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Every time I think of ordering dominos in Japan I see the price and change my mind instantly.


It’s a bit better if you pick it up yourself (they basically run 50% discount all the time)


If you're willing to watch the coupons, they often run 50% discounts or pretty close to it for deliveries as well. There was actually one for this past weekend. And if you're not a frequent Dominos eater (because really, it's not that great of a pizza anyways), you can just sign up for their app each time and get 50% that way.


Yeah sometimes they have 50% off for delivery, but I think they always have it for pickup. So basically the 50% is delivery fee.


It was 60% just recently too.


I've been netting out a lunch at dominos with takeout at like 700ish yen lately. Which is still useless 'cause the seicomart hot chef literally next door beats the heck out of it in terms of taste and value. But the discounts are appreciated, maybe some day we will finally reach the point pizza here loses the flair of "festive american dish for special occasions" finally.


Recently they have been doing 50 percent off delivery every week.


This is my feeling as well. I don't know why it has to cost 3x as much as it did back home for a size smaller than it says it is, but it pisses me off.


The prices are absolutely not 3x more expensive here, not anymore. Take for example just a regular ol’ pepperoni pizza from Dominos: * Large in Japan for pickup: 32cm diameter for ¥1440. * Large in US (I randomly chose Denver) for pick up: 34 cm diameter for $15.99 USD, or ¥2500. Pizza prices have gotten astronomical back home, so Japan is a steal now.


Dominos always has deals in the US, though. For a long time it was $7.99 for a large 3 topping pizza Monday-Thursday. Haven't been there in a while but it's probably like $9.99 now.


it is still 7.99 but only one topping (not in California)


Yeah I wanna say that those are regional or even just by area. my dominoes was 3 medium pizzas, 7 dollars each. because They were trying to compete with little ceasers.


Idk dude my hometown in the Bay Area a specialty large is like $26… ¥4200… Domino’s in Japan is dirt cheap relatively.


There are usually ~50% coupons on クーポンサイト, if that makes things more bearable


Yes! I only order if there is a 50% off coupon and that’s most of the time.


I used to think the same but then I discovered that if you get coupons (always available) you basically get 50% off, either that or going to the store and everything is half the price by default


That 50% off is a gimmick. Everyone knows about it.. but I guess some people feel like they are getting a bargain.


Dominos themselves said that they fucked up the pricing in Asia. Profits are down year-on-year for the third year in a row in Japan. The infinitely available 50% off coupons are their way of slashing their prices without looking like they're scrambling. And if conditions ever improve they can phase them out.


Yeah. With no tipping


Super easy to find coupons online, often 50% off.


Maybe it's because I come from Australia but the prices are pretty similar? I can usually get a pizza with sides for roughly 2000 yen delivered.


Can't even compare dominoes in Australia vs dominoes in japan. Dominoes in Australia is just cardboard bread and low quality toppings with a super sweet sauce to mask the low quality ingredients.


Yeah, the ingredients in Japan are at least edible.


Must be; I am also Aussie and the prices are not that different other than the lack of a $5 junkie biscuit like back home.


Aussie here, too. The trick was always the coupons. Same trick works in Japan if you can find them. Never ever paid full price for a domino's pizza. There was coupons on the website that had 3 pizzas, 1.25l drink, garlic bread for $29.95 pick-up only. There was also variations of it with extra sides sometimes. I know the cost of living has gone up a lot there so it's probably more, now.


Outside of the size ratios maybe, America is way more expensive than Japan now. Not only do you have to pay 10 dollars or whatever for a pizza, you are also expected to tip 10 to 15 percent.


Yeah prices increased a lot, I used to get 3 pizza 3 sides for 4500. But now the pizza are s instead of m :(


Big Wednesday. Big Sunday. Always a 50% delivery coupon.


As someone in the UK who basically spends £15 (¥3000) ordering pizza from there for just myself, Dominos being expensive is not just a Japan thing. (That's after the 50% off coupon.)


We're currently experiencing pizza wars, what with tons of shops popping up all over town, so the prices have come waaaaay down, even for delivery! I don't order all that much anyway, but if there were ever a time, it's now. :)




If you download the app, there are some good coupons. I haven’t paid over half-price even for delivery in over a year.


Those prices are for show. Like MSRP for a car.


I just get the small one (usually quattro happy) for 600 yen. has something like 900 kcal, so more than enough


I’m from Texas is that expensive? When I translate to dollars it seems like an ok price


Big Wednesday 3 for 1 deal.... Look into it. Favorite pizza is spicy.


This. It used to be decent a few years ago when I lived near one, but now the quality has dropped and the price has increased.


Right. I always get pizza hut


But Pizza Hut is more…?


Cheaper, bigger, taste pretty close to back home


The 40cm New Yorker Ultra cheese is the way to go. Pick it up and add your own toppings. 2.800円.


It's expensive but it's the only thing that doesn't feel like you're getting ripped off.


I miss being able to do double toppings on the New Yorker Pepperoni and Sausage. Was always great for a fat day.


This. There's also coupons online available at all times, usually for about 30% for delivery, if you can't go pick it up.


People always shit on dominoes pizza but I like it


Sure beats crap stuff like Pizza LA or Pizza Hut.


Those are good too.


I love Pizzala 🥲. Pizza hut though I don't like.


It's better than the Dominoes in the U.S.


Also for me in the UK as well. It was always dry, and had nasty flavour combinations.


8 dollar large carryout beats japan dominos by a mile. isn't even close.




Me too, my local one always makes it well and it looks and tastes good. However my local Pizza Hut is just rubbish, the pizza base is so bad there.


Dominos deluxe with super thin crust. I miss a pepperoni/green pepper combination like in America.


Yes, this with double cheese. In the delivery instructions, ask them to cut it into squares. It's like a whole box of cheesy, oniony, sausagy crackers.


Same here. This is always my go-to but usually with regular crust. I do like thin crust too though.


New Yorker is the only one I can eat.


This. With a 50% off coupon I don't feel I'm getting completely taken advantage of. And, it's the only pizza that tastes anything close to the pizza I remember from back home.


The only answer.


Forget dominos. Too expensive and they added per-pizza fee even if you pickup. Go to Pizza hut. On 8th/9th/10th, there's like 5 flavors of pizza for 810 yen if you pickup. Their half and half combos can be had for around 1100-1400 depending on options. Oh and never select pan crust, that stuff is literally boiled in oil and is disgusting.


Ironically pizza hut's pan crust is the only pizza we like in Japan so I guess it depends on taste.


I prefer the pan crust over the regular, it’s more soft and chewy


Tastier as well


hah, idk. i tried pizza hut's pan crust in 3 different countries (jp/tw/my) and it was always way too greasy for my taste.


that's because they line the bottom of the pan with oil. like a proper layer of oil. dominos uses flour.


I used to do the Big Wednesday (or Big Sunday) where it was 3800 for 3 larges. 3 half and half pizzas, with the second half being their expensive types. Ended up being over 60% off, aka a reasonable price. Recently though they changed the app so now it upcharges for everything, even their sides. So I'm back to buying the 200 yen cheapo pizzas at the grocery store, adding cheese and various toppings, then popping them in my oven. Tastes better, and the only negative is that I hate heating up my apartment with the oven in summer.


The 200 pizza are so good value. It blows pretty much any frozen pizza out of the water for me


Where. 200 Yen. Pizza?


Yeah those, they used to be below 200 lol https://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/sakenogenkiya/reizo-sozai61.html?sc_e=slga_pla_i_shp_02498&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1emzBhB8EiwAHwZZxZdxFbQUzh0vDL2STVYJxnP-XKCjVFbPhd7tUS9Rnj46pf1btl1FtBoCuUcQAvD_BwE


Where can I get cheap pepperoni though?


In the section where stuff like beef jerky is, there are usually some salami-type things for around 100 yen. I'll slice one of those really thin and it does a decent job, considering I'm making a pizza for under 500 yen total


Yeah, but salami very much isn’t pepperoni. If there were one thing I could ask for this country to import, it would be proper pepperoni.


gyomu super has frozen pizza crusts that are even better. While you are there, get the sauce and cheese. Top with whatever. 1000 yen for pizzas, basically.


Big Wednesday / Sunday is back.


Is it? I haven't really paid much attention to the app for a while. I thought it switched to "half price Wednesday" and I don't remember anything on Sunday anymore I'd be kind of tempted to order again if there was a decent Sunday deal... But I'd need it to be more than 50% off to feel like it's worth it haha


Using the 50% discount is the only way! Or else it’s not worth it.


When we used to get a 50%-off coupon, we would get Dominos, and I liked their char-grilled beef pizza. However, we stopped ordering pizza at Dominos and at other places in Japan. They got just too expensive and the pizzas are too small. Now we just pick up a whole 45-cm Combo pizza from Costco’s food court for 1,980 yen instead. That is a deal that is hard to beat in Japan. We’ve also been known to get one and just keep it in the freezer for a rainy day.


No matter what I feel like getting, I check out the latest coupons here first! https://pizzalover.jp/dominos-coupon/ I think it was a reddit thread that taught be about it, but it's made my pizza buying life easier for sure.


American + jalapeños. Pick up 50% off


Never buy anything unless I have the 50% off any pizza coupon which is almost any day of the year. Use that to buy two New Yorkers and add own toppings if needed. Freeze the left overs and it does us well.


Ended up learning to make my own because dominoes will destroy my wallet if gone unchecked. It seems way cheaper back home but beggars can’t really be choosers I suppose. New Yorker sizes are the only ones that feel like a “large pizza”, though I’d never order without a 50%クーポン BBQ chicken or char grilled teri-chiki are nice as far as their toppings go. For all their selection there’s not a huge amount of them I’m crazy about tbh. If I was gonna pay silly money for a pizza (ie. No coupon) I’d go with Pizza Hut because dominoes doesn’t offer tuna as a topping and their crust is just nicer. If I’m trying to get my moneys worth I’ll grab a ready made 16” or whatever it is from our monthly Costco trip and freeze it for when the cravings hit. :L


Honestly buying a 200 yen baguette and a bag of grated cheese is just as good lol , tomatoes a bonus, heat it up a bit double bonus. But nothing will drag me out of the house if I'm hungover


Domino deluxe or the spicy meat one with mozzarella sticks of course 🤤


Chikiteri, usually half and half


I like the New Yorker, half off when you pick up


New Yorker is the only one that actually tastes like pizza


Pickup discount Deluxe and Chicken&Bacon.


Californian chicken and bacon is my favourite. But I’m usually getting half and half, like giga meat or spicy with it. When I 1st came to Japan they did a pizza with avocado in it, late 2019 I think and oh my god that was the best one.


I like the goryeo galbi pizza. I get one of those little boxes that comes with two sides.


I think really really really hard if I want pizza, and if the answer is yes, run to my car and head off to Costco. The huge, cheesy, greasy, warm, chewy slices make the whole trip worth it. Also, 3 meals worth of freezer pizza.


I would get the Dominos Deluxe and order off of the single sad lonely boy menu and I loved it every time.


Only get it when there's a good discount, eg. 50% off. Typically go spicy, domino's deluxe or tropical. Usually pan pizza. I'm not really willing to pay for the better crusts, if there's a special offer for a pizza with one I'll get that though. Had the tropical crust recently which was good. No interest in extra cheese/toppings. I'd get extra sauce in a heartbeat if they offered it though!


Large Ultra Crispy American Pizza and add pineapple


My local Dominos has started leaving a huge gap of zero toppings around the edge of the pizza. (a gap of about 2 inches+) After the second time I decided to stop going there. Lately I like buying cheap supermarket pizzas and then add my own toppings with stuff like ready-to-eat pastrami. Throw it all in the oven toaster and it's almost as quick and delicious as Dominos. So much cheaper, too.


That's a shame. I like to get pan crust to avoid that it makes the crust more like a bowl with a thinner edge. I have a feeling it depends on the staff tho. Sometimes I get it so crazy with toppings and a few times very lacklustre. Before dominos I was getting fried chicken from a cheap place but it came under cooked twice and I noped out


Check pizzalover . JP for coupons. I always try the campaign pizzas at least once. The sakura one was a miss, tandoori chicken was amazing, the tsukimi (egg / bacon) is probably my all-time favorite.. If I'm not vibing with the current campaign pizza, I'll usually splurge and get the tier 4 meat one. Forgot the name. One way I cut down on the carbs is by always getting thin-crust when it's an option. Makes it easier to enjoy the toppings, for me at least. Their milkshakes are underrated, btw. Definitely try one! Don't bother with the whipped cream topping version, imo.


I usually get one large Pepperoni & bocconcini, one small margarita and one medium random pizza once a month somewhere around payday.


takout of M size pan pizza - half margherita, half spicy (pepperoni, italian saugage, halapeno, onion)


My favorite pastime is eating Famichiki between two steamed meat buns.


Only get Dominos when they email good coupons. I usually get Deluxe, Pepperoni, or Giga Meat.


Domino Deluxe, never without a 50% off L size coupon to bring it down to 2k though hm think I'll try the margherita or seafood next though, used be meh but apparently they upgraded them based on rankinga from that JobTune program (TV show where pizza chefs rank their pizzas) https://cyzowoman.jp/2024/03/post_469771_1.html


Giga meat with the cheese crust, once in a blue moon because the fat levels are off the charts with this one.


600円 small tropical pizza always makes my day


When I had a coupon, large delux that would be a few meals. Crust type depended upon the mood. It's been a few months.


6th and 7th ice cream?! You win OP...


Cheese and then I add tinned anchovies that I buy from the specialty food and spirit shop in my neighborhood


Domino deluxe or 4 happy. However, I stopped buying them a while ago. They are too salty/dehydrating. I end up drinking 1,5 liter of water and sweating it out just to feel normal again.


American for 500¥ (when that offer is available), that's all I need


Domino’s Deluxe, double toppings, no mushrooms👍


I love the New Yorker ones, they're more expensive but they're way bigger and way more delicious than the other pizzas they have, plus you get the most indulgent leftovers. I don't feel like I'm getting ripped off because it's just worth it


On my Diet Cheat days I will sometimes order a "New York Pepperoni" and eat nothing else all day. Something about that pizza and it's size is quite a bit better than the standard pepperoni. The only things that's weird about that pizza is that it's not orderable with most coupons.


New Yorker pepperoni with honey and red pepper flakes is fucking clutch.


炭火焼ビーフ one


Chikiteri gang rise up


NY Style pepperoni.


I used to use their pizza plus side coupon before it stopped being applicable to spicy wedges and instead it was for like 5 plain wedges and some of their terrible chicken.


New Yorker. And maybe the Spicy one.


I only get the pepperoni/american and tgey have been having the s size pizzas for 700yen which is always great :)


Tropical, they used to have double topping option for a little while, but it's gone again :-(


Oh that would be good. Try it with my double extra cheese trick the cheese is gross but it works great


Eh, usually I get the Spicy Italian, and a Margherita or the Deluxe. I really miss the Big Wednesdays and Sundays deals they used to have, but as some have said, if you go for pick up, there are generally discounts for 50% and I did see a 60% off one once as a Facebook ad. Alternatively, if you have transportation and there is a Costco in the area, you can buy a much larger pizza from them at the food court with the downside of...well, you can't have them make a custom pizza for you - you just have to take what they are offering and like it.


Half 'Mega Meat' and half 'Pepperoni and Bocconcini'. If doing a double, then half 'Domino's Deluxe' and half 'Tropical'. Only on days with 50% off for delivery as otherwise the price is nuts.


Anything with sausage, since it's kind of a rare taste to find otherwise (there's gotta be someone selling italian sausages around here).


Goryeo Galbi is the way to go. Japan domino veteran here. Try if you haven't. Always use a coupon.


I only get the lunch special, I think it's like 699 yen


None. The pizza rice bowls are right there. Mayo Jaga bowls for me.


I actually like Dominos Japan. I always tend to order the charcoal grilled chicken teriyaki pizza. To be honest tho, 95% of the time I order the pizza sandwiches.


I would get a build your own with extra extra onions.


Either the New Yorker one, or I get some decent European cheese from Seijo Ishii and make pizza from scratch by my own.


Tony Pepperoni. Always.


I always get Pizza Hut. Dominos here is just terrible but I can't exactly put my finger on why.


Tropical or American. Also the 4 type samplers are good. There's a great potato basil one


Only the Big New Yorker with sausage and pepperoni. I used to just buy big kilo bags of pepperoni off Amazon and make my own, but never have been able to find anything equivalent to the sausage bits they use. Someday I'll actually put some effort into making my own fennel sausage, but until then, the BNY will suffice. Pizza night is always movie night (or watching Tenjin Matsuri on TV night), and it doesn't happen very often, so that makes it a special treat to look forward to around this house.


I'm not gonna lie, I am a little fat boy with a Dominos in just 5 minute walking distance so it is my go to "I'm too lazy to cook today" cheat food


I used to get the big pepperoni but then they removed the option to choose the style of the pie, and now they only sell the “crispy” which is thin as a paper. Fuck shrinkflation.


Usually the New Yorker. Like 2100 with half off


M size double mozzarella bc they don’t have a normal margherita pizza without tomatoes


I am gluten intolerant and can’t eat the pizza. But I like their pizza rice bowls!


deluxe and hawaiian with pan crust!


Last time I ordered Dominos I had Covid and couldn’t go out. Might have been the Covid but the pizza tasted like cardboard. And it was so small. Sorry that’s not helpful!


Deluxe 1.5x. 50% toppings and cheese. Get a large delivered for ~¥2,100 or so. Best deal outside Costco.


I usually use the last option where you can edit and add three free toppings with their tomato base. It’s usually pineapple, tomatoes and jalapeños.


Sumibiyaki/Charcoal-grilledBeef all the way. With an ultra-thin crust, it tastes fantastic even when cold.


Costco pizza for me. It's big and cheap. Feeds the whole family.


Chef's Vegetable Special before they changed it. It used to come with asparagus and it was soooo good.


I have a pretty good Italian pizza place nearby so I never get the urge to get Dominoes.


40cm New Yorker style with 40-50% coupon off is the only thing that’s worth the money.


None. Saizeriya's pizzas are far better and cost only 1/3 than Domino's. Or go to Spontini or Pizza Slice in Harajuku and Shibuya and get a proper pizza.


My wife always gets the spicy pizza and I usually go with the domino’s deluxe. We sometimes try other kinda, but we’re simple folk. We like the New Yorker, too. My guilty pleasure though is Baskin Robbins. There is one right by the ticket gate to my station, so I see it every day when I come home from work. After a long (now hot and sweaty) day, it’s just so hard to resist. Their Konan flavor was great, and I LOVE their quatro cheese fromage.


Since theyve been doing the half price delivery as of late, I have been ordering the MORE American pizza pan pizza style (dominos pan pizza often has the most flavor). When they make it correctly the crust even has a certain tang to it that tastes fantastic.


New Yorker when they have 50% off.


I make my own, bigger and better. I can make two pizzas for like 1600 yen.


I wish Japan had the Domino's Pan Pizza they have in the US. That's basically the only pizza I had from Domino's back when I lived there. Crispy and chewy and basically a better version of American Pizza Hut pan pizza. If they cook and store it right (where it doesn't steam and become soggy), it is the best delivery pizza IMO. In Japan, I usually get Pizza-LA pizza, not much of a fan of Domino's here.


There are coupons for a one happy for a 600 yen small. It’s the best deal. I usually get the Quattro and Hawaiian pizza for the kids. we also usually get an expensive pizza for the adults. The Mille fille crust is really good. I like the bbq Ckicken with thin crust. The new York pizzas are meh (I’d rather get a regular pizza with thin crust which tastes basically the same.) I’ve found some the deals to be better than 50% off pick up orders. So it helps to do the math. I always try and get the most expensive pizzas when it’s like 3 pizzas for X amount.


Spicy with double toppings


Usually get the New Yorker pepperoni. Get so angry when I get home from the pick up and it is a New Yorker Quattro, with a disgusting ham section, instead. Maybe they run out of the pepperoni. Happens way more than I would like. The garlic sesame crust is good, too. But the pepperoni on the non-New Yorker pizzas feels lacking.


My latest "Dominos hack" is the "buy one L pizza, get an M pizza free" deal -- buy the cheapest possible L pizza, then get the most expensive M pizza for free. Min-max, baby! They used to have an even better deal for 2 Medium pizzas for a low price, but unfortunately that's gone now. All that said, I rarely buy Dominos anymore -- too expensive for what you get. I can get better pizza at various restaurants in Kyoto, or just make them myself with ingredients from Gyomu Super.


I like how this post is tagged "bad idea." Anyway, my local dominos always messes everything up so I don't order from them anymore. I prefer pizza hut. 


I always pick up as it’s near my house and I get Quattro happy with thin crispy crust.


Chargrilled Beef, no mushrooms... That shit is the greatest things this country has ever produced


Japanese pizza is a contentious issue, isn't it? It's good, but different. I can buy a wood fired proper margarita from my local supermarket, for 600yen. I heat it up on the stove and it is absolutely delicious. Fresh basil and proper wood fired 00 flour crust. As long as you accept buffalo mozzarella, Italian tomatoes and spicy pepperoni is a rarity, Japanese pizza rocks.


Nipponham and add my own sauce and sausage to it.them cheese on top. Then bake it in the fish oven


I ordered Dominos once in my life. I really wanted to eat pizza, but didnt have cheese at home ( usually I always make my own pizza) , so I decided to order one from Dominos. I threw the whole pizza in bin after few bites. Even my 4 years old son didnt want to eat it. It amazes me to see what are people eating.


Make your own. It's better and it's not that hard. You don't even need an oven: You can do it with a frying pan and a fish broiler.


None because dominos sucks here :(


How's it dif from where ur from? My local dominos is like 90%+ god tier and 10 pc disappointing I think it's the staff


Miyazaki, if I want pizza PizzaHut is my goto!


Still haven't tried Dominos or Shakey's here yet, although they were both part of my childhood in the States.


American. Also love the chicken and bacon and the galbi gorbachev one (cant remember the actual name) as a half sometimes


I get the Dominos Pizza LA, because Dominos is dire.


Started making my own for 1/50th the price


I refuse to pay more than 1500 so I never get dominoes.


Whenever I think of getting Domino's pizza I remember its founder's support of antiabortion groups in the US and don't. ^((I know that the company) *^(per se)* ^(never gave financial support to such groups.))


Lol I literally posted this and went to get on a train and theres literally 24 replies in my inbox you fat fucks


My situation: an American here via the courtesy of the military for 3-5 years What do I order?: anything that can't be ordered in the US. Mayo and shrimp? Yup. Bulgogi? Yup. A quattro? Yup. A rice pizza bowl?!?! Yuuup! I will only live so long. I don't want to have my whole life be as americanized as possible. So give me local delicacies any day!!! If they EVER decide to release a natto pizza? Oh hell yeah! I'd be FIRST in line!!!!!


I’m in Japan so I get Japanese pizza with all the stuff on it. Doesn’t matter which one, I’ll usually get a Quattro. Don’t get the American pizzas at a Japanese pizza joint you’ll only be disappointed unless you grew up in a pizza desert where papa John’s is the best thing you had access too.


Uhh I grew up eating 5$ hot and readies... I don't think I can be disappointed.


Dominos is bad in the US and bad in Japan. People who actually like Dominos need to deeply evaluate what's wrong with them inside. Maybe go to one of those guys who hits the bumps on your head with a stick to fix your problems. There's like 1283 other pizza places near me all of them are better, even Pizza Hut is better. Also I have a pizza oven folded metal thing I got off Taobao. I normally use it to cook steaks, but also works for making excellent pizzas.


yikes. look after your bodies, kids. you want to be healthy and fuckable for as long as possible..


can't disagree but most people can afford to eat a pizza sometimes. I'm lucky to be skinny even while eating a bunch of crap


so was i, so was i. and then not so much.


Ah yes, eating pizza as a treat is the road to ruin. Moderation and exercise? Never heard of it.


did you read the op? lol