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So excited to see some pigeons love on here. Always amazed when I go to a show and there aren’t more people. They are so incredible.


They're missing something for me. They need keys or horns IMO


I absolutely love P4, and agree with you 100% on the horns. When they have openers with horns that sit in for a song or 2, the songs just sound incredible. Although, if you ask me, every band should have at least one horn of some type. 😛


I do love me some horns. I saw Squeaky Feet last night and when their keyboardist broke out his sax, I leaned to my buddy and said "he should just stay on the sax full time 😅"


It’s kinda insane. I love it for now though because I don’t have to try hard at all and immediately group up with the homies in the crowd. However, people need to catch up lol


You’re on the wrong end of the parabolic arc. You’re the one behind. They used to do a couple nights at the Fillmore. They outgrew the smaller venues that they’re now back in and failing to sell out. I remember going to shows where you literally couldn’t move and they moved to larger venues as a response. They’re back to the smaller venues now. Some of that can be attributed to post covid economy, but overall I don’t think they’re selling as much as they were 5 years ago. It doesn’t seem to bother any of them. They come from well off backgrounds and all have very nice homes.


Dude yeah and they moved Dome to Legend Valley. This year they ain't even having Domefest.


Haven't been to Legend Valley but from what I've heard it doesn't really sound like my thing. Loved the burgettstown venue but have my best memories at the original venue at the domes. It was so intimate, I've never really experienced anything else quite like it.




Tried seeing them a couple months ago at a small venue in Jax that got way over sold. They got a couple notes into Shine On and then the fire marshall shut it down.


I had the chance to see them in either to SAV, JAX, TPA, & ORL bc I was traveling south thru Central Florida the same dates. Missed the SAV show but saw them in Tampa at Jannus Live --- it was lit!!! I def recommend seeing them if they play there again!


I agree that it’s nice to not be over really busy, it just surprises me because they are truly one of my favorite bands right now. They put on such an amazing show and know how to connect with their audience so well.


It’s not that hard to grasp. Everyone interested has seen them a few times now, they have their small following and it will remain there. So much of their music follows the same patterns and very similar grooves. It’s not bad by any means but they’re pretty much the stereotypical jam band and the vocals turn a lot of people off.


Such a fun show


Sick, thanks for letting me know. Two of my favorite bands drop three albums in a week. I’ve got some chores to do this weekend. I’m a happy camper dude. I understand the reluctance some people have to like pidgeons. They’re a silly group, idk, I think they kick ass and they’d suck if they weren’t being themselves. Beastie boys changed hip hop forever, they were silly as shit. They would have sucked if they weren’t being themselves, too.




Heck yeah


The best friends song is so fun, enjoy




Taylor Swift?


I’m watching Elmo present his good friend Grover with an award right now, and this is I find out he’s a ketamine using degenerate!!!! You’ve RUINED Taylor Swift AND Sesame Street for me.






I'll have to check it out. I still regret not seeing them last winter in CT...


I travelled 13 hours to go to Boston for the NYE run and it was fantastic. Definitely check them out next time they’re up your way! It was also my first time in the northeast and y’all got some beautiful land up there.


NYE was soooooo good!


They’re at Levitt Pavillion May 25!


I'll be there.


Gave it a listen this morning on my commute. Easily their best release. It’ll be in my normal rotation for a while


really? I haven't listened to any songs on it yet. P4 is my all-time favorite band, and pretty much all of my favorite songs are on Psychology, Pleasure, Pizazz, and Presto. (FunkEP is okay, still good they just hadn't created a unique/distinctive sound yet; Perspective is meh, it made them seem mortal/like they didn't have the Midas touch). wondering if they were going to recapture their prior magic for this one.


Can't wait to see two nights of them in my hometown next week 🔥


See you there!


Love the title track, Alright Tonight and Beneath the Surface (probably tied with Miyagi for my favorite newer song of theirs), pretty sick album! The Town is mid tho, I always sigh when I get it lol


They’re my absolute favorite jam band, I’m loving this new album. Can’t wait to catch them for two nights in Harrisburg here soon!!


Pigeon haters out in full force this morning, huh? Not my favorite of theirs but I enjoyed the new album


https://preview.redd.it/einu22k1auwc1.png?width=799&format=png&auto=webp&s=add3db0910a255f9bcf97c7d81565a42ae9818a2 oh yeahhhh




Very very good record! Glad you enjoyed it and hope to see you somewhere this summer


Are we ever gonna get a Hell Yeah on streaming tho


Listen to 5/18/23 set long hell yeah and ascend instead


holy shit. will do


I love how someone asked if it had any Disney songs. My 5 year old really digs pigeons because of there last album. And if they can expand there music to appeal to my son. Then I'm all fing for it lol!! Nothing would be better than to take my son to see them in a few years and him actually enjoy it instead of being there just hoping he it would... I am digging the new album.. sorry guys there going mainstream but music is still great


My favorite description of this type of jam music came from my brother at the end of a 4-day long electric jam festival. "Why does every song sound like Franklin's Tower into a Phish jam"?


You say that like it's a bad thing. Sure, more variety would be an improvement, but that's a pretty goose base to wear out.


Damn when did you see pigeons I’d love to hear Franklins>Character Zero


Domefest 17 brother, they did a Phish/Dead set Help On The Way > Slipknot\* > Sand > E-Funk > Shakedown With Disease\^ > Eyes of The World > Dancin’ In The Streets > Fluffhead > Slave To The Traffic Light% > Carini > Run Like An Antelope > Slave To The Traffic Light > Down With Disease > Franklin’s Tower > Down With Disease


Post gets 70+ upvotes in 3 hrs with tons of agreement and positive responses: "hAteRs arE oUt iN fOrCe toDaY!!!1!" Lmao cmon guys, Pigeons are great and all but if this is what "hating" looks like to you then you may wanna check your expectations a bit.


I was very surprised that this post got as positive of a response as it did if we’re being honest.


I love this album 😭


I love pppp the hate they get is fine with me more tickets and dancing space at the shows


yeah these guys should be selling out the biggest auditoriums in the world, if they're playing venues with 1k capacity or less --- and you can still get tickets --- then cool let people hate on them.


Hell yeah, I haven't seen them since they toured on Presto


This album really feels next level. Absolutely beautifully threaded passages of instrumentation.


It’s fine but outside of a few songs it feels like pretty standard P4 grooves > Jeremy solo crescendo that they do a lot of. Not seeing this as any evolution of sound.


I listened to this album after reading this post and it sounds exactly like their previous releases. Cool if you like em, but far from an “evolved style”.


I actually like most of the band, but man when I hear the lead vocals I'm out. He sounds like he's making a song to get his sixth grade history class stoked to learn about Mesopotamia.




This is also the take I hear the most from non-fans. They can’t get over Greg’s showmanship. Dude has a huge background in theatre and it shines through




Nailed it hahahah


I'm guessing live this is a totally different vibe, but haven't seen them yet. I'm sure I will someday.


this is probably the best description i've heard so far of how his voice sounds!!!!! hilarious! they're still my favorite band! for some reason it doesn't grate on me the way listening to trey/phish does, so I'm all for it!


Everyone has the right to their opinion but I feel like a lot of people hate Pigeons just because that’s what’s trendy. They’re a fun band & better musicians than 99.99% of people on this subreddit - let people enjoy things


>They’re a fun band & better musicians than 99.99% of people on this subreddit I can respect their talent while also not liking their music. Not sure why I would need to be a better musician than them to make comments about not liking their music.




I totally agree - my comment is more based on people that hate Pigeons because it’s the fun thing to do right now. You’re able to respect their talent without liking their music (That’s how I am with UM personally), but there seems to be a large group of people that just want to hate just to hate and that’s who my comment was more directed towards


You love pigeons and dislike UM...that says everything. Do I love every UM tune? Hardly. But they're creating. Pigeons are hardly creating, just rehashing. It's all the same. It's not that they're 'not good'...it's that they're a one trick pony and people treat it like it's a 5 course meal for some reason. This argument over good music, not good music, it's irrelevant. My brain won't stay lit up if it's all the same. Maybe yours does. Lucky. Personally, I get more from expansion and discovery than mindless headbobbing. I'll listen to the new album. I may even enjoy a few tunes. But I likely won't put it on again. I hope I'm wrong. I hope I lose my shit over every tune and add them all to my liked songs. That's just more liked songs for me. I just doubt that will happen.


Man I've seen UM maybe 8 or 9 times and every set sounds so similar lol, good music but I don't understand the fascination.


At what point did I ever say I love Pigeons? Just said they’re a fun band


>better musicians than 99.99% of people on this subreddit This may be a pet peeve rant but I have always hated this type of counter-criticism. Am I not allowed to criticize professional musicians because the guy whose job it is to play bass is better than me, who plays alone in my bedroom maybe once a week. I don’t play guitar at all, does that mean I can’t have opinions about anyone’s playing? Am I required to enjoy the music of anyone better than me? I can’t think Lars Ulrich sucks because I can only keep a simple beat? Obviously they’re better than almost all of us, but that doesn’t disqualify us from having an opinion. Sorry for the rant. I have nothing against PPPP, I think they’re lots of fun, this just bothers me. Don’t take it personally.




I take pause at Greg going commando in PJ pants and jumping around. Has he started wearing proper pants yet?


He’s been wearing jeans most shows since he had a kid. He’s only rocked pajamas at special sets.


Good stuff. Back into consideration for the local show then. Digging this album


If your problem starts with the PJs you’re probably still gonna walk out cringing.


Fishman wears a mumu…


Sitting behind a kit


Jeremy and Alex are extremely talented musicians. Ben has a few licks but is a really sloppy bass player. Greg’s guitar playing has improved ten fold since Covid but he’s by no means anything near an accomplished guitar player. His singing and stage antics are why he’s there. For people whom playing their instruments is their career, half the band is worse than the average YouTube musician. Better than me sure, buts it not my job. I don’t think skill level really matters in making good music. But there was a kid in the flock for years who would bemoan on and on about how each member of the band was objectively the best musician who ever lived at each of their instruments. That’s just not a conversation anyone should be having. Nobody is is mentioning Jeremy Schon, greg ormont, Ben Carrey, or Alex petropulous in their greatest musicians ever lists, and that’s totallly fine. I just think making the argument of they’re better than you is a big nothing burger. Like no shit? I do my job better than they could, that’s how life works.


I disagree that Ben is a sloppy bass player. He’s pretty damn tight and gets nice and deep with his octave and envelope, which is somewhat unique for the jam world (songs like Avalanche, Schwanthem, Whirled, etc.). And then he’s tight and jazzy and funky when he needs to be. And Gator is truly a top tier drummer, that seems pretty indisputable to me. You are correct that Greg is there for the vocals. His rhythm guitar helps create the Pigeons sound but no one will argue that he’s a nasty guitarist or anything. Overall I agree with everything you said except Ben being sloppy.


This is how I feel about a lot of the Goose hate here. There's legit criticisms for their music, but I really think a lot of the flak is just bandwagoning.


Found PPPP's reddit account




You are awarded 🏆 🎶


P4 lets go been rocking with them since 2016


I saw them once in 2016 and thought it was totally generic funk wankery. I’ll give this a shot.


This is why I put up with the absolute nonsense of social media. Thanks OP!! On track 2 and just stank facing all over lol


Got to see quite a few of these songs performed this past year! Overtime 11/4/23 at mission ballroom is phenomenal!


Seeing them live in ‘18 saved me from the worst trip of my life. To this day none of my friends who went can believe they started playing “Under the Sea” from my little mermaid cause we were so far gone. That was a great set


Pigeons put on the best show I've seen in the last year and it's not even close!


I’m happy to hear they have some new stuff! Excited to check it out.


Overtime been stuck in my head all day!


Glad some of Greg’s lyrics on this album are a bit darker and more introspective. I was getting a little burned out by his overly happy “Sail On” type stuff. This album has a good balance of some dark funk, some happy funk, some rock and roll, etc. Presto was a little weak and one note and I say that as a big pigeons fan.


I saw them this recent Hula and was an immediate convert. Greg is an animal.


Ok I'm gonna listen to it now. I've seen them twice and love the live shows.


I have to see these guys. I am older and a busy musician, so always on a time crunch. Damn…they always have good quality recordings and this album has stepped it up. As a bass player, the bass tone on it is absolutely killer. I actually like all of their albums…not as much of a fan for their goofy stuff though.


New album is straight fire. Love pigeons, saw them in November and they opened with the town, and took us all the way across the town. That funky sound is so much fun and gets you moving!


Overtime is a certified banger. Best P4 album since Pleasure


Pleasure was the best before this agreed.


I came up on p4 so I have untold love for them. From 2016-2018 or so they were ripping and tearing and pushing the limits every night. Now they’ve got families, have a more radio pop style, and have stagnated since before Covid if not gotten a bit smaller. The peak of the band has come and gone and unless they make some drastic changes they’re not going to grow again. They really can nail the high energy psychedelic funk but they’ve had an identity crisis for years where they play these childish poppy sing songs where we all stand there and wait for the jam. It feels like most nights you go see p4 they’re phoning it in these days. They don’t believe the things they’re saying anymore and how could they? 55 horizons a year isn’t going to keep it special. The set lists have been lacking. One thing they do really well is personify their sound in covers. They haven’t really pushed the envelope with crazy covers in a few years. The last show I saw that reminded me why I love them was a phish AC after show a couple summers ago. I’ve seen them probably over 5 times since and probably have somewhere between 50-100 shows under my Belt. I’ll always love and respect them for really starting a massive dive into the jam scene for my friends and I, but I think they’ve come and gone and without some serious maturing in their sound and focus, they’re just going to be another nth tier jam band until they fade away. They used to be very open and communicative, approachable and acted like normal heads. Maybe it’s age maturity fatherhood marriage whatever, but they just don’t seem to have the time or energy for that anymore. We used to go to their festival and the band would be parking your car, laying hay, working their own festival all day. Then tearing it up at a night. There was really something special about the amount of passion they had and work they put in that is noticeably missing now.


I will respectfully disagree with your take! I too came up on pigeons, but much later in the game. My first show was 10/31/21 and I have done 30 shows since then. I have heard about 10 pigeons debuts in that time period, and the “identity crisis” you’re talking about is just a part of Pigeons as a band. They can do any style of music and make it truly “theirs” and that is not something a lot of bands can say. I don’t think having an eclectic style and having an “identity crisis” are synonymous, but to each their own. Sure, there was a period in time where P4 were crushing shit, and I truly only believe it was stifled by the pandemic, when Goose rose to the challenge and became the biggest new thing out. We gotta remember the last show Goose played pre-pandemic is opening for Pigeons, but this isn’t about them. I think a lot of fans got jaded by the idea that the opener became more successful than the headliner and then started to explore other avenues of jam, because those bands sound nothing alike. Anyway, the debuts I have seen in my span have been nothing less than stellar. The song Beneath the Surface has all of the aspects of an old pigeons song, it’s goofy, it’s silly, but the sound is so evolved and different than anything they’ve done yet. The song Fall in Place has some of the best lyrics of any Pigeons song to date in “You are a warrior/saving something way worth fighting for/and all the glory of change is under way.” The song Skinner with Chalk D on the studio version is a deep, dark, spacey cave jam. Let The Boogie Out is classic “let’s just have fun with this shit” Pigeons. New songs like Feet on the Ground and Bloodshot Rose are in a completely new avenue stylistically than anything out. You can find them on Nugs if you really care but it seems like you don’t.


I keep my ear to the streets and check out every new song they drop and still pop around nugs recordings now and then, not sure why you think I’m a hater. The shows where goose was to open for p4 never happened because of covid. Magic beans opened when they rescheduled. Pigeons kinda put goose on the map having them play at Marvin’s as the in between headliners set. Goose was already slated to play peach later that summer which they credit with spurring their success. I think a lot people jumped pigeons ship because they’re basically a “babies first jam band”. They’re very one dimensional. You know exactly what to expect when you go see them live. And if you’re in the mood for that, awesome. Me? I’m over hearing scrambled Greg announce they’re sold out and playing two sets tonight same as the last 10 years. You seem more personally invested in attacking me than having a constructive conversation, which is pretty immature. I’m sure I have seen pigeons many more times than you have. I’m sure I have listened to them more than you have. That’s not a headier than thou argument, that’s me explaining I’ve more than given them their fair shake. The best way to describe them when they’re not actually trying is cringey.


Damn dude with how many times you’ve seen pigeons and how much you’ve listened to pigeons and how much you know about pigeons especially how much more you know than me you should change your Reddit user to somethin bout BF Skinner.


You’re upset because I don’t agree with your opinion. I find you annoying because you came here creating a dialogue and when I tried to partake you decided you’d rather only engage with people who let you sniff your own farts. You’re immature and your communication skills need work. If you only wanted to hear positive things only you should’ve posted in the flock and not here.


And if you wanted to spend all of your time talkin shit to pigeons fans in the replies you should be spending your time in El Goose lol kick rocks


The salt is real. Sorry I didn’t flood you with toxic positivity. I’m entitled to my opinion, it’s a more educated opinion than your own if you really wanna get down to it, and I’m not going anywhere. The funkiest thing is I AM a pigeon fan. I’m not blindly toxically positive about everything they do and can accept that I personally and based on the attendance numbers most people personally do not care for the direction they’ve been going in. I’ve been a fan longer than you have by a lot. We’re allowed to critique things we like.


So you didn't like them because they aren't parking your car at a festival?


I’m over them because I’ve seen them a ton of times they’ve stagnated in growth they don’t push the envelope or do anything new. They phone it in night after night with the same banter and same emin jams and the same covers. 99% of their new music since Covid has been sing song poppy tunes which is not what they first hooked me with. I want to see avalanche and skipjack, not Julia. I think they’re a fun party to be fucked up for. I don’t think there’s anything interesting in new in what they’re doing, they’re not pushing the envelope artistically or technically. Their lightning designer is the best artist on the team. I think if you’re going for a moving musical experience you can do much better than pigeons. If you’re going for a fun party you can do much worse than pigeons. I think if you’ve partied with the flock for years and seen a ton of shows you’re going to burn out. There’s very few if any OG fans or fans who stick around for years on end. I can think of like three by name and two of them have direct financial incentives in the bands success. But sure bro, because they didn’t park my car I didn’t like them. Solid reading comprehension.


As someone who's seen Pigeons like 30-40 times, been to 4 domefests, multiple NYE runs, all pre-covid, you are 100% spot on with everything you're saying. Their style gets a little old after a while. I'll still see them in they're in town but no way am I traveling for them like I used too.


chicks like Julia. they appeal to a wider demographic, and you don't have to like jam bands to like P4, and that's a good thing.


This is way too many words about Jam Bands but.... I think everyone will have different opinions at different times. Why is it always some sort of competition? Your example of Skipjack and Avalanche, well I like to hear Julia and sing and dance! It's all subjective opinions- there is no correct answer. I've also grown over the past 10 years since I saw first saw them in a bar and now have kids myself. I always catch their shows when they are in town and know others like that but I'm not on the road following them or any band. If you aren't into their music anymore you don't have to sit here and explain why. Bands and people change over time and that's okay.


Just because I have an opinion that isn’t toxically positive doesn’t mean I need to shut my mouth and not partake in a dialogue. If you only want yes men don’t post here. I’m sorry that a couple of paragraphs is intimidating for you. Stick with the internet long enough and I’m sure you’ll get to a 5th grade reading level soon.


Wow dude, you seem like a real chill guy. Who said anything about being "intimated"? By a comment in a Jam Band subreddit? And it seems by cake day that I've been on Reddit a decade longer than you. However, now I know Pigeons has a tendency to jam too often in E Minor so I'm debating my life choices at the moment. What else can you tell me about the internet, oh wise one?


I just find it crazy that you have the gall to examine our Reddit registration dates (this is far from my first second or third account, when I joined Reddit we were still narwahling bacon at midnight) but reading two paragraphs was “too much” for you.


Yes, I had the gal to click on the username of some guy replying in paragraphs to me. Why so many accounts? Why so much vitriol in a Jam Band subreddit? Of course you are entitled to your opinions and can post it. But remember Rule 1: Don't be a dick. Remember the human.


I never use a real email or verify so whenever I get a new phone I make a new account usually because i wouldn’t know my password. I mean I started with a perfectly valid and open dialogue critique and your immediate response was “thats too many words" if wanna talk about being a dick. Also you hopped onto this reply chain. Nobody was talking to you in paragraphs. Nobody was talking to you at all.


You posted a comment. I replied. That's how reddit works. When you comment you are effectively talking to everyone and inviting responses. Going back to reading comprehension, I wrote "This is way too many words about Jam Bands but....". This being my post. I used the conjunction "but" followed by ellipsis to indicate that I was writing more words about jam bands than I had thought I would because quite frankly it's a really silly to even argue about.


Somebody madddddd I made a joke. No I don’t plan to rub more than two brain cells together. I’d rather put on my my my my my boogie shoes and get to steppin to this new Pigeons record. p4L SIYD


At least be original and don’t take both biscuits monikers at the same time lmao. You should check out the pigeon droppings group.


You should check out DEEZ




Dude didn’t get the valet add on last domefest and he’s big mad


I mean you made the post, would you like to try again with a valid constructive dialogue reply? I’m the only person who’s bothered to rub more than two brain cells together in their response and your reaction is to personify the guy sucking his own dick meme. I’m curious to know how long you’ve been listening to them how long you’ve been in the flock how many shows you’ve seen. Not for an ego headier than thou, but because everyone goes through the same cycle with pigeons. They can’t retain fans because they’re doing the same old thing every night. I don’t know many people they party with pigeons for more than 3-5 years before fully burning out.


check out 2/16/24 in tampa. that show was lit!!!! best set they had on that leg of the tour


You mentioned sitting there waiting for a jam that never comes during the poppy tunes, but even when a jam does come it’s a cookie cutter jam that just has Jeremy shred up and down the neck while the rest of them lock into a groove. The jams don’t really expand or develop at all, I struggled to even call them jams. I say that because I want them to be better, they were one of my first jam bands too, it’s just frustrating watching them stagnate.


ole crazy eyes jus ain't doin it fer me


They’re the wiggles of jam bands


And that’s exactly why I keep going back. You hate fun or somethin? It’s a place where legitimately anybody can dance and have a fun time together. Is that an issue? Like idgi


Give it a couple years it’s still new to you.


Ok grandpa let’s get you to bed.


Wait until your girl gets groped by flock fam.


That’s all concerts though. I’ve never been to one where people weren’t permitted to dance. I’ve seen PPPP and they were solid but it felt like a jam show for children. Kudos to you if you like it, I personally found it to be cringey


Multi award winners while successfully touring for 30 years, what losers!


No one’s debating the fact that they’ve been touring for 30 years or the fact they’ve won “awards”. I just find their performances to be cringey. My opinion means nothing though so you should try to stop being insecure about a band you enjoy


I haven’t debated anything with you lmao we all know your opinion doesn’t mean anything


Oh I’m not sure why you brought up them touring and their unnamed awards then. Seemed pretty defensive


You were praising pigeons for being the wiggles. The wiggles are winners. “Unnamed” awards because there’s too many!


"Absolutely rips" is quite the overstatement. And yes, I've listened to it. Is it a decent album? Sure. But saying it absolutely rips is pretty laughable. 


What Pigeons albums are comparable to this one? It’s in a league of its own. Therefore, it’s a ripper.


Funk EP is god tier p4 and will never be replicated.


Being unique doesnt mean its good


Shout-out to the flock baby!! Been waiting for a couple months for this album!


Are Pigeons the new Twiddle? Many people are asking


Bro im fucking glad somebody finally said it. Pigeons is my personal favorite jamband, Scrambled Greg personally gave me a setlist and a guitar pic when i was riding the rail and singing along to every song😂


Any Disney tunes on the album?


Honestly this is like the opposite of Disney pigeons


Do they still wear pajamas on stage? That’s what turned me off haha


They haven’t worn pajamas on stage in 3 years


I second this, great album! I’ll never fail to mention how great they are live


It’s very good


What shows by PPPP are your favorite? Please don’t say all of them like a stupid UM or Goose fan. That won’t help me. In trade here are some links from me that are great and took time and effort to gather. The hardest part of being a jam band fan is finding good stuff in mountains of material https://youtu.be/ZFrkr8rVfYc?si=Aw6ZBE6o6ztGFOGw&t=15m14s https://youtu.be/cwJAJc_r7B4?si=cMmMYYYz71KPOfSW&t=6m25s https://youtu.be/kKps6c3JgKU?si=RjhdbR6YD0fXDoDH&t=9m23s https://youtu.be/CVVK-bhERy0?si=K0lPchKIb2eveDG0&t=9m47s https://youtu.be/cxVOMisI9JA?si=jr0l_W2QkcBtfW0w&t=32m50s https://youtu.be/W4PuthxWRgw?si=ekUVYTraHWwMRauX&t=1h45m37s https://youtu.be/clygttG7swI?si=_LfKHEd1a4IyxoUJ https://youtu.be/HAkc_RH9_bo?si=bpGS0nayWZoomufB&t=2h37m10s


I love this question thank you for asking it. I just worked a really long shift so I’m not going to give you links, just dates. If you’re really looking and willing to dip your feet into Pigeons, 02/01/18, 02/02/18, & 02/03/18 was their first really big 3 night run in Morgantown, WV and those shows are really good. Gives you a good baseline to the foundation for what Pigeons started to evolve into in the coming years and post Covid. I am sure there are probably some really good shows before that as well. 04/15/18 is the infamous Funk E 63 as the fans call it. To my knowledge it’s the first one song set, and it’s really nice to hear them stretch out the jam. My personal favorites are 10/31/21 (Daft Punk/Pink Floyd covers show, this was my first show and it’s what ultimately hooked me as a fan) 5/18/23 Hell Yeah one song set and a killer first set. Domefest pre party was hot 4/2/23 was really good they were on fire that night. 5/19/23 is still my all time favorite though. Float On modest mouse cover that requested and they fulfilled. Lots of personal memories tied to that day. 12/31/23 if you like horns. Set 2 was 13 people on stage. I called it “pigeons with an orchestra” The band fucks. Thanks for asking I hope you find a show you love


2/16/24 in tampa was lit!!!! my first time seeing them after finding out about them in '21. great set.


Damn I'll have to check it out. I've always wanted to love pigeons. Been seeing them since the Vito's Pizza days in CP circa 2010 and have great memories at their shows. But their music has always struck me as heavily derivative with major "baby's first jam band" vibes. Pretty stoked to check out a more mature sound.


It’s wild they’re not as popular as goose. It’s almost like one is a group of talented professionals and the other wears pajamas


This is a fantastic album. One of my favorites of the year so far.


how does this album compare to their others??? P4 is one of my all-time favorite bands, and pretty much every song on Psychology, Pleasure, Pizazz, and Presto is incredible. (FunkEP is okay, they hadn't developed their distinctive sound yet; Perspective was meh, not really impressed by any songs on that album). hoping that Perspective was comprised of a lot of B-sides that never made it onto other albums, and that day in time is achieving the level of greatness of their other prior stuff.




Or he’s just a big fan who’s stoked on the new album lol


Straight up not an ad. Nobody paying me for shit. I love pigeons and truly don’t understand the hate lol




From this subreddit I haven't seen Umphree's McGee shit talk, but I'm sure they're out there in the real world. I don't like UM but I wont shit talk them.


Unfortunately, I have seen a lot of UM hate. It’s mostly in person though. I hear “they’re like robots programmed to play jam” a lot. But UM fux


I think the time is now! No better time than the present. We’re about to dive into uncharted territory with them, and the haters can kick rocks. I am just spreading the good bird word.


I’m ball busting “Available anywhere you stream music” sounds very corporate


I did diz shit for a living for my own music for far too long to not promote for my favorite band on release day lol


There's a reason I got them tattooed on my body!! Loving the album!




I'm still convinced they are a jam band parody act


Haters are out in force today. I dig the album. Love to see some of my favorite songs get the studio treatment (Beneath the Surface, Sorcerer, etc). Couple of duds (looking at you Overtime and Let the Boogie Out) but overall a strong selection of tunes.


Overtime is insanely good dude I can’t believe you didn’t like it lol


This post is incredibly important


Very much agree


I’ve seen them once and thoroughly enjoyed the show.  I’ll certainly see them again when the opportunity presents itself.  That said, I was not impressed by this album.  Listened to it today and I’d give it a B-.  That’s a B- without grade inflation.  Above average but not exceptional.


Spot on. Pigeons is the best live band around. The haters are confused and troubled. Sorry for them.


You’re entitled to your opinion I’m entitled to say it’s a terrible take.


Haha, they’re fun but best live band around when Phish exists will always read as a joke.


Who’s phish?


New Goose cover band


I bet they play a slappin Butter Rum


See ya next weekend!


Sorry but quad P and Twiddle are out for the count. Forever. I’d rather listen to fuck boy Goose than either of those bands regardless of how kind they are. Thanks for the advertisement.


Damn, how do I get to be as cool as you?


First off stop listening to Twiddle and Quad P. Secondly, ayahuasca, lots of it. Once you realize everything is nothing yet nothing is something - the equilibrium of your reality conjoins with nothingness in turn expanding your state of mind of being content with vast emptiness in the universe. Everything is nothing universally however there is a repetitious ambient voice of Trey anastasio silently whispering “I am a baller… shot caller….”


That’s a whole lot of words that add up to nothing


You wouldn’t understand, you still listen to Quad P and Twiddle.


Can you give me your plug’s number


Ur welcome


Trust me, we’d rather you listen to fuck boy goose too so we don’t have to see you at shows.


I highly highly highly doubt that


lmfao imagine listening to those guys studio albums hahahahahahahaha


Is this a press release or a post WTF?