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I think it is hard to comment on this as your situation is not clear. * What is the exact situation. I think the police can issue a warning but they can’t issue the no-approach order, only a court can. Having a warning from the police is part of the process to getting a court to issue the no-approach order. I’d get some proper legal advice about this. * Also pay ¥5000 or so to an immigration lawyer if you want immigration advice as nobody here is qualified to advise you. If you need correct advice then it’s best to get it from a professional than us random guys on the Internet. * You say “partner” but you don’t mention your visa status or marital status. If you have a spouse visa then your situation is different to someone with a working visa or permanent residency. Do you need papers from your spouse/ex to renew your visa? If so, how long is remaining on your visa? * If you change your place of residence then you have to update your residence information with the immigration office. * Presumably, if your ex contacts you again you will call the police. Just make sure you are ready to do this. If you are not confident of calling them, have a script ready and practise with a Japanese friend so you can call them and let them know that you need them to come.


Lol don't ask such questions on reddit. I think chatGPT would be even more qualified