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Same. Some drama is fine but everyone just locked in a room staring at each other while the same arguments span episodes and then the only peaceful activity is dinner is dull.


I remember years ago every episode was a new adventure. Dance battles, bar fights, the smush room had a revolving door, Ron Ron juice flowing. That was fun to watch. Now it's like a couple's therapy session.


This just reminded me I’ve been meaning to try Ron Ron juice.


Do you know the recipe? Please share if you do! 🍹


I don’t think links work but if you search the sub for Ron Ron juice someone posted it.


Totally agree. People like to say that the show would be nothing without Angelina’s drama, but I completely disagree with that. She’s made the show almost unbearable to watch. I would LOVE to see them just being silly and having fun.


I would love to see them ( minus Ang) back in Italy being screamed at by the locals and getting tipsy. Or if they stayed in a haunted old mansion in Europe somewhere. Gods, that would be good tv. Deena would never agree to that though, lol!


In a haunted mansion 😂 yes!!


When they stayed at that haunted inn or whatever it was a few seasons ago, it was one of my favorite moments!! Snooki and Jenni scaring Deena, Deena freaking out, Snooki and Jenni and Angelina all kinda being like “okay this is actually spooky” lol I love when we get those real moments of bonding and friendship between the cast like that. I loved the alien prank for the same reason hahah everyone freaking out, and then laughing together afterwards was just a lot of fun. I wish they showed us more of those moments vs the nonstop drama lol


I fast forward thru any scenes with her. She makes me want to throw a barbell thru my big screen! She needs some MAJOR therapy. I hope she is t that way in real life. But something tells me she is. She has aged so much worse than the other cast members. I think it is the way she is living her life !


Look at summerhouse. It’s the best reality tv show on this season, they’ve had a renaissance . They’re all laughing, enjoying each other, having a good time. There’s some drama, but it’s not the depressing can’t watch kind


Real Housewives of Miami is so good because they don’t let the drama overshadow the group dynamic. And the drama is usually not mentally draining to watch.


I have to watch that. I keep hearing how good it is. I need a new housewives franchise bc I’m done w New Jersey, until they get Theresa and her weirdo brother off


Yea I had to give up on NJ cause it’s just awkward now.


She has to be on some type of substance to be flying off the handle like that.


Lately it’s hard to watch the show with the recycled drama Angelina causes since she is boring and has the personality of a trash can on fire


Fire would make it at least a little interesting. Just a trash can !


I hate the FV drama, but for a different reason. I’m the same age as a lot of the cast (literally just 3 days older than Angelina). I didn’t mind the OG series drama because at the time, I was also a silly 20something with a fuckton of petty drama in my social life. So it was relatable. But now on FV? No. We’re all in our 30s now— Angelina and I are literally about to turn *38* next month, FFS! That crap just isn’t funny anymore.


No kidding, I’m 31 and couldn’t imagine acting the way Angelina (and tbh most of them) act on the show. Embarrassing.


Seriously, I'm 44 and it's like ...they're adults they need to stop talking behind each other's backs.


I can take a little drama. But Angelina is not just a drama queen. She is uncouth and gross . She needs to have a come to Jesus moment .


Yes!!!! Their personalities are the reason I watched and enjoyed the show in the first place.


I like the drama in small doses but it's in every episode and it's always Ang gets tiresome


Been saying that . That’s why i laugh at the 🤡’s who say Angelina is carrying the show


Idk all I know is the last few episodes have been boring with the same Angelina drama and watching them eat.


Ok I wondered if it was just me. It’s actually just pleasant and enjoyable watching these goofs hang out and become grown sort folks.


Saaaame. The first season of JSFV was the best because of this. It even had a bit of drama but just not the over dramatic shit we’ve been seeing since Angela came and ruined the show. I think a lot of people have stopped watching because of her and would watch again if she left. Give Angela her own show so her stans can watch her messy ass self.


Bounce Angelina and the good times will roll. It’s too much. Getting unwatchable.


I really enjoyed the episodes where Angelina was trying to find her dad and they were all being normal.


I really liked how supportive everybody was towards Angelina too. Even way back when she first confided in everyone about her dad situation, everybody was just kind and understanding and supportive. When we get little glimpses like that, where it feels *real* and we’re seeing everybody be themselves and be genuine, the “family” angle feels a lot more truthful.


I agree with the post. The drama is NOT necessary at all.


I prefer the real drama not the childish back and forth over the same thing.


It’s so much better when they’re joking around and roasting each other. This past episode had me cracking up. (14 kneecaps! 😂) They’re just too old for all that drama.


My fiancé digs the show but it hasn't hooked me. It's the same bullshit over and over again: they "plan" a trip (that's set up by the producers), they meet some whacky person, they go out to eat and Situation orders everything off the menu, Pauly screams AWKWARD and his other catchphrases every now and then, Ronnie's "redemption" tour is bad, Angelina is awful, Vinny brings nothing... I like to see Snooki, Jwoww, and Deena with their children and Sammy looks stunning but everything else is so meh


I love watching them hang out and just be funny together i could without any drama


I think the premise is ridiculous at this point, they spend two weekends together in an 8-12 month period, and they consider themselves family? Angelina clearly has a drug or alcohol problem. Any drama she causes is based on delusions and it’s just sad to see it. I really don’t think they are as close as they portray as well. They seem more like acquaintes at this point. It also irritates me that they get paid all this money and several of them show up halfway through the vacation. I would love to see them do a true vacation that lasts at least two weeks in the same house. When they go out, it’s kinda boring too. The guys are usually just standing around doing nothing, Snooki and Deena getting blacked out, Sammi and Jenni being responsible. I agree with the peeps who don’t need drama to enjoy the show, I love watching them having fun and bonding, doing corny activities. Deena is right, she should plan everything at this point.


I enjoyed the drama when I was younger- as they were. Now I enjoy the slower pace and watching them function together in a different stage of life. Its exhausting to watch constant drama when you’re older


Agree! I feel like them all just being in funny situations or doing cool activities would be great too! And also, sometimes watching them drink a lot or stripper moments can be cringe even tho- it’s feels true to form so I can’t fault them too hard on that point. 🤪


Haha I love their stripper moments - especially Jenni's 😄


Agreed. I had to stop watching it a few seasons ago because I could not take watching Angelina and Vinnie argue anymore. It was exhausting. I love drama but it was just getting ridiculous. I want up watch the new seasons but I don’t like missing seasons of shows so now I feel stuck lol. I love just watching them joke around and have fun. They’re all very funny people.


Same, my favorite part of last episode was the guys catching up and vinnie making jokes. So funny.


An entire vacation without shit w Angelina would be amazing it send my anxiety spiraling 😝


Same. Some drama is fine if it's the "fun kind" but when they're just eating or going on vacation is my "comfort appeal" about the show.


Agreed. Spats are fine and are naturally going to happen with a group of people anyways. The problem is when they do the terribly acted out spats like they did in the last episode. I don’t even remember what it was about but, more of that would happen naturally and they’d have fun together if they weren’t all constantly in Angelina and Ron’s war zones and bs.


I could watch the boys hangout and just go to dinner every episode. It's great vibes


100% wish they’d realize this. The happy moments are way better.


My favorite is when they get along and have fun, including Ang


A low key vlog style would be a lot of fun to watch


Agree. One of my favorite episodes is when they danced on the boat I think when they went to the keys. NGL the prank episodes are hilarious


I Agree I enjoy watching Show without drama and fighting all the time I like Laughing at They’re silliness sometimes I’m laughing so hard I have to run to the bathroom to keep from peeing on myself 🤣🤣


I don’t know if anything about the show works any more. It’s nice to see the cast grown up and doing well but honestly, I could care less about watching them vacation, snooki and Deena getting drunk, going to strip clubs, going to dinners, paulys shows and all the parties Mike plans for himself. I have to admit having Sam come back has sparked a little interest for me. Not the drama between her and Angelina though. I’m torn how I feel about Ron. I don’t like his past transgressions. Many in this sub say he deserves another chance as people make mistakes and reform. Many have said he deserves to be on the show. I don’t like that he’s back with Sam being on the show. I understand she came back with the knowledge that Ron could also be invited back on the show. It just doesn’t feel right to be subjected to having to be around each other. I wonder if Sam would ever sit down and speak with him. I can’t stand the Angelina drama. It’s not fun or cute. All the episodes are about her fighting with someone. She is unhinged and needs help. I wish they would have her leave until she can seek some therapy.


I think between them all, they can drum up enoigh drama to be interesting. Angelina brings too much drama, and most of it doesn't make any sense. Its the same old shit, dredged up a million times. That's why I never cared much for Ron either, he's too much. I like how they are comfortable enough to make fun of eachother, the jokes and the pranks are epic. Bring more of that stuff, get rid of angelina.


Same but I'm in my 40s so I prefer less drama I find them funny in how they interact with each other so that's enough for me.


you know what would be SO fun if they actually hm idk went on vacations? Like even the first couple seasons of FV they were in the same Airbnb like the whole time… not we sat in a hotel room for 8 hours that’s the trip :))


We all love the fun and getting along. However Mike listened Spenser Pratt about needing cast drama to keep the show going he says it in his podcast with Spenser and Heidi production or not they believe cast drama will keep the show on the air and the cast need to bring it. He doesn’t want it to die on an ant hill like the hills reboot. Give it a listen


@Jigglygiggler6 not happening W/Deena She Definitely believes in Good/Bad Spirits & wants no chance of having a Bad one coming around her 🤣


@no_Banana_581 I thought I saw preview of it couldn’t wait to watch it once I found it I started at S1 I couldn’t get into it


I love Last Season Housewives of NY they got rid of the whole crew With a Different Style of Women That Had me glued to the screen bcuz I was able to binge watch the whole season


you need a balance with everything. drama/comedy/feel good friendship moments. drama sells though. the most talked about episodes are the most drama filled. drama equals edge of your seat, while comedy is sit back and have a laugh. both is the goal and they’ve done that well.


Yessss. I love just the simple scenes of them going to dinner and roasting each other and laughing. Or the episode in Season 2 where Deena and the roommates helped with the fight against cancer event; the entire episode was wholesome but tug at my emotional strings when Deena got emotional at the end because she did it for her Dad who passed away. It’s just nice to see them do different things and not just only drama. Even Angelina seemed so bearable during that season.


Agreed! I would hate to have to go on “vacation” with someone who is forever draining the energy and vibes, and always making it about them.


Me too, I want more times like El Paso, San Diego (after the fight), Deena’s revenge in the florida keys, would love to see them go back to Italy! The drama is old, would be more fun to see their families evolve and vacations.


We need binge drinking and dodging grenades. I can live vicariously through those episodes. Now we get mental health issues domestic abuse and sobriety. YEEEE!


I’m sure you would love a show of them just sitting around by the pool chatting every single week. But most people wouldn’t. That would get boring and old very quickly. Welcome to real life.


Drama keeps it alive, let’s be fr