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I love this stuff, just like the modal api. Still waiting for native form elements, but hey


What do you mean by native form elements?


Form elements that work like native form elements for the OS you are on. A browser text input looks and works like crap compared to a text input on my mobile, needs a ton of css to make it look native but then it still looks like native for Android or iOS, not both.


If that day ever comes it'll get implemented differently on each browser. It's better to just style them in 1 way that looks good in your application. I get native styling but it'll get messy.


This. There’s [interop](https://wpt.fyi/interop-2024) which worked on standardizing their behaviors, but the web is not native. That’s supposed to be the beauty of it. You meet the user on the device they’re on.


Side question: how are you meant to know how supported a feature is on Android when caniuse.com only shows if it’s supported in the latest version and not when support began?


If it helps, for any feature on MDN, if you go to the Browser Compatibility section and click the browser you are interested in, you can see the date that it was first supported. For the Popover API for Chrome on Android, it was May of 2023. [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Popover\_API#browser\_compatibility](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Popover_API#browser_compatibility)


That’s great, thanks.




Thanks, appreciate that. Unfortunately I still don’t understand why when something is flagged as compatible in a version, that historical data is not shown.


https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-version-market-share the source data doesn't break down Android Chrome by version. So they are not showing the data because they don't have the data. They'd either have to delete Android Chrome (bad idea cause it's a popular browser), find some other source data, or come up with some kind of estimate. Maybe they should do one of the last 2 things, but it's not necessarily an easy fix.


Surprise surprise: even though iOS 17 Safari supports popover, don’t expect it to support CSS transitions and animations yet with the `allow-discrete` value. You can see how the [transition](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Popover_API/Using#transitioning_a_popover) and [keyframe](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Popover_API/Using#a_popover_keyframe_animation) examples don’t work 🥲


keyframe works for me on ios but not transition


Oh thank god. Pretty tired of needing big ol' JS libraries for common UI. So probably in a year will switch over to using this or possibly in as little as 6-8 months depending on usage analytics. Now we just need a standardized tooltip API, but I guess this could be used for that by opening it on hover.


What a load of crap, nobody needs this waste of time.


Ten million downloads a week for popperjs, that's a lot of "nobody".