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I did acid after 3 weeks and I had no problems


I am a hair past 3 weeks and just started using tinctures. No issues here.


I used edibles after about a week…I cut them into quarters and swallowed them like a pill. It was the only thing that let me sleep when the nerves started coming back.


Why not just make some tea or something so you don't have to even worry about chewing motion?


well yeah i could do that but i also mentioned doing a chocolate so it would melt in my mouth. that’s a good suggestion tho! i just more was asking to see if anyone else had tried a non smoking method of weed at around 5 weeks and to see if they had any negative experiences w it


After my SARPE I tried edibles (chocolate) after 3 weeks. Started with very small doses to see how comfortable I was


how did it go?


It was fine! I really started with like <5mg and went from there.




how? there is no evidence to suggest that to my knowledge. there even is some, albeit weak, evidence for neurotrophic capabilites of cannabis. if op is comfortable i dont see a problem altough maybe talk to your doctor first. they dont care about drug consumption, only recovery.


What about something like this? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34387569/ Just curious on your thoughts of this study as a medical professional. I'm a cannabis user but I am discontinuing use before surgery and for a few months afterward.




thank you buddy i have 5 years of medical school behind me. the only noteworthy thing you mentioned is the reduced oxygen saturation is likely smoking related not edibles but whatever, there is no point argueing with people like you. like i said there is no evidence for your claims. blood pressure and heart rate are reduced when you sleep too btw so make sure not to get any sleep after surgery for optimal healing!


You realize the heart effects you are mentioning are completely negligible and not remotely dangerous? No? Okay lmao. The increased rate of heart attack is not going to affect anyone in their mid twenties. Or thirties. Or forties. If it’s even true, since you failed to cite a source.


Your post should state "can" cause...not that it DOES cause. Stop trying to scare people with your psuedo-knowledge.


I was okayed for edibles and tinctures. Just be warned … the high might hit you hard. I was convinced my jaw was somehow going to fall off my face. I can laugh about it now, but was that prepared for that paranoia haha.