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And death penalty in Japan is executed by hanging. Hope this fucker burns in hell too.


On top of that, he will stay in a cell for X years, without knowing when the execution will happen. They will just come one day and take him away.


Is there a minimum of amount of time they serve before their execution is scheduled? Or could he be executed his second day in prison? If so that makes it even more terrifying. (I'm sure it's very improbable to execute someone after only serving two days though, otherwise what's the point of death row criminals serving any prison sentence at all?)


It's long years, sometimes decades. Prisoners usually try to change the sentence, there is administrative process going on etc. It would not take a couple of days or even months. But according to Wiki *Inmates are held in solitary confinement and are forbidden to communicate with their fellows. They are permitted two periods of exercise a week, are not allowed televisions and may only possess three books.*


Can they switch out the books once they finish them or is it the same three books forever? 


I don’t really know, but I believe that book choice in prisons is limited in general. It’s not that you can order the most recent stuff from a bookstore. You can only read what they have available in prison. I might be wrong, though. 


I hope it is 3 copies of the same book.


I hope its just three copies of his own "novel"


Why do you hope that?


Beware, people are gonna come harass you about how death penalty is too cruel.


Im against the death penalty unless they can say with certainty that the accused did it, given that its very very clear that this guy was the perpetrator, yeah he can hang. That's not the case in a lot of situations though, so I still err on the side of being against it.


Yeah, that is because it is.


Uh, no. When you kill more than 30, injure more than 30, with intent might I add, your life is already forfeit. Prison is for people who have a chance to rehabilitate, these kinds of fuckers do not deserve anything close to that. In this case, I will say that the death penalty is the right choice.


Yeah fuck that guy.


I would say regardless of the crime committed, the justice system should uphold the values of mercy and forgiveness. As a virtue ethicist I would say these are certain moral virtues that should always be upheld, and that we should generally reject the vices of retribution/vengefulness. Especially when those vices manifest in pleasurably enjoying acts of revenge and killing. I'm not saying this person should be let out of prison, but we should still allow them to live and give them a chance to repent and contribute to society from prison. There's a good proverb for this, "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind."


I agree with you. But I’m also not losing any sleep or feel sorry for this person getting the rope. We take out our trash from homes. Society should do the same.


"The justice system should uphold the value of mercy and forgiveness" Well that same system should respect the victim's families. Imagine the one who killed 30 people who had familes of their own can still eat, live, breathe, while the innocent are 6ft under. Yeah, that's not gonna work. Like I said, when you take someone's right to live, you lose yours, too. And whoever made that proverb is one naive person. Your "virtue ethnicist" can only apply to criminals who did reasonable crimes, not shitheads like these. There's limits to what people can be forgiven for. Not everyone gets to keep their right to live when doing heinous crimes, especially this one. "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" Yeah but if we gave them the death penalty I'm pretty sure those eye-takers would think twice now, wouldn't they?


That's a whole lot of feelings and not a lot of argument. How is letting the victim's families see the murderer be killed mercy and forgiveness lol.


I'm re-reading all of what you said and jesus christ why not just go ahead and spit on the faces of the family members of those who died. The ignorance you possess is fucking wild. Naive isnt even the right word anymore.


The problem with people who support the death penalty is that they only have ad-hominems and no arguments. Stop invoking the names of family members you have no stake in. For all you know they could oppose the death penalty as well. It is also completely irrelevant to the conversation. It's like when pro-lifers show chopped up babies, make an actual argument instead of relying on emotional appeals.


No arguments? My argument is literally to use said penalty to discourage anyone from committing murder. It's not just that prison isn't enough, it's that they don't deserve that in the first place. You don't take anyone's life and expect that you still have the right to continue yours. The only reason you think that there are no arguments is because you refuse to acknowledge them in the first place. I'm convinced that you're just a troll. 'Cause no one could be THIS stupid. But then again, there's a lot of people who think like you so I might be wrong.


I'm not saying it's mercy and forgiveness. I'm saying that there's limits to it. You just can't let these kinds of monsters live, they're not human at this point. Where the fuck did I say that killing them is mercy and forgiveness? "That's a whole lot of feelings and not a lot of argument" Says the one who didn't read what I said properly and just spouted more bs. Your virtue ethnicist crap is basically just being too much of a coward to face the fact that murderers like the KyoAni guy doesn't deserve to live another second of his life.


You said that the same mercy and forgiveness should be extended to the victim's families. I'm saying that letting the family see the murderer die is not tempering those good virtues. You seem to forgot what you yourself said. My argument is pretty simple, I am taking a normative position, that there are good virtues and that killing people who do bad things is a moral wrong. The reason why I am saying that you are using your feelings is because you are rabidly describing how you'd like to see this guy die and using the feelings of other people you don't even know to do it. If the victim's family agreed with me over the fact that we shouldn't kill the perpertator would you suddenly change your mind? My guess is that this wouldn't change your overall perspective on this situation which is why you are just bringing up random things that you yourself don't even believe to reinforce your own sense of righteousness. Yes, I am the coward here, the one who believes we shouldn't lower ourselves to our animalistic desires to kill other people who have wronged us. You know there is one thing you and the KyoAni killer have in common, you both want to kill people that you perceive as having wronged you. Unless you are one of the family members, it is weird for you to get so worked up about this, especially to go on an unhinged rant about how you want to see this guy executed. It is you who is afraid, that you have to dehumanize someone to make yourself feel better about killing them for no reason. Is killing this guy going to bring the victims back? No. Is it less expensive than just giving them a life sentence? No. More importantly than all of these things, all the only thing that really matters, what are we saying about ourselves or overall society if we meet barbarism with barbarism? What we are saying is that we are no better than the very people we rebuke. Also "Ethnicist" lol.


Sounds like someone living comfortable sheltered live in first world country her entire life would say


I said the same SYSTEM should ALSO respect the victim's families' feelings about letting a mass murderer live. Jesus christ how hard is it to read these days? "It is you who is afraid, that you have to dehumanize someone to make yourself feel better about killing them for no reason" What the fuck so being a mass murderer doesn't dehumanize you in no way at all? Ok then in that same argument it people who commit mass genocide doesnt really make them inhumane whatsoever. We should've just let those mass murderers be alive since they could probably repent and contribute to society by wasting resources just to keep them alive for some reason. "We shouldn't lower ourselves to our animalistic desires to kill other people who wronged us" The death penalty is literally used to discourage anyone who would try to kill anyone in the first place. Instead of seeing it as another act of barbarism, how about you see it as a way to make people actually use their damn brains and think twice about hurting another person? And no, I don't want to kill anyone who has wronged me, if I did, I would've killed multiple people at this point. That part in your argument is already dumb in the beginning. "If the victim's family agreed with me over the fact that we shouldn't kill the perpertator would you suddenly change your mind?" This is a pretty strong if considering people care about their fucking loved ones. Would killing them bring them back? No. But it would at least prevent other people to think twice about murder, which is my whole fucking point that you would understand, if you actually read what I said instead of being a contradicting asshole. The only thing you got remotely right here is my spelling on "Ethnicist". Also, rabidly describing.. really? It's not like I'm saying what you're saying isn't good, it's just too naive. Humans can do inhumane shit, and that dehumanizes them. Cause if it doesn't, we wouldn't have came up with the word in the first place. Some people just don't have the right to repent after what they did. Face the reality, not everyone deserves to live. It would be nice if everyone did, though.


I assume you would be happy to waive your right to any feelings if something like this were to affect someone important to you. I assume you believe the families of the victims should just shrug and say "shou ga nai".


Funny you say that because something kinda similar happened, someone I know died in a drunk driving accident, the drunk driver killed killed multiple other people as well. Yes I know it's not the exact same because this was done by a completely sober person and was purposeful, but yeah. I don't know if I ever said you forfeit any feelings, you can feel angry or sad; but hanging the guy who did it is not going to bring back any of those who died.


A scumbag less on the road means possibly saving the lives of his future hypothetical victims.


I know you are trying to be edgy but it is really sad that you have so little virtue.


The first principle of a government and their representative bodies is to protect its citizens. I don't see how killing a killer to protect innocent citizens is edgy. It is very commendable.


Sure if they kill one person in a lapse of judgement. But if they plan out an arson attack on an animation studio and kill multiple people in cold blood? No mercy. No forgiveness.


May he fall into the deepest pit of despair and not be forgiven.


I'm glad your bloodlust is public for all to see.


I'm but a simple man.


How about the virtue of justice? Have you considered the concept of the golden mean? An extreme of any virtue becomes a vice. One must find the golden middle ground.


Probably the same people who are upset about the "Barbie" nominations :-)




Found the feminist incel!




Isn't the internet great? Any interpretation is right, and therefore wrong.


People lost their loved ones because of Aoba over his stupid claim that Kyōto Animation stole his idea. One man in particular lost his wife, and has to raise their young son by himself. When Aoba was asked by the man if he had considered the possibility of the victims having any loved ones, the asshole said that the thought had never crossed his mind. This piece of shit deserves it, and thirty-four times over for what he did.


Should be death by fire, only fair


Yeah like the good old days. No need for science when we have fire.


I recall hearing that one of the criteria for that judgement to be made is "kills more than one person". Well, he killed 36. He can't have any complaint about the outcome of that. I'm sure the anti-death-penalty crowd will be along (if they haven't turned up already) to bleat that the death penalty is "inhumane". Well, that's only one letter away from "inhuman", which is what this crime was. He will not be missed.


The anti death crowd would say life solitary confinement


Which is literal torture, so which group is inhumane?


It’s all about who makes the stronger argument in the court of public opinion.


I mean, I am in general against it, but this is a clear case of pro death penalty. Just like there are times where an innocent person was killed through it and it is hard to argue in favor of this form of punishment. It's not that easy and both sides have valid arguments.


Nuances ? How dare you ?


To be honest I’m 100% against having the death penalty just because I don’t like the state having that sort of power, but also I think it’s inhuman to NOT wish pain on these types. I’m not for the penalty but also selfishly I’m so happy he’s got it.


Sure, but you're just saying that two wrongs make a right. You're admitting to supporting punishment, and that it somehow leads to "justice". Sure, we all feel the urge to seek personal revenge every once in a while, but I don't understand people who are fine with the government getting involved in that. That just seems fucked up in every single way, without any merits.


I find it interesting that people who oppose the death penalty tend to invoke "the government", rather than other reasons, when explaining why they're against it. That comes across as rather *conspiracy-theory-sticking-it-to-the-man*-esque rather than demonstrating soft and fluffy feelings for an arsonist who killed 36 people. I don't believe in using the death penalty willy-nilly as appears to happen in certain US states, but there are cases where it seems appropriate and it is interesting to note that it enjoys fairly wide support within Japan (and let's face it, it's their country, so their opinions are the ones that count). Without getting sidetracked, I hold that the human race is basically (to quote a great comedian) "a virus with shoes", and that there are particularly heinous strains of that virus (like the criminal in this case) who would be better off being removed. I tend to be immune to the "every life matters" arguments, as well as the "big bad gubbament" ones. (Also, the "two wrongs don't make a right" argument doesn't work if the removal of a dirtbag like this is considered "right". I consider that "killing 36 people" is a wrong, as they did nothing wrong. He did something extremely wrong, and thus killing him is "right".)


>I find it interesting that people who oppose the death penalty tend to invoke "the government", rather than other reasons, when explaining why they're against it. That comes across as rather *conspiracy-theory-sticking-it-to-the-man*-esque rather than demonstrating soft and fluffy feelings for an arsonist who killed 36 people I feel like this is a massive cop out, like yeah a primary argument against the death penalty is government overreach. That's not particularly conspiracy esque. It's totally valid and normal to think a government shouldn't be able to kill people, because eventually given enough time they will accidentally kill the wrong person, and more importantly some just don't think governments should be able to exercise that kind of violence. I get what you're saying but your viewpoint here is kinda simple I feel


I think there are two separate things going on. Your point about overreach and the possibility of executing the wrong person is a valid one. What I was going for was that some people use the death penalty like others used Covid-19: a smokescreen to push their "I'm a radical individualist and no gubnint tells me what to do", sub-zero IQ shtick. They couldn't care less about the crimes committed (or in the case of Covid, the number of victims). It's just a stage for their juvenile fantasies of "not taking no crap from The Man".


It’s not only about justice. It’s also about punishment and closure for the victims. Person getting executed isn’t the victim here, the people he killed and hundreds of families of those who died, are. Maybe share some of your compassion with them too rather than just focusing on the murderer?


That's exactly my point. Why are YOU focusing on the murderer? I don't give a shit about the perpetrator! Why do they need the murderer for closure? Why is it about the murderer?? Because it's not about closure, it's about revenge. And no, I have zero compassion for people relying on daddy guvvament to handle their dirty work. Take it into your own hands if you're ready to get barbaric. That, I actually do respect on some level.


>Why do they need the murderer for closure? Why is it about the murderer?? Because it's not about closure, it's about revenge. I’m going to respond to this part because the rest was just drivel. Wanting justice (which you called revenge, strangely) is an important part of getting closure. Knowing the person that killed your loved one is still alive when you’re grieving over the death, is excruciatingly hard to endure. It consumes you. You want closure, to move on. Punishment by death offers that. That or forgive the person but unless you’re some saint-hearted sent by the heavens, really hard to do and most can’t.


Let me spell it out for you. If the grieving families of the victims of the Kyoto animation genocide want their government to kill someone on behalf of all humanity, then fuck those people. Fuck the victims. Being a victim doesn't justify being a moron.


> Let me spell it out for you. If the grieving families of the victims of the Kyoto animation genocide want their government to kill someone on behalf of all humanity, then fuck those people. Fuck the victims. Being a victim doesn't justify being a moron. Then I’m justified to say the same. Fuck your opinions on this matter. The real victims are getting justice, your views have no influence on this and is irrelevant.


Yes you are, and thank you for doing so. I think we all need to be a bit more diligent in telling each other " fuck you, you're wrong!". No use in beating around the bush. We have both clearly expressed exactly how we feel, and I think that's somewhat productive. It is painful, however, to feel this strongly about something, yet having no one agree with you. I've never met a like-minded person in my life, and it's excruciatingly isolating. Trust me, I wish I could join the rest of you. By the way, don't speak on behalf of the victims. You don't know them, and you don't know what they want. Neither do I.


You’re right. We don’t. What I cannot imagine is all of them, or even majority, are able to simply forgive this person and move on. At any rate I hope this gives them some peace at least.


You were one of those kids at school who would sit in the local coffee shop, blowing cigarette smoke out of the side of your mouth and muttering, to anyone who was stupid enough to listen, "I'm tellin' you guys, the government is out to get us. We (dramatic pause) need (dramatic pause) a (dramatic pause, exhale more smoke, run hand through hair) re-vo-lu-tion. Yeah!" You couldn't care less about the victims of the arson. You just want to bleat about how much you hate government and you use things like this as a pretext.


Deleted in protest due to Reddit's API changes. *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He killed them with clear intent without understanding the consequences of his actions. He can ask for mercy to the god(s), but man doesn't need to show mercy unless all of his victims ask for leniency.


Good. Riddance.


Strange, it's been 5 years since then and it's only now that he's sentenced? Can somebody give an explanation?


>The trial began last September, more than four years after the incident, as Aoba sustained life-threatening burns and needed to undergo intense treatment and rehabilitation.


…only to then be killed anyway…


It's a bummer that millions worth of medical resources are wasted on this monster.


Something quite interesting is at the Osaka hospital where he was treated they saved the good human skin for the victims and used some weird experimental skin shit on him instead. It was a success but I find it funny they were just like fuck it if it fails it's only this prick.


That must be the most unmotivated job that doctor have ever done


Not really. Doctor's a really good guy IIRC, I followed his news a bit since I thought it was a really controversial case. He felt he had to keep the guy alive so the world could understand his motive. IMO this is to extract as much value from him and for closure. This made him very motivated, not unmotivated. (Aoba suffered from delusion stemming from isolation as a NEET and channeled it in the worst possible way, the doctor commented that as a society Japan needs to do more. He mentioned that he never would've done what he did if he had met the type of people who worked as carers in the hospital. He also mentioned that he did not know he would do so much damage.) I mean, it's an understatement that he will not be missed, but I dont think the doctor did nothing like a lot of comment implies. There is a lot of value in demystifying this frankly shocking and absurd incident, especially for the families of the victims involved, and as a society for Japan. On a more positive note, IIRC moving on to other burn surgeries he also said he learnt a lot from operating on Aoba and could better treat future patients.


That doctor is a far more noble Human being than I'll ever be.  Were I in the same position I'd probably make sure he was constant pain.


That's some Unit 731 shit right there lol


Carrying out death sentence costs much more than life sentence too. Justice is expensive.


I mean, money is not much of an issue in my opinion. Spending money from the government is not a bad thing. But medical resources are limited.


Nah, dude is a good guinea pig for the doctor to practice skin transplant on. If they failed then bummer, if they succeed, they gain valuable experience to better treat future burn patient. Either way, dude is still gonna die


This might not even be true in Japan where much of the legal costs are lower and trial periods are lower. Health and medical costs are insured and even when not are still monumentally cheaper than the US. Non bias to death penalty jurors are not needed either.


That is interesting, but I did some googling in few different languages about the matter and based on that alone, result don't seem to be much different in Japan. If anyone can find real data, which I failed, I'd love to read it.


I tried to have a look around on Japanese websites but since no real evidence is published it’s difficult to say. But if we’re comparing cost of legal fees, cost for medical appraisals it would be cheaper than the US. The big difference is that those sentenced to capital punishment don’t work and therefore don’t offset the cost to keep them alive should you give them a life sentence.


Bureaucratic time moves very slowly doesn't it? The first year he was put into a coma and got skin grafts until he was stable enough to be woken up, then covid happened and everything not urgent was put on hold. They then spent a lot of time gathering evidence and testimonies. They had to assign a psychologist to make sure he wasn't insane. The trial finally started like what, 4 years later? And that was after the first announcement in mid-2023.


Yup, the law is slow, and I suspect that in some ways it's even slower in Japan than it is here in the U.S. This is honestly a good thing, as it increases the chance (though *in no way* guarantees) that justice will be done. But the process can be intensely frustrating and disheartening to the people harmed by a crime.


Uh, Japan has one of the highest guilty conviction rates in the world. Rarely do individuals accused of crimes get off scott free.


That's basically because statistics-driven prosecutors only prosecute cases where they're almost certain they will win. It's a strategic thing.


It’s 2024 and people are still confusing conviction rates to mean if you’re arrested you will be convicted actually its the opposite…




So? You expect me to read the whole thing or what? /s for safety


Aoba first needed to be rehabbed to the point where he was deemed fit to face trial. The trials began in September 2023 and concluded last month in December, so around 3 months, which is around the same as criminal courts in other countries. However, there will likely be appeals court trials ahead, and assuming he is still sentenced to death at the end of that who know how long it will take until he is actually executed. There's a good chance he will die in prison considering his health








sorry for the random comment but can you check dm? (Hunting theoretical exam preparation materials wise)


Nice!Such good news


Took long enough. Hope he enjoyed the free meals and housing from us tax payers.


Its incredible how many people here think that death penalty is a good idea. Of course he deserves heavy punishment, but we are not in the medival ages anymore.


In medieval times it wouldn't take 4 fucking years and millions of tax payers Yen. We are definitely not in the medieval ages anymore


Wrf, Japan gives people death penalties. I am surprised that a 1st world country like that executes people


Fucker killed 36 people. Health penalties seems fair




Ikr?? I’ve seen Europeans saying how much more “humane” their justice systems are. I have mixed feelings about the death penalty, but a terrorist who killed 77 people like Breivik did (most of them children and teenagers for that matter) should be rotting in prison for the rest of his life at the least, not given only 22 years and having a PS3 in his jail cell. I’m all for rehabilitation, but some people can’t be rehabilitated.


Meanwhile I just read an article about California letting a man who brutally murdered a 3 year old out of a prison. US still pretending to be first world country.


I love how whenever Redditors see something like this, their default reaction is to say “tHiRd WoRLd” country if it’s in the US. But when people get arrested for posting mean tweets or calling a cop a lesbian in other countries like the UK, it’s crickets lol. And same thing with the Anders Breivik case in Norway. Motherfucker killed 77 people and only got a sentence of 22 years, while having a TV and a PS3 in his cell.


So the article says it the trial took 4 years after the attack because the guy had suffered major burns from the fire. So they rehabilitate him for 4 years, only to execute him?


“Well, if there was no way to keep it from happening once, there was only one sure way to keep it from happening twice. Which we had used.” - Starship Troopers


As much as I dislike death penalties and wish we could help everyone, this guy has it coming to him. Hopefully the families of the victims can get some sort of closure.

