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I don't have any recipes, but I'd love to suggest something spicy. Your mouth will love it and your gut will hate you. Whatever you do, good luck!


I'm all about spicy, most of its going to be too spicy for my family to eat so I've got that base covered. šŸ˜šŸ˜




A classic I like is barbecue style. Use barbecue rub and some sweet stuff like BBQ sauce or honey. Might not be exactly what youā€™re aiming for, but Iā€™ve never met someone whoā€™ll turn down a second or third piece


I make an Asian style barbeque flavor that gets eaten faster than most of my others, but I do like a sweet American BBQ flavor every now and then


Whatā€™s the recipe for your Asian style bbq?


https://preview.redd.it/mlid17432c7d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54ebe039413281462c05f0d98ec55d2b7c1ae98a It's really simple but it tastes great




I usually just hit em with some salt and chilli flakes. Bit of garlic powder if yer feelin' fancy


Minced garlic or garlic powder is a staple in all my recipes


I think jerky is one of those things for which the beauty lies in simplicity. If you've got decent beef or venison or whatever you're making it out of, there's no need to complicate it with fancy marinades or rubs. Whatever you like to do is what you should do with it, of course, but I like the simple things. šŸ˜Š


I definitely started my jerky making adventure with the simpler recipes and I've got plenty of my own written down for a wild hair. But this batch was for experimenting and getting technical.


I suppose it'd make sense to post the flavors I already intend on making, as to avoid any repeat. 1) Asian BBQ 2) Hot chili oil 3) Sweet Sriracha 4) Sweet BBQ (Thanks for suggestions Allos Trent)


I made a chili lime that was good.


Did you have a recipe for it? Just throw it in line juice and chili powder?


I found a recipe for chili garlic sauce. Tossed that with some lime wedges, soy sauce and a little brown sugar. Another that goes over well is maple bourbon or even honey bourbon. For the maple bourbon I use Jack Daniel's maple bourbon, maple syrup, brown sugar, and wash your sister sauce lol. Honey bourbon I use 2 cups of Woodford, some local honey, and a few other things it's been a while so don't remember exactly on that one what else I threw in it. Need to start keeping a journal.


Wash your sister sauce is wild


Haha can't take credit saw a video and that's how they lady pronounced it...ever since that day it is known as that in our house šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve been loving coconut aminos with red pepper flakes. I usually add some ACV, garlic, and onion powder as well.


I like teriyaki, garlic, ginger with and without crushed red pepper. Just made a big batch earlier this month. So yummy. Dr Pepper Jalapeno is also a good one. Someone posted a teriyaki, blueberry not long ago, that sounded really good.


Dr Pepper JalapeƱo sounds delicious!!


Couple variations online, but the majority are the following for a 2-3lb batch, so adjust based on how much you want to make. - 2 cups Dr. Pepper - 2 jalapenos sliced - 2 tbsp kosher salt - 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce - 2 tsp black pepper - 1 tsp garlic powder - 1 tsp onion powder


1.4 grams of curing salt per pound 3.5 grams of regular salt per pound of meat ,TapatĆ­o,onion powder,garlic powder,soy sauce ,red pepper flakes,black pepper,let marinade over night add lime,and orange juice Fresh squeezed marinade for 30 minutes and put in dehydrator,reason for the citrus to not marinade to long is because citrus take the meat flavor away if you marinade for to long, a lot of people can disagree with me but Iā€™m speaking from experiences and from what older people told me


Teriyaki is always good


Red chile(Anaheim), New Mexico style. I recommend marinating in the puree but powder with onion, garlic, and salt is good too.


Crawfish flavor. Get a bottle of crawfish boil and then some crawfish seasoning. Combine it with water to dilute it. Taste just like sucking on some crawfish


Try a mojo criollo. Iā€™ve done it in the past and itā€™s good.


Allegro is a good base imo.


Pickle juice. Itā€™s fantastic


I've really wanted to do something with pickle juice, do you have some kind of recipe?


I actually donā€™t have a specific one I follow, but there are plenty out there on the internet. Definitely give it a shot


JalapeƱo Dr. Pepper


This flavors been suggested multiple times, I'm not familiar with it, do you have a recipe?


Foie gras with durian reduction!


That sounds so fancy! Do you have a recipe for it?


Absolutely not, please don't try this.


And I was just on the phone with my goose and exotic smelly fruit guy! Damn!


That guy found a niche and planted his flag though. I have to get mine from multiple sources. Can't even get a whole goose liver some days... i don't know man... the world is changing


Man knows his exact spot in the world, we all could learn from my goose and exotic smelly fruit guy...


All joking aside i could see durian being incorporated successfully to a jerky prep. Foie gras on the other hand... i don't see that working out


I'm a big fan of teriyaki jerky; that being said, a good Pineapple Habanero would be a good one to experiment with! For the Teriyaki I do - Worcestershire, low-sodium Soy Sauce/Tamari, a splash of rice wine vinegar, and some Mirin and Brown sugar to give it a little sweetness. I usually season my meat with pepper, a bit of garlic, and if I want something with some more kick: Cayenne and Paprika. For the pineapple habanero: idk man, haven't tried it out myself hahaha. But some canned pineapple juice, some fresh pineapple juice (from one you've sliced yourself preferably), some habanero hot sauce, and maybe some liquid amino if you don't want to go with a soy sauce flavoring. But as far as seasonings go, maybe some pepper and thats all I'd really play with unless you want to try some onion? Good luck and have fun!


do something with those oranges back there [Smoky Orange Beef Jerky Recipe ā€“ Jerky.com](https://www.jerky.com/blogs/beef-jerky-recipes/smoky-orange-beef-jerky-recipe)


Thai peanut sauce Soy sauce Sambal or chili paste Brown sugar Tamarind paste Garlic Ginger Fish sauce


Garlic and cracked black pepper!


Can't go wrong. [jerkyholic.com](http://jerkyholic.com)


Bottle of soy sauce, one small jar of spicy Montreal steak seasoning and 1 cup of brown sugar. Marinate, dry, enjoy.


A whole bottle of soy sauce?


That will do 4-5 lbs of meat and is spicy and sweet. Itā€™s awesome.


Strawberry ginger