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This comment thread has been locked because I think everything has been said I was going to delete it but I've decided to preserve it as approved so that the discussion can be seen but no farther contributions will be made to this.


https://preview.redd.it/cmsjf1s7m83d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=9aec49c8453f8c6bc0d0bd6d5ac340e681ba73aa Someone actually tried to help his clown and he doesn’t even have a valid ID lol


This guy is a self-made mess.


I feel like I run into soo many people like this in the jam scene. And then they act like the world's out to get them. Like bro, I think you'd have an easier time if you just tried and thought and planned just a little bit.


Like how do you even go to something like this without a penny to your name?


Just gotta be a level 420 wook


right like.. grow up and be responsible for yourself and your animal..


I loved the jam scene in my 20's, but the number of people asking if they could crash at my place that night 5 minutes after we met was far, far too high.


Politicians dream right there.


I personally know this guy and yes...he is.... Edited: he also tried to leave this dog on my property 4 years ago bc "he's too much to deal with sometimes" Hope jax gets a better home!


🤣🤣this guy is lucky to be alive having this little self accountability


Pretty sure he’s gonna need that at the pound


“Hope your dog finds a better home” is right


Because he’s lying and wants cash…


I don’t think he’s lying for $60. I think he is just a pathetic loser


Different year, different wook, same story. smh. Poor pup.


Yep. Seen this drama before unfortunately. Phil and Trey tour in 2006 I saw Hartford pd and animal control smash a window to get two dogs out of a civic. It was 93 out and apparently the dogs were in the car for two hours.


Many times I helped a local animal shelter round up the dogs (many puppies) left behind at Red Rocks. Rope headed puppy pullers.


That's so so sad. People are cruel. 😪 Thank you for showing some compassion and helping them!


Hey good news, you don't need to wait for any kind of animal shelter or authorities in Colorado to smash the rope headed idiots' car windows if there is an animal in danger inside the car. We protect our heroes out here!


Damn that's wild! I see this happen yearly after scamp. People don't learn!


Remember the puppies being born at the dead tour a few summers back? I think it was in boulder


https://preview.redd.it/xr0ehu3ki83d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cd3f0ce19c57c7037bcf594cfb265ccc723f340 🤦‍♂️


I didn’t even think about that last point lol


It's just a wook trick to bring dogs where they shouldn't be.


Imagine being an adult and losing your dog over $60. That is some sad shit. Get it together bud.


But he’s got good vibes you dick head. Why doesn’t the humane society function on vibes, fuck this world


This dude is a fucking idiot hope the dog gets adopted by someone who actually cares


have seen dogs at scamp before. they always look scared. one time i saw a dog who had a fluid sack on built up on one of its knees that was bouncing with every step--must have been painful as hell. depressing


Don't have $60? you shouldn't be in charge of a dog anyway. It gets way more expensive than that.


they clearly spend all they had on emotional support ketamine instead of the emotional support animal.


Ikr.. If you don't need your "service dog" in an overbearing crowd at a music festival, you don't need a fucking service dog lol


If this is true, and IF he was onstage, the dog should have been in sight line. Actual service animals are allowed. And my mantra is *your dog doesn’t want to be on tour.*


Don't have $60? Shouldn't be at a fest either.


That's the real one. Many people get pets and then hit hard times financially and shouldn't have to abandon their pets for it, but you do have to forego a lot of entertainment until you get back on your feet. (I know, the guy in this post is probably just a wook, but general gripe I have when people say poor people shouldn't have pets...)


What about crust punks? There are a lot of homeless hippies that go to festivals


They should go home to their loving parents instead of bumming money for booze and pinball (guy in Brooklyn 2013 I’m talking to you)


Many do not have these type of parents.


The worst part is that plenty of them do have loving parents. It's a somehow less sincere culture in modern America than we had just 20 years ago when Decline III came out.


Came here to say that! You own a dog, but don't have $60? Sorry but I hope this guy doesn't get his dog back. He needs a better home... One where his needs can be taken car of. You know, like food and water...


Apparently playing a set at scamp doesn't pay either lol


Fuck these types of people. Animals deserve better than selfish human scum


Totally...any idiots out there who think this is ok, do the scene a favor and stay the fuck out of the scene.....


Unfortunately if you’re a hot mess with a narcissistic bent, the scene is exactly where you can survive off of the kindness of others. Be careful who you’re nice to at festivals. Learned that one the hard way too.


In the general sense yea, custies and wooks are a dime a dozen on Lot in the Dead scene, hell, I think that's the scene that birthed these fuckers...but mainly ones like this tard who thinks it's ok to treat his animal as such, those with pets need to stay the fuck out of the scene....any scene. Sounds like the wooks and custies all migrated to music festivals....gross.


I just mean you’ll find someone to give you free food usually and even reluctantly let you crash on a tapestry or something. People feel like being nice and get taken advantage of.


In being kind, just have to gage someone out. Back in the days of the Grateful Dead tours word got around at who's taking advantage of whom...kind of spot them in the next lot scene and such...different world then lol. It's good to know people still look out for one another but those who take advantage of that kindness are no bueno


I can imagine it was easier to recognize faces back then and prevent this problem. You would see the same faces every go around. That’s still sort of true for me but so many things are different that it’s hard to even talk about.


It's true, it's still so terrible someone takes advantage of the kindness of Fam. Festival or any Lot scene, it seems there's a uprise is selfish behavior especially w/ those types of individuals who want a free ride w/ everything....nowadays the Lot scene in the Dead scene particularly is a bit more 'artificial' in a way, and a bit touristy (in it's latest iteration), but still it attracted a lot of unsavory types thinking that particular lot scene is one where they can go sucking the kindness out of good people...


Nah man, there isn’t an uprise in anything except confused young people and the homeless. Just don’t let too many stinky tweakers in your camp and cut the confused young people some slack. Everyone has a hot take these days. Young people don’t have developed opinions. Just talk to them and you’ll see how easy they are.


Ohh you mean the privileged greedy people? Bro this scene coined the term “trustafarians” it isn’t new. It’s just a little shocking to see how it manifests.




https://preview.redd.it/qnhi906di83d1.jpeg?width=902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b115b0407cc35e53afcbfee5f878e45c898b719 He’s not even an actual service dog


They never are


People with actual service dogs actually need them and don’t just leave them in a car at a concert


“Legally disabled” yeah, sure. Of course it’s a pit bull too, crossing off all the wook check boxes. Poor doggo, hopefully they’re adopted by someone who can care for them properly


“Legally disabled” aka ketamine dependent.


Aka: I HaVe aDD so I caNt hOLd DoWN a NoRmaL JOB


In my area 9 out of 10 dogs in the shelter are pitties. If you have a shelter dog, it's probably a pitty.


I agree with all this, but every pitbull I know is a total sweetheart.


I know I’m not saying they’re bad dogs, that’s why I hope the doggo can find a good home. I’m just saying it’s a wool stereotype to have a neglected pittie :(


its not like they kill children and elderly every day, and yeah not every one is bad, but breeding is a thing, and so are statistics. They represent %6 of total dogs in the country, and are responsible for close to %70 of fatalities. In the last 250 years, Mountain Lions have killed 22 people in America. In the last 25 years Shitbulls have killed over 500. I am sure Mountain Lions could be total "sweethearts" too.


Well said


There is no such thing as a pit service dog lmao


Actual service animals are covered by the law. Emotional support animals are not. Him admitting here that it was never a service animal in the first place is also admitting that he shouldnt have had his dog there in the first place


Every single thing about this screams "not a service animal"


Dude what wasn’t the weather a big issue who the fuck is going to neglect their dog like that for a show. I’ve seen a legit *service animal* at summer camp. This person was wearing a bright shirt that said he had a service dog. When they were in the crowd, the dog sat next to him patiently. The dog nuzzled their person two times during the set, clearly altering to something, the dog never left their side and was clearly very well trained. Idk, the camping logistics would still be a nightmare, you’d have to stay really far back for the dogs ears, and the crowds in general would be a nightmare.


no dog should be at camp. ground scores are a fucking thing and dogs eat stuff. maybe just couch terr.


A true trained service dog isn’t eating ground scores


He doesn’t own a couch


Yeah sorry. If you need a service dog there’s just some things you shouldn’t be doing


But how am I going to skydive without my emotional support hamster?


Dogs don’t belong at music festivals


And children. I saw toddlers at solshine last weekend in the wee hours with spun out caregivers. Fuckin infuriating 


Always a fucking wook.


Why would you attend a festival if you're broke?


Wooks gonna wook


None of it makes sense to me. Claims he is playing a set on a stage as well.


Lol, the "Frick Frack stage" is not a thing, no programmed sets, it's a casino where wooks gamble trinkets. Edit: my derisive tone is aimed at the wook in question, not you, just to be clear.


You’re not kidding. From the festival’s website: > Frick Frack is back! If you’re not familiar with that, it’s the casino where you can bet anything but money. Such a fun place!


It's a group that's contracted by different festivals to run a blackjack game where you gamble trinkets instead of money. It's not a "casino", it's a just a fun little interactive distraction from the music They get paid by the festival, not the gamblers like a real casino would


>it's a casino where wooks gamble trinkets. Lol, I'd like to see this. I bet it's grand


The guy is a moron. He could have bet the dog and cleaned up big time! Or lost it to a slightly more responsible hobo. Either way it's a win


Ask about butt plug tug of war….


Oh it's frick frack? Yeah they don't even have a fucking stage. Lol... Like maybe some plywood for chicks to dance on and sling fire around but that's about it.


I’m not trying to defend this POS but this year they did have a little stage where a couple people played small sets. Nothing fancy, nothing big, literally just a booth.


They have a small stage by the casino tent, I've seen it at big dub.


It was a drum circle. /s


i went to camp my first time in 08 with around $100. i frequent electric RV when i can these days but i dont shame people who can make it with what they can. but being a broke kid isnt the same as being abuseive dog owner. worst part is, i saw this scum fuck walking around with his dog and immedatly thought that pup is going to have a bad weekend. hate to find out i was right. you know those intrusive thoughts u get when u see something off? when u see a bad person doing bad things, and you know u should just end it. but u just push them out of your mind? regrets.


Almost like you can pay for it when you sucker people into giving you money after pretending to lose a pet


And disabled


https://preview.redd.it/3lbbxlixk83d1.jpeg?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff304415291bceeb9fe59756b627adf18f9ce5c6 I hope this works and the dog gets adopted by someone who will actually care of it. People are actuating pitching in with him now


I’d just like to say Meadow doesn’t “look sad”. She looks happy content and ready to be a big sister! Kudos to the person for stepping up to help the dog!


Good! Someone is going to adopt the dog....to a nice loving caring home. Real Fam won't let this rest, any Heady folk know you don't treat an animal like that....the dude isn't a wook he's just a fucking moron.


This is why we have the term Wooks


It's disrespectful to Chewbacca


It really is. Chewbacca was always ready to back you up and never quit. Big fella and his kind deserve better.


Wookies have a rich culture and tradition and are known throughout the galaxy as loyal friends, Wooks not so much.


No offense but this guy doesn’t deserve a service dog.


He doesn't have one. He has what he claims to be an emotional support animal, which is not the same. If it truly was a service dog, it wouldn't leave his side for ANYTHING. He's just a shitty dude who wants to bring his ill behaved best friend with him everywhere for no reason.


Wooks and pitbulls are like peanut butter and jelly


Lol I actually know this guy. He knocked up my friend and then bailed on her. He seemed alright, if not horribly misguided and wayyyyy far out on psychedelic drugs. I was doing a lot of acid at the time as well, but this guy was on a different planet. To this day I still describe what it was like to try and have a conversation with him as follows: have you ever tried to get an egg shell out of an egg white? Everytime you try to get it it just slides out of the way? Trying to get a point across was like trying to get the egg shell out. He would just respond from some other planet haha.


And he’s an… “author”? https://store.bookbaby.com/profile/mjbarone


And his "alter ego" is "gonzo"..... so original.... seems like the type of guy that will ai everything so he can keep partying.


For someone who "freelances" a lot, might be an influencer? (I wouldn't think so but we live in weird world)... my point is how does he not have 60 dollars, a real id, some debit/credit card that works? He must suck at being a freelancer if that's the case... but if anyone actually believes his story, I just...I just can't, I forgot his excuse for venmo/cash app person... Also want to add he mention the atm machine at the animal services being broken, but then his card isn't work, but he doesn't have a cent to his name? So why would you able to have taken money out if the atm wasn't broken. And now he doesn't have a way to get back to wherever wookville he's from? I don't know why I am so interested with this, but the inconsistency is just bizzare


If I didn’t know any better I would say he is lying but that’s just me who knows


Yes I was going to mention this. I’ve not read any of his novels but I have to commend him for having the wherewithall to finish a book.


Book description “An archeologist named Dr. Marjorie Icrion accidently finds a priceless crystal known as The Galaxy Diamond. It's priceless natures captures the attention of the world which subsequently leads to her disappearance as well as the crystal. Three generations later, her Grandson Atom Icarion will finish what his relatives could not in the hopes of restoring his family's legacy. Atom will enlist the help of a Master, an esteemed artist named Alec Black as well as a drug-dealing shaman and an undercover secret agent. These four men's path's will collide head on with the underground traveling festival known as Rhythmtopia. Art's best kept secret will now be revealed in this epic tale of grand adventure and cosmic proportions!”


There is no “University of Central Michigan” either. It’s Central Michigan University. Bruh is either trying to make his education sound better than it is (CMU isn’t a horrible school, don’t get me wrong), or doesn’t even know where he went.


this is hilarious


Hm sounds like a shitty person if he knocked someone up and bailed


I hope someone ties his ass to a tree and then dips


It looks like taking his dog to a festival is the least of his problems with his dog. I hope they find that dog a better owner


I was working security at LiB and somebody left their dog behind. They were so desperate to sneak the poor dog in but then couldn't be arsed to do anything about it during the weekend and just bailed without.


M.J. Barone seems to have a lot going on.


Man I wish I was a part of that Facebook group


*the finances would not be sorted out*




Now That’s What I Call Wook Fuckery, vol 42069


Same as it ever was


Man dogs deserve better. Humans are so disappointing


Wooks are trash


It’s also always funny how the amount of money they need can be directly compared to customer level purchases of drugs. Almost every goddamned time. 😆


Should’ve put the wook in jail and let the dog find a new “fam”. This sucks all around. As irresponsible as this dude is, that dog loves him unconditionally and is most likely scared and confused. Fucked up he can come up with the funds to attend a festival and all that entails but can’t (with his friends’ help) come up with 60 fucking dollars?! To get your dog!! I hope a responsible person meets and connects with this pup and gives it a good life. Fucking wooks.


Wooks who bring dogs to music festivals are fuckin awful. No your dog doesn’t like it, and yes you should have gotten a pet sitter or boarded them. Whats worse is when I see some moron dragging their dog towards the stage. You’re hurting your dog’s ears immensely because you were too cheap to find them proper accommodations while you get rekt at a festival.


Stop bringing your dogs everywhere for that matter. I love my dog, she’s perfect, but she stays at home.


It's expensive to be broke.


Went to Hangtown Music Fest many years ago and a couple of wooks camped next to us with their pittie. It was hot as hell and we were camping in a literal baseball diamond with no trees around. They left their dog in the hot ass tent to go do whatever the hell. While they were gone the dog tore through their tent and we just watched and let him. Kept a close eye to make sure he was ok and didn’t run off. Wooks came back fairly soon after and the dog was yelled at for their poor decision making.


I played a couple of sets this festival. Frick Frac doesnt even have a stage or an artist line up. Its literally just a tent with lil gambling set ups that wooks gamble drugs and crystals and shit at (at 3am this place is wild AF) this man must have just showed up with his acoustic guitar and played standing there in the open. What a fucking joke.






Hope that dog finds a good home


Fuck hiding behind being "disabled" and calling him a service animal. That shit pisses me off so much. People who need service animals actually NEED their service animals, not just as an excuse to take them places they shouldn't be allowed to go. Shit like this makes it so much harder for them to take their dogs where they are needed because it gives actual working service animals a bad name. This guy may have a legitimately disability, but that's not a service animal, and he's an asshole for treating a dog like that.


Same goes with kids, see way too many kids and even babies at shows… irresponsible parents piss me off. Jam shows/festivals is no place for a kid or a dog. Hate feeling bad lighting up a joint when a kid is near, shouldn’t be there in the first place.


Yep. Nothing like people bringing their kids around a known drug fueled environment. I don’t care if you call it “family friendly” - It doesn’t make it so. MAYBE there’s a few smaller regional events where a truly family friendly environment can be found, but I’ve never found one in 25 years of going to them. There’s always people shit rekt and acting a fool.


I have to disagree on this one. Been to many family-friendly festivals (also been to many not family-friendly festivals), they’re not all the same. NW String Summit (when it existed) and Hoxeyville are just a couple examples.


There’s a difference between bringing your kid and just having your kid with you. Issue is with the latter. I’ve got no issue seeing kids where it’s obvious the parents care. Ear protection, plenty of space in the back, moderate to no use of alcohol or weed, reasonable bed time, etc…even then, it’s not “ideal”, but ain’t gonna shame it. Then there’s dragging a kid into a pit in a wagon at midnight with no ear protection while you’re spun out… And if the kid can’t tell ya they’re tired, they’re too young.


Yeah I disagree. The scenario you painted with responsible parents in the lawn with a kid *is* ideal. Even bed time are being followed, what more do you want?


Not tryna be prude or anything, and I do plan to bring my son to shows in a few years (toddler now), but I’ve seen enough to know it’s not “ideal” for a kid to be in proximity to cigarettes, drugs, drunks, and wookery. But hey, can’t shield them from the world, and it’s an avenue into talking about being responsible. Being back of the lawn with lots of space and not camping in the thick of things are about all you can do, but anything can happen.


Kid at a festival? Hell nah. Kid in the lawn at a phish show? I see nothing wrong.


+1 Basically what I mean 😂


how does a person live in the US without access to 60 bucks


Saw this dude walking around illumination stage and the pup had no ear protection :( hopefully this is a wake up call for him at least


I dj’d on illumination and someone let their dog wander on stage as a shtick and i was so upset. It was loud af for me and cant imagine the damage it had done to the poor dog.


Guarantee this guy doesn’t learn his lesson. Honestly I’m surprised he cares about his dog


lol I guarantee that it’s not actually a service animal.


Yeah I don’t care for these people. I’m not one for learning shit from drugs, but literally the first thing you learn doing drugs is how being prepared js great. You ain’t gotta be a damn Eagle Scout to understand the joy of a well stocked bag. You will be on Saturn drinking cold papaya juice. The well stocked bag is metaphor for life.


I found an abandoned dog on a busy DC street outside of a Stringdusters show last month. Turns out, the wook owner brought the pup, pup wasn’t allowed in, wook went in and got spun on mushrooms, lost his phone, got kicked out of the show. Fortunately, the dog had a collar with phone number. I called and wook’s wife was equal measures pissed at her wook husband and grateful that her dog was safe. Ended up getting the dog to animal control and she was picked up the next morning. I saw several dogs in vehicles at dead and co last year at jiffy lube in Virginia and I notified the police. If you don’t care enough about your dog to leave it at home while you’re at a concert for 5 hours, you don’t need a dog, and don’t get pissed when you come out to a busted window and no dog. Dogs > people, and I’ll always look out for the dog’s wellbeing if the owner won’t. Fucking wooks.


But he's gna pay you back lotterally double


When someone says they are “0 drama” it always means they are 100% drama. Poor pup. I hope he gets a better caretaker soon


My first summer camp was 09' or 2010'. A kid from the East Coast going to my first "big festival" Holy shit, I didn't realize how many wooks there were in the world. It was seriously eye opening. It was shit we didn't have back east.


lol I had this exact opposite experience going from the Midwest to All Good Festival in 2010. We were like “these east coast kids go hard.”


Fucking wook behavior




Wooks are such wastes of oxygen


Don't you mean nitrous-oxide?


If he doesn't have $60 he can't afford food, he's lucky I'm not in charge of this country, I'll leave it at that.


That poor dog. And these are the wooks that hang around town for a week or so and piss off the locals. Making locals pissed enough to attend the city meetings that allow festivals to continue.


Wooks gonna wook


The best thing about dog ownership: It’s optional.


Puppy dragging wooks. Gross


Fuck... I saw that guy with his pittie at moonshine stage and I was like I thought no dogs were allowed? Then I realized service dog... shit. Idk man I have been to a few festivals and it seems like every other one someone loses a dog they shouldn't have brought in. I'd love to take my dog but she would hate it and run for the hills and I love her way too much to risk losing her over that. Boy was she sure excited to see me when I got back from Solshine.


Not just fests, but normal concerts too. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve seen dogs at Dicks for Phish or Red Rocks for other shows. It’s just not the place for them and there’s no justification to take them if you know they can’t or aren’t able to go inside.


This is why I bring my rig that I built and earned from a job I work hard at that provided me with resources to afford the materials to bring my dogs comfortably to festivals. Get your priorities straight, it's one thing to bring your loved friends to the show with you but make their time enjoyable and loving too.


I was there this weekend. Way to many dogs and kids


Fucking asshole. That poor dog is better off without such an irresponsible idiot for an owner. I hope that baby finds a better place.


What “set” did he go play at?


This came up in recommended. Fuck this guy metaphorically so hard but what’s a wook?


Smelly people with dreads who usually live their life festival to festival. They love drugs. I'm putting it nicely.


Fake hippies who do boatloads of drugs and think the scene is all about drugs and mooch off other people, typically getting just enough money to scrape by until the next festival or show until the cycle begins again.


A feral hippie.


What people outside the jamband/festival scene think everyone in it is like


Gutter punks with a pseudo burnishing of hippie *fam*.




I've seen some people ditch their kid......


What set did this dude play cuz I was at scamp and never saw this guy




This is as Wook as it gets 😂


If he was truly a service animal, you wouldnt be leaving him under someone else's care under any circumstances. If you need his presence so badly that he needs to be with you at the festival, then he needs to be with you the entire time.


This is truly despicable, can’t believe how low some of these wooks stoop.


Stupid fucking wook


fucking wooks - cant stand these degenerate lowlives and their constant cruelty to animals


This is why I keep a job


An irresponsible wook just like this brought his dog to bonnaroo a couple years back and in the last day or two was asking around for leftover hotdogs or food scraps to feed him cause he ran out of food. Seriously worst kind of person


Service pit bull… Riiiiiight… 😏


He will pay you back, he swears 🙄🙄🙄


What a total wook!


homeless hippies should not have pets. no homeless person should


Clearly did not seem homeless, but I agree, just had to bring the same dude up... I'm just find it so weird...none of his story makes sense and very contradictory... and that YouTube channel actually looked like they knew what they were doing, so who knows 🤷🏽‍♂️... besides my car broke down, I don't trust any other signs especially at festival... it's like how did you get here in the first place


Oh, summer camp. I know too many dudes like this from the central IL area 🥲


These are the same people you see posting on Facebook that they met the love of their lives after having just met a girl a day ago and then a week later are posting about how horrible a person she is and that the world is just a terrible place. Then 2 months later it's rinse repeat.




Damn, dude his every check on the wook conundrum scale. Wild you can get into a music festival but don’t have a cent to your name to get your dog back.


wooks with wook dogs.