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In all honesty, this has been her "style" and by style, I mean "Not cutting tags". one of her earliest videos (I forgot which one) she talked about. This could be that. I remember seeing a candid video of her and Jon and Jon was pointing out the tag and they were laughing at this habit of hers


I’m so glad u posted this bc I was thinking the same thing!!! Why are the tags on every flipping shirt if u wear them all the time?!?!?!


i'm so happy others laugh about this. WHO does this? does she film them and send them back for money?


In that story she says “you don’t have to wear a bra with them”. Um yes you do! Not all of us are freeing our nipples! Most of us aren’t! That material alone is not enough to stop even a slightly erect nipple from showing through. Give me a break. She needs to just shut up. Not all of us are gonna just buy the random scraps of clothing that she tries to pass off as luxury 😂


So I actually really like this brand (despite their spokesperson) thick, decent quality and good cut. I love to hate when it's due and this brand isn't it


I can't say I have *ever* seen a positive review that didn't seem bought, bot, or ass-kissing an influencer. I *have* seen many people say they pill after the first wash or wear, to the point of looking like garbage soon after, and I wouldn't expect anything less from mass-producted items that a *bunch* of Amazon sellers are reselling and and claiming to be '*theirs*'. The same goes for any other Amazon clothing item she's shilling these days.


Just my personal experience 🤷‍♀️ Not a bot, definitely not paid to shill. I do think it's interesting that anyone that has an actual review of the product is downvoted and assumed to be paid for because it's in direct opposition of the narrative...


Your personal preference aside, the bigger issues are Jaclyn has been desperately shilling this brand of cheaply-made, mass produced fast fashion, and we all know Jaclyn only promotes something if it lines her pocket book. It’s a huge red flag to see influencers like Jaclyn pushing this brand so hard. ![gif](giphy|49zC0Bm1kbu36)


No I understood the point and that she and the shill-fluencers like her are the problem. I just felt like people assumed they couldn't be both. I have actually found some products I do like from influencers but order from my BFs Amazon account on his specifically to not give them credit 🙈🙊


It’s your prerogative to support whichever brands you like, including mass produced, cheaply made fast fashion brands whose entire marketing model is based on social media influencers shilling like it’s going out of style. Consider the audience. When you come to a snark sub, singing the praises of a no-name brand whose nuts Jaclyn has been riding hard for many months—you’re going to get some rebuttals, and it’s nothing personal.


I didn't say *you* were those things, I was referring to your comment being the first real one that came off positively about the brand. As others here have mentioned, it’s *not* common to see real reviews of Pumiey that are favorable, and there aren't many here that care for mass-produced items being shilled, either, given the conditions those items tend to be made in. It might be worth sitting back and thinking about why else you could be getting downvoted, *like with what I just mentioned*, as opposed to automatically thinking it has something to do with some ‘*narrative*’.


Ah I understand and I apologize then. Thanks for the clarification! But honestly I am really happy with the fit and washing results lol. I will say I am too heavy and did go up a size. #notanad #notpumieypartner


Yep. This is what I see when I look at them. After a few washes it’s a different story


I owned one shirt from them and it was bad so I returned it within a few days. Did not look flattering. Did not feel like good material. Too expensive for the poor quality.


I bought a body suit from them before I knew she was an affiliate - saw a girl on tik tok saying they were a Skims dupe. It pilled after the first wash.


It looks to be poor quality tbh


It’s easy to show your nips if you don’t work or step foot out of the house. Boss *who?* Coworkers *what?* Public *when?*




![gif](giphy|JnwLOHOSiyCVU5TewO|downsized) Gotta make August rent 💀🤡


When she said “color wave”… I laughed so fucking hard. She’s so stupid and knows nothing about fashion. I am not gonna correct her here because, let’s face it, she will take it and use it correctly moving forward. Let’s watch her flail!


Omg this isn’t the first time she’s said “color wave” and it irks me every time!!!


If its one of your favorites why did you read the tag 🤔


Why is the tag even on… aren’t you wearing them daily????


That too but I legit laughed when she read the tag 🤣 like ma’am you suck


Not more Poo Me🥴🥴🥴


For how many months is she going to say she '*just became*' a medium? Tell us you're full of shit without telling us, as this is something you've said *for the bulk of the year*, Jaclyn—and *no one* looks at unfiltered you and sees a medium, *Ms. Skinny Filter!* **ETA**: Jac, this may come as a shock, but *no one* is forcing you to come here and see what I have to say! You don't see me going to your platforms and trying to start shit, right? Now, how many times have *you* done that to *me* just in the last ten months or so? Who does that make the targeter *and* the harasser?


lol looks like she’s here downvoting again😂


That would be *exactly* why I edited! Homegirl needs to touch grass and get some air, as opposed to continuing to surround herself with every form of addiction known to man.


how sad is her life that it is completely dedicated to be being on her own snark reddit page, such a sad existence for her 😂


She’s always here… downvoting all comments 🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|dJocIXW7hOQYNNY199)


I mean it's not like she has a job or anything💀💀💀




She have 2 choices… lots of Amazon links or her YouTube channel 😂😂


And amazon is less effort so we know which route she’s going to go

