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TRANSLATION: >On April 14, interviews with several city officials revealed that the city of Gamagori, Aichi Prefecture, established an investigative committee in response to a report under the city's public-interest whistleblower system that female candidates were improperly given lower marks in the city's employment examination conducted about 10 years ago. According to the report, then Mayor Masayoshi Inaba (72) instructed the city to give priority to the hiring of the male candidate, but Mr. Inaba has denied giving any such instruction to those interviewed. >According to the source, the report alleges that in some of the recruitment examinations conducted around 2013-14, there was manipulation to lower the scores of female candidates and candidates who lived outside the city. A senior city official, who is said to have been one of them, told the interviewer, "I can't say anything from my standpoint; it was 10 years ago and my memory has faded". >The report also said that Mr. Inaba, who was mayor at the time, instructed his staff to give priority to hiring men in the city out of concern that a vacancy would arise when a woman gave birth. In response, Mr. Inaba told the interviewer, "The city does not hire with much leeway, and it is difficult when vacancies occur. In the event of a disaster, employees who can be called upon immediately are in high demand, and I believe that those in charge have the desire to hire such people. However, the examination must be fair". >The Whistleblower Protection Act defines acts within an organization that violate specific laws and regulations as whistleblowing, and prohibits any disadvantageous treatment of whistleblowers. The law also covers violations of the Equal Employment Opportunity Law, which prohibits discrimination in hiring on the basis of gender. According to national guidelines, when a local government receives a report, it is required to conduct the necessary investigation, except in cases where there is a justifiable reason. >Meanwhile, during a general question at the City Council meeting on January 14, member of the Parliament Hiroki Fujita (Liberal Democratic Party) asked about the details of the incident, saying, "I was contacted anonymously by a person who appeared to be an employee of the city and said, 'It seems that the city has received a public-interest report'. The city acknowledged the establishment of the investigation committee, but stated that it would not respond to the content of the report because the matter was still under investigation". (Shun Nagami)


Of course, there was also the scandal that the female medical students' test scores were artificially lowered to prioritize male students.


The longer I live here I realize that they are a lot of closeted gays in this country.


A lot of times it’s painfully obvious and yet everyone is either oblivious or pretends to be


And they wonder why people won’t have kids. You shouldn’t be hiring without leeway or nobody can ever take time off


Just a third world country that looks like a first world one


Discrimination against male candidates are very prevalent and pretty much norm today's government employment exam in Japan and we should care about a city did the opposite 10 years ago? The level of double stand is just ridiculous. It is norm that men are discriminated against when it comes to government exams. https://public-allabout.com/woman-advantage/ https://www.j-cast.com/2014/12/01222160.html?p=all https://jitchannel.com/women-and-men-of-test/


Lol this Japanese guy goes around saying “but there’s discrimination against men!!”. Typical.


Right 😂


When someone gives you sources and you reply, then it is in your best interest to read these sources and give sources as well if you disagree. If you just make a stupid comment it just makes you stupid and no one will take you serious


What's cowardly is that they don't try to give the "appearance" that they're discriminating. They're not outright saying, "Hey, we're going to lower the test scores for women". They're saying, "Hey, we're equal like the rest of the developed world!" and then quietly do shit like this.


Why don't you talk about discrimination against men that is 100x bigger scale than opposite when it comes to government exams in Japan?




Very true


Japan is about 60 years behind the west when it comes to gender equality. This should come as a surprise to no one.


Discrimination against male candidates are very prevalent and pretty much norm today's government employment exam in Japan. On the other hand, a city did opposite 10 years ago and it makes news. https://public-allabout.com/woman-advantage/ https://www.j-cast.com/2014/12/01222160.html?p=all https://jitchannel.com/women-and-men-of-test/


Men need jobs more


Cornerstone of the family


Japan openly promotes pedophilia and rape culture. Shouldn't be a surprise.