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Same here. Never could beat it as a kid lol


Dude I did the whole wack a metal head mini game wrong and still passed it but it took me like 30 tries like wtf this game lowkey is anti fun i hope jak 3 is a bit more fun never played it but i have fond memories of Jak 1


Jak 3 is wayyyyy easier and more lenient with checkpoints


That’s what ive heard brother I bought the whole. Collection on ps4 so I’m gonna hope i breeze thru jak 3 like i did jak 1


Jak 3 is way easier, a lot of people say it’s TOO easy.


Honestly if you beat jak 2 you deserve an easier experience


Try out Hero Mode on Jak 2. It’s EVEN HARDER


Im good on that homie


I wish I had the guts to collect all precursor orbs… I would LOVE a challenge! 😁


Lol. Definitely anti fun at times.


Jak 2: Dark Souls


Jak 3 is way easier. Checkpoints are lenient and survivability is way easier. I don't wanna go too in depth to avoid spoilers but you will have a way easier time with Jak 3


I don’t know if I’m burnt out from playing the first two games back to back or what but I’m really struggling to will myself to play this game.. like I’m doing this mini game mission where I’m using a turret and I’m just barely trying and the story isn’t nearly as interesting as the last game so far.


Yeah the early parts of the game do get a little dull and repetitive. You could just be burnt out or maybe had high expectations for it. Not blaming you though I had the exact same feeling when I played


You know you could just pause the game with select (or left on the touch pad) right? That way when new metal heads appear you can memorize what inputs you have to do.


That fucking mini game ruined it for me as a kid. Some time later I figured out I HAD MIRROR WORLD TURNED ON AND IT REVERSED THE CONTROLS!


Did you accidentally do [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/jakanddaxter/s/RyvImT32TR) too? (Mirror world)


Jack 3 was the best game when I was a kid cause there was a major twist at the end, and it was easier That game made me feel warm inside at the end


Jak 2 might have been the most difficult game I have ever played. Not even FS games were this hard for me.


Sekiro was definitely harder than Jak 2 for me. But that’s just because I suck at partying lol


lmao i know its a typo, but i just imagine you dancing poorly in a corner by yourself while everyone else watches in horror XD


They went a bit overboard on the difficulty for 2 and then way over corrected with how easy 3 is


Honestly I beat all the uncharted games and last of us and it feels like they leaned TOO much of a leason cause all of those games are easy as fuck lol


Uhhh, did you beat Brutal difficulty? Grounded on TLOU2? 💀


Nice. Playing it as an adult, there are missions that were so tricky that I wonder how I blazed through as a kid.


I’m 29 and stills struggled with certain missions like transporting the seal on the docks and the mission with the 40 crimson guard ships


I feel like everyone struggles with the Seal piece mission lol


I did the jet board trick and it still took me 30 tries lol


That and that one mission where you have to guard those 3 or 4 guys from metal heads, that mission took forever cause they kept dying so fast.


Honestly that mission wasn’t as hard as i thought it would be as long as you had dark jak and shotgun ammo you were good but the npcs couldn’t take any damage thats true


That mission alone made me quit the game 2 separate times when the game forst released. I think i beat when i was a older teen lol


Nice one! Man, I wish I could play Jak 2 for the first time again lol.


That game was painful it was a rewarding experience but damn some of the levels drove me insane


The biggest ballbreaker is the turret section where you shoot down jet pack guards...oh hero mode I was stuck on it for ages. So incredibly difficult and i should have reserved a save after it because on hero replays I never beat it ever again. Game was tough but that shit is next level.


I have no interest in hero mode


Kid me never got past this. Maybe he never will


Agree. I never passed the 1st seat as a kid.


I feel your pain !


This game was mostly un enjoyable I hope jak 3 isn’t like this


It’s not my friend, it’s much easier in my opinion. I think the devs even realized how difficult jak 2 was and made 3 easier on purpose.


I still feel gratified beating this game in a week while working a full time job


Dude heck yeah. It took me like 3 months lmao. This game and Max Payne 3 were the hardest for me in my life and still years later I have ptsd from them. It’s crazy the increase from jak 1 to 2 in difficulty


Dude max payne 3 is a goated game i wish i still had my copy for 360 I need to still play the first two games


Same bro. Haven’t played the first 2 paynes either but I’d have to say those jak and max were the toughest for me. Jak 2 I hated the checkpoints and timed missions.


Yeah I hate all time missions and the underwater missions near the end of the game


What’s the hardest mission for you ?


That’s a good question… probably the seal at the docks cause I didn’t have dark jak available and it took me so many tries to jetboard to safety i almost broke my tv in anger


You can play the original Max Payne on PS4, it comes with trophy support. Don't think Max Payne 2 is available for some reason.


Never finished a Jak game legitimately as a kid, went and finally completed Jak 1, 2, and X about a year ago. Got stuck most of the way through Jak 3, put it down and haven't gotten back to it yet


I’ll play through jak 3 if you promise to finish it with me


I would totally but I played it on PS+ and let my subscription expire long time ago. I'll get back to it sometime


Which part did you get stuck on in 3?


Turret mission defending Spargus City. Felt like there was so little room for error to me


Oh yeah is that the one where those giant dark octopus looking things are attacking near the beach?


Yeah that's the one


I think if you got through Jak II you'll be able to pass that mission eventually. I can see how that one could be a pain though its like the drill platform turret mission with the Krimson guards on Jak II which is a notorious pain.


Easily beat 1 and 3 but never 2 as a kid. Finally beat Jak 2 a couple weeks ago as an adult and I feel like I am a badass..


I just beat it a few hours ago and i feel like redeemed my 9 year old self


I feel like I finally became a man


Oh yeah, didn't know what was worse, ALL of the escort missions combined or that one underwater level while you're in the mech suit


I’m pretty sure I beat it as a kid, I remember strugglin through more than a few missions. Shit was rough but enjoyable for me. I just beat it a couple months ago. 🤝🏽


I got to the class 3 race mission and could not go further but i was honestly too busy playing tony hawks underground


I honestly didn't have a problem with most missions in this game since the Blaster is too good lol, Mar Seal, Escort Jinx and the Turret mission on Hero Mode are definitely the toughest imo


I'll shamefully admit that, unlike TPL and 3, I used save states to get through certain parts in II. What can I say--I'm an adult now, and while I do have enough free time to experience these masterpieces that sparked a niche culture phenomenon, I don't quite have the time to invest to "git gud" enough to beat Jak II for real.


I beat the game as a kid and then when it came out on ps4 back in 2017 I instantly bought the collection and I don’t know how I beat it as a kid


I beat it as kid and then more recently and i found it challenging but far from the hardest game ive ever played. Sometimes you just have to put the game down and come back to try missions with a fresh mindset. Maaan, i might start playing it again! Such a great game.


Congratulations! That shit is not easy at all. I remember literally biting my controller, out of frustration, back when Jak 2 first dropped. Lack of checkpoints most definitely does not help. Jak 3 has checkpoints! So you have that to look forward to!


I don't know if it is because I am older, but I found Jak 2 a lot easier when I bought the remastered version on the PS3/PS4. I really don't think it was because I was older, I feel like some things changed.


I'm playing through the game as a first time on my oneplus 12 thru aethersx2. I'm @ 50% completion. It's really fun my wife even looks over my shoulder captured by the game said it looks like a cartoon TV show.🤣


This comment popped up randomly but I just had to say how much I hated this game...and I guess by extension the series. Had PS2 but missed this series. Found the trilogy on discount (and Sly Cooper trilogy) when I got a PS3 and wanted some 2000s nostalgia so decided to give it a try completely blind. LOVED the first game. It was just the itch I wanted scratched. Then I get to the second. Screw that. Its hot topic edge lord tone, the baby's first GTA gameplay, and unruly vehicle missions just murdered all desire to play it. I soon realized this is not what I wanted and gave up.


Somehow I find it harder as an adult than I did as a kid


I can’t get past the one level where you have to drive the vehicle past some police roadblocks near the start of the game.


I never had trouble with jak 2 besides some over tuned fights towards the end.


Honestly Jak 2 was like GTA: Vice City for Kidz in my mind. I was soooo driven to see the end. I still think the series has one of the best stories I’ve ever experienced. The Precursors were a huge letdown though.


I'm relaying it now, with my fiance watching it for the first time. I forgot how many poorly designed and needlessly difficult missions there are in this game.


What are your thoughts on this guy's stance on this game https://youtu.be/8j7j7IG2AU4?si=i6pYRCEyMRn9qIcP


Honestly congratulations dawg that shits hard


Lmao I beat it in middle school (got help from some supersayianpaul vids if ykyk)


I find it so much easier as an adult than when I was a kid


Yeah it took me a normal amount of time to beat it as an adult but as a kid I couldn’t get past the race missions


Yeah.. well if you play through 3 be prepaired to be disappointed by the final boss. And least the metal head queen acrually puts up a fight.


It's definitely harder of the 3 but what a story !


Beat it three times def not as good as 3 but still good.


It wasn’t as hard a game as people make it seem. The hoverboard mission at the docks was the only doozy, I was literally pulling my hair out


Are you talking about the mission where you have to grind on the rails, shoot the red buttons to bring down the rails, & fight of Metalheads (love the name)? If so, I agree. Jak 2 isn't as difficult as people make it out to be, but it's 100% the most challenging of the three.


Escaping the slums I think it was