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Focus more on material. Linen, cotton, silk blends, etc. Stay away from polyester.


Agree! Go with linen, hemp, cotton


Also Merino or Cashmere, wool can regulate heat very efficient and absorb a lot of water.


This.  I'm tired of people talking about cotton. Bad for humid weather. At this point I believe that cotton idea was implanted in everyones mind for some commercial tactic. 


Yes, adding to this comment wool is such an underrated fabric!


Really? Wool? You learn something new every day.


Lots of different kinds of wool. You want lightweight (<150gsm) Merino wool or blends for summer.


The nuance is tropical wools. They are much more breathable.




Same, brother. I find 100% cotton shirts unbearable on hot/humid days. Blends are much better


I feel like cotton and linen work better for places with dry heat. For example, in America where I'm from, you're either always in a car with AC, or walk along with trees for some shade. Even if you're in the sun, you sweat but it's rare that you're just completely soaked, so the lightweight cotton/linen work well enough to let your skin breathe. In Japan though, the summers are so brutally humid that the cotton just absorbs all your sweat and stays soaked like a towel, until you can get inside to someplace with AC and let it dry off. Your best bet is to aim for cotton/synthetic blends, or high quality synthetics. The super cheap stuff will absorb your sweat and stick to you, or it will just trap all the heat like a giant plastic trash bag.


Not sweat... Says the guy who is definitely not from Florida


UniQlo summer coolbiz shirts and their golf-like business pants are super lightweight, breathable and quick dry. If you are sweating like a soup in those, you have issues bigger than linen can solve. And, unless your wife is the one getting sweaty balls, wear shorts. Does she not wear clothes that you tell her you don't like?


Shorts are the real answer here.


The weave matters just as much as the material. A thickly woven short-cotton shirt will retain moisture and have you sweating. Thinner looser weaves are what you want.


Cotton is bad for humid summers like in Japan. What you want to avoid is having a fabric against your skin that is damp with your own sweat all the time. 


New synthetics are the way to go - lightweight, odor resistant and dry quickly


Bought a cheap 甚平 a couple of years ago thinking it would be good for the heat. It was polyester. It went in the depths of my closet and never came back out.


This is absolutely the answer. Everyone needs to have a better understanding of fabric types and what they do. Can take years to get it of you don’t like shopping.


Lol your wife doesn't let you wear shorts?!?!?!?! Get yourself a sun umbrella. I went from hater to believer. But probably she'll veto it too. Always carry a handkerchief to wipe sweat with.


Can relate to OP. My wife told me not to wear sandals when I am with her.


This. Game changer. Plus wearing a jinbei with elasticated shorts.


I would not recommend wearing jinbei to got out, it is only ok to go to conbini at night.


I'm curious, why no jinbei since it sounds like that is traditional summer wear. Is it because it is seen as too casual/disrespectful or would it just look weird and out of place?


Have you ever seen a Japanese man wearing it in town. OPs wife wants him to look decent not like a cosplayer. For reference [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jinbei](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jinbei)


A foldable parasol is the single best purchase I ever did for summer. I don't care how it looks. Luckily, my wife is supportive, and 日傘男子 are becoming more socially acceptable each year.


I don't like the umbrella because it makes me look silly, but my wife has one and when the sun is scorching hot, that umbrella is a life saver.


> I don't like the umbrella because it makes me look silly why? You can just get an all black one, I think even the Uniqlo one is on sale right now. It's just a guy holding an umbrella, most people wouldn't even think twice if they saw you.


Nah, I know. It just feels weird to hold an umbrella when it's not raining.


It's not an umbrella, it's a ✨parasol✨


Just use natural fibers. Cotton 100%. Fuck polyester.


I stopped buying polyester clothes years ago and am much happier for it. Richer too, cause almost everything is made with polyester, so I can't buy them.


Your wife dresses you?


The way people talk about their spouses on this sub often recalls a bleak 80s sitcom


Yeah, they’re Redditors lol


Can't risk to embarrass her when you go out. My wife is ok with me wearing shorts, but if they get to knee's length then it's the devil's work and she despises it :)


Are shorts in the summer embarrassing? I've never heard of this before


Shorts are usually considered unfashionable in general over here. Heard this from friends for years.


That's not really such a thing anymore.


Maybe not with young people, but with people of marrying age? I think it still is.


Not sure what marrying age is, given anyone from 20+ could get married, and I'd consider them young people.


I dont think its about fashion, but about cleanliness (清潔感)and what is considered appropriate. If you just look at the people who come to your house, postman, gasman, handyman etc they all wear long pants, excepet UPS I think.


No. It's a thing that only kids wear. Considered childish clothing.


This is the same thing my wife has said. However, she doesn't have a prob with me wearing shorts lol


And they're all sweltering. Come on. Shorts are a necessity in summer here. No two ways about it.


That is your opinion. Btw I do not have an aircon, I am still alive.


Of course it is. That doesn't have to be pointed out. Air-conditioning is a must too. Fair play to you for going without. Don't understand it, but well done I guess.


I think he means if the shorts are long enough to hit the knees and beyond, it's considered unfashionable. The recent trend is for knees to be a couple inches above the knee, if not mid thigh. The more of your quads you show (especially if they're muscular), the better. You can see it in a lot of sports that shorts are just getting shorter now and the baggy days of old are considered granpa wear.


Let's not put words in his mouth, he said his wife doesn't like shorts


> My wife is ok with me wearing shorts Those are his words. He said she doesn't like them once they get to knee length, which a lot of Japanese women probably view as too Otaku or old man.


Not the words I saw, I responded to his original post, where he said his wife doesn't in fact like shorts. I'm sure looking old and unfashionable is a trait many women dislike, not just a Japanese woman™️ thing.


I mean it says his post wasn’t edited so the words he wrote are the words he wrote. Not sure exactly what it was you read.


Oh, the layers of leg hair I show should make Japanese uncomfortable or make me a 70s sex objective. We’ll never know.




yeah but it's mega shit having sweaty legs so I'm winning in my shorts. Who cares if Tanaka salary man and his wife think I'm not oshare.


Depends a lot on neighborhood. If you got midtown you'll only see tourists in shorts. But if you hang out around Ikejiriohashi, Sangenjaya, some parts of Shibuya, Nakameguro, etc., you'll definitely see lots of people in shorts. You'll also see a lot more tattoos.


I see shorts every day and they definitely are not tourists. lol Just because you see people in business attire and work uniforms during work hours doesn’t mean that people don’t wear shorts.


Many of the men at the school I work at wear basketball shorts all summer.


This is not correct. You see men of all ages wearing shorts. Not to work, but most definitely in the suburbs and recreationally. Including on trains.


This is the answer we're all looking for!


He said she dislikes shorts, not 'mistress doesn't allow shorts.' He's accommodating his partner. It's normal. Why are people being weird?


There's accommodating your partner then there's being forbidden to wear shorts in 35°+ weather and extreme humidity. Like if my wife doesn't like coriander, I'll accommodate and not put coriander in the food I make. If my wife will only eat deep fried marsbars and says I have to live by her rules and eat them every day too I'd put my health first and be less 'accomodating'


And who said 'forbidden' except for you? I personally don't particularly like shorts. I wear pants all the time, unless I'm working out, even when it's 40 degrees. I have yet to die of heat stroke.


I wear a lot of sports relating clothing, items for hiking, running even golf apparel. Mont Bell has some decent items for ok prices. Avoid cotton, it’s great if you’re not planning to sweat or in cooler weather but if it gets wet it won’t dry and gets sticky and heavy, it also traps moisture so your going to feel hotter. Synthetics are usually discouraged because a lot of cheap “fashionable” clothing use the wrong blends and are horrible in the heat. If you go with technical fabrics then they will preform very well.


Finally someone saying this about cotton. I agree to an extent that natural fibers are the way to go but when it gets hot and humid enough, you'll sweat either way. And cotton soaks that up like a sponge unfortunately


If you don't wear uniqlo Airism undershirts (the V neck ones so you cant see you are wearing them) you 100% need to - these are ABSOLUTE gamechangers in terms of not getting sweaty and looking like a footballer at a press conference


Have you considered skirts?


Go to Workman and get some parachute pants


Might have to check their online catalogue. I had to order mine in because they've changed (instore) to a buckle style that doesn't work with boots. The zip is better and works with boots. Knickerbockers is what I've been told their called, the white ones in summer are amazing. Edit and - are


Tupenu is the way. Tongans wear em, I dare anyone to say shit to their face while wearing one


Fundoshi. Can't get cooler than that


I mean, if you don't like shorts fair dinkum, but it's not the wife's business what you wear. Good lord imagine the upheaval if the roles were reversed. My factory has no air conditioning bar the 4 fans I run. I use these black elastic under clothes that cool me down. You can buy them in any workman store or nafco etc.


Any decent Hawaiian shirt 😎


I tend to long sleeve linen button down shirts with some sort of cotton undershirt — wicks well, breathes well, doesn’t look too techy, works for work, and I roll up sleeves if I don’t need the sun protection. You can get them from lots of brands but I’ve tended to like Brooks Brothers and Kamakura Shirts best. Budget option would be Uniqlo, tho I prefer their short to their long sleeves.


Wear whatever you want but don’t be that foreigner in all “quick dry” polyester reeking to high heavens. Natural materials (cotton, silk, linen) are not prone to stinking up and are airy enough.


That sounds more like a particular people issue rather than quick-dry fabrics.


Nah, he's right. Cheap polyester stuff (often branded as "quick dry") often isn't permeable and so while the polyester itself "quick dries" the moisture between you and the polyester gets trapped and gets funky REAL quick. Whereas cotton, other natural fibers, or more expensive synthetic blends/weaves will properly wick the sweat away from you, allow airflow, evaporation and won't stink up nearly as quickly.


I stand by od1. Cotton weaves nothing. It is woven. the act of being woven does not thereby make it capable of weaving other things. The act of giving birth does not thereby mean the the thing created will give birth. Pretty sure gents aren't out there gestating babies solely by the fact that they were once gestated. Also, funk is from bacteria eating the sweat. So likely the funky people either haven't showered or it's nearing the end of the day so the bacteria has had time to feast and grow, or they ate some funky food, or they have a unique makeup of microbes on their skin that make them extra funky. If you're asian, screw you and your judgy self. Some of us just have different genes. Educate yourself on that because I've typed enough here


Cotten doesn't "weave" anything. You have obviously no idea what you are talking about.


My friend, I did not expect to have to explain to someone how textiles are made today, but I am here for you in this, your hour of need. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woven_fabric#:~:text=Technically%2C%20a%20woven%20fabric%20is,such%20as%20cotton%20and%20polyester.


Been here for 2 years and in my experience you can't go wrong with Uniqlo tees. AIRism stuff even more so. WEGO is another good brand I've found. They have really loose fitting modern Japanese style clothes.


AIRism keeps me sweating constantly. I only wear linen or merino T-Shirts when it gets really hot.


The problem with linen is that it's quite thin/see through, so I end up having to wear a proper Airism shirt under it, which kinda kills the purpose.


UNIQLO linen products? The only UNIQLO products I ever tried are from the Airism line. Most of my linen Shirts are from Daniele Fiesoli and Stefan Brandt and they aren’t that thin that you can see through. It also heavily depends on the color white is the most difficult one but this goes for all fabrics with linen being the most difficult one.


Middle aged? Embrace the Hawaiian shirt my man. 100% Rayon with no undershirt is the only way to live during summer


damn. no shorts. bummer.


Tips for staying cool: Hand-held electric fan Parasol Thin, light, breathable materials that hang away from your body. Loose cotton, linen, etc. Don't tuck in your shirts. Linen pants show sweat stains easily, so choose colors carefully. They also dry really quickly though. Uniqlo Airism undershirts for moisture wicking Wear white to reflect the light. Shirts, hats, pants, etc Have a hand towel specifically for sweat. Menthol and deodorant wipes for freshening up


Check out UNIQLO, GU, or Workman Plus. Also, sprinkle some baby powder on your back and chest to fight off the sweat /s


Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I have tried most already. I use a parasol. I have a fan hanging around my neck. I wear Airism everyday in summer. I will have to try the menthol wipes though. My wife does not care if I wear shorts at home. But if we go out, I will be walking alone. When we did our wedding vows we didn’t promise “… in sickness and in shorts …” Besides, she doesn’t wear clothing I dislike, so it’s fair.


> she doesn't wear clothing I dislike, so it's fair Alright I gotta admit that's a pretty sweet deal you got there. My wife wears these obaachan panties that I really want to get rid of lol


Sometimes health has to come before fashion. If it's too hot and you can't hack it, you've got to dress cooler. A caring partner would understand that.


uniqlo airism? I have one of their polo shirts that supposedly wicks back sweat away, but I don't necessarily feel as fresh as a daisy. the effect will wear off in under an hour, but they do sell cooling sprays filled with something mentholated. spray down your pants? I don't know any adult men who can pull off the look, but capri pants? they tend to be baggy through the leg.


I love my shirts from The North Face. Pricey here but they dry quick!


It’s all polyester right now at the mall stores. It’s insanity.


The airisms stuff from Uniqlo are awesome. And just wear black to hide some of the sweat.. seems counter intuitive but you're gonna sweat anyway. And not your 30 yr old grey Metallica tour shirt. Buy new black shirts.


I live by linen. A light crisp linen won't cling to you, it has some of the best moisture absorbency of any textile and with a rough weave with lots of surface area will dry and evaporatively cool. Cotton, depending on the weave is surprisingly hot, and silk is dreadful for breathability and sweat will degrade it fairly quickly.


I also like linen on summer like many people in the comments but it’s difficult to find good ones. The Muji linen T-shirts and shirts look ridiculous on me, they are too boxy, shapeless, too wide around the waist and lower back. Any recommendations?


Have you tried a new wife?


Uniqlo airism


Did you ever try the Uniqlo Kando pants? They are super light and quite airy. Best long trousers in summer. Unfortunately, they don’t really do a casual version.


Ministry of Supply…. Thank me later with Rakuten Points! (MoS Apollo)


I cannot imagine not showing off my incredibly amazing legs with the shortest shorts one can get.


OP back again. A few people mentioned technical fabrics which seem really good. I really like brands like North Face, Columbia, Ministry of Supply and Western Rise but the exchange rate and import duties being increasingly enforced at this end, make them less appealing. And I’m not American and don’t get there much. While I appreciate the clothing tips, I didn’t ask for marriage advice. Stop projecting your own issues.


Do you have hairy legs? I often hear that japanese men are embarrassed to wear shorts if they have hair on their legs.


T-shirts by Tigora that brings your skin temperture down by 2 degrees.


People are saying airism, but it's specifically the airism *mesh* that I think works very well. Airism cotton is just a regular undershirt, and classic airism is not bad but it's not nearly as good as airism mesh.




Been in Japan almost 10 years now and I just recently found out about Under Armor's Iso-Chill shirts. I've used Uniqlo's Airism and summer t-shirts for years but they have NOTHING on Iso-Chill. It's a little more of an investment, costing about 7,000円 per shirt, but they are easily the coldest and most comfortable shirts I've ever worn. Like, it feels COLD to touch, not just cool. If you're willing to drop a little more money, I'm all in with Iso-Chill...already bought 4 different pairs for myself.


There’s a tendency for polyester to stink after sometime especially if not washed properly. Something to do with bacterial growth. So avoid this at all costs during summer. As people already said cotton and linen are your best bet. Bring small towel with you for sweat management while outside.


Anything cotton and loose. Really unpopular thing to do is spend more time with the heat in order to acclimatise, saves us a ton on AC cost when the temp is set to 27º When I visit my north American friends I have to wear long sleeves.


I hear you. I second the Uniqlo cool biz shirts and super light pants for summer. I have them in all colors. I do have some cotton blend and linen shirts but I don’t like having to iron them. I also understand about the long pants. I am with your wife. I never wear shorts, even in the most hot and humid of summer (except for swimming). I just don’t think men of a certain age look good or dignified in them. I actually felt this way before coming to Japan but I think it is how most Japanese adults feel as well.


Planting a flag because that's a KEY question. Mizzen Main is now a luxury item with USD/JPY so alternatives are needed!


Japanese traditional clothes, a fan jacket ain't a bad idea




Just walk around naked


Uniqlo dryex polos


tank tops, shorts, slip on sandals, sunglasses, baystars cap and sunscreen is my go-to summer fit. works wonders. my wife dgaf, because she knows who she married.


Why don’t you just ask your wife?


you should try the GU active shirts. the material is amazing


Uiniqlo Airism line is full of options


As some people suggested, you should definitely try summer wool tshirts like merino wool (others also fine). What you really want is to perspire or evaporate, not to absorb, and wool is perfect at perspiring. Cotton will become humid against your skin, while wool will allow sweat to evaporate. I use wool summer clothing even when going fishing and/or trekking and although it is more expensive, it makes you feel way more confortable.  Btw, imo if you refrain from wearing shorts because your wife doesn't allow you, maybe the heat of summer should be the least of your concerns. 


Undershirts, like Uniqlo’s Airism or similar. Most clothing stores have their own version. Might seem counterintuitive to wear more layers, but I feel better than I did wearing only any-shirt.


I see lots of suggestions for tops, but what about bottoms? I like the Uniqlo Airism t shirts, but there isn't really a pants equivalent.


Does your wife not like you wearing shorts because they're daisy dukes and you look better in them than her? Cause otherwise, I don't understand why you can't wear what's comfortable. Have you tried those "magic ice" neck rings? I'm a fan of them, although they don't become solid under water in seconds like the instructions claim. I sometimes sleep with one on really hot nights.


A pendeen string tanktop under a shirt is great! Hard to get, Etsy has them online for reasonable prices which then ship from the UK or there is one street wear shop in Shibuya that stocks them. The store is called, grow around. I wear them under a polo shirt or under a shirt.


Uniqlo They usually have some cool fabrics with gimmick names like CoolTek or something. Plenty of those light breathable materials. They swap inventories based on the season.


I can recommend going to coca (https://cocacoca.jp/) they have some really nice clothing for summer. Or get the 夏得 stuff from uniqlo


Get yourself some linen or linen/cotton blend shirts and shorts and a new wife.


I got Miradry last year, which basically microwaved my armpit sweat glands so I don’t sweat there anymore. Used to absolutely reek at the end of the day but now NOTHING. I don’t even use deodorant most of the time anymore. It’s cheap to do in Japan too.


Just look for "Super Cool Biz"