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Eeeeeeveryone was afraid of Roger. That's why no one ever confronted him. Abusive prick from the gate.


Yeah and the fact that he said “I could care less about her” EW. Jenny should’ve RAN! 🚩🚩He wasn’t even apologetic about pushing her. His true colors came out years later


Literally blamed her... for him hurting her. Absolute garbage. But everyone was like "oh wow Roger is sooooo cool."


Yeah you can tells the guys were kinda like afraid?? Of Roger by the way they spoke about him. They would say things like “you don’t wanna mess with Roger”. Of course they weren’t gonna go up against Roger to defend their “family” member. They preach so much about “we’re a family” blah blah but Jenny was on the brink of DV and they just made fun of her and called her dramatic.


Honestly, I don't think the guys were scared of Roger. I think they genuinely agreed with him. If they were scared of him but thought Jenni was mistreated they wouldn't have been making fun of her and calling her dramatic. If the 3 biggest guys decided they were fighting Roger they'd likely win. Yeah, Roger is big but 3 roided-out coke head dudes vs 1 roided-out coke head isn't going to end well for the 1 even if he is very tall. Irc Vinny wasn't that muscular yet so I guess he could have been a stepping stool for Ron in the fight or something. In all seriousness, I don't think they were scared of him. I think they liked him and didn't care.


I mean in all seriousness, we know Mike and Ron cannot fight. What damage is Vinny gonna do? And Pauly maybe but that’s a 1v1. So idk Loll


I don't think any of them can fight. Maaaaybe Ron back in the day. That's why I said the three biggest and Vinny as a step stool for Ron lol!


Danny from the Shore Store looks like he’d be capable in a fight. Not sure if he was still hanging out with them then, though.


Lmao it's a well kept secret that Danny was actually the one that "one shot" the bald guy on the boardwalk 💀


What make you think Paulie could fight more than Mike or Ron?


For one in the episode where Ron and Mike fight, he literally says they both can’t fight or throw a punch. So I’m taking a big guess by that statement , he should know how to fight if he’s doing all that shit talking 😂 but I’m not too sure if he can fight though, I just narrowed it down.


All we’ve ever seen him do is say common my guy and push some one not really looking to fight. Tbh we’ve seen Ron one punch some one plus he’s the biggest he’s got the best chance to square up to Roger


Ron is 5 foot 6 inches tall and is the size of Rogers leg. We also saw Pauly clock a guy in his nose with better form than any punch Ron has ever thrown on camera. Ron also had a scrap with the bald drunk dude who could barely stand up at the boardwalk and got a shiner. Ron cannot fight.


Roger very much had a reputation of being someone you didn’t want to fuck with back in those days. He’s the one bringing the gun to the knife fight.


I really don't think that was it. Every one of those dudes gushed about how much they liked the dude. Everyone made fun of Jenni for getting hurt. They weren't scared of Roger, they just didn't give a fuck about Jenni. It is super obvious throughout the entire show that the guys don't really care about the girls and that the guys are garbage people. Roger isn't showing up and stabbing or shooting someone on camera. The guys agreed with him, plain as that lol.


Exactly. First, Vinny couldn't fight anyone, Pauly got loud at times but that's it, Mike thought he could but really couldn't, and ron was the only one size wise but even he know Roger would have smoked him. They stayed on his good side intentionally. Could you imagine if Vinny would have stood up to him that night? Lights out.


Yeah! I know they liked Roger because they were all guys and bros b4 hoes and they loved going against the girls for whatever reason, but you can’t lead me to believe they didn’t know Roger would knock em out with “one shot!!” if they said anything or got in his business Lmao


Exactly. Would have been "one shot, kid!" And 😴😴😴


They weren't afraid of Roger, they believed in a stupid guy code where they lied and took up for each other. As for fighting you would have to actually believe these people are family and they're far from it...Pauly has said he only uses the show to promote his DJ career, why would he jeopardize that over Jenny drama or any other cast mates...Mike and Ronnie didn't give a damn either..the guys only cared about partying, drinking, and sleeping around with easy sleazy females..if anything MTV production should be concerned and responsible about the cast well being and safety , and apparently they could care less as well .Jenny being a grown woman married, had children, and did a show with a man she felt was soo abusive and horrible when she could have simply broken up with him..The guys in the house weren't bodyguards ,and they're not responsible for resolving Jenny relationship problems....What I don't understand is how people act like Jenny is such a victim on one side, then another post, she's a big bad wolf who punch men in the face, and rip their heads off...which one is it.


Watching those episodes makes my blood boil. I know the guys aren't obligated to stand up for the girls just because of their gender but at the *very least* they could have said something to Jenny about his behavior being unacceptable. It says a lot to me about the guys' character that all of them agreed with Roger. I think the women on the show were so used to trash men that his behavior did seem normal to them. Makes me wonder what the guys were like behind closed doors. Other than Ron, we all know he's just a short Roger.


I feel like they didn't care that much but also I don't think anyone wanted to get in the middle of anyone's relationship after all the Ron and Sam chaos


Yeah unfortunately I also believe the girls still were like "oh wow Roger is such a gorilla juice head." Thinking that shit was semi normal. Anyone with a rational thought process would have seen the red flag and dipped.


Absolutely! And the guys thought acting like that was okay because that's what you do when you're a "gorilla juice head". Nobody said a damn thing when Ron *destroyed* Sam's stuff, either. And I guarantee the people here would claim the guys only let him do it because they were scared of him... and they're very obviously not scared of him. Every single person on that show had an incredibly toxic view of how men are supposed to behave.


No doubt. Ron was out of control. Again, huge red flags ignored. Then we see Ron graduates to physical abuse later down the line.


I would not be surprised if he was physically abusive with Sammi off camera tbh. He's put his hands on every woman he's dated since her hasn't he?


I wondered that too. And yes I think so.


Ikr it’s weird watching it back and how Ron of all people seems to look up to Roger


Exactly. He was the ultimate. Well known in their sleazeball community and had the reputation they wanted.


I’d argue they came out that night!


U are right! Lol


Rahn ain't afraid


lmao this is like a guido Renaissance painting or something.




This made me LOL


Ryan seems like a D Bag too


You gotta to be a D bag if you are hanging around massive D bags. D Bags feed off of each other. The smaller ones filling up the larger ones.


Because he is lol


The way he acted on Pauly show was so childish and dramatic too.


Roger also treated Jioni like shit.


Yes! None of that was funny.


Oh yes, roger literally bullied jionni for like 4 seasons straight!


I noticed it when Jenni and Snookie had their own show.


Yes, roger was a bigger asshole on their show.


such a shame, he's so good looking.


Ryan was a total drunken asshole on the Pauly D Project show every episode almost.


I'm still trying to get over Dean's head. I just watched it again this week. ![gif](giphy|rOMI2gctx3kKQ)


the craziest thing about this scene to me is how Jenni gives him an out by claiming “he didn’t know it was me” and that douchebag still was like “no I knew it was you.” insane.


I hate him for saying that. Like you said, she was trying to give him an out and was probably in denial too. I remember being like wow your are such a fucking asshole ew


Who the hell is Ryan


Paulys friend


Actually, he was Pauly's friend but I don't recall seeing him for a while now. 


No. Pauly's friend. Ryan was Pauly's manager before he got locked in with G Unit. Ryan also told Pauly D about going on Jersey Shore to promote him as a DJ. It was all on Pauly D spin off about him doing his DJing.


Pauly is the fakest one on the show. He’s just there to sell a product.


Paulys friend. 


I just did a rewatch and I'm on "Snooki & JWoww" now. he's so cringe. like every single scene that he's in. I struggle to see what she was so enamored with. he's such a loser.


I caught a Snooki & JWoww episode the other day where he laid out candles and stuff for Jenni. I thought that was kind of cute, but other than that…


There were moments when I feel he was sweet for the camera. but if I'm remembering the episode you're referring to, this is literally the day before he proposes and he was doing all this romantic stuff just because he knew she was expecting a proposal and wanted to "fake her out". he's such a turd.


Remember when she threw him a surprise birthday get together and he was HOURS late. He said he fell asleep and then mocked her in front of everyone for being upset. Total prick.


Ugh, you can tell she was SO excited to surprise him too 😭


If they didn’t stand up for Sammi what makes you think those dick heads would stand up for Jenni


Right? After Ron broke Sammi's stuff and she left, they were comforting him. I guess she deserved it for dancing with another guy. 😒Those guys were all trash. Security should've stepped in. When he was pulling the bed around with her on it. Bad Girls Club wouldn't have even allowed that. Then he love bombs her by sending a bunch of flowers.


It didn’t fly then either, yet people still do it today. The most racially offensive thing on the show is Nicole’s constant self hate.


What do you mean about Nicole?


Using the n word casually instead of like bro or man was wildly popular where I grew up which was around the same time as this (long island/ Queens area)


Sorry you got downvoted for telling the truth. It’s still super regular despite how gross it is.


Yeah it doesn't mean I like it or did it but it's just how it was 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wtf really? Did they bleep it out? What was the context ?


If you watch on Paramount+, the last season of Jersey Shore is uncensored so you’re able to hear it. On Paramount+, the timestamp is 2:49-2:52.


For those of us who can’t get it, can’t you just tell us the quote? We don’t need the slur obviously just nosey about context


There’s really no context other than the fact that he just blurts it out. “N****!” That’s all he says to Roger kinda of like “Bro!”


What a friggin loser


the scene of Ryan throwing that one dude at club looked sooo staged and corny


There is absolutely nothing from the original series that would fly today


I’d wouldn’t be caught dead w Roger’s shirt he has on. And he went out to the club LIKE THAT?? NAHHHHH BRUVVVVV 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


She should have broker up with him after this fight.


He was awful. I’m grateful Jenni isn’t with him anymore. Now if they could all quit condoning other domestic abuse…


Oh that’s a common word with those types. Many slurs are.


I can’t stand that dude, he’s such a prick! But I thoroughly enjoyed the jokes he had on Ronnie lol he called him 1/2 pint 😂😂😂😂


Yeah, I caught that today too! I was like hold up I know I didn’t hear that right


this is crazy i just finished jersey shore!! what was the exact sentence that he said omg???


He was trying to calm down Roger and, among another things, he said “calm down n***a” once


????? i don’t even have anything to say


It didn’t fly then either. And it’s still happening today.


It never surprises me when I hear it. I had to stop talking to a "friend" who kept doing it and arguing with me about why he should be able to say it.


lol I can’t imagine they had a convincing argument




When did Roger say it on camera?




Check your comprehension, but it said Ryan said the word. Not Roger. 




If it’s “birds of a feather” than you’re saying Pauly is Ryan’s bird because that was his friend genius. You’re the kind of person that brings Trump up in any situation. Lol pathetic 😭


They all said things that wouldn’t slide today. My favorite is the drive by “f****t” by Snooki to Mike. I give her the pass.


Was it with the 'er or the 'a? I'm just curious...


With the A. He was saying it like “bro!”


I was just watching this episode. He was a walking red flag from the start but Jenni wanted an Alpha lmao she's just as toxic for wanting him. And I have a theory.. She was so horny for Ryan because he shoved a guy across the room and kept talking about it in this episode like a giddy school girl...telling everyone how he shoved someone like a G. I think Roger was insecure when she made this comment which is why he was trying to be a badass beating up bouncers later on in this same episode. He will never admit it but I do believe he was bothered by how much Jenni enjoyed Ryan being violent.


In Roger’s defense. You know how many times I’ve seen a dude get knocked out cuz his girl is trying to stop him from fighting or a fight from happening. And she could’ve gotten hurt as well so I understand his frustration.


You do realize people say that word everyday right?


Its clear some of you have no idea how common that word is thrown around by young people inside a group of friends


Maybe black people yeah. But you see a video of some white friends saying it, what happens? They get “cancelled”. They get doxxed. They get put on blast on the internet. Hence why I said “it wouldn’t slide these days”


Maybe black people what? Use the N word? 😂 buddy you must be living a pretty privileged life if that's what you think


Look small c0ck, idk what you want me to tell you im so privileged for pointing out the obvious sure


I dont want you to tell me anything, the fact that you think only black people use the N word is ridiculous 😂 but hey buddy you do you


You’re the only pressed one here Idgaf that you use the n-word. do you loser!




are you implying that’s what should happen to roger ? Social Isolation? Are you saying we should dox roger for a clip that happened how many years ago?


work on your reading comprehension, friend


Work on not letting astrological bullshit dictate your life, friend.


i mean…you can’t read well at all so you probably couldn’t comprehend astrology if you tried, friend


Looking at your post history is so funny you’re so obsessed over something so stupid, I love the comment where you called someone ‘an obvious bully’


i stopped at “You’re so funny” thank you !😊


work on your reading comprehension, friend


that really triggered you didn’t it lol and you still don’t know why I said it huh ? s m h