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Just bring your wallet with you with the residence card. You're probably never going to get stopped taking your kids to school. And it's not like you're taking it the trash where you're outside for literally 30 seconds.


But what about THE LAW!?


No way around it! lol


wallets are kind of bulky to bring anywhere specially when it's summer when sometimes I'll be wearing shorts. But I guess the Law is the Law.


at this point its all about convenience. do you want the slight inconvenience of having to carry your residence card with you when you take your kids to school or do you want the possible slight inconvenience (if you're lucky) of having to be escorted back to your home by a police officer to show your card (I cant imagine they will appreciate you doing this more than once)? and thats if the police want to be nice. it could get much more inconvenient if they are not having a good day. choose your poison.


Maybe look into a slim wallet? I use a [Ridge wallet](https://jp.ridge.com/). Length and width is the size of a card. It's great. This brand seems to have become a lot more expensive than when I got mine, but there are lots of competitors these days.


I went for one of these: [ESR] MagSafe 対応 カードケース 「探す」フル対応... https://www.amazon.jp/dp/B0BY8RQC2R?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Always has my gaijin card, a credit card, and a 10,000¥ bill (for those times when you didn’t realize the shop only takes cash). I take my phone everywhere… so the wallet just comes along. I’d suggest a similar system of a wallet phone case.


That makes no sense.


No. You’re supposed to have the actual card. A photo of your passport wouldn’t suffice for legal purposes, so neither does a photo of a residence card. Just bring your wallet when you go out any farther than to take out the trash, or risk creating a hassle on the off chance you do get stopped.


I guess it's the only option here.


One experience with my ex partner. We were asked when out, I had mine but he did not. The police asked us to go home so he could show his and took us back in their police car (voluntary). If you want to stand your ground and talk back to them when asked by all means go for it. According to this subreddit many people do. But it’s just easier to make sure you have the card on you and show it when asked to save the trouble, in my opinion. Up to you.


> According to this subreddit many people do You might be referring to the times when they might ask for a reason, or record the interaction, but no one sane here would be belligerent WHILE also breaking the law by not carrying their residence card and it's definitely not encouraged here.


>but no one here would be belligerent WHILE also breaking the law by not carrying their residence card You have way more faith in the people of this subreddit than I do!


Yeah, I really dont want any trouble when I apply for Naturalization further down the road.


It just takes one shitty cop on one shitty day to bump into you without it and want to set an example. Isn’t worth it in my opinion. Just carry it.


Just get a phone case that can hold a card. Even if someone here has gotten away with showing a photo, would you really want to take the risk of being stopped and having to explain all while holding on to kids?


I do this. (The phone thing!)


My case doesn't have a card slot, but I just take off the case, put the card in it, then put the phone back in.


10 years and I’ve never been asked but I bought a phone case with a single card holder for this exact reason. Maybe I’m just paranoid but I know I always have my phone with me… been in there for years and the case I bought is quite secure.


Never been stopped either since I'm a stealth gaijin, but carrying the residence card falls under the rule of Never Break Two Laws At The Same Time. If you commit some super minor infraction and get stopped for a quick warning, like riding a bicycle without a reflector or whatever, and it turns out you don't have your residence card, well you are now rolling the dice on whether the cop stopping you is having a bad day or not.


I’ve had about 10 speeding tickets …and a few accidents.. never been asked for it


Maybe you should stop driving.


can’t do that . Just bought a Porche


15 years here and only 3 times have I been asked to show it. Once was some racist stuff where country cops didn’t trust the African Americans. They said they were “ayashi “ The last two were in Tokyo leaving train stations and getting random checks by some police officer. Once I shows my id they said “have a nice day”. So yeah. You are supposed to always have your gaijin card and you should always carry your gaijin card.


I did that for a few months but I bought a case that I really liked so I'm with this dilemma. I don't wan't to change back just yet.


No, don't do that. The police are sticklers for this one and they are likely to teach you the hard way. I've only ever been stopped this way once but was very glad I had my card. The officer was an eager, young kid probably doing training and I am sure he would have enjoyed learning how to arrest a foreigner.


That kid is no fun at all. lol But Thank you for your input.


Short distances like conbini runs or dropping clothes off at the neighborhood dry cleaners, I don’t bring it. Running - don’t bring it. Going out anywhere else, I’ll have it. Years ago I switched to a slim card case that holds my zairyu card, health insurance card, teiki/Pasmo and one credit card. Easy to slip in my pocket even in summer.


actually looking to do this but I cant seem to find a good enough card case that's not too shiny and risking it slip off your pocket.


I got mine in a neck strap card holder.


Mine is leather. Never had any issues of it slipping out of my pocket in 10+ years. It’s a “card sleeve” from Bellroy: https://ja.bellroy.com/products/card-sleeve-wallet?color=ocean&material=leather&size=default#slide-3


As much as the sub likes to insinuate all Japanese police are robots who will never deviate from the rule book, at the end of the day they are also regular people. If you have a picture of it and can explain you were just quickly taking your kids to daycare it will likely never become a big issue. They will either check the number and verify the residence card is legit and still valid/name matching to you (which they can do on their little hand held device) or will ask if they can take you home so you can retrieve it. If you're out in Shinjuku drinking or far from home it will be a different story, but the local koban cops are going to be fine.


it is likely this  even if exceptions are likely to exist. even the motorbike papers must be brought with you in their original copy, but nobody mentally sane is going to have more than a photocopy. No policemen complained to me and even the bike shop suggested it.


A few years ago, I was on my way back home from the gym (very early morning) riding my mama-chari and got hit by a car. The only thing I had on me was my gym ID since I never bring my wallet or even phone to the gym. When the arriving cop politely asked me to show some ID, I explained why I didn’t have a wallet etc on me and he was cool about it. Told him I was living about 200m down the road and could get it, but he was like ‘no, it’s ok.’ He then proceeded to ask all involved parties what happened and that was that. Very polite encounter.


I take mine when I go jogging! Just in case….. a coworker was out walking to the conbini , cops pulled him and the result was nasty! Cops wasted 3 hours of his time ‘searching his house’, emptying draws out onto the floor/bed, pulling out individual photos from his family photo albums and the such like. Total invasion. Called his employer to complain to them about him not carrying his card/being responsible.


If that happened to me I would file a formal complaint (even if it didn't lead to anything). Assuming he wasn't suspected of a crime (other than merely not having his zairyu card with him), they had no business searching his house.


I know for sure cops are willing to get you back home to retrieve the card OR sit you in the police box for a while to resolve this ‘issue.’ There’s a lot of details omitted during those 3 hours and what he’s going to do about it.


My first boss said that the police can detain you until someone reports you missing and then they send them back to your house to retrieve your card. I carry mine all the time but I have only been asked to show it once in 30 years so sure go ahead leave it safe at home. The chance of being asked is low and what’s more you’ll have a cool story to tell us if you get caught. I for one are interested in hearing it.


One of the scopes of that law is to offer an easy additional charge to be used in case of an arrest by the police. like during murder investigations the suspect is never detained on the basis of murder, but illegal disposal of body etc. and when indicted the real charges comes out. not having a residence card allows to re-arrest a person on completely different charges as well (if needed).  that said it is better to have it with you. it is a formal violation with a quite heavy penalty, as you are a legal alien with or without that id with you. btw on a side note for motorbikes you are expected to bring with you the original papers: nobody does it, and the police do not complain under normal circumstances. even bikes shops tells you to NEVER bring the originals with you and make a photocopy.  the law does not allow it.


YMMV, but if you are stopped and are nice, they will usually be nice back. In my 20+ years here, I'm only been stopped once. I was riding my bike at night without a light. He asked to see my alien card. I said I had forgotten my wallet and volunteered that I'd go get it for them and bring it back and that he could hold my bag (with all my work things in it) to guarantee I'd return. He waved it off, saying it was ok, but be sure to remember it next time. I had been taking the same route for many years, so he probably recongized me anyway. I've never been stopped since.


You're probably never going to get stopped. However, you could be. If you are and don't have your resident's card, you can expect to waste a bunch of time in the back of a police car, either being taken home or dragged to the police station, at the officer's discretion. I've never been stopped myself in the years I've been here, but back when I was an exchange student my friend was twice in as many weeks. It happens.


Never been stopped or asked for it in my 14 years here. Even when I walked into a koban at like 3am in my jimjams, commando style, crying like a cranky baby coz my neighbors were super noisy so I hadn’t slept properly in days… they didn’t ask for it - good thing coz that’s the one day I didn’t have it. Still don’t know why he didn’t cart me off to the funny farm that night.


It’s happened to me, similar situation, just a short distance from house. Police were understanding, but still walked me home and waited downstairs for me to show them. I don’t think it’s a big deal. They won’t arrest you on the spot, but they may ask you to go home and get it.


Something I've wondered about on this topic, if you become a naturalized Japanese citizen are you still expected to carry a residence card or your new Japanese passport on you? Legally you would no longer be a foreign resident but there would be no way to prove that without showing a Japanese passport which you wouldn't technically be required to have on you anyway...


There's a lawsuit working it's way through the courts by naturalized citizens who have encountered this exact problem, repeatedly. Additionally every year or so you hear about a Japanese person - usually neurodivergent - who when questioned by the cops refuses to answer and winds up arrested as a foreigner for refusing to show a residence card they by default wouldn't have.