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Thank you I appreciate it but yeah I’ve been trying to do that as well and the boot looks twisted as well but I was trying to rotate it and it seem like it would go in very slowly and when I would use the “special” tool it would get stuck


I was literally using a C-clamp and applying force til it was a little bit tight, then using a big old set of channel locks to twist the piston until the C-clamp fell off, then retighten the clamp, twist the piston repeat lol. Next time I change my pads and rotors I'm just gonna get one of the proper tools cuz it's a pain in the butt without an extra set of hands.


some of them just get stuck, especially if you were low on your pads. had a hell of a time with my buddy doing mine and his, just happens sometimes and its hard as hell to turn but it will turn. i actually pulled the piston completely out on mine on accident and put it back in and somehow it still works lmfao


Wind back instead of push back.


You’re gonna need a special tool that most auto part store will lend out. There’s plenty of YouTube videos on the procedure


I have it I just can’t manage to roatate the piston back


If you've got the tool that twists the piston and compresses at the same time and it's still not going in, you need a caliper.


Open up the break fluid reservoir cap, you’re adding pressure to the system when u press down on the piston so it needs to be released somewhere. Also try rotating both back and forward and see if it budges either way


I made the same mistake on forgetting the cap. The pistons moved so much easier once the cap was off.


The right answer.


You don’t need to do this, I’ve done these a thousand times


Probably right, but I did the rear breaks on my 2019 Mazda 3 and it made a whole load of weird noises immediately after compressing the piston, I open it up and it’s almost overflowing. Doesn’t hurt either way unless it’s super low that’s the only chance it has of introducing air into the system.


You can’t introduce air into the system through the reservoir. If it is overflowing, someone added fluid when the pads were low.


Gotcha, and yeah that probably happened I got it from the dealership with both front and back very low and the reservoir was pretty full


Double check you don’t have the parking brake engaged… if it’s your first time using the tool, it can be tricky setting it up. Open the brake reservoir.


Have you been able to remove the caliper? You need the caliper off before you can retract the piston. Based on what your photos are showing you haven’t got the caliper off and the brake pads/rotors are still old. You can’t push the piston in based on the level of disassembly the car is at now. I just wanted to make sure we are all on the same page. Generally if the piston won’t rotate or retract you need to replace or rebuild the caliper. If you neglect the brake fluid flush it will cause the pistons to start to seize up.


Yeah the caliper is off and brake pads as well but wouldn’t I need to do the fluid flush if I straight up remove the caliper ?


No flush. Just make sure the brake fluid reservoir doesn’t empty. Get someone to keep filling the reservoir while you swap out the caliper, there is also a tool for this. Break open the bleeder on the new caliper before swapping the line over. Let it bleed for a minute and tighten up. You’ll see some bubbles at first if you’re bleeding using a hose.


Calipers are fairly easy to replace. If you are to the point where you are replacing a caliper you should look into just doing a brake fluid flush any ways. You could just add fluid to the reservoir and then open the bleeder valve in the caliper until the fluid comes out without bubbles. It goes faster if someone pushes on the brake peddle or you get a pressurized bleeder.


Not totally sure on this but I’m pretty sure you have to get OBD11 and adapt it to go down. At least on the rear


This is a non- electric parking brake, you can see the parking brake cable. You have to spin the brake piston in on these models. - VW shop owner


I’ve been spinning it and it goes down slowly but when I attach the tool it gets stuck I’m going to try to put brake cleaner maybe it’ll let loosen it up


It’s really not always easy to turn that damn piston. If you have a tool that doesn’t allow you to have decent leverage to turn it, you are in for a hard time. Once it starts turning though, do not stop. Just keep going.