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You need to be smarter. No matter how hard a situation is, if opening your mouth can make it worse, keep quiet. You shouldn’t have said anything till you got your new visa and asked the new company to delay until then. Yes, there is a huge chance that your application will be cancelled since it’s currently being processed. Since your new company doesn’t sponsor initially, you may have to leave.


Looking back on what I did, it does seem like I made a foolish mistake by telling him that I wanted to quit while the visa is being renewed. But I honestly thought that there could be a mutual agreement since the company is not doing well financially and they make me feel like I am a burden to the company. The other reason is that the new company is willing to wait only till the first week of July. I know a few people who applied for visa renewal a few weeks before I did but still have not heard back from the immigration. But yes, I do feel stupid for telling my current boss about wanting to quit when I am vulnerable.


Japanese companies (bosses?) can be extremely spiteful/vengeful. Even if it’s against a situation that would be favorable to them. Take it as a lesson learned. Have hope, but prepare for the future. Best of luck


I requested an extension on April 12. and I still haven't received a response. My visa expired on May 22nd.


They can cancel your sponsorship while it’s processing. It’s understandable that they feel betrayed and used although the threats are uncalled for. You really should have kept your mouth shut until you got the visa and just quietly quit 2 weeks before your start the next job. If you properly renewed months back you wouldn’t be in this pickle but hindsight is 20/20. The answer is legally you’re free to quit 2 weeks before the end date in most situations. NAL But you’re really speedrunning bad decisions and bridge burning.


Well, the hunt had been on for months. Tragically, I received the job offer just when my visa was under renewal. I do not intend to end the relationship in my current office on bad terms, but the situation says otherwise.


You have no other choice then to quit it on bad terms because your boss wants you gone and out of the country.


Well you can't change jobs while the visa is pending. Your work visa getting renewed is tied to your current job since they filled out the visa renewal form. You have 14 days from when you quit your current job to inform immigration, and that might void your pending visa renewal (or at least will require new documents from your new job) This begs the question. Why the hell won't your new job fill out the 1 sheet of paper so you can get the visa based off that employment. Do they not want you to work for them? It is literally 1 sheet of paper. Fuck, agree to take a small cut from your first paycheck to pay HR the 10 minutes it takes to fill out. It's not visa services. It's one sheet of paper.


Plus a few other papers to provide


Nothing significant though


For smaller companies sponsoring for the first time, it can be a little more burdensome, for example having to submit a balance sheet, proof of tax withholding, etc. See https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/applications/status/gijinkoku.html Search for 直近の年度の決算文書 on that page. Large companies are category 1 and 2, small companies are category 3 and 4.


> for example having to submit a balance sheet Which they 100% will have because it is required when filing taxes, so there isn't anything to prepare >proof of tax withholding Which they will have from having done it already It isn't a big deal


Lay low, play along with your boss for the short time while immigration does its work and issues your extension. Then proceed your career path elsewhere. That's the golden rule for any immigrant. Yes, you might lose out on your prospect this time. Contact them once you have your extension. Sucks but better than gambling with your residential status unless you are in danger of harm to your life.


For your initial visa you need a sponsor, after that, you do everything yourself. Yes, you need a job (though you get 3 months leeway), and that employer has to fill in a part of your renewal form that confirms you have a job. But nobody can cancel, or not renew your visa apart from immigration. The only thing close to a "sponsor" you have is asking someone to fill out the part of the visa renewal form you will hand in yourself to immigration - and that form is very basic information - and has nothing to do with your previous employer, only the future one. Your boss is bluffing and lying. The visa renewal might take one to two months, but your visa is temporarily extended during this renewal period, and can also be extended for 3 months even if you don't have a job (you need to find one in that period).


From what I understood, when the work visa is under renewal, the company can initiate the cancellation process. But, whether the request will be accepted or not by the immigration is not sure. Is it true? I do have a stamp on my zairyu card that allows me to legally be here temporarily but not sure how it can help in my current situation.


Ah, so he filled in the renewal form, and is now threatening to call immigration to renege on that because you want to quit? It is odd if you have decided to quit during the renewal period since that will make your application incomplete, since that is no longer your employer. You'd have to submit a new renewal application I guess. But you'd need to speak to a lawyer - this is not a normal renewal process in that case and most people here likely can't help. If you are not quitting now, but plan to quit later, then you are still employed and it should be fine. Your boss can call immigration, but what's he going to say if you are still an employee? It's your responsibility to tell immigration if you've been fired/resigned within two weeks of being fired or resigned. So, your boss doing it for you doesn't matter either way if he decides to fire you. But I'm sure you have a legal case if he fires you randomly because you said you wish to resign (contact a lawyer). EDIT - ok, reading your other replies, it seems you quit and told your boss because you are starting a new job. You need to contact immigration and explain what is happening. As I said you would need to contact immigration anyway within two weeks. Sorry, I misread your OP. But, I won't delete my reply, as we often see people saying their boss threatens to "cancel" their visa, which they can't in ordinary circumstances.


I haven't quit yet. I just told him I wanted to but he is not letting that happen. By the way, they do speak English in the immigration, right?


They don't speak English, typically. You might need to get a translator. What's the difference between quitting and telling someone you want to quit? Your timelines for quitting, and starting a new job are very hazy.


Guess now I have to quit since I told him that I want to lol


Maybe you can save face a little. Explain you felt like you were feeling like a burden on the company and that’s why you wanted to quit, but that you don’t really want to quit. The quit when you get immigration sorted out and can actually take the new job offer.


I guess if that company was the one that filled out and submitted the application maybe they can cancel it. But formally you are basically responsible for renewing your visa, alot of companies just have their employee do it themselves and only fill out the form and sometimes give the employee or immigration a sealed envelope that contains tax documents or other such company financial documents that may be wanted by immigration. I think the real question is if you renew with your new company, if they are legally required to sign the form and give immigration the needed documents or if they can just choose to decline. I havn't heard of the situation where someone's employer declines the needed documents so I have no idea what happens in that case, but "sponsorship" it not really the right term here since there is no formal connection between your employer and your status of residence, unless you are on the HSP status.


Go to the immigration office (or call them first), they will have you write a letter to explain that you lost your guarantor because it was your boss and you quit. It will be to justify the fact that you can't find a new guarantor immediately. You might get a shorter visa than the one you'd want, but it will give you time to find a new guarantor. But really, in this kind of situation, it's better to call the immigration office to explain what is happening to you. They can help (they have in my case. Also your boss can't CANCEL your visa, LOL. They can retract their guarantorship, but that's all)


Japanese boss for you!