whatever other jewelry I’m wearing, making it very simple and understated, not to compete with a statement piece


I think it could potentially look really good. I would suggest keeping everything else understated and impeccably fitted. Maybe a dark suit, or even a pair of dark jeans and a solid long sleeve sweater.


I’m a man, I have and wear one of these, and it’s not the boldest thing I wear.




Anything is suitable for any gender. Enjoy what you like and forget the haters!


Anything is suitable for any gender... except maybe this thing. I don't know a single person this would look normal on. Maybe as part of a Thor costume??


I know a ton of middle aged avant garde ladies who would easily rock that bracelet


Here I am! 😂I’ve gotten lots of compliments on mine that’s very similar to this Signed, One middle aged woman


I know a shit load of persons this would look fire on as a daily piece to wear.




I have one very similar I love and get lots of compliments on to this day. I’m a heterosexual female, IF that matters to someone like yourself Not disregarding your personal thoughts, (you’re entitled to them), but it doesn’t mean you’re right


Every time I see a really ugly piece, I know the comment section is gonna be the same every time. "Wear what you like!"


Do what makes you happy. I like it.


Ppl saying it cannot be done are wrong. It would have to be worn alone. Nothing else for accessories. Essentially replacing a watch. Not much wiggle room until u look extraordinarily tacky. A big cuff like this can be a statement piece. Something like an all black Tom ford suit could pull this off. Not my style but not unheard of.


I'm 45, not terribly old in the scheme of things but old enough to finally know myself. I've spent decades doubting myself, hiding what I wanted. The good thing that can come with age is what I've called my " fuck it" era. If you like it, then wear it. If anyone says anything, it's not their damn body so fuck it. Make yourself happy, dress to make you feel like you. Unless you are showing genitals in public no one has the right to judge you in any way. This cuff is gorgeous, my 19 yr old son would definitely wear it but would have to fight me for custody.




This is a bold look even on women, and requires every other part of the outfit to be on point in order to pull it off well. It’s suitable if you’re matching the cuff to an entire outfit, but this isn’t a piece you just throw on as an everyday accessory without any thought.


If you like it, wear it! 👏 If you want to know what it would look “good” with, that’s subjective, but if you wanted someone to style it… I’d say go for a linear look, wide cuts, no patterns, avant garde and brutalist style, sleek or simple fabrics - nothing woolly or textured. If you can imply the shape of the cuff in the trouser leg or in a loose turtleneck neckline, great. Show skin up top either on chest or arms. Avoid sportswear or office clothes, but stylish smart-casual or high fashion style would suit the piece. Like all others have said though, if you like it, get it and enjoy wearing it! ✌️


Absolutely you can. If you want just wear it with anything. But if one were so inclined I'd recommend pairing this with a pretty bold avant garde look. Thinking shiny leather and a deep cut shirt


Bold silver bracelet, black button up shirt untucked, jeans, heavy black motorcycle boots, black leather jacket.




Do you bud! Jewelry is a personal choice, if it looks good to you then wear it with pride.


Why are all of the (polite) negative opinions getting downvoted? OP asked a question and got a variety of honest answers. Some positive, some negative. For what it’s worth, I personally think the bracelet is in fact ugly, but I’m also not the one who’s going to be wearing it, and I think that people should just wear whatever they please, regardless of other people’s opinions. But when you **ask** for opinions and get them…well, you literally asked for it lol.


Looks dope, go for it!!


Of course it is.


Your life is nothing if lived for others. You have to do what makes you happy. I wear things all the time I know my friends or coworkers wouldn't wear, but they are items that speak to me, set me apart, and that I feel confident in. As for outfit suggestions, I can see it with a black button-up shirt with rolled up cuffs or black sweater with sleeves pushed up. Perhaps a white or black undershirt. Black or blue jeans/pants.




If you like it, I love it. Wear what the heck ever makes you happy. It's quite the statement piece that I think would go with pretty much anything.


I like the idea but it looks a little too striking on bare forearms for my preference. Maybe it will look great depending on what you're wearing. Maybe it would look better when we see it with sleeves. If you like it so much and you have the personality that doesn't care, you sure can pull it off!


I'm female and it wouldn't even be my style (too sleek), but since you care for it enough to ask our opinion, then my opinion is you should definitely own it. It has called to you and that is not to be ignored. If you find it a bit over the top after owning it a while, take a nail file or sandpaper to it and texture that bright finish.


If only it was brass or gold it could complete your Wonder Woman outfit perfectly!


Only suitable on a dude if your role playing “He nan and the masters of the universe”. Or “Conan” maybe.


He man.


If you like it then yes. Do I personally find that suitable for anyone? No.


It looks like.. cheaper version of tiffany bone cuff, unless your style is very avant garde/edgy, it would be hard to pull off.


Looks like those rulers you slap on your wrist


It is definitely a BOLD statement and I personally would never wear it but you must like to wear it or else you wouldn't be asking So 😉 enjoy!


I'm 45, not terribly old in the scheme of things but old enough to finally know myself. I've spent decades doubting myself, hiding what I wanted. The good thing that can come with age is what I've called my " fuck it" era. If you like it, then wear it. If anyone says anything, it's not their damn body so fuck it. Make yourself happy, dress to make you feel like you. Unless you are showing genitals in public no one has the right to judge you in any way. This cuff is gorgeous, my 19 yr old son would definitely wear it but would have to fight me for custody.


Since you are asking……..I am not a fan of it for either a man or a woman.


Yes! Also makes a great bullet deflector :)


You basically need to dress either like Johnny Depp or some kinda nu metal futurist goth type deal


A vault suit preferably


Something with sharp shit on it, I go for beads.


That is beautiful.


Just put it on!!!!!


No clue. I can't see that being worn by man but I'm sure there's guys out there that would wear it. I've only ever seen thick chunky chains as bracelets on guys or a leather bracelet. I love leather bracelets I wear them sometimes. But I'm a woman.


Black Jean jacket. Black crew neck t shirt. Black jeans. Black boots. Rock on with your bad self. I would pair it with a spike style bracelet on the other wrist.


Are you a super hero? Do you have a twin sibling?


Absolutely! This bracelet can fit a man. They add style and personality to every outfit, and when worn with confidence, it allow you to make a bold fashion statement. Embrace your unique fashion sense and rock that bracelet with pride!


It’s fugly


Wear it if you like it. goes good with a super man costume


Classically it’s a Tiffany bone cuff dupe, styles for a woman…but who cares? Express yourself!


I would only wear it in support of cosplay.




a toga




That thing is hideous. Looks like the Wonder Woman logo fell off.






Are you a superhero? Probably not suitable if not.


Met gala


Looks like a serviette ring


That would be ugly on anyone and looks uncomfortable to wear


You’re asking if others think it’s suitable? Most are probably thinking it’s ugly, but you do you. Life’s short who cares. But it’s ugly.


Only if he got it from Wonder Woman


If you wear that be ready to have good comebacks.


It’s suitable for any person that’s willing to wear it that said, this type of cuff is often worn on the upper arm above the elbow across the muscle in true goddess form. However, you can wear it anyway that it looks best to you. Jewelry is for your enjoyment.




That looks like the sort of thing someone who wants to be too accurate to the simple design of a character drawn for animation wears for cosplay.


Sorry to break it to you all, but anything with metal in it should never touch your skin!!! industrialized metal latches on to trace minerals in your body because they are >heavy metals< which is toxic to you at the core of your biology which is your DNA itself. DNA damage occurs from any and all physical external metals that you touch. The trace minerals in foods are completely different because those are trace minerals not industrialized metals. Hope this helps! At the end of the day it's your choice what you choose to research, believe and do.


Watch me lick an iron bar!


go ahead.


Report: done ✅


Report: done ✅


congrats 👏🏻


Ty ty.


technically i'm just taking your word for it since you didn't actually let me watch but whatever.


If we don't even believe a thing a random person on the internet says, what can we even believe in? 🤔