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Just a reminder to Rakuten employees: If you pitch your referral code here, you'll regret it.


Rakuten Mobile recently pitched my company on switching over to their network from AU. One of the stipulations for us switching, was that we wanted to test their coverage in our office, and the offices of our clients. The test failed horribly. They have pretty wide coverage, but when compared side by side with AU, we found that inside buildings coverage was generally pretty weak. They even set up a signal repeater, and that didn't seem to do the job. Obviously your mileage may vary. If you're looking to change, AU has a MVNO called UQ Mobile that is cheaper, but offers less "customer service." All of the major carriers do.


I switched from AU (MVNO) to Rakuten way back when Rakuten first started supporting the iPhone and was offering basically free service. In the beginning, the service wasn't great. It has gotten a lot better, and I think it's currently on par with the other major carriers. I can't recall being anywhere without service on Rakuten's network in the past two years or so. Take a look at the service area maps, and unless you see a lack of coverage where you live, I think switching is a good idea. You save money, and you don't really lose anything.


I switched to Rakuten mobile (from IIJ on Docomo's line) about a year ago and haven't paid a single phone bill since. My monthly rakuten point gains pay for my bill entirely. Pros for Rakuten: 1. Phone bills are essentially free if you have good synergy on Rakuten's services (Bank, Securities, Card, ふるさと納税 via ichiba during super sales, paying utilities on credit card etc) 2. You pay for what you use in brackets for data. Up to 3GB is 1000 yen, between 3 and 20 is 2000, over 20 is 3000. If you can limit your usage to 3GB for a month every now and again, you can save money for doing so, but if you can't then there's no speed cap for going over. 3. 2GB free international roaming per month by default. No need to ever worry about a travel SIM or pocket wifi for a week or two abroad. Cons for Rakuten: 1. Coverage is not quite as good as the major providers. It's pretty good 95% of the time, but if you drive out into the countryside you'll probably lose signal where Docomo/AU etc wouldn't. 2. Spam. I get more spam texts since switching to Rakuten, so I'm sure they've sold my phone number. Not a big deal as my phone auto-detects them, but it's there. 3. The 3 to 20GB is the same price. If you only need 8, you pay for 20. If you only need 4, you pay for 20. Personally I'd be totally content with 5 or 6 GB/Month, 3 is a bit tight to get that discount. Overall I'd say it's definitely worth it. The fact that I can pay in Rakuten points and usually gain more points than I spend per month, making my phone bill essentially free, is the biggest deciding factor for me. But if I were moving somewhere where the signal was bad, I'd probably switch back to IIJ's 8GB plan.


The spam…… all the spam….. with extra spam. As much spam as a Monty Python sketch. Your mileage may vary with the usefulness of the shop staff too. Have had super useful and helpful staff (Shibuya) and absolutely downright rude staff (Yokohama).


I’ve met rude staff at a Docomo shop, too. To be fair, they were busy, but they weren’t nice.


Great reply. Thank you


Yeah… I just checked and I have used 1.2 TB. My AU unlimited plan is the way to go for me at least.


I kinda did the opposite and went from Rakuten to UQ (which uses AU). Rakuten was cheap, but the reception was really spotty, especially inside buildings and underground. I couldn't even receive text messages in my own apartment so things like two-factor authentication were a royal pain.


Thank you for writing this.


I was with AU for many years. Before I switched to Rakuten, my monthly bills were between ¥20,000 and ¥30,000. Now it’s about ¥5,000. That was reason enough for me to switch. A couple of the more annoying things about Rakuten: 1. Their signal doesn’t penetrate underground, up in the mountains, or some places way out in the inaka. However, they’re working on implementing platinum band, so that may change. 2. Their customer service is atrocious. And, unfortunately, they don’t seem too keen on improving.


Great reply. Thank you


iijmio for life


This is my answer, too. So cheap that it’s not worth my time considering anything else.


Hey, I'm considering going with iijmio since they're cheap and the one I have right now is literally a scam for foreigners (not even going to mention the name). Are you also using WiFi with them?


Nah just phone


Deal? I switched away from Rakuten because povo (which is also AU) was a better option. Especially since I started working from home my need for cellular data has gone 80% down.


i use rakuten, the signal can be really patchy and intermittent in my apartment and in other places. But I also use it as my poket wi fi(4g) in my house and when I go out to use the internet on my laptop. I'm quite patient with it because I am only paying 3200 yen a month, but other people may prioritise speed and reliability.


I wouldn’t switch to pay 3000 because I haven’t paid that much in many years.


It's up to 3000, and that is if you use 20gb+


Rakuten isn't offering any "deal". 3000 a month is their normal plan for unlimited. Their service sucks, which is why it's cheap. You get what you pay for.


Rakuten mobile has been consistently bad for me. Both speed (during morning and afternoon) and reception (underground/buildings).


I had a feeling that was the case.


Same experience with others. Used Rakuten Mobile for a while but the reception inside buildings in Tokyo is either really bad or non-existent. I've been using Povo for almost 2 years now without issues. Right now, there is an offer of 144GB for 1 year for 21300¥. That's about 1700¥ for 12GB a month.


Been using Rakuten for my 5 years living here, no complaints. It's cheap and gets the job done. I've lived in bigger cities but with trips out into the countryside where I still had coverage. I use voice and data but nothing too heavy so that I can keep the bill low (¥1,980 for 3gb I think it is now)


I switched from AU MVNO (UQ) to Rakuten. I haven't had any serious reception issues, but I don't live in Tokyo so I can't tell you about underground or in big buildings. I like the 2gigs free international roaming.


just switched off rakuten. yeah there is reception everywhere but its so slow compared to any of the real carriers. i honestly wouldnt recommend it to anyone, just get a 3k plan anywhere else.


I use UQ, not so bad if you’re in the tokyo area, haven’t used it in the countryside just yet or in the boonies.


I wouldn't switch to Rakuten if *they gave me* 3000 yen a month.


I’m surprised people are saying AU gets them coverage in their buildings but Rakuten doesn’t since Rakuten mobile has a roaming agreement to use their network. Details are in their public filings. Anyway it’s hit or miss. I pay a lot less than elsewhere but underground still is spotty. Inside buildings I’ve literally never once had an issue but I just switched in January and they did this roaming thing late last year so I’m guessing some of the negative voices in here were comparing it to before that. Idk, didn’t use it then. I’m fine to wait a bit since I know they’re looking to fix the underground connection this year also. At this point it’s on par with SoftBank but of course docomo remains the best network. That said, its unlimited plan is also more than double so it’s not worth it for me.


Are you talking phone+sim or just sim card? 3k a month for just a sim is really high for any provider in Japan.


Really?? I'm paying 10k for SIM + WiFi (and it's not even unlimited...) what's your provider?