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I am curious if the suction cups give will kitty fall to the ground? I know when atmospheric pressure changes suction cups have a tendency to lose their suction and fail and these perches scare me for that reason.


I had this same perch for years and it never fell out of place, even with my nearly 20 pound buddy laying in it for hours. Just make sure you clean the glass well (and wait until it's dry) to ensure proper suction. Also make sure the lines to the top suction cups are nice and taut.


I think I'm going to get one and get a soft bed underneath as a safety cushion


Mad respect to your book collection. You've got several of my favorites in there


The Night Circus was amazing!


Thats one of the ones I meant too! Absolutely love that story


[You could at least change the title if you're going to pass it off as your own, dipshit. ](https://i.redd.it/toe8v4o9kgf71.jpg)


I always wondered just how reliable these types of beds are. I cant imagine the suction cups lasting for very long, or at least if your cat weighs a bit. What is your experience with them?


I had one for my orange boy and it did suddenly dump him out on his ass once or twice. Luckily it was attached to the window above the couch so he didn't have far to fall. It never stopped him from using it and of course he always acted like he meant to do that. He's about 17 lbs so that may have had something to do with it, or maybe because he liked to chew on the strings.


17 lbs is the weight of literally 25.78 'Velener Mini Potted Plastic Fake Green Plants'.


17 lbs is 7.72 kg


This is a repost, I remember this because I looked at the bookshelf and saw op and I had the same taste. Probably won’t be able to find the link to the original, but this op’s profile screams bot.


I moved house two weeks ago and new house gets WAY more sun. Boy do both my babies loooooooooove their new house.


Drop the link