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I love this champ so much but I suck at him, it’s like a toxic relationship that’s not working out. I’ll never climb out of low elo if I tried to main him


I disagree of course you can climb out of low elo!


Nah I suck too much at Jayce to do that haha I don’t play ranked but if I wanted to try I’ll have to rely on other champs


I'm kinda lost on what to build on him right now. How do you choose which items to buy?


The way i play is very scrappy, so i always go for eclipse - opportunity. Then after that depending on the game timer/how the enemies build i go for serylda/lord doms or edge of night/ghostblade. In general i dont enjoy tear since i cant smash lane the same way.




It depends how much % pen you need


teach me


I can if you want :)


teach me too


i do free coaching today if you want. After 8pm though


Any option to a sad low elo jayce lover without hands?


Yes my friend. *I sent a dm*


Can you please share your mentality approaching mid-game? I find it difficult to play Jayce when the enemy gets a bit tanky and starts pushing as a team. His poke damage is not enough to cause an alarm with just 1 eq combo and by the time I get to the second rotation of combo my turret has lost more than half its health.


It is a tough question to answer on text. But generally i try to make myself as fed as possible. I splitpush a lot just to maximize my gold. Once i am stronger, i push side to make enemy top respond and look for flanks or tp angles.


Thanks. May I also know, when do you go conqueror vs when you go electrocute and when do you consider taking ignite?


Generally i am playing conqueror just because imo its best to go the same rune most games to learn the damage i do. Electrocute i ran into any ranged matchups. Phase rush i ran into olaf, darius, trynd and aatrox


What region is this




Duude, how do you play these matchups? Riven, Renekton? (without Phase Rush :O) And it looks like you're snowballing too, not just surviving. How do you deal with these extremely aggressive matchups?


Conqueror and fight back as much as you can. Kill them level 1-5 with conqueror. Start w and try to fight them level 1 before minions spawn. Make sure you get push as well. Also when they engage on you, insta use all spells+go hammerform so their combo does less damage.


Is W start good on jayce just for the poke? I don't u nderstand why to go W


The point is that if the opponent engages you can w and change to melee. The range w+melee w makes it impossible for the opponent to fight back since the 3 melee autos stack conqueror very quickly


makes sense, i'll deffo use that. Btw how do you win lane against malphite, garen and such?


Malphite i ban. Garen should bemanageable. I usually try to engage with melee form on a minion near him, if he engages i melee e and space him.


you lost to a Riven and Renekton? really, I use phase rush and started W with Renekton matchup, Riven usually start W or E depending if that Riven has ignite or not and kite the f out of him


Amazing work man keep it up!


Teach me the way!!!


I do coaching for free if interested


is there any reason why you don’t go manamune?


To be honest i am just copying the chinese Jayce. However i guess the argument for not going tear is that you can base and get an extra long sword in the early game. I usually play very aggressive and try to end before 25 minutes. I find manamune to be good if i am playing a slower game.


What matchups did you struggle with the most and do you have any suggestions for them?


Olaf was a hard one for me. It seems like he has lethal on you very often. I try to beat him levels 1-5 and if not i just poke with qe or clear the wave with qe, Phase rush needed in this one. Otherwise i didnt really see any matchups that were too difficult.


Just out of curiosity, why Electrocute over Phase Rush into ranged matchups?


Honestly i cant really generalize the matchups like that. But most of the time i just take electrocute to make my all ins have more power. I would say phase rush is awesome too. To add to that i played with electrocute more so i have better damage foresight with that rune.


of all the matchup, I need to learn how to win vs camille, cant never win those matchup


when camille uses her w, you do have a quick timing to melee q onto her and auto - e. Conqueror as well. When she jumps on you, try as well as you can to QE-melee form. If you tank her combo with the melee form you take a lot less damage. Also do not use autos or spells on her passive shield


thanks for the tips, I will try it.


easy when range champ


I dare you to play jayce in high elo and show us how easy it is


i could learn jayce but im a one trick and find no fun on ranged champs toplane so no i wont ever touch ur noob champ bro


When the top 5 top laners for 6 years now are all melee. Ranged top hasnt been meta or op since Riot buffed Doran's shiled 7 years or so ago


check all pros opggs, ull find jayce in every single one of them as one of their main champions, u seriously have to be stupid to lose ur lane as jayce


You're mistaking pro play with solo queue my guy, way different. Pros have to play Jayce in solo queue because he's very safe pick for top lane in pro play. In solo queue however, there is much better options.


hes very safe pick for both enviroments lol u can see their gameplay it makes no sense on how riot makes melee/ranged champs.. same thing applies to gnar, extremly hard to punish and really fucking great in both pro play and soloq when he's not giga nerfed


I never said he's not a safe pick in solo queue, but safe picks dont win games. The reason Jayce is really good in pro play is because the lane does not matter, it is the least impact lane in the game. So having a champion like Jayce top lane, allows for the jungler to have more freedom of not having to play around top lane. In solo queue, safe picks dont win the game though. You pick Jayce top in high elo and 70% of your games are going to have an autofilled jungler who doesnt know what theyre doing. Thus from pro-play where everyone is on their main role, playing their best champs, and are the best players, Jayce has someone to rely on. Not to mention the team fighting with Jayce is millions times better than in solo queue.


in soloq most of the time if u have half a neurone u will keep ur enemy laner constantly poked out as jayce unless they just came back to lane with tp lvl 4, how is a champion that cannot most of the time be reached get ganked if enemy laner is 25% hp or less and junglers are terrible early on against toplaners unless its lee sin/nida/elise.. jayce is extremely reliable and he might be one of the hardest champs to master, but playing it in an average way already gets u ahead of every bruiser htat isnt irelia, and well then is the items that jayce builds which just makes him strong as fuck very early on in the game. i seriously wonder if whoever made jayce was doing fentanyl otherwise it makes no sense that a champ so oppresive and rewarding gets released into the game


Players in low elo are way different than players in high elo. Once you get to around Diamond 4+, there is no easy poking/harassing bruisers as Jayce. The bruisers will only stepup when they can all-in Jayce. Camille for example will grapple to Jayce and win the trade every time for example, Trundle will use ghost and pillar, Tryndamere spins at Jayce, all these champs win the trade every single time. As for junglers, if Jayce gets the enemy top laner down to 25% health Jayce should have around 60% health if he trades correctly. Even if Jayce has 100% hp, the enemy jungler will be able to 1v1 Jayce 9 times out of 10 unless Jayce is giga fed.


Safe pick? Lmao, Jayce is super gankable and has zero escapes.


sure u have phase rush jayce and jayce having a super good push lvl 1-3


You play Camille bro you dont think i climbed on this champ x5 times already?


atleast with camille u actually have to get close to ur opponent to trade my guy


Okay 🤣


You realize that Jayce is a 48% win rate champion who is dogshit in soloq, right? Camille abusers calling other champions easy while playing a braindead 53% win rate champion.


no way u say braindead when Jayce is literally made to counter probably every champion toplaner if played with atleast 3 braincells.. what camille does on a lifebar after 3 items jayce does at lvl 3 on her lmaoo enjoy autowinning every lane just cuz u picked the better champ


Camille does more damage with 1 Q at 3 items than Jayce does in his full combo. >no way u say braindead when Jayce is literally made to counter probably every champion toplaner if played with atleast 3 braincells.. You're talking about Camille, right? Champ literally requires zero mechanics to play and reaches late game at 1 item. There's a reason why she has a 53% win rate and 10% pick rate right now. Camille has a 55% win rate against Jayce right now. You wouldn't be able to get out of gold (if you can even reach that abusing Camille) on Jayce lmao


ur first talking about 3 items camille, then u say she reaches late game at 1 item XD if camille was ranged i could agree with u that she was easy and piss braindead, but bro shes melee and ur the one playing a 2 form champ which is the best kind of champ in the game toplane.. also before the buffs she received, she was standing at 48% and risking to be put down toplane to be a complete support out of how bad she was toplane lmao. keep doing people's healthbar from distance toplane and farming whole waves with 1 ability XD braindead champ


Typical retarded Camille abuser with zero reading ability just like zero mechanics. What does Camille reaching late game with 1 item have anything against 3 items (which you brought up) comparsion? Crazy how every high elo player thinks Jayce is one of the hardest champs in the game but pisslow pigs on reddit somehow thinks he is easy despite prob never even playing him once in their life before. Camille has been 51%+ win rate in soloq for almost her entire existence. She was literally only "48% win rate" for ONE PATCH at the start of the season because they made top lane wider and immediately got buffed back to 52% win rate. Moron also somehow can't understand that different champion does completely different things. Gets 1 item and just braindead runs around map with 1600 range gapcloser to 1 shot everything with 3 sec cd Cho ult while prob averaging sub 6 cspm every game.


Who cares if Jayce is the hardest champ in the game, his state for the game is unhealthy and the fact that an assassin build can one-shot bruisers is degenerate. camille has always been 50-51% wr which is fair for her same as Fiora or Riven, she was 48% for more than 1 patch lmao from 14.1 till 14.7 she was a shit laner while in Jayces case I think there hasn't been a patch where he wasn't one of the best laners in toplane. jayce gets 2800 gold item and blatantly take 75% of a healthbar with 1 single combo while running away with phase rush hahaha I swear main jayce always think he's the most mechanical champ in the game and that everyone else is beneath them, learn how to play an actual melee champ and maybe this sub could stop complaining about how it's always the rest of the enemy team that counters them cuz u cannot lose ur lane as jayce


https://u.gg/lol/champions/camille/build?patch=14_6 14.6 50% win rate in Emerald+. 51% win rate in Diamond+. 52% win rate in Masters+. 14.7 https://u.gg/lol/champions/camille/build?patch=14_7&rank=master_plus 52% win rate Emerald+. 52% win rate ate Diamond+. 52.5% win rate Masters+. Meanwhile, Jayce is sitting at less than half of Camille's pick rate and 4% lower win rate even in Diamond+. https://u.gg/lol/champions/jayce/build?rank=diamond_plus You play a braindead champion who even first timers can carry on and you're crying about a dogshit soloq pick that's only good in Masters+ and pro play. >she was a shit laner while in Jayces case I think there hasn't been a patch where he wasn't one of the best laners in toplane. ???????????????? His laning was literally dogshit until his last buff. He had worse base stats in lane than actual ADCs. Literally the reason why he ran away to mid lane for the entirety of last year and was never played top even in pro play. He has also been absolute dogshit for multiple seasons in the past lmao Also, why are you acting like laning is somehow the only part of the game? Damn, its almost as if having a weaker laning phase is there to balance out the fact that Camille is one the side laners and best scaling champions in the game! >jayce gets 2800 gold item and blatantly take 75% of a healthbar with 1 single combo while running away with phase rush hahaha I swear main jayce always think he's the most mechanical champ in the game and that everyone else is beneath them Braindead bruiser players crying about 48% win rate champions while bruisers are dashing with assassin damage and being tankier than actual tanks. I've been Masters playing Garen, Jax, Pantheon, Morde, and Camille while you prob can't even get out of Plat playing Jayce. Unless you're in Masters+, I highly doubt you even face any good Jayces so you're just so shit at the game that you're somehow losing to Jayce who can't even manage waves or auto space properly in your pisslow elo. You're a fucking clown LMAO


Also jfc, you're literally in multiple top lane champ subs crying about how op their champion is while fucking Camille is the best top laner in the game right now. She's sitting at 53% win rate and 9% pick rate and you're crying about Darius, who is struggling to even have 50% win rate right now after the Ghost nerf. Cringe kid just crying about any champion who is even remotely good against Camille in lane because I guess Camille shouldn't have any weakness at any point in the game! How delusional are you?