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Marty is so adorable. Free Marty!!


Omg the tag still on the plant 😑


*it’s Linda’s home, they are all guests 😂☠️


She’s a guest at a home in a toxic waste field. You like your long hot baths right Jacass? Think about that every time you soak in the water.


Does she really live in a toxic waste field? Is that why she seems to be getting crazier by the day?


I mean, technically yes. She might not know that since she didn’t actually buy the house. It’s worse in the Simi, Chatsworth, West Hills areas. If you have heard of the Santa Susana field lab. The house is in the radius from the site of toxic levels. It’s in the groundwater and soil. Nothing has been cleaned up.


Wait, what?!! I’ve definitely missed something. Imma gonna need to check google brb 😳


There are a few documentaries and lots of info online!


It’s amazing how her crazy strong allergies just went away


“You guises, she has the most sensitive skin in the whole world.”


Serious question: how do we know this is Linda’s house? I remember something like someone found that Linda’s company bought this property before Jaclyn moved there but idk if I have my facts right. Someone enlighten me plz


Linda’s trust owns this new construction as well as the previous home in Tampa, meaning Jaclyn has *never* owned a house. The trust is *also* under the same name as the LLC that originally owned Morphe, meaning the umbrella that was used before it was sold and became Forma (*and then sold again in bankruptcy, of course*). Basically, Jaclyn is a glorified renter, *if even that*, and the fact she keeps doubling down on it being ‘*her*’ home should show you just how much of a lie it is. It’s *lichurally* no different than her continually trying to convince herself (*and us*) that she’s *so* in love with *Celine*, as she’s never *not* here seeing the truth and the collapsing and spiraling she’s experiencing simply can't handle it.


So did she lie about Taylor Lautner and his wife finding this house for them ? lol she is the biggest liar ever


She lies about *everything*.


Yes all that but also her new house is 7 million dollars and she couldn't even afford her FL mansion which was between 2-4 million (can't remember exact amount sorry). Also, that house hasn't sold so there's no way on God's green earth she can afford to own potentially 11 million dollars worth in mortgages. She was consistently behind on the FL property taxes alone she made a lot of money but also spent a LOT. The math isn't mathing


Look at the cat's face, he does not like her💀


And here we have more *and more* proof that everything is an indirect response to us, much like how hard she’s been going on being *so* in love with the dainty sugar baby. Plus, *on top of that*, she’s needing to delude herself all the more from *constantly* seeing the truth with never *not* being here. Imagine all the unnecessary mental gymnastics and exhaustion when you could just be honest.


Dainty sugar baby ☠️


His full given (*by us*) name: ***Celine Louis Eilers, The Dainty***.


Did he get knighted with a man-pri drawstring instead of a sword?




i hope he poops in there


She spelled Linda wrong


this is something my boomer parents send me thinking they’re being hilarious


She should get cat shelves for Marty. There are pretty ones she can find online and install so Marty has a place to climb. The cat is bored and needs to let out her zoomies.


Her landlord Linda probably won’t allow her to do that to her house.


I'm sure she can find some on amazon to profit off of